Conflict and dilemma



Here is the fifth chapter~ (finally)

While translating it, I listened to BEAST's Fiction (orchestra ver) for the first part and the instrumental of VIXX LR's Beautiful Liar for the second part. ^^



With a cry, Taemin threw himself on the road to save his hyung. He hoped he would have enough time to and that both of them would came out safe and sound of this situation. Of course, bruises were unavoidable. As for Hyukhae, he had his eyes closed waiting for the pain from the impact that never came because he felt himself being roughly pushed of the way before landing on a surface that wasn’t as hard as the bitumen.


The youngest winced in pain when his back hit the kerb. He managed to save him, under the wire, but he did it. He managed to avoid the unavoidable. « Are you okay hyung? » Taemin asked undeniably worried and let out a breath he had not known he had been holding when he felt Hyukjae nodding against his chest.


The latter had a firm grip on Taemin’s tee-shirt. His heart was racing and his body was shaking. He was afraid. Not because he nearly met death but for Kyuhyun. What would happen to him if he got hit by the car and unfortunately passed away? How would he react? Of course, he wouldn’t be left alone but Kyuhyun signified so much to him just like how he signified to the latter.


Hyukjae couldn’t help himself but think the worst. He got used to live by imagining that every ounce of happiness Kyuhyun and he would feel would be over at any moment. Another worry got added to the several ones he already had. What to do if Kyuhyun learn what almost happened to him? No. He absolutely had to hide it from him, no matter what. He was too young. Knowing that their ‘father’ was after them was enough for the younger to worry about, there was no need to add useless things. A fifteen years old teenager should enjoy his last years as a child instead of fearing for his life and the life of his beloved ones.


Embracing the older with one arm around his shoulders, Taemin used his other arm to help himself sitting up straight and looked fondly at his trembling hyung. « It’s alright now hyun. You’re safe, it’s alright. » He repeated softly, the other’s back in slow motion to calm him down


« Seems like I almost hit the wrong person. Too bad… » A new voice, deep but dead, stratled Taemin but for Hyukjae, his reaction was much stronger. His whole body froze and his shavings worsened, and the other knew that something was wrong. 


This voice… It might have changed through the years but he could still recognize it. It was impossible for him to forget the voice of the man who turned his and Kyuhyun’s life into a living hell, one the most awful beings on Earth: their so called father.


Memories he would have loved to forget re-emerged. Sad memories are painful but joyful ones are much more when the reason behind your sorrow contributed to your happiness. Time hadn’t heal all the wounds in Hyukjae’s heart. He did tried to forget the past pain by erasing everything that reminds him of this man in his memories in vain. Despite what the latter had done to them, Hyukjae couldn’t resigne himself to fully hate him because he was a loving father during the first years of their life and he detested the fact that he felt this way. But something bothered him. What if it was just an act? He hoped it wasn’t. He felt guilty enough that a small part of him still liked this man so if he stupidly fell for an act, he would feel like dying. Fortunately for him, this ounce of love and respect was slowly drowning in a ocean of hatred and contempt.


« This trash isn’t with you? How unfortunate. I who thought I could do him a favor by ending his miserable life. » The middle-aged man smirked, stepping closer to the two teenagers.


Taemin tightened his protective embrace on his hyung, glaring at the newcomer and keeping an eye on his every move. It might be the first time that he met the latter but he was sure of one thing: he didn’t appreciate him at all.


His aura emanated something intimidating and scary, and for Taemin it meant nothing good. He wondered why someone as kind as Hyukjae could have such a person as a acquintance. 'Were they related by any way? But… ‘trash’?!  Who was he talking about this way?'


« Kyuhyun isn’t a trash unlike you old man! »  Hyukjae yelled. Nobody insults his brother! Nobody! ‘So it was him…’ Taemin thought while the elder added, scornful. « He, at least, is loved. You, on the opposite, are pititful, pathetic and insignificant, hated by everyone. You hide who you truly are behind a mask of subterfuges. You disgust me! » 


Before Taemin could even react, Hyukjae was being pulled by the arm out of his arms.


Both fought back, one to be freed from the middle-aged man’s grip while the other to keep on protecting his hyung but got kicked in his thorax, knocking the wind out of him. « Don’t interfere you son of a ! » The man yelled.


Using the few notions of fight he learnt during his free time, Hyukjae succeded in escaping from his father’s grip and went to Taemin who was having a hard time breathing. When he opened he mouth to talk to the latter, a hand Grabbed him by the collar and pinned him on the nearest wall. « Don’t you dare to talk to me this ever again, brat. You’re not any better than this trash you consider as your brother so it would be better for you to keep your damn mouth shut if you don’t want to get in trouble! » His fater threatened him but he only earned a smirk.


