
New Message

Sun 2 Dec (2:21pm)
Well that was an interesting text.


You decided to text me very late a few nights ago. VERY late.

What did I text?

You confessed your love to me about Yongguk.

I ed up. I ED UP!

Calm down. You only texted me that you might be in love with Yongguk.

I thought I dreamed text you.

No you have not.
To be fair, I saw this coming from a mile away.

You are not helping!

Not trying to.
By the way, have you seen Butters?

Isn’t she with you?

I haven’t seen her all last week. I thought you might have seen her.

Did you check Himchan’s place?

Well, .

Himchan, why is there a gray cat drinking milk on our kitchen floor?

If anybody asks, the cat belongs to us.

Himchan, what did you do?

I may or may not have stolen a cat.

Himchan, whose cat is that?

The cat belongs to Josie and Blair.
By the way, she’s called Butters and she really likes it when you gently pet underneath her neck.

Why do you have their cat? Why did they name her Butters?

It was during the week where the girls were going to America. They asked me to watch her, so I agreed. I hid her very well in my room.
As for the name, no idea.

You do know you need to give her back, right?

No! You can’t make me!


No! The kitty will be ours and we shall give it love and affection that she deserves.

Himchan, she’s not our cat. Give her back or else I will tell Jongup and Junhong where you keep your secret stash.

You wouldn’t dare.

Would I?

Fine. I’ll give her back first thing in the morning.

Good boy.

Mon 3 Dec (6:29am)
What if rain came down all at once and not in tiny drops?

I think a lot of people would die.

You’re such a Mr. Grumpy Gills.

Just remember that I still know that you were nicknamed Stargirl.

How did you even figure that out? I mean, I even told my sister not to tell anyone.

It actually slipped out of when she was telling me stories of how you and your siblings grew up with each other.

Do you know the significance of why I was named Stargirl?

I got bits and pieces of it. I think it has something to do with the fact that you would make other people happy as you possibly could.

There was that, but it was also because when I was younger, I used to be obsessed with reading this book called Stargirl.
I wanted to be like her, so I did and made others happy and smile.

I thought you said you weren’t a very happy child.

I wasn’t. Which was why I made other people happy.

I’m not gonna lie, but your childhood seems kind of sad.

Like I said, I was never a happy child. I was satisfied with what I had, but I was never happy.

I don’t think I had that kind of childhood.

Himchan actually told me a few stories and showed me pictures of you growing up.
Why were you playing with a tigger doll by yourself?

Himchan is a very dead man.

It’s not his fault. I asked him and he gladly received.

I’ll have to text you some other time. I need to talk to my roommate about things.

Have fun!

Wed 5 Dec (6:42am)
What if my colors are different than your colors?

Whenever I get a text from you, I simply smile and nod my head and try my hardest not to stab anyone.

I’m the highlight of your day and don’t you forget it.

I thought you were going to give me random facts, not scar me with questions that I need answering.

In ancient times it was widely believed that the hare was a hermaphrodite, and could give birth while s. That’s why bunnies are associated with Easter.

Never mind. Go back to scaring me with questions.

We need to come up with a movie for our annual movie day.

Well, it has to be Christmas theme, that’s for sure.

I was thinking Home Alone, but I’m not sure if they have Korean subtitles or not.

I’m sure they do.
What’s Home Alone?

We’re definitely seeing Home Alone.
It’s a really good movie and a classic.

I’ll check Netflix to see if they have it and with subtitles.

You have fun with that.

Fri 7 Dec (3:18pm)
Okay, we need to talk.

Can this wait? I’m working right now.

Yes right now. We need to talk to you about your love for Yongguk

I knew this was where the conversation was going.

I’m right and you know it.
Now spill.

Well, what do you want to know?

When did you realize your feelings for him?

I guess the day he surprised me by giving me a free red velvet cheesecake.

How did he know that you liked that?

Don’t play that game. He told me that you told him about me.

He asked me questions and I delivered.

Sure. Let’s go with that.

I think you should date him.

Incoming Call
“Oh for s sakes. Really?”

“Yes, really. I really don’t want to talk about this over text.”

“Is this because of your trust with your last boyfriend?”

“That’s not really it.”

