In the Rain

In the Rain



A loud thunder from a far brought Wooyoung back to reality, making him realize he had been sitting in his car forever.

"Maybe I shouldn't have come" he thought nervously as he stepped outside. Still, it was Taecyeon's wedding, so he probably should be there. On the other hand, they hadn't really talked in months so he could have come up with an excuse, faking sickness or busyness or anything else, especially since he knew who was going to be there. But maybe exactly because of that he was there. 


It was chilly as he slowly walked up to the small villa Taecyeon had rented for the occasion and Wooyoung huffed at the never ending cheesiness of his old friend. Of course he had to go over the top and rent a glamorous villa in the country side. Of course he couldn't have his wedding in Seoul like a normal person. Looking up at the sky though, it didn't seem like his friend had managed to bribe the weather gods. Since it was June it should have been warmer, and the dark clouds covering the entire sky did not offer any form of romantic setting. The weather however perfectly matched Wooyoung's mood and he was glad for it.


When entering the building, he was greeted by Taecyeon and his family, and politely congratulated them before he was guided to the main hall. As soon as Wooyoung entered the hall, without even scanning the room, his eyes found him. Nobody moved like him, laughed like him, so he would have found him even in the dark, even if he desperately tried not to. But Chansung wasn't alone. It didn't come as a surprise though, Wooyoung had his ways, he knew he was dating again. What did come as a surprise was how much it hurt, how sharp the pain in his chest was at seeing him smiling at someone else, holding somebody else's hand in his. 


By brute force, Wooyoung pulled his gaze away and on purpose sat in the front, where his eyes weren't allowed to find his former lover. Eventually the ceremony started and it went by in a haze, like time had stopped meaning anything. Even though he focused all his energy on the bride, the groom and on smiling, he could feel nothing but the loud presence of Chansung at the back of the room, crushing him from behind. After the ceremony, Wooyoung stayed around for the cake and the celebration. Why he did not know. It was a stupid idea, of course it was. In spite of trying to eat some cake and talk to some of his friends, his eyes kept finding them, Chansung and his boyfriend. The stupid boyfriend that kept placing his dirty hand on his thigh, the thigh that should have belonged to Wooyoung. 


It was his own damn fault things had turned out this way, he knew that. But knowing it didn't make it any better, it made it worse. It was himself who had decided to break it off. His mother had been pushing him to find a wife and get married and Wooyoung had used that as an excuse, he realized that now, to flee, to escape from the frightening hold Chansung had on him. The scary feeling of another person holding his heart in his hand, deciding its fate. Maybe deep down inside, he had hoped Chansung would beg to get him back, ask him again and again, crawl on the ground begging until Wooyoung gave in, showing him that he needed this just as much as he did. But Chansung did no such thing, just packed his bags and left. Never looking back.


Even now Chansung wasn't looking at him, not once had he looked in his direction, not once acknowledge his existence. His focus was solely and completely on his boyfriend and nothing else. Chansung was weak when it came to aegyo, nobody knew that better than Wooyoung, and now apparently his new boyfriend knew it too. The boyfriend kept flashing his pretty little eye smile, probably knowing exactly what effect it had, Wooyoung had known when he had done it. Cutely he kept pushing his big boyfriend away and dragging him back again, his hands all over him, on his thigh, rubbing his back, his hand, the sight burning through Wooyoung eyes, making his heart break into million pieces that he was probably never going to be able to pick up again. But it wasn't until Chansung pinched his boyfriend's ear that Wooyoung had enough. That was what Chansung had always done to him. Admittedly Woo had always pushed him away annoyed, but still, this was theirs, and Chansung dared to do it to someone else. When the boyfriend giggled happily at Chansung's affections, Wooyoung stood up and walked out of the room, without even having the sense to excuse himself to his friends. He just needed to get out. 


As soon as he was out of the house, the air was so clear he had problems consuming it, he breathed and he breathed, but still it was like he could get no oxygen. The burning sensation in his chest and behind his eyes took over. Not able to take it any longer he walked into the forest, trying to cool himself down. It started raining, but he couldn't feel it. No matter how his eyes burned and how hard he tried, the tears wouldn't start flowing. It seemed like he wasn't even allowed that small form of consolation. Eventually he stopped, realizing he did not have his jacket, his car keys, nothing. He was stuck in the woods, but couldn't go back, the rain only getting stronger, drenching him to the core.


Like out of a dream he then felt a warm dry jacket placed around his shoulders, and instantly he knew who's it was. The size, the warmth was all too familiar and he turned around. In front of him stood Chansung, angrily almost shouting at him:

"What were you thinking, running off on your own. You could get lost and you're going to catch a cold."

Looking at him through the raindrops on his eye lashes, Chansung was the same as always, giving him his jacket, worrying about him, while he stood there only wearing his shirt, not caring that the rain was running down his own body. Wooyoung tried not to notice that his shirt was becoming see-through, showing him that amazing body he once had been allowed to touch, to explore every day. The rain kept getting heavier, and Woo could see the carefully stylished hair losing to the weight of it, the rain drops smearing the hair down over his forehead, changing the handsome but cold and distant man at the wedding reception to a much sweeter and kinder version of himself. To his Chansung.

Wooyoung gripped the jacket around him tighter. If this was the only form of Chansung's warmth he was being given, he was not returning it. So he just stared back at him longingly, not saying anything.

