All I want is to protect you



Hi! Sorry for this late update! ^^"   I'm sorry for making you wait that long, escpecially you shflyy1004. You can hit me if you want!

Here is my christmas present for you all! :3

Please listen to this while reading.

I don't know if it's fit very well the chapter, but I love the anime and the manga this music belongs to. *-*



                             Kyuhyun opened his eyes slowly, his eyelids fluttered several times until he was able to bear with the soft and warm light of a morning’s wonderful day of autumn wich penetrated through the closed shutters’s interstices.

A bright smile appeared on Kyuhyun’s lips when he felt the arms of his brother wrapped tightly around his small waist. Hyukjae’s hot breath tickled his neck. In his sleep, Hyukjae brought his younger brother closer to him and wheedle like if he was a stuffed puppy. There was no free space between their two chests.

Secretly, Kyuhyun wished that he could grow up and become taller than Hyukjae soon, because he wanted to be the  one and only one holding his brother like he did for him the all night. It was to show to the elder all the love he had for him with only one gesture.

Even if he was only aged of  five, he already knew that the feelings he had for his brother were more than friendship or fraternity. His jealousy won over him when he see Hyukjae smiling at other persons than him. Lately, he wasn’t the only one to see Hyukjae’s famous gummy smile. This adorable, pretty, beautiful, incredible smile of his elder! The Kim family and more particularly Heechul, or diva like Hyukjae loved to call him, was able to see it.

He couldn’t put a name on this strange feeling which keep growing each day inside of his body but he knew it was someting really important. He reflected to ask to Ryeowook or even Yesung about it, but not Heechul! Of course not! There were big chances for Heechul to tell to Hyukjae everything! But he was sure of one thing. This feeling was love but, what kind of love?

A small moan come out from Hyukjae’s lips after Kyuhyun gave a soft and tender kiss on his check. « It’s time to wake up hyung~ » Kyuhyu whispered placing a lock of hair which obstructed Hyukjae’s vision behind his ear. He didn’t get an answer. Instead Hyukjae grapped the bed’s sheets and covered his all body with. « Not now Kyu… Let me sleep a little more please… I’m so tired… » Hyukjae’s voice was weak; it surprised Kyuhyun because Hyukjae was often full of energy in the morning and he was always the first of them awake. But Kyuhyun concluded that is was because of the fact the went to sleep late in the night and woke up early in the morning.

« Everything you want hyung! We have nothing to do today anyway… so you’re free to do no matter what please you! » Kyuhyun pulled a bit away the sheets of the bed in order to get in and huddle himself tightly against his brother who immediately took him between his arms even if he already came back to dreamland. Unfortunately for Hyukjae, it wasn’t for too long because Heechul entered in their bedroom without knocking first, and said the breakfast was ready and there even were strawberries.

It made Kyuhyun upset, him who wanted to enjoy more longer the warmth Hyukjae gave to him.

Hyukjae opened his eyes and woke up quickly when he heard the word  ‘strawberries’. His favorite fruit~ The second thing he loved the most on earth, after Kyuhyun of course and as much as the Kim family.

He was about to stand up when a grip on his wrist stopped him. He turned his head to face the younger but was confronted to the view of a pouting Kyuhyun. « What’s the matter Kyu? » Hyukjae asked, his hands cupping Kyuhyun’s face.  « I want my morning kiss like usual! So I won’t let you go before you do what you have to. » Kyuhyun answered still pouting.

At first, Hyukjae was a little surprised and shocked when Kyuhyun grapped him by the shirt and brought him closer to him. But he quickly chuckled at his brother’s attitude.  « So demanding~ » Hyukjae leaned to kiss Kyuhyun’s check but the latter moved his head and their lips touched.

Hyukjae pulled himself away, his hands put on his mouth and cheeks hiding his blushing face. Otherwise, Kyuhyun couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. He felt strange, it was like if one hundred of butterflies were flying in his tummy.

« Why are you so cute hyung? » Kyuhyun suddenly asked, hugging the elder tightly.

« What are you saying all of a sudden? » Hyukjae asked him back as an answer.

 « I mean- » Someone knocked at their room’s door interupting Kyuhyun. « Move you you kids or I will eat the strawberries and hot chocolate whitout letting something for you two! I’m really hungry if you didn’t guessed! So… HURRY UP YOU LITTLE BRATS!!! » Heechul yelled and strongly knocked one last time the door before going back to the kitchen, where his parents were waiting for the three of them to come. The bowl of strawberries he was holding became empty little by little.

Kyuhyun released his grip on his brother. « Coming! » He answered. His morning hot chocolate was really important, not as much as Hyukjae of course, but still a little.

« Why is it suddenly so hot?» Hyukjae asked making Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow in confusion. « What are you saying hyung?! I thinks it’s more cold than hot… »  He said whitout looking at his brother but when he did, he panicked. Hyukjae was panting loudly, his arms were around his tummy, his face deformed in pain.

