


I hope you will like my new story. ^^

Did I say it will be an story? (since they are step-brothers...) If not I'm really sorry. XS So if you don't like, don't read it... even if it makes me sad...



« This child is damned! He only bring misfortune! He is the reincarnation of the devil! Kill him, I don’t want more longer this child in my house! My daughter commited suicide because she couldn’t stay her mother’s death! Rid me of him! » A middle-aged man as loud as he could while taking his phone and dialing.

« Father! Don’t do that father! » A young boy aged of nine came hurriedly and wrapped his small arms around the  adultes waist tightly.  «You'll regret it soon, I know it father! »  He lifted his head to meet the gaze of his father, he was too small to really face him.

« I forbid you to look at him like this and even touch me like you‘re doing! Who do you thing you are? »  The man pushed violently his son who fell on the ground. He winced in pain.

« But father, he is your own son! You can’t think of doing such a thing! He is only five years old! If mother was- » A slap landed on his cheek, doens’t allowing to talk more.

« I forbid you to talk about her! You‘re not even his OWN son! You‘re here only because I agreed to educate you and raise you up as if you were OUR own son! Your true mother didn‘t even wanted you! »  The man growled, taking steps near the bedroom the kid shared with his little brother. But before he was able to open the door, the kid placed himself in front of the lock in order for his father to don’t open it.  

« Of course I'm not his son ... BUT I'M STILL YOUR! » Just after saying that, he entered at full speed in the room and locked it with trembling hands. « My mother didn’t abandoned me voluntarily!  If she did it, it was because she didn’t have enough money to take care of me! Whereas you, YOU ARE FULL OF!!!  » He leaned his body against the door felling his legs surrendered under his weight.

The elderly man slammed the door forcefully making the little body of the child jump slightly. « YOU‘RE WRONG HYUKJAE!! I WAS! BEFORE THIIS THING WAS BORN! He only causes misery! My fortune is gone the same day my wife died giving birth to him! » He fractured the door when this one met for the umpteenth time his fist.

« Hyung? » A little boy went out of the little hide out he made for himself under his bed. His eyes were red and puffy, the screams exchanged his father and his step-brother panicked him.

« Stay where you are Kyu! Don‘t worry, everything is going to be alright. Okay? » Hyukjae whispered taking guardedly some steps  near the younger whom the body started to shake.

« Hyung… I‘m scared… » Little Kyuhyun said between two sobs snuggling his small and thin body in the reassuring embrace of the older.

Hyukjae thightened his grip on his step-brother and patted his hair, hoping that it will be bring to him comfort. « I‘m here Kyu. You don‘t have to be scary, I will always be here to protect you, I promise. » He whispered against his ear with a very soft voice like if he wanted to make him fall asleep.

Another sound was heard from outside the room making Hyukjae startling who hidded Kyuhyun with his chest, putting his head on the younger’s like if he wanted them to become one and only one, like this he won’t be hurted.

His tee-shirt became wet. He looked down and saw Kyuhyun crying endless. The  castling and threatening frightened him despite that his brother hugged him tenderly. Kyuhyun was too  much young, he wasn’t able to understand why their father, usually calm, was suddenly that angry and wanted only one thing, never see him again in his life. If he really wanted to be cleared of him, why did he let him live by his side during five years? It was difficult for a young kid to learn that he wasn’t loved by the person who his one of the reasons why he is on earth.

His birthdays, it was always Hyukjae who celebrated it with him, even Christmas! But for this event, they were invited by Hyukjae’s best friend’s family, Heechul. When he was a baby, it wasn’t his father who came to to feed him when he was hungry, changed him when it needed or made him take his bath. It was still Hyukjae. When he was sick at a point he couldn’t even go to school, it would be his hyung who took his homewears for him because the others kids never wanted to be friends with him. It was also his hyung made him take his meecines and watched over him each night, despite his fatigue, when his fever was too much higher.

The days when the storm thundered, Hyukjae automatically came into Kyuhyun’s bed Kyuhyun without he even have asked him, and hugged tenderly whispering reassuring words near his ears.

The door opened violently making Hyukjae hugged desperatly Kyuhyun. The man catched one of Hyukjae’s arms and pulled him up, making him released Kyuhyun who was curling on himself and trembling. Their father threw Hyukjae on the floor and walked towards little Kyuhyun but Hyukjae stood up quickly, ignoring his painful leg, and protected once again Kyuhyun with his full body.

« Hyukjae… you aren’t reasonable ... you have nothing to do with this problem so let me get near him! » The man tried to coax little Hyukjae by adopting a soft voice but he failed. Hyukjae wasn’t as dupe as he thought. Even if he only had nine years, he was extremely mature and thoughtful since he didn’t really have a paternal figure during all those years.

