Chapter Eighteen

Awake My Soul
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August 15, 2011

A pair of eyelashes flutters open just a few hours before a new dawn breaks. Sehun breathes in the early morning breeze that crept into his room, simultaneously burying his face into Hyunsu’s soft-curled hair. I could get used to this, he thinks, clasping the woman tightly in his arms. “I love you.” He whispers, kissing her afterward.

Hyunsu stirs, eventually popping an eye open at Sehun who in turn smiled fondly. She groans for a bit while she stretches, shutting her puffy eyes again. “If this keeps up, my boss is going to kill me.” She jokingly says, rolling. “He’ll sack me!” Lying on top of him, she plants soft butterfly kisses against his carved chest.

“Oh, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Sehun replies, tucking her hair back so as to get a better look at the woman.

“No!” She flails, falling to the other side. “I’m hideous.” Eyes now half shut, poorly covering her face with her hair.

“Does bacon and egg sound good to you then, monster?” The man props himself up with an elbow, his face right on his palm, his mouth slightly squished. Softly, he traced the back his index against Hyunsu’s nose, lightly pressing it subsequently and making a honk! sound.

“Yes,” She says teasingly, grabbing a chunk of blankets and pulling it to her face.

“I’ll wake you up when breakfast is ready.”


With nothing but loose, navy sweatpants hanging onto his firm hips, Sehun fluidly worked his way through the kitchen, grabbing a pack of bacon from the fridge and three eggs from the pantry. Much has happened since the night of Yixing’s engagement gala but Sehun was willing to keep it as it is. Determined, he has no plan on losing the only woman he ever loved again. But as he knows this to be true, there is one other thing that holds him back. Luhan. How was he now? What could he be doing? What will happen to them now? Does he know she’s with him? What would he say? Will he expose their affair? Or has he forgiven him? Just as he cracks the eggs into the searing, hot pan, the doorbell rings.


“I got worried,” the doe-eyed man begins, avoiding the other man’s wounded gaze who sat across him, his torso now clothed with a grey sweater. To his right, he sees his sister’s evening gown and Sehun’s suit, under shirt and bowtie hanging over the end of the couch he sat on. “I figured, since you were the last person she was with, you knew something.” Luhan looks to the bedroom, the door half open. From where he sat, he could see a quarter of his sister’s bare arse, the rest of her covered in the same sheets he too was covered in just a few days ago. Pain shoots up his chest at the thought. He gave Sehun those shee

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082414 - I've just found out that AMS has been recommended in EXO: The Recommended! Thank you, @jabbawockeez!


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Chapter 22: Too bad Jongin died (╥_╥)
Guardiannoona7 #2
Chapter 23: Aaahhhhhhhhhh so happpyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Thankyou
Guardiannoona7 #3
Chapter 22: Aaahhhhh so beautifuuuullllll good storyyyy long waiting story for meeeee... I've been through and digging a lot of stories to find this kind of storyyyyyyyy!!!!! Thankyou for writing it! Lots love!
Guardiannoona7 #4
Chapter 19: Oh noooo my heart break and shattered into pieces.... TT. TT
Guardiannoona7 #5
Chapter 18: What about luhan??
Guardiannoona7 #6
Chapter 16: Oh nooooooo... What to do..... Why you might me choose between luhan and hyunsu? This is soo... I.... Huaaaaa
Guardiannoona7 #7
Chapter 15: Hoaaaaaaaaaaaa so it was luhaaaannn????? Omg omg omg i am shoooooocccckkkkk wtf is going on????????
Guardiannoona7 #8
Chapter 14: How sweet of sehun's mom... We barely have sweetheart rich women hehehe
Guardiannoona7 #9
Chapter 13: Omg, i thought sehun was always has a feelings towards jongin hahaaha and what this flirt things with hyunsu? Hahaha i feels stupid XD omg good job author! Claps claps standing applause XD
Chapter 23: This is so heartbreakingly beautiful.
Their vows especially bring tears to my eyes ㅠㅠ