« Hyung! Hyung! Are you okay? » Kyuhyun screamed tears forming in his eyes when Hyukjae fell on his knees on the floor, his head down and his body shaking. « Aaah… It’s hurt… » Hyukjae lied his body on the floor, curling on himself. « Kyu…hyun… »

« Hyung! Hold on! I will bring Ryeowook-shii and Yesung-shii to you! » Kyuhyun ran out of the bedroom yelling the name of the two adults present in the house.

« What’s the problem Kyuhyun? » Yesung asked. « Where is my cute dongsaeng? I let to him some strawberries… » Heechul added when he couldn’t see little Hyukjae behind or not far away from little Kyuhyun. « It’s about Hyukjae! He is feeling really bad! Please do something to stop his pain! I can’t stand to see him like this… He is the last thing I have from my ‘previous’ life… but he is also my dear brother, the being I treasure the most in the world… If one day I lose him, I can’t imagine how my life will be without him. » Kyuhyun said with tears following all over his cheeks.

Ryeowook stood up abruptly from his chair. « Heechul go watch over Hyukjae until I come, I will take the medecine box which is in the bathroom. » Heechul didn’t even wait for his mother to finish his sentence before rushing in the shared room of Kyuhyun and Hyukjae. As for Yesung, he took his phone and dialed a number Huriel.

A thud was heard. « Hey! Hyukjae, wake up! HYUKJAE WAKE UP, YOU’RE SCARING ME LIKE HELL!! » Heechul’s voice resounded in the all house. Yesung and Kyuhyun looked at each other, their eyes widely opened before running where the two boys were.

When they arrived, Ryeowook was already there with Hyukjae’s inert body into his embrace. « HYUNG! » Kyuhyun screamed desperatly. Heechul stood up and hugged him thigtly. It shocked Kyuhyun but he hugged the elder back and hid his face in his chest.

« Darling. » Ryeowook sopke. « Call Siwon and tell him to come here as soon as possible! Hyukjae had fever and I’m afraid that it’s very high. » He turned towards Kyuhyun who was still between Heechul’s arms. « He must have got a cold yesterday after you left  the house of your chilhood… » Ryeowook said calmly softly Hyukjae’s cheek.

« I already called him don’t worry. He will arrived in some  minutes.

« Hyukkie hyung… » Kyuhyun cried.

Heechul patted his dongsaeng’s back. «Sssssh… He will be  okay. Siwon, our family’s doctor will be here soon. You know Hyukjae will never abondon you. So don’t worry please, okay? » Kyuhyun only nodded ripping away his tears.


« Oh thank you Siwon for coming that fast! I was so scared! » Ryeowook said in Yesung’s arms who kissed his Morehead tenderly. « He’s okay now Wookie… So stop worrying for nothing please, it’s not good for your health and you know it. » Yesung whispered running his hand th rough the smaller’s head.

« Yesung is right Ryeowookie. You better lie down on your bed and take a rest. Hyukjae will recover soon if you give the antipyretic I prescribed for him. You can also give him a painkiller if his stomach still hurts when he will woke up. Don‘t forget to refresh him often. » Siwon smiled looking one last time at the unconcious boy.

« I want to know… Is he the Hyukjae you talked to me about? » Ryeowook nodded. « And the young boy next to him is his brother? » Ryeowook nodded again. « His name is Kyuhyun. » Yesung said looking sadly at the two brothers.

Siwon sighed. « Poor boys… I can’t believe their own dad did that to them… There are so innocent for this world… I hope I can do something to help them. Ryewook, Yesung, if one day you need something don’t hesitate to tell me and I will do everything I can do. » He hugged tightly Ryeowook who started to sob uncontrollably. « Thanks you Siwon. » Yesung said smiling while ripping away the tears of his beautiful wife.

Siwon freed Ryeowook from his embrace and took a step away. « I will take my leave now. I will come back tomorrow to check how Hyukjae is if you don’t mind… » Siwon looked away slightly embarrassed because he really wanted to take very care of the two little boys.

Yesung chuckled a litlle. « It’s okay Siwonnie. You can come here as much as you want. You’re like a member of our family and you already know it. » He smiled.

« Thank you Yesung. So, see you later. Oh also! Hyukjae will woke up soon. » Siwon went in his car and left, waving at his two friends who were Huggins each other tenderly.

Yesung turned to Ryeowook. « Let’s go in sweetheart. We have to take care  of  our little baby Hyukjae now. » Ryeowook smiled softly as an answer.

In the two younger’s bedroom, Hyukjae was still unconcious one the bed.

Kyuhyun went closer to his brother and took one of his hand between his’, interlacing their fingers together. « It’s my fault… » He whispered.