“Then what’s the problem? Why don’t you just, I don’t know, tell him how you feel-”

“It’s not as simple as that.”

“What’s not simple than saying that you want to him really hard against the mattress-”


“Anyway, back to what I was saying, why don’t you tell him that you like him?”

“One, because he barely knows me and me saying that I like him can cause awkwardness. Two, I don’t even know what he looks like besides the pictures that Himchan would show me.”

“So? Who says that love has to be between person to person? If there’s a connection and some sort of chemistry, what’s the problem?”

“What if he has a girlfriend that I have no clue about? Or that he’s gay?”

“He is none of those. I asked him that and he said that he’s neither gay nor taken.”


“I ask the important questions, okay. Don’t judge me.”

“Well, what if he doesn’t feel the same way?”

“Are you kidding me right now? Blind people could see the love connection between the two of you and the only thing you’re doing is texting.”

“Blair, not helping.”

“Not trying to. I need to go. This conversation is not over.”

Sat 8 Dec (6:09pm)
You know what you should do? You should talk to Josie about dating.

That wasn’t rude.

I’m just saying, I think it’s time that you confessed your love to her.

Are you drunk?

I haven’t even drunken anything!

So then why the suddenness of creeping into my love life?

It’s because you’re in love with Josie.

Yep, you’re drunk.

Am not!
By the way, did you get the package from this morning?

Did you give the cat back?

I am a trustworthy adult that can handle a simple task.
In other words, yes.
You didn’t answer my question.

Yes, I got the package. Why doesn’t it have a return address?

A little friend of yours wanted to be secretive and decided to give you this as a thank you gift.

Josie gave you a package to give to me?

Blair and I should be getting paid for this, you know. We’re turning into delivery people.

You two offered. You could’ve said no easily.

Did you open the package? It was ing heavy, too.

I did.

And? What is it?

How did she know I like ramen?

That’s it? She only gave you ramen?

She also gave me a tigger that’s dressed like Winnie the Pooh.

Then why the is the box so ing heavy?

She also got you a Stitch doll and a mirror.

Did she get gifts for everybody?

Yeah… she did.


I need to go.

Yongguk, don’t you dare ignore me!
We need to talk about this!

Sun 9 Dec (10:13am)
Are you almost ready?

It’s playing right now, if that’s what you’re wondering.

Yes, I was wondering that.
Did you get all the necessities that you need for the movie?

I do now. My lunch is being microwaved right now.

So you did get your gift.

And the others, apparently.
How did you know I like ramen and Jongup likes Chris Brown?

They all come to my work and they would talk about their likes and dislikes.
You’ve come up in the conversation sometimes.

Good to know I’m thought of.

And we start the movie now!

Okay, explain to me why they left the kid again?

Someone hasn’t been paying attention.
The girl that was counting heads counted the other kid that was rummaging through their stuff.

I kind of got distracted, sorry. However, I did pay attention to the rest of the movie.

As you should.
I need to head out. Butters needs more food.

Why did you name the cat Butters?

Blair named her, not me. I’m not sure why she named the cat Butters.

Ah. Well have fun shopping.


Tues 11 Dec (7:10pm)
Mom called and said that we’re celebrating Christmas back in the States and we’re not coming back until after New Years.


Geo’s kids wants to go to Disneyland and Lizzie’s kids wants to go see the Rose Parade.

What does this have to do with us?

Mom wants it to be a family thing, saying that her baby twin girls are so far away from her and that Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other random visits are her only time of the year where she sees all he babies in one place.

She also asked whether or not you’re having grandkids.

She has twelve grandchildren already. Why does she have to bother me about my life? Why doesn’t she ask you?

I told her that I was going to have children very late, which means that it’ll be a long year for her to see my children.
You, however, made the declaration of having a lot of kids.

This conversation is now over. I’ll talk to you when you get home.

Remember to tell Yongguk about our plans!

Wed 12 Dec (3:19pm)
Himchan, what do you do when you think you’re in love?

I don’t know. The last girlfriend I had thought it would be cute to track me down and figure out what I’m doing.
In other words, I’m no help.

I figured as much.

Wait a minute, are you confessing something to me?

If I was, what would you do?

That would depend. Are you crushing on who I think you’re crushing on?
Do you love Josie?