« I prefer dying than letting you put your disgusting hands on this poor innocent boy! » Hyukjae grumbled looking at his father with a look so determinated that it was scary.

«  I didn‘t wanted it to go that far… Hyukjae, either you let me go near him, either I expel him but you too. » The man said smirking evily thionine that Hyukjae would give him Kyuhyun of one's own accord. But what was his surprise when Hyukjae stood up, with Kyuhyun still in his embrace, took a bag which was in a corner of the room and put their things on it.  

« Well, let it be like this, I will never give up my brother! » Hyukjae put the coat of his borther on him and did the same with himself.

« You‘re only his step-bother! » The  man yelled taking the bag away from H yukjae.

« SO WHAT?! Ties of heart are stronger than ties of blood! » Hyukjae grabbed  Kyuhyun’s hand tightly and got back the bag from his father’s hands effortless.

« Hyung wait! »  Kyuhyun yelled before they went out of the house.  « I forgot something! » Kyuhyun ran to his bedroom and searched what he had forgotten in every funboards and drawers, while Hyukjae was staring at their father like if he was about to kill him. He wouldn’t allow their "father" to take him away from him and keep him locked up God knows where!

When little Kyuhyun came back, he was holding tightly a Pikachu plush, the one his regretted older sister offered to him for his two years, one week before she commited suicide… Hyukjae smiled nostalgically at the view in front of him. It was the last happiest day they shared the four of them together.

Kyuhyun held out his hand to Hyukjae who caught it instantly and made him leave the house. Hyukjae didn’t even spare one last look at the house where he grew up and in which the only good memories he had made there were trampled and discarded as common trash by more painful memories. Kyuhyun, meanwhile, looked at it once. By the window, whom the curtains weren’t closed, he could see his father drinking wine, an huge smile on his lips.

After ten minutes of walking in the cold air the night brought with it, Kyuhyun finally decided to speak, tired of the awkward silence between them.

« Hyung… » He whispered. Hyukjae  hummed as an answer, not even turning on himself to face the younger. « I‘m hungry… » Little Kyuhyun said rubbing his belly which was rumbling lightly to prove what he was saying.

Hyukjae nodded let his  brother’s hand to buy something for them to eat at a stand of hot brains which was not that far away from them, but wrapped arms around his waist didn’t allowed him to leave. « Kyu? » He asked surprised.  

« Don‘t leave me alone! Don‘t abandon me too! » Kyuhyun begged with tears appearing at the corners of his eyes.

« I won‘t abandon you Kyu… » Hyukjae turned tolards Kyuhyun and kissed his eyelids soflty. « I will never leave your sides. Believe me… You‘re my beloved young brother, I prefer being beated until I die than going away from you. » He flexed his legs and put his hands on Kyuhyun’s cheeks giving him a Eskimo kiss. « So, please, stop crying… I don’t want to see those lovely eyes being red and puffy because of your tears anymore. » A small but true smile appeared on his lips while he was wripping the last tears with his thumb.

Kyuhyun nodded and pecked Hyukjae’s lips who blushed instantly.  « Must I wait until I die to have my brain?! » Little Kyuhyun said with a little smirk.

« Wait a second! » Little Hyukjae ran to the  seller, bought two brains and came back as fast as he could.  « There is mister! » He exclaimed showing his beautiful gingival smile and giving to the younger one of the brains he bought just before.

« Where are we going hyung? » Kyuhyun asked the mouth full of the hot brain which warmered his little body. Not as much as the warm provider every night Hyukjae’s embrace until he felt asleep.  

« At Heechul-hyun‘s home. » Hyukjae answered calmly taking a mouthful of his bread. Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow. « Heechul?! Seriously?! »

Hyukjae chuckled. « Yeah! He might say offensive comments sometimes or being angry easily, he has a good heart. It’s normal for you to be septic, you don’t know me as long as I know him. But you will see, after few weeks, you will love him even more than you love me. »

Kyuhyun stood on his toes and the corner of Hyukjae’s mouth, where some of strawberry jam.  « How can you say such a thing? I will never love someone else as much as you hyung! You‘re the most precious person in my life! » He smiled innocently and patted Hyukjae‘s back when this one  failed to stifle.  

‘Too much cuteness… It sure will be the reason of my death!’ Hyukjae thought.


Hyukjae knocked on the door of a large house located on the outskirts of the city of Seoul in a beautiful residential area. This one opened and revealed a really cute man, shorter than the normal, but this is what gave him his charm.

« Hyukjae-ah?! »  The man wondered. « What are you doing here, at night? » He asked.

