3rd Thump Indeed, it’s HER

in Love

“No, oppa.. I have to go and it’s because of no one.. if there is, it’s my dad.. I really missed him and want to be with him, to be a good daughter for him..”





“What?” Onew asked.

“Huh?” I responded him absentmindedly, still staring at a corner where the nurse gone.

“I heard you mumbling something like..fairy? What were you talking about?”

Hell.. I must have said that audibly!

“No..n-nothing.. It’s just.. nothing!”

Damn! Why should I stutter at my words?! I couldn’t think straight about anything I guess.

“If you said so,” Onew shrugged.

I would like to shrug it off just like what Onew did but couldn’t help myself to think about it. Am I daydreaming just now? Or is it really her? But it can’t be..

Onew shook my shoulder lightly.

“What did you wait? Let’s see Minho”

The mentioned about Minho pulled me back to my sense.

Yes, I’m here to Minho. To my brother. To see him and make sure that he was alright with my own eyes.

I nodded at Onew, following him into the room.

I pushed any other thought aside. I can deal with that later.


“Hyung, you’re back” Minho greeted me with wide smile as soon as I stepped in to the room.

“Yah! You better take care of yourself while I’m not around or I’ll make it worse to you next time!” I snapped at him. Even Onew had taken aback with my sudden outburst.

“Arasso, mianhae..” He smiled at me apologetically. I couldn’t help but pulled him to my embraced.

“At least you’re okay now.” I said as we pulled off.

Then the door opened.


Taemin squealed happily as he jumped on me.

“I missed you, hyung! You barely called me when you were away!” He pouted

“I’m sorry and miss you too baby maknae”

I ruffled his light-brown hair and he pouted at my last words. Ah.. he never like the way his hyungs called him baby while he really is. Just like a certain someone..

Shoot! Not NOW Jonghyun!

Then my attention turned to Key who just smiling at our little scene until he noticed that I was looking at him.

“Finally you’re back, Jjong”

“I’m home, umma!” I grinned.

“Yah! Don’t call me that! It’s creepy!”

He smacked my arm.

“Why? You always like it when Taemin called you ‘umma’, aren’t you?”

“Of course! It sounds cute when Taemin called me like that but when you’re the one who called me that, it’s just.. eww!”



“Minho-hyung, you’re awake?”

Taemin's voice made our attention turned to him again. He scooted nearer to Minho’s side.

Minho nodded and smiled, “Since a while..”

I swear I never saw Minho’s face beamed with happiness like that! Hecertainly glad that we all can finally get together again.. r-right?


We spent some times in Minho’s ward, chit-chatting about everything and nothing. It was like.. had a bonding time in a hospital’s room. We really had so much fun until a nurse came to gave Minho some medicines and told us that the patient need his sleep. We can stayed in his room though, she can’t hush us out even if she want to.

Anywho.. that nurse just remind me to a ‘nurse’ I saw earlier. Oh, yes.. my brain just couldn’t get rid of her.. or.. my heart? Cut the crap Jonghyun! You just thinking too much about her these days so you imagining thing!

Just think about it.. it had only been three years from that time so that simply CAN’T be true.. rite?

She’ s a genius since god knows when, though..

Shut up! Besides.. if that was her.. my dad would tell me..

You know your dad.. he even didn’t tell you about Minho..

I told you to SHUT the hell up! Even if my dad wouldn’t tell me, my mom DEFINITELY would tell me since she’s...


“Where’s Kyrra by the way? Why’d that strict nurse came here? Isn’t Kyrra the only nurse in charge of Minho?”

I stunned at the mentioned of ‘Kyrra’. So.. I didn’t imagining thing, did I?

“K-Kyrra..?” that name slipped out from my tongue as I looked up to the person who mentioned it earlier, Key.

“Yes, Kyrra. She’s a nurse in charge of Minho.” Key faced me, ”More like a babysitter though, your dad said it himself that we can call her whenever we need help.”

“Not we actually, it’s Minho who need her” My head turned to Onew immediately and he chuckled at my weird action.

