
New Message

Mon 5 Nov (3:11pm)
I did a dumb on Halloween.

Was it a beautiful dumb?
Did you finally sleep with someone?

I’m still a .

Damn! Well, there’s still time.

What are you talking about?

Nothing that concerns you.
So what was the dumb?

Remember at the party, I was trying to find you?

Vaguely, but continue.

Well, when I was trying to call you, I may have accidentally called Yongguk.


You’re barely telling me this now?

A lot of things have happened.
For example, taking you to the hospital when you fell off the roof.

I told Alex about the stitches and he’s still cursing at me because I beat his number for most hospital visits.


Anyway, why is it dumb?

He hasn’t texted me back or anything.

Why don’t you text him back?

I don’t know what to say to him.

I heard the word ‘hello’ seems pretty popular these days.

Thanks, sissy. I knew I could always count on you.

You’re being sarcastic, aren’t you?

Yes I am.

Do as sissy says and talk to him! Do it before I do.

Alright, alright. Man, you’re pushy.

Tues 6 Nov (1:03pm)
What’s this I hear about you and Josie finally communicating?

Excuse me?

Someone told me that you actually conversed with Josie via telephone.

Who told you that?

Well, I was told by Youngjae, who was told by Daehyun, who was told by Junhong, who was told by Jongup.

That kid needs to keep his mouth shut.

So you did converse with her.

Yes, and?

Well, it’s been six days and you haven’t exactly texted her, now, have you?

I think we’re in that awkward position where we don’t know what to do.

Why? Because you two finally talked to each other?

It’s the first time ever that I heard Josie’s voice.

What about Blair?

How do you know about Blair?

Don’t change the subject.

I’m serious. How do you know them when I haven’t even met her yet?

It’s not just me. Jongup, Youngjae, and Junhong also met her.

Am I the only one to not meet her?

Daehyun hasn’t met her yet.

He will eventually. I don’t know how, but he will.

Anyway, back to the subject we were on.
You need to talk to her, or text her.
Are you ignoring me?
Fine then, be that way!

Thurs 8 Nov (6:23am)
How did animals get their names? Like, who looked at a big fat angry bird and said ‘goose’?

Only you would think of something that weird at six in the morning.

I ask the important questions, you know.
That reminds me, did you rent The Book Thief movie yet?

Yes I did and I’m making my friends watch it with me.

Did they read the book?

I forced them all to read the book.
They still have yet to forgive me.

You made them cry. Of course they’re not going to forgive you.

Excuses, excuses.

Technically, it’s a very valid reason.
Blair says hi by the way.

You’re not at the park?

That didn’t sound stalkerish at all.

You mentioned once that you like to walk around the park in the morning.

That is true, but I got lazy and I have a day off.
Blair wants to know whether or not you like lemon cookies.

They’re not my favorite.

She says that you deserve to die in a hole.

Do you like lemon cookies?

I’m allergic to lemon.

to be you.

Are you allergic to something?

None that I know of.

I hate you.

I’m sure you do.
I need to go. I need to get myself ready for work.

Alright. Text you soon, then.


At least you talked to him.

Yes, and?

I’m just saying.
Did you tell him about Thanksgiving?

Not yet. That reminds me.
Mom wants to know whether or not you’re going to help this year with making the stuffing.

Possibly not. Trevor wants to meet up with me before Thanksgiving.

You need to dump that . He’s selfish and rude and just plain stupid.

Anything else to add to the long list of reasons why he’s a douche?

You know the reasons. Why can’t you dump his ?

One day I will.
Until then, no.

I still think you and Himchan would make a lovely pair together.

Do you want me to go back to the conversation about you and Yongguk?

And this conversation is over.
Are you still watching The Book Thief with me?

Might as well.
I bought that sweater for a reason. Might as well put it to good use.


Sun 11 Nov (10:03am)
Is everyone there?

We’re all here. Well… almost.

We’re gonna start soon. Everybody should be there.

The only one that’s not here is Youngjae and I think that has something to do with work issues.

If he’s not there by 10:30, we’re starting without him.

Himchan wants to know why we have to start so early.

Because you, that’s why.

Himchan thinks you’re a .

And not a single was given that day.

Youngjae finally arrived, and he brought ice cream for all of us.

Excellent. Now you all can eat while tears are running down your faces.

I told that to Youngjae and he didn’t get it.

He will eventually.
Start your movie!

You have officially scared the youngest member of our group.