It has been twenty minutes, twenty long minutes since Hyukjae was unconcious and Kyuhyun was by his side, waiting patiently for the elder to wake up. When Siwon came in the bedroom, for an unknow reason Heechul locked himself in his own room. Kyuhyun knocked sometimes at his door but he rejected him avertimes so he gave up trying to talk to his stubborn hyung.

«It’s my fault if you’re sick… it’s only my fault… » Tears flew slowly on his check. Kyuhyun looked up and closed his eyes hermetically, didn’t wanting to show his weaknesses at someone else than Hyukjae.

Even if it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t think otherwise. He thought their father was right when he said he was the reason of all the bad things happened to their family. One more tear fell on his cheek. He already know tears weren’t the solution of their misfortune but he couldn’t help himself and cry.

Suddenly, someone grabbed him and made him fall on the bed, next to his brother. Small but strong arms wrapped his waist, getting him closer to a warm body.  

« It’s not your fault Kyu… » Kyuhyun looked up precipitately and saw his beloved brother smiling at him sadly. « It’s mine… I should have cover me better… I’m such an idiot… But you’re my priority, you’re good pass before mine. » He chuckled a little.

« Don’t laugh hyung, it’s not funny! » Kyuhyun get a bit angry.   « You scared me hyung! When I saw you had fainted I thought you… I thought you would leave me definitively too! » He hid his face on Hyukjae’s chest, wetting his shirt but the elder didn’t care.

Hyukjae hugged Kyuhyun tightly and cupped his cheeks, forcing the younger to look at him. « I’m sorry Kyu, I didn’t want to scare you and made you cry. Yesterday, I promised to myself I won’t let you shed a tear anymore but I failed… I’m a bad hyung… I can’t make you happy… I’m sorry! Forgive the fool you have as a brother! » Hyukjae pleaded kissing the other’s forehead.

Kyuhyun suddely grabbed Hyukjae changed their position, overing above him, his legs on each side of the elder. « K-Kyu? » Hyukjae’s voice was hesitant.  He was about to say something else but Kyuhyun put one finger on his lips, his tender lips, sushing him. « You’re wrong hyung… Don’t depreciate yourself. You’re the best big brother a little kid like me can dream of! If I wasn’t born; father’s life… mother’s life… sister’s life… and even your life would be better. » Hyukjae’s face became gloomy. « I’m sorry  for being such a dis- » « I DON’T WANT TO HEAR THE REST OF YOUR SENTENCE! » Kyuhyun froze. Never in his short life Hyukjae rose his voice to him.

Kyuhyun started sobbing. « H-hyung I-I » He burst into tears.

 Hyukjae hugged him tightly changing their position once again. This time it was Kyuhyun’s turn to be under his brother. « You ask me to don’t depreciate myself but you also did it! It’s not logical! If you really want me to do this, you should the same thing for yourself! » Hyukjae said firmly his body shaking. « So please… You’re my cute little brother… Take better care of yourself and learn to appreciate yourself a little more… » This time, it was Hyukjae’s turn to cry.

Kyuhyun felt heartbroken. It was uncommon for Hyukjae to cry in front of someone. He only did this when he was alone. How did he know this? Sometimes, the night, when Kyuhyun couldn’t sleep and went to his brother’s room, he could hear him cry all his
heart hid under his duvet.


Kyuhyun sat up straight resting his weight on his elbows. « I’m sorry hyung. » He kissed Hyukjae’s eyelids the salty tears. « Thanks you very much for always protecting me. I’m not able to pay you back everything you had did for me but from now on, I will be the one protecting you. So please wait a little more for me to grow up and be strong enough to lie yourself on me. » He planted a soft kiss on Hyukjae’s lips, watching him lovingly. « Okay? » The elder nodded. ‘Just wait please.’ Kyuhyun thought.



ThanKYU for reading! ^^

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Chapter 5: how come i didn't cross paths with this story
this is well written and the story is truly amazing , hope you'll make an update soon
OnlySjELF #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please:(
257471 #3
Chapter 5: poor hyuk... T_T their father so cruel...bad father...
looking forward
kaihyuk #4
Chapter 5: Omo! i love it! please update soon au-nim ~~~
Chapter 5: That's long... :(
I just know that Hyuk abuse was so cruel...
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 5: Are you going to update next month? Nooo!!! Please update sooner! I'm dying for this story alreadyㅠㅠ
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 4: I swear, I've read this but I dunno what happened but I couldnt drop any comment for quiet a time and now I can! Yeay! I'm so sure that Hyuk will definitly piss Kyu off, you better come home soon Lee Hyukjae. Update real soonnnn!!!
Chapter 4: An update!!!

Who is it that texting Taemin? And who is Taemin?

Oh no Hyuk got hit by the car? Hope it won't be serious. Can't wait to know what happen next!

Thank you for the update ^^
257471 #9
Chapter 4: who's that??? i hope nobody get hurt
looking forward
Chapter 4: i hope that Hyuk's mother.. and Hyuk is alright... :(