“She’s the one who greeted us in front of this room back then. Why? Is she someone you know?” Onew examined my face, knowing that I have this uneasy feeling inside me. My leader, how shall I answer him?

“..not really sure..” that’s all I  could say even if my heart told me the otherwise.

“She’s a great nurse after all,” now everyone eyes turned to Minho cause we all thought that he already fell asleep due to the medicines. But I feel this warm atmosphere that made everyone excited at the mentioned of her name. It made me sure, she’s that Kyrra I know.

“I mean.. she’s young and cute and all—to be a nurse, but she really is a professional nurse. She never treated me as an idol or even mentions a single thing about us, about SHINee or another idols.”

“From what I see, she just have no interest in us or maybe in idols at all. Perhaps that’s why Jonghyun’s dad made her your nurse,” Key said.

“Maybe,” Minho shrugged, “By the way, Key, about your question earlier, she informed me the last time she checked me that she couldn’t make it for tonight due to personal reason, and the one whom you called strict nurse is her replacement.”

“But it’s just for tonight, neh, hyung? I like her being the one who take care of you, she’s nice.” That was Taemin that has been quiet till just now.

“Of course it is, Tae. Like Minho said, she just couldn’t make it for tonight.” Key must be rolled his eyes as he said that matter-of-fact. I couldn’t see him tough, my eyes were blurred..

“Okay, let’s end our talk here for tonight. Minho need his sleep and also us since we have schedules waiting for us tomorrow” Onew clapped his hands, I think.

“Sure, hyung. But you know you guys can just return home, you’ll have a better rest in the dorm. You guys already lacked a rest because of me. Now I’m fine and I don’t want to become a burden to you anym..”

“No, hyung! I’ll be just fine here, I want to be by your side. I-I mean.. since Kyrra not around I j-just think..”

And I heard someone chuckled and spoke, “It’s okay Taemin-ah, we’ll staying here tonight. And you, Minho, don’t say that you’re a burden ever again cause you aren’t. We’re brothers, aren’t we? Just sleep for now.” That was Onew’s voices again.

“Yeah, we already decided it though.. but I don’t think so for him,” and I felt a hand on my arm as someone called after my name, “Jonghyun?”

I searched for my eyes in my mind and tried to focus them to whoever hand in my arm is belonged.

“A-ah..Key, sorry, wh-what’s it?” What are you stuttering for, Jonghyun?!

“Look. You seem so lost over something god knows what, are you alright, Jjong?”

“N-neh.. I’m fine.. just thinking of something, but I’m fine, Key”

“No, you don’t, Jonghyun” I turned my gaze to Onew, seeing he smiled to me.

“That’s written all over your face, you know? It’s alright though if you don’t feel like tell whatever-the-matter-is to us yet as long as you know we’re here for each others. But I’m agree with Key..”

“’course you are,” Key muttered.

“It’s not convenient for you to have a rest here. Just go home and rest, Jonghyun, you can come back here tomorrow since you have a break for three days, rite?”

“But..” I don’t want to be all alone in dorm while all my dorm mates were here. Besides, it’ll be harder to me to stop thinking about.. Wait a sec! Why should I stop thinking about that? Not just thinking.. I might as well find the truth if I go home tonight. I meant to My  parents home, not to our dorm.

“No buts, hyung, you look so pale and bothered. Just go home and rest, we’ll see each other tomorrow.” Minho convinced me and after a while I nodded my head to them reluctantly.

“I think that will do. Thanks guys, see you tomorrow.”

Minho smiled to me, Key squeezed my arm, and Taemin hugged me tight for a second as he said, “Take care on your way, hyung.”

Onew handed me a key.

“There. It’s already past 9pm, so I would prefer you drive by yourself than take a cab out there.”

“But, hyung.. I’m not going to dorm. I mean.. I think I would just going home—my parents home—tonight. It would be inconvenient if I take company’s car..”

I couldn’t finish my words cause of Taemin’s sudden outburst.

“Home?? Why’d you want to go home so suddenly, hyung? Besides it’s already late of night. Is something bothering you related to your parents? Are they okay?”

“Relax, Tae, I’m sure they’re okay,”

More than okay actually, if she really came back, they would definitely more than just okay.