"You can't do this" Chansung said more quietly, but equally as angry. "Looking at me like that during the whole reception... Running out into the rain like a diva... You're being ing unfair, you know that right?"

Wooyoung just nodded, because of course he knew.

"You left me. And now when I'm finally happy again, you pull a stunt like this. Don't you want me to be happy?"

"No. Not with him." Wooyoung answered honestly, looking down at the forest floor.

"That's horrible. Wooyoung you're ing selfish." 

Of course he was selfish, horribly horribly selfish, that was no news to him. But Chansung's words made his heartbeat so much louder, just getting any kind of reaction after months of not even seeing him, made this small ray of brightness form in his chest.

"Can't we go back to the way we were?" he finally said, looking up at him with the cutest expression he could muster up. There had been a time where an expression like this would have been enough to make Chansung jump of a cliff, do anything for him. Wooyoung had known that, he had used that, but now he just desperately hoped that it would be enough to get any kind of reaction, even the tiniest bit. So he stared up at him hopefully, hoping it was true what they say, that love was all about getting second chances when you didn't deserve them, ignoring the louder voice in his mind, screaming at him that Chansung had stopped loving him a long time ago. 

"Wooyoung-ah. I have a boyfriend now, he's sweet and wonderful and he's waiting for me."

But Woo didn't care, all he could hear was the slight defeatedness in Chansung's voice, so he went up on his toes and stole a kiss. It was not until he touched the warm lips of his former lover that Wooyoung realized how cold his had been, but quickly they got warmed by Chansung's touch. Not just his lips got warmer, but his head, his heart and his whole body as well. Almost by reflex, Chansung responded to the kiss, first angrily, aggressively, but Wooyoung didn't care. As long as he was kissing him, feeling the familiarity of his tongue, of his lips, of his movements against his own, he didn't care. Getting lost in the kiss, Wooyoung enjoyed feeling like only the two of them existed in the moment, nobody else, nothing else, not their messed up past or their separated present. Only the two of them kissing in the rain.


As the kiss went on, Wooyoung could feel Chansung melting into it, his anger subsiding and he became just as lost in it as Woo was, pulling him closer with his big strong hands, pressing his body against his own big and perfect one. Nothing lasts forever and neither did this kiss though Wooyoung wanted it to. For a while Chansung stared at him, cupping his face so, so gently with his big hand.

"Wooyoung..." he whispered with a broken voice "...the things you do to me."

"Can't you be mine again?" Wooyoung said staring at him hopefully, "Be mine."

For a while he held his breath as Chansung stared at him hopelessly, until he roughly pulled him into a crushingly tight embrace, muttering:

"I don't think I ever stopped being yours." 

Chansung was strong, and was holding him so tightly it should have hurt, but to Wooyoung it felt just right, finally he was where he wanted to be. So he pressed his cheek against Chansung's chest, until he could feel the warmth through the cold, wet shirt. The rain kept getting stronger, but Wooyoung didn't care, the rain in his heart had cleared up. 



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brat2104 #1
Chapter 1: Ahh... Pity junho!!! Cant the 3 of them be together? 🤣🤣
QueenOfRoses #2
Chapter 1: Gorgeous story but I can’t help feeling bad for poor Junho ;_;
lonelyfan #3
Chapter 1: very nicely written ,,,, u r a pretty good writer ,,,,guess love is all about second chances, loving each other not matter what,,,,,,,
keep it up .. wanna read more from u :)
Good job!!
Chapter 1: My heart was beating so fast! This is a beautiful one shot and I'm glad that they're back together again! ♥
Chapter 1: more please :D
Chapter 1: I cant believe woo left chansung at first..but then when it comes to woo, he might have the weakest strength in himslef to protect what he really one in this case his beloved chansung..

but then im happy for him that he wanted a second chance and he didnt hesitate this time..

bitter sweet ending♥
I loved this one. I love stories which pull you in and seemes to be realistic. I also like realistic fantasy stories though.
But you have a hand for making stories liek they could happen everywhere real and special and to stories instead of news.
And it pulls you into, you feel heavy liek Wooyoung must feel liek he walks up to the building, and your heart shatters imagine your maybe not first love but defintitvly teh love of your live, standing theire n someone else side.
and maybe it just toueches me so much because I actually was once in the position, that i saw my not ex boyfriend that time, with another girl while I was aiting for him in the rain.
And it hurt, and i cut him off the same evening per sms, because i though he doesn't deserve to be talked to.
they both came together not a week later, so I didn't over act I just knew and felt the sparkle in between them.

So I knew how Wooyoung felt.
I knew so well.
And I love the bitersweteness, and how you touch a happy end but it is still isn't it's on going and you don't know what they both will make with the second chance, if they ever give each other a second chance.
it coudl stay by this kiss, and once they are back they may part again. but they also could try once again.
and fail or live happy even after.
But thats all up to our imagination. and I love it.
I love such perfect endings which are happy but let you imagination move on.
it isn't finsihed, there story isn't finished written, it was just an glimpse into it, and it will go on in our hearts and minds.
and for me thats what makes a stroy high class. I love such endings so much ♥
Chapter 1: A bittersweet story with a happy ending....
I like it!
I wish, I could write something like this for your birthday, but sadly I'm far (lightyears) away from it.... T_T

So I just wish you Happy Birthday in this way.
Stay healthy and lucky!

And make us happy with your amazing stories =)

Chapter 1: Q_Q
I'm glad that Chan can't resist Woo's charm <3