Chocolate Kiss




Jinki and Minho move in together...









This is just a short drabble, some Onho domestic fluff, stand-alone with no sequel or continuation.

Despite the names of the stories being similar, this one is completely unrelated to my White Kiss and Gray Kiss.


Thanks for reading,





P.S. Most of my stories are in here.







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Opiecho28 #1
Chapter 1: OMG, that was cute and sweet. Thank for sharing this sweet story' and welcome back😍😍😍
Chapter 1: Rereading this after Jinki said he stopped baking 😭
Chapter 1: This is definitely a sweet chocolate kiss. Thank you so much for sharing.
It's good to read you again.
Chapter 1: i missed your writing ^^ thanks for this.
Chapter 1: This is not my usual ship but I loved it :)
Really sweet, so thank you ♥
collin12 #6
Chapter 1: This was so cute!!! Thank you for the fluffy story ^-^
Chapter 1: Such a cute and fluffy oneshot! Thank you for sharing with us :'3 I was so happy to see a notification so thanks for making my day even if I'm commenting so late ><

P.S. Have you seen Jinki's teaser photos for DICE??? He looks incredible and I'm so excited!

Hope life is well and that things are looking up for you <3
SHINee5_4ever #8
Chapter 1: Aww soo happy that you are finally back!😃♥️Hope you are doing well🙏Thank you so much for yet another sweet story!
Great to see you back! It made my day to see a new fic from you even if it's a short drabble, it was super sweet and cute!
Chapter 1: Cuteness!!!!!