“I just really missed my mum, I think that’s why I was spaced out all this while. I want to meet her right away.”

“Since when do you become a mama boy, Jjong?” Key mocked me, but before I could say anything, Onew tapped my back lightly.

“If you’re going home, than you MUST take this,” Onew shoved that key into my hand, “Your home way farther than our dorm from here. And no buts, it’s leader’s command.” Then  he grinned.

I think he was in the mode on great leader over the clumsy one tonight. It would be nice--but not fun--if he stayed in this mode everyday.

“Fine, I take this. Good night guys.”

“Nite, hyung.”

“Nite, Jjong.”

“See you tomorrow, hyung.”

“Send our greet to your parents.”

Then I took my leave.


SHINee World


As soon as I got to the parking lot, I reached my cell phone out of my jeans pocket and dial my dad’s number. Don’t even care that I might be rude for calling him this late. My father never going to bed before midnight tough..

Then my dad’s voice broke my little tought.

“Yoebeoseyo? Son? Everything’s okay? You rarely call me, especially at this kind of time.”

Indeed  he IS my father, never bothered himself to cut around the grass.

I started the engine while talking on my phone  (do NOT imitate this bad behavior of mine).

“I think you know better than me about why’d I call you this late, Appa. I just visited Minho in hospital by the way.”

“Oh.. So it’s all about that? You already in Korea then? And about Minho’s accident, I preferred Onew telling you about that, since that’s related to your works and stuffs I don’t think I have right.”

“Yeah, I just got back this evening,” I sighed. Really, till when does he plan to kept things from me?!

“But, Appa.. I’m afraid it’s all about that. I meet her in front of Minho’s ward just now.” I can’t wait to hear what kind of explanation he would give me but then rolled my eyes as he spoke,

“Her? Just now? You mean Kyrra? I thought she already off on seven tonight. She asked my permission to get off work around that time and get a replacement in charge of Minho tonight. Did she cancel it?”

Oh, yeah.. I forgot how cool my father is.

But I wouldn’t be his son if I couldn’t play along with that cool father of mine, rite?

“Since when did she start working in your hospital, Appa? Or should I ask.. when did she got back to Korea?” I tried to sounded as cool as my dad.

“Hmm.. She got back to Korea about three months ago and started working in our hospital straight away cause I asked her to. That’s all you wanted to know?”

Excuse me, did I hear that right? Three months ago??

Oh my.. DAD! First Minho and now HER?! Eh, no.. she was the first if that’s the case. But seriously, why the hell did he doing this to his only son?!

And hell no! ‘course  that wasn’t all I wanted to know.

"Three months ago? So that's around the last time I went home. I wonder why Umma didn't call me even once after that time though.."

"You know your umma never be an expert at keeping something especially from her family, rite? She was afraid she couldn't keep when she talk to you so she decided to not calling for a while."

"I know Appa more expert than Umma if it comes to that kind of things," I spoke cassually, tried to ignored chuckles from the other end. "And why did my own parents want to keeping things from their only son?"

"My daughter told me to, how can I ignore a request from such a cute little creature like her?"

I felt like something broke inside me. Did she really ask for that?

"D-does she not want to see me ever again?"

I couldn't hide the shaking in my voice.

"No, son, don't take it wrong. Why would she doesn't want to see you? She just doesn't want to disturb you since you're in the middle of promoting  SHINee's new album and also your ballad group's ." My dad's voice sounded deeper, indicating that he's more serious right now.

"So she decided to meet you once you're done with all that promoting thing, but things didn't goes well--you know, Minho had been in an accident and I decided to make her in charge of him and she was agreed. Then you met her tonight. I guess she just greeted you as one of visitors, didn't she?" He chuckled and continued, "That's the way she treated me in hospital, just like to other doctors."

Hearing all that explanations from my dad, finally I sighed in content. My dad never spoke wordy if it's unnecessary. At least she DID plan to meet me, so it means she doesn't avoid me, rite?

And it could also explains why she acted that way earlier.

"If that so," I spoke on the line again.

