Haunted Houses


Kyungsoo was 13 and Jongin was 12 when they spent, what Jongin will always refer to, as the most horrifying Halloween of their lives.

Why was it so terrifying? Because it was the year they snuck off to go to their first, and last, haunted house. Or as Jongin would like to put it, Kyungsoo dragged him out of his house after curfew to go be more scared than he ever has been. To which Kyungsoo would just laugh and pat his friend on the back. It was sorta true that it was Kyungsoo’s idea, but Jongin initially had been all on board. Until they stepped into the haunted house itself.

The boys had been dressed up in costumes to try and hide their ages; Kyungsoo was a mummy and Kai a werewolf. And immediately upon entering both boys regretted the decision as a clown, a bloody clown, dropped down in front of them apparently having hung itself.

Both Kyungsoo and Kai screamed. And when I say screamed I mean scream like babies who want their bottle scream, I mean little girls when they see just Beiber scream, they screamed like no one, not even girls, want to admit to screaming.

For Jongin the rest is a blur. There was some weird contortionist walking around on her hands because she had effin swords for feet. Another clown this time juggling dead opossums. And it was just awful. Scarring, horrific beyond imagination, and what was worst about all of it the fact the Kyungsoo said they had to keep going after the first devil clown because they had already paid good money to get in.

Jongin’s only solace in the whole mentally scarring event is that no matter how Kyungsoo teases him he screamed at everything just as much as he did.

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wolfiester #1
EerinKaialovers #2
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
EerinKaialovers #3
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
Willyounoticeme #4
Chapter 19: So freaking sweet.
Thank you for making a very good fic for Kaisoo.
Simple and beautiful. ^^
This story really made my day! You deserve more upvotes :)
nominwoo #6
Chapter 19: this is so heartwarming and fluffy and asdfjksksksk ugh love it so much!
simple short beautiful fic..! love it... ^^
voracious #8
Chapter 19: so sweet :') just beautiful, great job ^^
semi-vegetarian #9
Chapter 19: This fic is <3