« Just seeing you standing right in front of me is a torture. You look way more hideous and decrepit than when we last saw each other. » Hyukjae spat. He knew by being bold he put himself in danger be he didn’t care at the moment.


« Turd! » His father growled, his hand going up to his neck and strangling him. His son suffocated. He instinctively caught the other’s wrists to stop him. « Can’t… b-breathe… » Hyukjae tried to say with a sore voice, his eyes tramping aroungd looking for help but there was no one in the street because of the rain, and Taemin was still laying on the floor, dazed off. The hands tightened around his throat and all he saw was white lights.


« Poor puppy~ Look at you! You may have a sharp tongue, you’re powerless when it comes to physical violence but I love the fact that you take the blows well. It will be really useful~ » The man approached his face to Hyukjae’s while slipping a small paper in his pants’ Pocket and whispered coldly in his ear. « Would you allow me to have some fun with you? Hm, I’m not really asking for your perimission anyway because, if you like it or not, it’s the same, you will do as I say. »


The eldest teenager hissed in pain when he got punched in his ribs. He kept in mouth firmly closed to smother his cries so his father wouldn’t have the pleasure to hear him suffer. His vision was getting blurred and his lungs were begging painfully for air. He tried to remain conscious by fighting the darkness that was welcoming him and kicked the middle-aged man in the tibia with the force of desesperation, making him step back.


Hyukjae fell on his knees, his hands rubbing his bruised neck and spat the blood he kept until then in his mouth while the other cursed under his breath and came back to him. « You bastard! How dare you? » His father yelled, his face deformed by anger.


His hand was lifted, ready to land on Hyukjae’s face but Taemin, who came back to his senses during the mere time, jumped on him -literally- making them both fall down.


« Hyung, run! » Taemin ordered, struggling to keep the man pinned on the road. « But- » « Don’t argue and just run damn it! » But Hyukjae didn’t listen. Why would he? He was the hyung, he could do as he wished. So he instead seized his father by the shoulders and threw him on the side. Why were they all doubting him? Indeed, he was far from being strong but he still managed to give some punches or kicks if needed.


« What are you- » Taemin asked in disbelief. « Now it’s for you to shut up and just run! » Hyukjae pulled the younger up by the hand and started to run as if his life depended on it - which was kind of true- without letting go his hand.


Left behind, Hyukjae’s father rase on his feet laboriously, staring at the two teenagers’ back. « Hyukjae! » He called and even thought the latter didn’t react, he knew he had heard him. « If you don’t coe to me, it’s me who will come to you. I can make all of your beloved ones suffer and even worse if I desire. Do consider! You only have one chance you know. I let you one week, not more. » He then get into his car he had parked not far away, an evil smirk on his face.


Hyukjae closed his eyes firmly, the rain falling on Taemin’s and his face. Their wet clothes were unpleasantly clinging on their skin.


His father’s words looped in his head. ‘He wouldn’t dare, right?’ Of course he would. He was capable of anything.


Moreover, Hyukjae had  not failed to notice how expensive the latter’s suit seemed, without forgetting the car he caught sight of which was a Marussia B2. So, it would mean that he managed to make a fortune again. But how? It distrubed him who found there was something fishy.


If he had money, he had power. And if he had power… They weren’t safe anymore. They had to move out as soon as possible. 


From the corner of his eye, Hyukjae watched Taemin who looked angry, lost and confused. He must had a lot of questions about this man who attacked him, on him and their relationship. He thought about a subject to loosen up the mood but nothing really came. « Hm… You can dry and clean yourself at my house… Only if you want, of course! » He facepalmed. He, indeed, meant it but he also wanted to add something else but ha was sure that saying: « Oh! And you see, this weird and crazy guy from earlier, well, it’s funny but it’s my real father and he want to kill my little brother because he think that he will drive him to his ruin and he want me for god knows why! », was a bad idea.




While , in the Kim mansion, it was the anarchy. Kyuhyun was constantly calling his brother on his phone but the latter never answered. Heechul was pacing up and down the living room nibbling his nails, Jongwoon was watching the neighborhood from the terrace and Ryeowook was on the sofa, next to the phone, debating if yes or no he could report Hyukjae’s disappearance to the police. It was getting dark outside. Hyukjae never stayed outside the house without one of them that long and he didn’t answer his phone which wasn’t in his habits. It worried them to death so they began to think the worst.