« Ryeowook-hyung… Do…Do your proposal still stand? » Hyukjae asked nervously. Kyuhyun was by his sides sleepy, his head leaned on his shoulder.

« Wich proposal? "Ryeowook bowed his head in confusion.

« The one to host us as long as we wanted ..." Hyukjae's voice began to break.

« Umma, stop teasing them… It‘s my job! » A boy, older than Hyukjae, appeared next to his mother, his hair messy and his clothes wore ample.

« Heechul-hyung! » Kyuhyun and Hyukjae exclamed in unison but Kyuhyun dropped the honorific «’hyung‘. Of course… it was expected from him.

« Use honorific! You brat. » Heechul growled glaring at Kyuhyun.

« Hyung! Don’t talk to him like this! He is still young! » Hyukjae replied putting his hands on Kyuhyun’s ears like this he wouldn’t hear anything.

« Whatever… » And he left not saying something else.

Ryeowook smiled apologetic to the two kids for the  behavior of his  rude son. « Let’s go boys! I cooked raclette  with baked potatoes and delicatessen. It’s from Switzerland. And it’s really cold outside so it’s the perfect meal! » He said taking off  the  coat and the scarff of the poor little boys.

The dinner went well, Kyuhyun was so hungry that he even asked to be resservit three times and not small portions! Big ones! A true ration of horse! Is that they eat a lot at this age! And the worst part is that he does not even became fatter!

The only problem was when Hyukjae wanted to take one of Heechul’s potatoes qhich was in his dish. The older threw his flatwares on the table yelling in portest to go in the kitchen for coming back after two minutes with a large  bowl where there were some in his hands.

Hyukjae threw himself on him for a hug but Heechul didn’t hugged him back, however, a true smile was stick on his face.

Now everyone was lying very snug in their beds, Ryeowook with Mr. Kim Ryeowook or Yesung in the bedroom on the ground-floor, Heechul in the first floor at the end of the corridor and them, Hyukjae and Kyuhyun, the one beside Heechul‘s. However they wasn’t asleep despite it was nearly midnight.

Kyuhyun leaned against his brother burying his face in his neck. « Hyung… » Hyukjae hummed, his eyes were closed, he doezd off progressively but yet, he didn’t want to succumb to his fatigue before his little protected slept. « When are we going back at homr? » He asked innocently, not realizing that they would never return there.

« We will never come baclk at our home Kyubear,  now it‘s here our house… » Hyukjae straightened a bit, supporting his head on his hand. Kyuhyun looked at him with teary eyes.  « But I want to get back… » He complained.

Hyukjae hugged tenderly his borther. « We can’t Kyu… I’m sorry… Really… » Warm tears flew on the cheeks of little Kyuhyun. He wasn’t ready to accept it. No… It was too much for him. « Forgive me… I never wanted it to happen…I did it for your good… » Hyukjae whispered crying too. He never supported to see Kyuhyun crying and it will never change.

Finally, Kyuhyun felt asleep in his arms after two long hours to accept the idea of a new start, a new life, far away of everything he lived.At that, add a very convaincant intervention of an angry Heechul whom the precious renovator sleep was troubled.

Hyukjae looked one last time to the swollen face of his brother before he also went to dreamland.



Please comment! I really need to know what you think about it. >.<

I'm a slow writer, so they will have 3 weeks or one month between each update. (Except if I have a lot of time to write~)

Thanks you! :)

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Chapter 5: how come i didn't cross paths with this story
this is well written and the story is truly amazing , hope you'll make an update soon
OnlySjELF #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please:(
257471 #3
Chapter 5: poor hyuk... T_T their father so cruel...bad father...
looking forward
kaihyuk #4
Chapter 5: Omo! i love it! please update soon au-nim ~~~
Chapter 5: That's long... :(
I just know that Hyuk abuse was so cruel...
heyitstheduff #6
Chapter 5: Are you going to update next month? Nooo!!! Please update sooner! I'm dying for this story alreadyㅠㅠ
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 4: I swear, I've read this but I dunno what happened but I couldnt drop any comment for quiet a time and now I can! Yeay! I'm so sure that Hyuk will definitly piss Kyu off, you better come home soon Lee Hyukjae. Update real soonnnn!!!
Chapter 4: An update!!!

Who is it that texting Taemin? And who is Taemin?

Oh no Hyuk got hit by the car? Hope it won't be serious. Can't wait to know what happen next!

Thank you for the update ^^
257471 #9
Chapter 4: who's that??? i hope nobody get hurt
looking forward
Chapter 4: i hope that Hyuk's mother.. and Hyuk is alright... :(