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I Will Always Love You
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Sulli's POV


Amber and I are getting ready to go on a date we are celebrating together that we graduated and just us being together. We are going to eat lunch and then go to the mall. We are going to walk for his house. Is a nice day and we thought it would be better to walk all the way there so we don't take his car. We walked to the restaurant to have our lunch. We talked about what we want to do for summer. 

Amber: What would you like to do for summer vacation Baby?

Sulli: I would like to go to Miami. 

Amber: What would you like to do there Baby?

Sulli: It would be fun if we go to the beatch and universal studios.

Amber: I would like to go ride the transformers ride. It would be fun if we all went don't you think?

Sulli: Yes we should ask the rest if they want to go.

We talked some more about going to Miami with the others and continues walking until we got to the restaurant. I noticed a little girl in the corner she was crying. I dragged Amber with me to ask the little girl is she is ok and were are her parents.

Sulli: Hi  my name is Sulli. Are you ok? 

Girl: Hi I can't find my mommy and daddy. She told me and continued crying c

Sulli: Is ok what's your name?

Girl: My name is Eun Jung.

Sulli: Don't worry Eun Jung we will help you ok.

Eunjung: Will you take me My Mommy and Daddy?

Amber: Yes we will Little Princess.

Eunjung: Promise? He held up her pinky for Amber to promise her.

Amber: Promise Little Princess. Amber promised her and connected her pinky with hers.

Sulli: We should call the police Amber.

Amber: Yes we should I'll do it I'll call the police to come and help Eunjung find her Mommy and Daddy.

Amber made the call and I stayed with Eunjung she's so cute I hugged her until Amber was done calling the police. 

Amber: Little Princess are you hungry?

Eunjung: Yes.

Amber: Ok Little Princess we will go get you something to eat while we wait for the police to come and help us find your. Mommy and Daddy.

We walked inside the restau

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Chapter 31: I love this story! Please update soon :D
We hope you like our update what would you want the next chapter to be about? Please answer as soon as possible if you want us to write about what you want in a chapter. Thanks. Also thanks for the comment .
topbom4eva #3
Chapter 25: please please please update!
This is jeti too right? Why is there no info about tiffany ? #.#
Amblhama #5
Chapter 21: Luna Puppy e Sunny Bunny <3
juny98 #6
Chapter 16: plz author update soon
Amblhama #7
Chapter 6: Luna also need a girlfriend! And please, I wanted to see more of LunBaby this fic, I'm really sorry for Luna does not have any kind of prominence: (
juny98 #8
Chapter 6: update soon cuz i really curios about this chapter
juny98 #9
Chapter 5: update soon......
juny98 #10
Chapter 2: author-nim i really like you story and plz countinue update
( i really>3 cant wait it)