I knew it!

Did you just fist pump while you were at work?

That is not the point!
When did you discover your love for her?

When Daehyun pointed out that I couldn’t stop smiling every time I heard my phone vibrate at work.

I could’ve told you that.

I also noticed it when she sent that package for all of us.
She told me that she likes to make other people happy.

She’s perfect for you! She lots of fun and you’re no fun at all.
You complete each other.

And we’re done with this conversation.

Don’t you dare ignore me!

Fri 14 Dec (6:32am)
Do animals think in English or in the sounds they make?

Where do you get your questions?

From the dark depths of my mind.

I can see that.

Before I forget, we’re gonna be leaving on the 18th and we won’t be back until January 3rd.


My siblings wants to do stuff for their kids and my mom is forcing us to stay a lot longer than necessary.

It’s going to be boring now without my alarm clock.

You’ll live.

No, that means I need new batteries for my old alarm clock.

Wanna ask questions again?

Sure. You should ask first.

Do you have any injuries on you?

Like scars?
None so far. What about you?

I have one on my forehead, another on my forearm, and the third on my hips.

Why do you have scars on your hips?

My appendix burst so I had to get an operation to get those taken care of.

What about the other scars?

For my forehead, I accidentally hit it on top of some stairs and it was cut open. For my forearm, I fell off a tree.

Were you clumsy as a child or…?

Not really. My siblings and I keep track of the many times we’ve been to the hospital.
Blair is winning so far.

My siblings and I don’t do that.

Then that means you’re no fun.

I gotta go. I’ll text you some other time.

Sure. See you then.

Mon 17 Dec (8:01pm)
You know what to do, right?

Why are we doing this again?

Because both Yongguk and Josie are being cowards when we requested them to confess their feelings to one another.
Are you in this or not?

I feel uncomfortable doing this.

Trust me; our plan is going to work.

We have a plan?

Yes, now hush. Operation Yongguk/Josie is now in operation.
Are the others in their position as well?

Yes they are, noona. When do we start?

As soon as we get back home from the states.

I thought I’d be sooner. I can’t stand that stupid love sick puppy look Yongguk has been giving to his phone.

You think this is a walk in the park with me?
As soon as we get home, the plan will work.

Let’s hope so.
Are we watching your cat again?

If you promise not to take her again.

I swear I won't this time.
See you when you get back.

Right back at you.

A/N: The ending is happening soon. In case anybody is confused about the behind the scenes thing, what it means is that it would be an actual story. There will be character development with each character. For example, I would write about Himchan bugging the out of Yongguk while Josie and Blair are home during the Thanksgiving week that they were gone. See you all next time and I hope you're having an awesome time.

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It is now officially done with! Hope you all enjoy and check out my other stories if you have time.


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 11: I just found this and read this in one go andddddd this is superb, Authornimmmmmm!!
Chapter 11: This was so awesome and i didnt read this kind of fanfic yet so far;;; thumbs up authornimmm
Chapter 11: bts thank you for mentioning the book thief will be reading it hehe :3
Chapter 11: I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS ONE <33333333 ONE OF MY FACE IDOL X OC FICS LOVE THIS SO MUCH <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Halimalikesrice #5
Chapter 11: Omg! This story is so awesome! One of the rare ones that make me laugh and smile and has a really interesting story line :D
vixxyou #6
Chapter 10: they kissed??? you should explain more about the kiss >< i like this random texting stranger
smileondesy #7
Chapter 8: At the first, I was kind of confused to figure out which text was who, but I kept reading them because their text conversation was just entertaining. And eventually, I enjoyed your creative fanfic story so d*mn much!! Then I end up with loving this!!
Chapter 6: I've read this story a month ago before I created an aff acc. Thank god I found it again ^^
This is a pretty cute and funny fic I've ever read ♡
I like the chemistry between Josie and Yongguk c:
And oh~ oh~ Josie is in love with him!
It would be awesome if you made an actual fanfic about this story~ ^^b
Btw, what do you mean by behind the scenes of the texts? C:
Chapter 3: omg Josie's questions are common questions which popped out in my mind lmao this is ridiculous!
simplebeez #10
Chapter 3: Love this! Lool