You said he read the book.

He didn’t finish the ending. Now he’s locked himself up in his room.

Were you the only one to finish the book all the way through?

Himchan, Jongup, and Youngjae read the book all the way through. Daehyun and Junhong barely got passed the Word Shaker before they started crying.

Okay then.
My sister says hi, by the way.

I’m sure she does.
I need to head out. I have a couple of people I need to comfort.

Good luck!

You didn’t tell him, why?

I will.

You’re as stubborn as me. Tell him or else I will and no one wants that.

Fine, miss prissy pants. I’ll tell him about the Thanksgiving thing.

You better. No one wants those cell phone bills.

Tues 13 Nov (6:19am)
I just realized that we don’t even know what dinosaurs’ even sound like. They could’ve been speaking fluent German for all we know.

It’s way too early to deal with this right now.


I sometimes question your sanity.

Blah, blah, blah.
I hope you know that we do need to talk about what happened of Halloween.

I’ve noticed.
What did you want to talk about?

Well… I mean…
This is the first time we’ve ever talked to each other via phone call.
All those other times were through texts.

To be honest, I was trying to avoid this conversation.

Why did you keep texting me?


The first time we talked. Why did you keep conversing with me?

To be honest, I have no idea.
I guess it’s because you sounded really interesting to me. You didn’t sound like other girls I’ve met.

I’m sure you have.
I poop just like every other girl.

That’s what I’m talking about.
You’re not afraid to speak out your mind or say stupid things.

I learnt from the best, I guess.
My older siblings were like that when we were growing up.

Why did you keep texting me?

I guess the same thing as you.
I needed someone to talk to that would put up with my weird randomness.

It’s not that random, to be honest.
Weird, yes. Random? No.

At least someone agrees with me.
I need to head on out. Text you some other time?

Sure. You know my number.

Fri 16 Nov (6:21am)
An octopus is just a wet spider.

I told this to Himchan and he yelled out ‘WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?’

My co-worker told me that and I began to rock back and forth in a corner when I got home.

You must be fun at parties.

By the way, before I forget, I won’t be here next week.


In America, we have this holiday called Thanksgiving and what we do is that we give thanks to our family while stuffing our face with lots and lots of food.
I’m going to be helping my mom prepare some of said food for an entire week.

I’m sure if you ask Daehyun to join you, he would gladly accept.

Sure, but then I have to have a reason as to why he has decided us to grace us with his presence.
Plus, I’m pretty sure that all the food will be gone before we even get to sit down and eat it.

How do you know Daehyun so well?

Himchan brought Daehyun over to where I work and he ate all of my lunch.

Are you ever going to tell me what you do?

Unless you tell me what you do, then I’ll tell you.


I work at a company called Samsung. I’m in charge of the sales and whether or not we’re doing well.

Sounds incredibly boring.

It is.
Now you tell me what you do.

I work as a nurse at a local children’s hospital.

I don’t know why you didn’t tell me earlier. It’s not that secretive.

The reason I kept it a secret is because I don’t want people I know coming in and visiting me.
The hospital has a strict no friends or family visitations for workers.

Is it because you’re only living in Korea because of a worker’s permit?

That’s exactly why.
Please don’t visit me. It’s bad enough that the rest of your friends already have.
Technically, they all go and see Himchan’s nephew in the hospital, but still.

Ah. That makes sense.
I need to go. I need to start my day right now.

Remember, I’m not gonna be here all next week. I’ll be leaving on Sunday.

When will you be back?

The 25th, most likely.
See you all until then.

See ya.

Mon 26 Nov (6:17am)
What if instead of police dogs, there were giant, man sized police spiders?

There would be no crime.


It seems that we only text in the mornings and I need sleep.

That sounds like a first world problem.

How was thanksgiving?
It is called that right?

Yes, it is called that.
The only thing interesting is that my 4th older brother is getting married.

Is that good or…?

I just don’t really care.
Anyway, what did you do all last week while I was gone?

I actually slept in all last week and I kept being late to work.
I forget that I have an alarm clock, but I don’t use it anymore because now you’re my alarm clock.

That makes me feel so special.

I’m sure it does.
I’m gonna leave a little early. I need to get ready for work.

Alright. Text ya later!

Tues 27 Nov (5:06pm)
Imagine all the spiders in the world became tiny horses.

My weirdness is rubbing off on you, I just know it.

I have to get your attention somehow.
And yes, your weirdness is rubbing off on me.

