
Candies and Jars
“We’re here, Miss Youjung.”
Old hands guided the girl out of the car. Once her protected soles met the dusty cement floor, she bowed with a smile.
“Thank you, Mr. Kim.”
The old man nodded and stood by the car as Youjung walked her way slowly, hearing the water splashing, the song of the birds and the faint chatter of the people from the distance. She picked out a coin from her pocket and held the coin close to her chest while wishing with her eyes closed.
“Please let Xiumin know that I’ll never forget him.”
She kissed the coin and tossed it to the wishing fountain.
She heard footsteps approaching her but she didn’t make a move.
“Um, hello?”
“Ni hao. My name is Lu Han, I’m a friend of Xiumin’s.”
Youjung smiled and nodded. Her smile vanished when she heard small squeaks and movements in something that seemed to sound like a cage.
“What’s that you’re holding, Lu Han?”
“Oh, this?”
Lu Han smiled and raised the cage a bit to have a better look. He smiled... sadly.
“Xiumin told me to give this to you before he left.”
Lu Han took it out of the cage and to Youjung’s caring hands. Youjung smiled and petted the chubby hamster, and it seemed like it stopped squeaking and it was comfortable in her hands.
“What would you name him?”
Youjung made a bigger smile and Lu Han looked at his watch.
“Oh, I got to go!”
“Bye-bye, Lu Han.”
“But before I go...”
Lu Han took a notebook out of his bag and opened it to a particular page with a sticky note on it.
“Xiumin left a message for you.”
Youjung’s smile vanished and she stopped petting the hamster. She nodded quietly, waiting and wanting to hear what he has to say.
“’Youjung... remember back at the pet shop? You told me to give you something so you wouldn’t forget me. So I bought you a hamster. Keep this hamster close to you as always when you’re feeling alone, he’s the little guardian angel I sent to keep you safe and happy.  I’ll be leaving soon, but know that I’ll never forget you. I love you Youjung, thanks for everything.’”
Lu Han gasped silently when he looked up from his notebook, seeing Youjung in tears. She wasn’t frowning though, but she was smiling. He smiled a bit and wiped her tears gently before placing a hanky on her hand.
“Thank you, Lu Han.”
“No, Youjung. Thank you... for making Xiumin’s life special even though it was short.”
Lu Han bowed and tapped her shoulder before walking away. Youjung smiled and petted the hamster while holding Xiumin’s hanky tightly before looking up at the bright sky filled with cotton candy clouds.
“Thank you Xiumin. For making me realize that the world can be beautiful even if I can’t see it. I love you too Xiumin.”
Youjung petted the white chubby hamster and closed her eyes with a smile on her lips.
“Thank you for being the jar to these hopeless candies.”

Yay, that's the epilogue~ how was the story? i tried to make it beautiful as possible, e n e 

um what do i say here? the story ends here. and yep, does the image up there look familiar? the gone mv doesn't include fountains but if you're wondering, i got that fountain from bap's "coffee shop" <3

what more to say? um...



if you could handle reading rated m, i have a story named "killers", in which exo is a mafia (and it includes baby samuel too~)


and i'm planning on making a story named "maknae's a girl?" for the L.O.V.E.'s out there (NU'EST fanficeus~)


and RP PROMOTION! ^ o ^

SERENDIPITY RP o/ Xiumin and Youjung avail! i think~ (I'm promoting bc I'm in that RP as SEVENTEEN's Hansol. please don't hate me OTL i love serendipity <3 my hyper and happy family~)


AND AGAIN THIS IS THE END! thank you for reading and i hope you liked it~ <3 <3 <3 *throws sarangs at you* ^ u ^


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driz27 #1
Chapter 6: I cried!! THANK YOU for this story..sooooooo beautiful.
Chapter 6: Awesomeeeeee fanfic . (:
This was amazing. I'm crying again xD. I love this so much! Thank you for writing this. :3
TheGlitterWorld #4
Chapter 6: I cant describe how amazing this was , beautiful , fluffy , sad and attracting . I give you 10/10 on this one <3 say hello to ur new subscriber :D
TheGlitterWorld #5
Chapter 4: Oh my god ! <3 I LOVE THIS !!
YoungjaeStephanieBAP #6
Chapter 4: Oh no~
Even I know what going happen,but still... TT_TT
lurvlines_95 #7
Chapter 4: update please!!!^^
YoungjaeStephanieBAP #8
Uwahh~ I'm cried again~ (I think ^^v)
ShizMahBhleckPuhll #9
; A ; ; ~ ;
OHMAYGASH. Thank you for making this ; A ;