
She's My Model

It took us about 20 minutes to reach our destination, it was off the road.  It was a very classy restaurant, I can't believe I've never been to this place.  It looks like a castle from outside.  I was too busy staring at the restaurant that I didn't hear my side of the door open, when I looked it was Amber, he opened the car door for me.  


"Uhm, thanks." I muttered as I got out of the car.




When we got in, I was mesmerized by the amazing design the restaurant has.  The chandeliers were hanging perfectly, and each table had a white cloth over it, with candles in the middle and a bouquet of flowers.  This restaurant is perfect.


"You like it?" Amber asked, I nodded.


"Uhm yeah, it's beautiful." 


He chuckled, he led me to one of the tables.  This guy may piss me off a lot, but he sure knows how to be a gentleman sometimes.  After we finished ordering, I received a call from Manager Oppa, he informed me about a photoshoot I had tomorrow.  


"You uhh, you're paying." Amber said.




He chuckled.


"I'm kidding, I'll pay, so if you want anything else, just order." He smiled. I rolled my eyes.




"So tell me, why modelling?" He suddenly asked.


"I don't know, I guess I just got used to this." 


"What did you want to be?"




"Well?" He looked at me.


"I wanted to be a singer."


"Well why didn't you pursue your singing career?"


"I guess Unnie being a singer is enough.  I've gotten used to this career anyways."


"Oh right, I forgot that Jessica is your sister."


"Enough about me, what about you?"


"Huh? I'm a photographer, what about me?"


"Y.... You have a great voice."


"Hahaha, thanks." He smiled once again, he really looks like a dork.


"Why don't you pursue a singing career?"


"'s not that easy.  I can't just do whatever I want." 


"Why not?" I asked, he sighed.


"Well Princess, because I'm gonna be in charge of the Liu photography department sooner or later.  That's why I can't be a singer."


"oh.." so that's why he's a photographer, but why isn't he the successor of Mr Liu?


"I'm not the successor because I don't want to be, and Donghae Hyung has been training ever since I declined the offer." he said as if he read my mind. I was about to say something when he continued.


"And sometimes we also have to sacrifice a few important things to us, even though it kills us to see it being owned by someone close." 


Is he talking about being the heir of the company? 


"Your hyung must mean so much to you, huh."


"Yeah, he's my cousin, and the closest thing I have to a brother." He gave a faint smile.


The food came afterwards, and we ate.  That was the best tasting food I've ever had.


"You like mangoes huh?" He chuckled. I nodded happily.


"My favorite!" 


We finished eating, and we were about to leave, he suddenly stopped when the door opened.  A girl entered, I looked at Amber and saw his eyes full of love and hurt at the same time. 





"Yoona." Amber muttered. The girl then stopped when she saw Amber.










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Chapter 27: Where are you now , author-nnim?
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Chapter 27: Update please please thanks
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Chapter 27: updateeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
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Chapter 27: Where is next chapter
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Chapter 27: Please update your story...this story is nice and interesting...
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