Why did you need my attention?

Incoming Call
“Wow. Hello, this is new.

“I needed to get your attention somehow.”

“Well, you got it. Can I help you?”

“I need you to go to the bakery right now.”



“Why didn’t you just text me?”

“I didn’t feel like it and hearing your voice is soothing.”

“You’ve been picking up your greasiness from Himchan again, haven’t you?”

“Just do as I say, please? But we can still converse while you’re heading there.”

“You’re just lucky enough that I got off work right now.”

“Your sister told me what time you got off work so I could do this right?”

“What exactly are you doing? There’s not a birthday or an anniversary. At least, I don’t think so.”

“There isn’t. I’m doing this at the spur of the moment.”

“You’re not going to be there, are you?”

“Do you want me to be?”

“… I guess not? I mean, I don’t think it’s the right time.”

“Trust me, I won’t be there. Just go there.”

“People are giving me strange looks. Then again, I am on a subway wearing scrubs.”

“After awhile, you’ll get used to it.

“That is true.

“Are you there yet?”

“Almost. I only need one more stop and then I can be able to go there right now.”

“Well, what do you want to talk about until you get there?”

“Did your friends forgive you for making them watch the movie?”

“One did. The others, however, did not.”

“Was it Junhong?”

“Yes it was. Himchan kind of forgave me, but he’s still ignoring me. Kind of hard to do with the fact that Himchan is my roommate.”

“I don’t know whether to laugh or feel sorry for you. I’m getting off the subway right now.”

“Good. Now head on over to the bakery.”

“Is there a reason?”

“Nope. I just felt like doing something.”

“Well, I’m heading into the bakery right now.”

“Now just say your name and they’ll give you something.”


“What do you think?”

“How did you know I like red velvet cheesecake?”

“Your sister, of course. Was it true that until you were eight, you used to draw random people dead?”

“I can’t believe she told you that.”

“She also told me that when you were younger, you would ask your parents for money so that you would give to the random homeless people living on the streets.”

“I was a very sensitive child. I thought that if I gave them money, they would somehow get off the street.”

“It’s actually really cute. When your sister was telling me these things, I was learning a lot about you. I thought that a red velvet cheesecake would brighten your mood.”

“Well… thank you. I really needed something sweet to eat anyway.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll text you later, yeah?”

“Yeah. I’ll text you later.”

“See ya, stargirl.”

“And how did you figure that nickname out?”

“I guess story time will wait some other day. Bye.”


Wed 28 Nov (3:19am)
Blair, I know for a fact you’re awake.
Blair, I need to talk to you.
Do you think it's possible to fall in love with the idea of a person?

A/N: I have no excuse. I just got really lazy. Now, bad news is that the story is soon going to end. Good news? I have decided to do a behind the scenes of the texts. If you want, you guys can tell me what you guys would like for a behind the scenes thing. Other than that, I kind of already know what to use. So, hope to see you all soon and enjoy the rest of your day!

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It is now officially done with! Hope you all enjoy and check out my other stories if you have time.


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 11: I just found this and read this in one go andddddd this is superb, Authornimmmmmm!!
Chapter 11: This was so awesome and i didnt read this kind of fanfic yet so far;;; thumbs up authornimmm
Chapter 11: bts thank you for mentioning the book thief will be reading it hehe :3
Chapter 11: I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS ONE <33333333 ONE OF MY FACE IDOL X OC FICS LOVE THIS SO MUCH <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Halimalikesrice #5
Chapter 11: Omg! This story is so awesome! One of the rare ones that make me laugh and smile and has a really interesting story line :D
vixxyou #6
Chapter 10: they kissed??? you should explain more about the kiss >< i like this random texting stranger
smileondesy #7
Chapter 8: At the first, I was kind of confused to figure out which text was who, but I kept reading them because their text conversation was just entertaining. And eventually, I enjoyed your creative fanfic story so d*mn much!! Then I end up with loving this!!
Chapter 6: I've read this story a month ago before I created an aff acc. Thank god I found it again ^^
This is a pretty cute and funny fic I've ever read ♡
I like the chemistry between Josie and Yongguk c:
And oh~ oh~ Josie is in love with him!
It would be awesome if you made an actual fanfic about this story~ ^^b
Btw, what do you mean by behind the scenes of the texts? C:
Chapter 3: omg Josie's questions are common questions which popped out in my mind lmao this is ridiculous!
simplebeez #10
Chapter 3: Love this! Lool