4th Thump Bad Habit

in Love

"Yeobeoseyo? Oppa.. is it you? Jonghyun oppa?"




“H-how did you know it’s me?”

You doomed, Jjong! Have no better greeting?!

But seriously, how did she know it was ME in the first place?? I didn’t even say any single word yet, did I?

Then I heard a soft giggled on the other end.

“How do you think I know that’s you, my silly brother?”

Huh? How could I know? I’m the one who’s asking..

“Who’s giving you my new number anyway?”

Then my brain lightened in a blink. Of course she also has my number.. from Dad, who else?!

“..oh, yeah.. obviously..” That was all I managed to muttered at the moment as my mind went blank. Actually, too many questions stuffed in my head that make me confused where to begin with.

“Oppa? You okay?? What’s with that mumbling?”  Her voice snapped me back to reality.

“Eh? N-no, it’s nothing.. J-just..I’m sorry for calling you this late.”

SERIOUSLY Jjong, what the hell was wrong with you?? Can’t you talk with your sister without stuttering?!

“It’s okay, Oppa, I haven’t go to bed yet either. Besides, I know you would call me at some points, regarding our unexpected meeting earlier, neh?”

Look! I wonder if her coolness inherited from my father.

“So, care toexplain that to me?” I asked her after making sure my voice won’t stutter anymore.




Then she let out a long sighed.

“Mianhae, Oppa.” Her voice sounded softer, if that even possible, “I expected that you would ask Appa about me so I bet Appa already told you, neh, that I already here for months? I just.. I know you have been busy with your works and all.. and considering you that always went all overprotective to me whenever I was around, I think it would be better if I say hi to you at more appropriate time. I also never know it would turn out this way.”

Just like what Dad told me.

I sighed.

“And an appropriate time to you is when I visited my bandmate in hospital as I just arrived in Korea and found out that you are a nurse who’s in charge of him? Not to mention that you treated me like a stranger back then.”

“I know.. I’m sorry, really. I understand if you mad at me.”

Yeah, I supposed to be mad at her I guess, but the problem is I can NEVER be mad at her and she definitely knows that.

“Do you really want me to be mad at you? Then you have to teach me since I don’t know how to do that.” I smiled at myself. I found myself back to my playful side. It felt so natural talking with her like this even though it had been years.

Oh, yeah.. she left me for years and never called or texted or email me even once. And here I am, beamed with happiness as I heard a soft laughter on the other end.

“Still silly as ever, my silly brother.”

I just chuckled at her words.

But then I heard squeaks and rustles sound on the other end.

And I heard her shouting something like “..no! Stop! Baby, come back!”

“W-what’s wrong?”

No answer.

I heard some rustles again, and.. pants? It seemed like she was chasing after something, or someone.. Who’s that baby she called after anyway?

“Kyrra, what’s wrong? What happen??” I nearly shouted to the phone. Worry and curious took the better of me.

But I guess the phone no longer on her ear because all I could hear was just a dull sound at the background. And just right before I really shout to the phone in frustrated, I heard her faint voice shouting “Found ya! Aaaa baby, you scared me to death ya know?! Don’t ever do that again to me you naughty boy, arasso?!”

Really, what this is all about?? Who’s the boy she’s talking to right now??!

“Ah, Oppa! Sorry for that, are you still there? What have we left earlier?” Now she talked over the phone again, still within her pants.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” I just repeated my question.

“Aah, it’s nothing. It’s just my puppy, he jumped off from my grasp and ran, lucky I managed to catch him before he cross over the road”

Road? You’re not home yet?” I glanced at the clock, just a quarter left before midnight.

“I just went out to buy food for my puppy, I forgot to restock it yesterday. I’m heading back home now, don’t worry.”

Yes, like I would be able not to worry. I meant, it’s Kyrra we’re talking about here.

“You mean you’re walking by yourself now?”

“No, I’m with my puppy, remember?” She chuckled at her own words.

I ignored her answer and ask her another question, “Can you tell me where you are exactly right now?”

Silence filled the air for a second before I heard a sharp breathing on the other hand. And the faint voice that almost sounds like “Oh shoot!” just confirmed my suspicion.

“Don’t tell me..”

“I think I’m lost..” She said that in a tone when children admitted their fault to their parents.

The moment that words left her lips, I stormed out of the room, made my way downstairs.

“Listen! Just stay where you are right now and wait for me, I’ll come right away!” I said it all in one breath.

“But Oppa, I’m just fi-” I hung up when she was about to says something. I’m not going to argue with her right now.


SHINee World


I was just reached the last stairs when my dad appeared from the kitchen.

“What’s wrong, son?”

“Oh, Appa! Sorry, I have to going back to Seoul right now, tell Umma I’m sorry and that I miss her” I said in an urgent tone while putting on my jacket.

“Something’s urgent?” He said with concern look on his face, eyeing me.

“N-no.. I mean—yes.. Kyrra, she has lost on her way back to her apartment. So I’m going to..” and I went silent went I saw my dad’s concern expression was replaced with a.. amuse one..? What the-

“So, you did call her huh? You sure made a fast move, son.” He said, still smirking. His words would make me blush if we were in another circumstance. But it’s not the point right now! Seriously, how can he remain so calm like that even after hearing about that news?!

