
She's My Model



Hyung and I were catching up on each other's lives as we watched Krystal pose for the camera, it was her last outfit.  I have to admit she looked breathtakingly beautiful. It was a bright day, not to hot, not too cold.  I was aware however, of Yoona's presence beside hyung.  

*ring ring*

"Sorry, I have to take this call." Hyung excused himself, it seemed like an important call.  It took me a minute to realize that I was alone with Yoona, for a moment I just wanted to hug her and tell her how much I've missed her.  She went beside me, I kept my eyes on Krystal.

"Hey." Yoona said.

"Hi." I responded.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good." I replied, still not looking at her.  Luckily, Krystal's shoot was already finished.

"Amb...." I ignored her. "Krys!" I exclaimed, and jogged to where Krystal was.  

"What?" She asked.

"Uhh... N..nothing." I said, suddenly aware that she was still wearing a bikini.  I couldn't help but to stare at her, for a moment everything else was blur, she's beautiful in every way.  She suddenly froze, I think she also became aware that she was still wearing a bikini.  

"Ehem.... I'm uhh.. I'm gonna go change.." She said, pointing in the direction opposite of the changing booth.

"Uhm, other way.." I pointed to the other direction.

"oh...Uhh.. y..yeah." She gave an awkward smile before heading to the changing booth.  I couldn't help but to laugh slightly at her.

I turned around and saw Yoona still standing there, we made eye contact for a while before I looked away and went to where Krystal was.  The staff greeted me as I passed them, I simply nodded. I waited outside the changing booth for about 5 minutes. 

I was shocked at what she was wearing, we both looked like a couple cause the shirt she was wearing is so similar to mine, and we have the same pair of shoes.

"Uhm... well this is weird.." Krystal said, pointing back and forth between our outfits.  

"Amber, Krystal, come here for a while." The photographer called us, so we went to him.

"yeah oppa?" Krystal asked curiously.

"Pose for the camera, both of you." He said.

"What? why?" I asked.

"Because you're both coincidentally wearing Liu apparel, and I have a vision that it's going to look like a very sweet ad. Now, pose." We did as told, and the photos came out well, but this is my favorite.


After that sudden photoshoot, we both walked towards where Yoona was, she was now with hyung.  

"Am, Krys, you both have anywhere to go to?" Hyung asked. I looked at Krystal, and she shook her head.

"Uhm, no." I said.

"Great, let's grab some coffee." He said excitedly, there's no way I can reject him when he's this excited.  I simply nodded my head.

"Alright, let's meet at Starbucks." 


As we got in the car, I noticed Krystal kept looking over at me.

"You can tell me if you want to say anything." I said.

"Uhm... why didn't you reject him? You obviously didn't want to go." She said.

"He's that happy, how can I possibly reject him?" 

She nodded her head in understanding. I drove to starbucks, this is the biggest starbucks coffee in town.When we got there, we saw hyung and Yoona just arrive as well.

"Shall we?" Hyung said, and went in. We went to a private room for the VIPs. We were looking through the menu when Krystal nudged me. I looked at her curiously.  She simply pointed what she wants, a strawberry cheesecake and mango shake. I smiled and nodded at her.  When she scanned the menu once again, my gaze shifted from her to Yoona, who was looking at us.  She then looked back at the menu she was holding.

I ordered for Krystal and I. 

"Excuse me I have to go to the restroom."  I said before heading out.  I went to the men's CR.  When I went out, I saw Yoona waiting outside the ladies room.  I ignored her and kept walking.  She grabbed my arm.


"What?" I asked .

"Am, I missed you.." She said. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.  

"You can't Yoona, stop it." I gently took off her hand on my arm.  

"Am.. don't do this." 

"We've talked about this Yoona. You're getting married." I said.


"Enough, this is the last time."  I said, and went back to the private room.

Yoona came back a few minutes later.  After we were done eating, I drove Krystal back home, it took 3 hours of driving.  When I pulled over her house, I noticed that she was sleeping.  

I have to admit, she looks pretty even when she's sleeping. 

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Chapter 27: Where are you now , author-nnim?
Zerozz #2
Chapter 27: Update more author
Chapter 27: Author please update
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 27: Update please please thanks
ezz1824 #5
Chapter 27: updateeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
sumaiyaridi #6
Chapter 27: Where is next chapter
hugo1476 #7
Chapter 27: Please update your story...this story is nice and interesting...
glorya #8
Chapter 27: Next chapter please !
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