All of a sudden, Kyuhyun banged his phone on the buffet, startling the rest of the family. « It’s enough! I can’t stand it anymore! I’m leaving. » He put on his vest.


Ryeowook stood up and went to him. « It’s raining cats and dogs, you might get a cold. I will get scolded by Hyukjae if something happen to you. You don’t want to make your brother upset, right? Wait for him here a little longer please. » He tried to take his vest off but the latter prevented him to.


« I prefer being sick than staying here. I don’t want to wait. I can’t wait! Can’t you understand? I will go crazy if I have to face his voice mailbox one more time! » Kyuhyu lost his temper, giving a death glare to the poor Ryeowook who did or said nothing wrong.

Fortunately, Jongwoon corrected him right away. «  Watch your tone young man! We understand that you are worried sick for Hyukjae but we also are so, please, get a grip on yourself! »


Kyuhyun kept his head down, ashamed. He was angry with himself. His emotions had dominated before he could even realize. « I’m sorry eomma… » He apologized in a weak voice to Ryeowook who knew he was being sincere since he was looking at him directly in the eyes. « It’s okay. » The latter reassured his adoptive son with a warm smile.


Suddenly, Jongwoon announced. « He is here and… there is someone else with him. »


Hearing that, Kyuhyun and Heechul went to the front door and opened it widely, revealing an exhausted Hyukjae and a teenager they never met before in the same state. Despite that, they didn’t think twice before th rowing the selves on their poor brother imprisonning him in their arms.


« Your clothes! » Hyukjae tried to say but his voice was muffled by Kyuhyun’s broad chest.


Jongwoo chuckled. « You were worried sick when he was missing and now that he is finally here you want to choke him to death?! Sometimes I really don’t understand you… » The two boys released reluquantly their human plush and got shoved by their mother who remplaced them in his lovely son’s arms, two towels on his shoulders.


Kyuhyun had his blood boiling with jealousy as Ryeowook was swipping the face and the upper part of the torso of the latter with the towel. This being belonged to him. How could he dare to touch it? Only he could.


His own thoughts surprised him. He knew he was possessive tolards Hyukjae but not that much. Heechul nudged him from the side, signaling his jealousy was way to obvious.


Yes, the elder was aware of the weird feelings he had for his brother. Once it tourmented him more than ever that he felt the urge to talk about it with his eldest hyung even if he was relucant at first but, honestly speaking, the latter proved to be an excellent adviser. However, his conclusion was so surprizing that he refused to believe it but now he seemed ready to admit that he indeed loved Hyukjae not just as a brother.


A mark on the latter’s neck caught his eyes. He frowned and growled in anger when he realized how he got this. So their paths crossed… And this man dared to put his dirty hands on his beloved brother. This man was so going to regret what he did.


Hadn’t Ryeowook seen these marks when he dryed this part of Hyukjae’s body? The joy from the latter’s return had been washed off by sorrow and regret for not being a good parent that couldn’t protect his progeniture decently. He shook away the tears that threatened to fall and tried to regain his composure before speaking. « My poor kids! Go take a warm shower or even a hot bath while I take care of your clothes. And… huh. I’m sorry but what’s you name? » He asked the teenager who accompanied his son. 


« Oh! I’m sorry if I seemed rude to you by entering your house without you knowing. My parents gave me the name of Lee Taemin, nice to meet you. » The latter introduced himself, bowing to Ryeowook and then Jongwoon who nodded, acknowledging his presence.


« Right. Taemin-ah, would you like to eat diner with us? » Ryeowook proposed but the younger only offered him an apologetic smile. « It’s so nice of you but I regret I can’t. I already have something planned. » « Oh… it’s okay, I understand.  Maybe next time. » « With pleasure! » Taemin smiled and entered the bathroom that Heechul pointed at while Hyukjae went to the one upstair he shared with Kyuhyun who followed him but stayed outside.


The younger needed to know what had happened. Every details. And if Hyukjae wasn’t willing to tell him, he still had this other kid to bother with his questions.


In the bathroom, Hyukjae took his time to get undressed, his shoulders hurting, and stayed in underwear. His father went the hard way when he pinned him on the wall. He then rested his hands on the lavabo and looked at his now bruised neck th through the mirror. He will have to put make up on to hide the marks of fingers but what he didn’t know was that their existence wasn’t a secret for two persons already.