"Anyway, Appa, I'm on the way home right now, does she not coming home yet? I really want to see her.."

"On the way home? Now? But it's almost ten at night, Jonghyun, and weren't you just arrived in Seoul? You need some rest instead of going home right away, son."

"Nothing to worry, Appa, I'll arrive thirty more minutes. I just can't help it, it had been three months since the last time I went home, I miss Appa and Umma. Besides.. I really missed her and can't wait to see her chubby cheeks again." I admitted.

"Ah.. Son, I forgot to tell you that she no more live with us. She now lives in an apartment just a few block away from hospital."

"W-wait.. what??" I know I sounded rude right now, sorry, Appa, I couldn't help that.

"Yeah.. And I know the only reason why you're going home this late is her and not your parents," He chuckled," But if you already half way here, why don't you spent a night here and you can visit her tomorrow?" My dad suggested me.

I thought about it for a second and then glanced at my watch, 10.05pm. Not a best time to visit a girl in her apartment.

"Okay, Appa, I'll be home soon."

"Take care on your way then." Then he hung up. Just like my dad.


SHINee World


I arrived at home around half past ten and my dad welcomed me warmly, told me that my mom already asleep before I called him and he don't have a heart to wake her up.

"It's okay, Appa. It'll be more fun to surprise her in the morning than waking her up right now and get ourself a grumpy Umma," I grinned at him and he rustled my hair.

"Then just go to your room and rest for now. Look at those dark circles under your eyes, you really need some sleep, son."

"Alright, Appa, good night then."

I was about to turned around when my dad called me again.

"Oh, son, I almost forgot. Here," He hand me a piece of paper with a series of numbers written on it.

"That's her number, just in case you can't stand a night without seeing your fairy right away."

I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, Appa, since when did you get this playful character?"

"Who knows? Maybe since my son become a sister complex with his very first love?" He shrugged.

My heart skip a beat upon hearing that, but I managed to maintain my calm voice.

"So you did knows"

"Of course I'm, I always watching over my family." He smiled meaningfully to me before patted my head.

"Good night, son."

And he walked away.

I watched his treating back for a second and realized,

My dad reminds me of Kyuhyun-hyung in some ways.

I shrugged it off and went upstairs.



I was headed to my room when I passed this particular room. My feet stopped in its track and returned to faced the door. I stood there in hesitate for a while before turned the door knob on and opened the door.

I walked in to the room and looked around. Still clean as ever, even though its owner never used it for over three years.

I sighed.

I looked over a piece of paper in my hand, then to my watch, then I picked my phone. I know it's not an appropriate time call someone, but.. the next thing I know my thumbs already dial her number and..


That voice..

"Yeobeoseyo? Oppa.. is it you? Jonghyun oppa?"

I stunned.

The way she called me..

Indeed, it's HER.


SHINee World



Long chapter after loooong break..

I really am SORRY for whoever that waiting for this chapter,,

and THANKYOU for one of my fav author who subscribe my story..thanks for comments unnie, and how'd you think this chapter?^^


anywho..leave comments pliiiiizz, dear readers.. that would means a lot to me.. :)

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OH MY GOSH<br />
oh my goodness<br />
<br />
holy cow <br />
ohhh who is this girl??<br />
ohh the appa reminds you of Kyuhyun? that's a hot one there <br />
Who's Kyrra?<br />
I have two theories: His daughter<br />
or the girl Jonghyun loves...<br />
sniffles* am i the author you're talking about because I want to thank you for always supporting my stories ♥ if you like Eunhae, I have another one called Behind the Scenes<br />
<br />
but oh i see... so the girl isn't really related to the accident.<br />
Oh I cant wait to see how the plot goes<br />
Your English is great!!<br />
I love the story. I'll be back to read the next chapter :3<br />
I feel like Minho's accident and the girl don't connect. But I'll wait to see how you connect it:D <br />
<br />
the day!!!!!!!!<br />
i'm bussy like crazzy this week..but i think i can update soon after all of these event thingy plus my exam..hope you guys can bear with me, my dear readers..
heaDeVil_23 #5
Uh....update soon!<br />
This story is interesting!