I looked at my dad in disbelief while he just standing there and looking back at me, more like he’s studying my face though.

“You know what, son? This exactly is the reason why she didn’t want you to know yet that she has came back,” my dad smiled at me before continued, ”Tell me, do you even know where you’ll be going to find her? Do you even have an idea where she maybe at right now? I bet you just hung up the call on the second she said that she’s lost.”

Oh, crap!

My dad got the point.

How could I be that stupid for not asking her where she is?! I mean.. I know that she’s lost but at least she could tell me the clue of her location if I didn't just hung up on her right?

I was still lost in my own thought when my father muttered something like “You and your habit..”


Yeah.. habit.

Anything that related to her always made me reckless and thoughtless with my actions. I think it became a habit. Bad habit.

“Listen, son” My father’s calm voice snapped me out of my thought.

Really, Jjong, you’re spazzing out like million times today!

I looked up and found that warm smile of my father right before my eyes. Since when did he getting closer?

“I can assure you that she’ll just be fine by now. But if you really have to go, just go find her. I almost positive that she’ll be around Green Park, so just start from that area.” He patted my shoulder reassuring.

I nodded. Green Park. Okay, now I have a clue. But, wait..

“H-how did Appa know..?”

My question trailed off in the end, but looked like my father got the messaged as he spoke, “This is not the first time she’s lost her way home withiin these three months,”

Oh yeah, this definitely would not be the first time.. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

He chuckled as he continued, “And you know her, if it’s about direction things..”

“..always fell into the same hole.” I finished his sentence and he just chuckled at my words.

What else could you expect from Kyrra?? Even after all these years?!

I was about to  asked him another question when the big clock that hang on the living room tolling twelve times. I glanced at the clock. It’s midnight already.

I looked back at my dad and he nodded reassuringly.

“Thanks, Appa. I’ll call you back later.” I smiled at him before went straight to the front door.


I was just about to reach the door knob when my father called my name, I turned around and faced him again.

“Son, I truly hope you can be honest with your feeling from now on. And remember this: I’ll always be there for my only son whenever he needs me.” He smiled meaningfully towards me.

I felt my chest filled with warm feeling upon hearing those sentences coming out from my father’s mouth. I know, there was thousands meaning hid within those simple words. I couldn’t respond him with anything but a nod.

I smiled at him for the last time before turned around and opened the door, leaving home with mixture feeling. I wonder.. can a person really felt thousands emotions in just one day..?


SHINee World


I drove the car off my home and heading to Green Park just like my father had suggested. Along the way, I couldn’t help but to think about.. anything.

About my last question that couldn’t find a chance to be spoken up, about her habit that can never be friend with direction thing, about my habit.. about meeting her..

I barely noticed that I was already arrived at the said park. It only took half the time I need when going home earlier.

I got off the car and immediately searched for her along the way.

Fortunately, it didn’t take me long enough as I could already see a figured sat on a bench while holding a white little puppy, just about ten feet away from me. The figured I was longing for years.. The figured I’m so familiar with, yet also felt like a stranger at the same time..

I could hear my heart was thumping like crazy inside its rib cages, my step became slower and slower as I got nearer to her until my feet went numb just a few steps away from the sitting figure before me.

I guess my tongue got tangled as I couldn’t manage a word and just standing there for a good one minute while staring at that figure closely, still couldn’t believe my own eyes—even if I already saw her in hospital earlier, it was just felt.. unreal. She was humming softly while caressing the puppy on her lap, her eyes was staring to the blank-cellphone-screen on her left arm. She was totally unaware of my presence..

Until that little thing on her lap barked and raised its little head towards me.

Then finally she looked up and faced me.

She was pouting..


SHINee World







FINALLY I managed to update a chapter after a really looooooooong time..

really SORRY for the late update.. ><

I know I'm a horrible author for being such a slow but it can't be help..college always goes first after all.. (lame excuse I know)

hope you guys can still enjoy this chapter though.. not my best performance, but at least I updated..right?:P

and don't forget, comment are appreciated! it'll motivated me to update faster..^^

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OH MY GOSH<br />
oh my goodness<br />
<br />
holy cow <br />
ohhh who is this girl??<br />
ohh the appa reminds you of Kyuhyun? that's a hot one there <br />
Who's Kyrra?<br />
I have two theories: His daughter<br />
or the girl Jonghyun loves...<br />
sniffles* am i the author you're talking about because I want to thank you for always supporting my stories ♥ if you like Eunhae, I have another one called Behind the Scenes<br />
<br />
but oh i see... so the girl isn't really related to the accident.<br />
Oh I cant wait to see how the plot goes<br />
Your English is great!!<br />
I love the story. I'll be back to read the next chapter :3<br />
I feel like Minho's accident and the girl don't connect. But I'll wait to see how you connect it:D <br />
<br />
the day!!!!!!!!<br />
i'm bussy like crazzy this week..but i think i can update soon after all of these event thingy plus my exam..hope you guys can bear with me, my dear readers..
heaDeVil_23 #5
Uh....update soon!<br />
This story is interesting!