Sighing deeply, he ran his hand th rough his hair. The day had been so tiring both mentally and physically that he just wanted to sleep it off but he knew he couldn’t. What should they do? Run away? Do nothing and see what will be the outcome? Or, do as told and walk into the lion’s den? One week. This is all they had or else… ‘Kyuhyun…’ His brother’s face came to his mind. The latter might die. Same for his beloved adoptive family. And if accepting to come to his ‘father’ meant his death then better him than them. But still, he won’t agree that easily. He will first try to find a way for all of them to be safe.


Something caught his eyes as he bent down to pick up his clothes from the floor to put them in the basket. A paper was sticking out from his pants’ pocket. He took it with trembling hands, knowing already from who it was.


Don’t take my threat too lightly son.
Remember what I have done to you in the past.
All the pain you had to endure.
It’s nothing compared to what I can do to the ones you cherish.
Love is a pain. It’s a weakness that will kill you slowly.

One week!
It’s up to you…


At the back of the letter was clipped a picture of him when he was still a little boy with his arms and legs tainted in cromson red with his own blood that escaped the deep cuts he got from his father, his face tumefied and contusions all over his body, as well as a phone number.


A shiver ran down his spine as the bad memories resurfaced. All he waned was to forget. Why did the past have to chase after him? Why was it impossible for them to live peacefully? Why is it so hard? Why?


All the horrible sensations of being burnt, cut, whippet came back. His flesh remembered each second of his abuse. All the tears and blood poured, the cries of pain strangled by his unstoppable sobs, his vain complaints. ‘No! Leave!’


Hyukjae fell on his knees, panting, still holding the lavabo firmly to stop himself from collapsing. His whole body was trembling. A torrent of tears ran down his cheeks. The traumatism was much worser than what he thought.


A Knock on the door made him jump on his feet. « Hyung? Is everything alright? » Kyuhyun was worried, it’s been ten minutes since his brother was inside and he still hadn’t heard the water running down.


The latter glanced at the door that separated them before swipping his tears away. He couldn’t venture to break down. He had to be strong for his family, not weak, especially for Kyuhyun. It was his duty as the eldest to take care and be there for him. His weaknesses? He had to shove them away. His fears? His doubts? He had to ignore them but it was hard.


« Yeah, don’t worry. » Hyukjae said in a weak voice that wanted to be reassuring to Kyuhyun but also himself.


‘Stop lying to yourself…’


How wrong he was. Nothing made sense.  ‘It’s what you think.’


It hurted so much. ‘And it’s only the beginning.’


Everything was so hard that he felt like dying Inside. Forget, he just needed to forget. ‘You wish you could.’


Desesperate and confused, he began to scratch his own neck, drawing blood. It was impossible for him to get rid of the newly refund past pain. ‘Look at yourself. You’re such a midget. If you can’t even handle this, then I pity them for having such an uselss family member.’


‘Useless!’ ‘Stop…’ ‘Stupid!’ ‘No, please…’ ‘Worth nothing!’ ‘Have Mercy!’ ‘How stupid you are son to actually believe I won’t harm them whatever you decide.’ ‘Please don’t.’ ‘How weak. The blood in your veins, my blood, is what will destroy you. Even if you deny it, you are a part of me, no matter what. It’s just a matter of time before you fully realize what it means. « STOP! Please make him shut up! »  He begged desperatly. « That’s enough! » He clasped both of his hands on his face and shook it violently.


« Hyung? » Kyuhyun called. No answer. «Open the door! » He pulled on the door handle frantically.


Maybe should he just give up. And prove to his ‘father’ that he was indeed worth nothing and just a coward? Never! ‘But it’s what you are. You keep running away instead of confronting me.’ Hyukjae clenched his teeths. It had to stop soon or else… ‘Show me that you are my son. Let me be proud of you.’ « I’m not your son anymore and I will never be like you! » He growled.


« Hyukjae! » Kyuhyun called again, lourder.


But that is when the latter met his reflection on the mirror that he lost it. His anger took over his pain. « No! » His fist collided with glass, breaking it into a dozen of pièces. For a brief moment, it was his father’s face he saw instead of his and it revolted him.


He will never become like the latter. Never! He rejected his past, his origins, but everything seemed to remind him of who he truly was.


All of a sudden, the door was being opened widely, revealing his scared and panicked little brother. « Hyung- » He launched himself in his arms, his eyes red and puufy. There were no more tears to shed. As he hugged the elder’s back, Kyuhyun looked down sadly at his small figure and whispering sweet nothins in his ear to calm him down was the first thing that came to his mind.


« Hyung, why do you always keep everything to yourself? You don’t have to be alone in this… You can’t imagine how hurt I am… Don’t you trust me? You don’t have to always be the one who protect. You also need to be protected. » With the tips of his fingers he lightly tHyukjae’s damaged skin who froze at the touch. The latter shoved him away roughly before curling up on himself in a corner, his face in his hands.


The younger kneeled down in front of his brother whom he took the hands away to see his puffy but yet gorgeous face he loved to admire.

« I hate you… » Hyukjae muttere bitterly. These words broke Kyuhyun’s heart but he knew it wasn’t true so he still offered his hyung a reassuring smile even if the said hyung was avoiding his eyes.


« Look at me Hyukkie… » Kyuhyun said softly but the eldest only shook his head. « Please… » He begged. After some resistances, Hyukjae complied but what he saw didn’t please him. A tear was pearling on his cute little brother’s face. « Kyu, I- » But the latter cut him off as he burried his face into the crook of his neck, kissing tenderly the skin, making Hyukjae holding himself firmly on his shoulders and crashing their chest together.


« I want to forget Kyu… » He breathed out. How? He didn’t mind. Forgetting was all he wanted and needed at the moment.


Seeing his brother in such a state horrified Kyuhyun to a point he had a knot in his stomach and that he felt the urge to throw up. Because he wasn’t there when his hyung needed him the most, he got convinced he was the one to blame. Even fiwing the broken pièces of his heart seemed to be an impossible task. How could he ask to be the one who protect then? Maybe if he just let his heart lead him…


« Then, let me help you. » Kyuhyun whispered in a husky voice, his warm breath crashing on Hyukjae’s cold skin. He cupped the latter’s face with his hands, their nose barely touching, and slowly, horrible slowly, Kyuhyun closed the distance between their lips.


The kiss was gentle, not slopped. Hyukjae’s lips weere soft yet sweet and tasted like strawberries. Kyuhyun was sure it was going to be his new addiction. But it would only be perfect if his brother responded to it.


Well, maybe this was a bad idea after all.


He was so desesperate for his brother to kiss him back that he began to force things but he was too engrossed to realize he had pushed the latter against the wall and had started nibbling on his lower lip.


« Kyuhyun, stop! This is wrong! » Hyukjae declared as the younger pulled back to regain his breath but he obviously got ignored as he forced his lips down onto his once again, ing his tongue forcefully into his mouth. The eldest tried to push his brother away but even if the latter was younger, he was more stronger  so he slapped him, wishing Kyuhyun would came back to his senses.


It was definitely a bad idea.


Both of them froze, shocked. Never in his life had he raised his hand on him.


« Ah! I-I… » The deception in Kyuhyun’s eyes made Hyukjae lost his composure so he did the only thing he thought he was good at: running away from his problems,  and expeled his brother out of the room.


Guilty and teary, he curled on himself, staring at the treacherous hand. « I’m so sorry Kyu! Please don’t hate me! » He sniffled, burrying his face in his laps.


On the other side of the door, Kyuhyun leaned his forehead against it. His cheek stinged. The pain of rejection was intense but nothing made his heart sank more, at the moment, than hearing his brother crying because of him.


That evening, the dinner had been awkward and for the first time since Kyuhyun’s birth they didn’t sleep in the same room. One in a bed that seemed foreign even after spending thousands nights in it and the other on the sofa, embracing the cold night and welcoming a dreamless sleep.


The next chapter in more than month. I had to write the sequel of my Taekook os and translate another one. :)

Love you all! <3

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Chapter 5: how come i didn't cross paths with this story
this is well written and the story is truly amazing , hope you'll make an update soon
OnlySjELF #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please:(
257471 #3
Chapter 5: poor hyuk... T_T their father so cruel...bad father...
looking forward
kaihyuk #4
Chapter 5: Omo! i love it! please update soon au-nim ~~~
Chapter 5: That's long... :(
I just know that Hyuk abuse was so cruel...
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 5: Are you going to update next month? Nooo!!! Please update sooner! I'm dying for this story alreadyㅠㅠ
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 4: I swear, I've read this but I dunno what happened but I couldnt drop any comment for quiet a time and now I can! Yeay! I'm so sure that Hyuk will definitly piss Kyu off, you better come home soon Lee Hyukjae. Update real soonnnn!!!
Chapter 4: An update!!!

Who is it that texting Taemin? And who is Taemin?

Oh no Hyuk got hit by the car? Hope it won't be serious. Can't wait to know what happen next!

Thank you for the update ^^
257471 #9
Chapter 4: who's that??? i hope nobody get hurt
looking forward
Chapter 4: i hope that Hyuk's mother.. and Hyuk is alright... :(