

The day Jongin proposed to Kyungsoo was a day like any other, and there really wasn’t any proposing about it. Kyungsoo simply woke up with a simple cold band on the appropriate finger and promptly woke up Jongin for some ‘we’re engaged’ kisses.

They never had an official ceremony or anything like that; they didn’t need those kinds of things to express how they felt. That and if they ever gave their fans confirmation about their relationship the amount of hormones released might destroy the world.

When their friends found out they got a cake and staged a fake ceremony in their apartment with Suho, Chen, Tao, Kris, and Chanyeol as the bridesmaids, complete with actual dresses, and Luhan, Baekhyun, Xiumin, Lay, and Sehun as the groomsmen, they emphasized the men in their titles much to their counter parts annoyance.

Lay’s girlfriend Aidan was the priest and made them promise to never complain about being sick when they get a man flu, and always have forever but never where anyone can see, and to of course always love each other more than anyone else except maybe their future children if that is what they want. Aidan’s best friend was the witness/videographer of all of this.

Instead of eating cake like normal people they got into a food fight and it was better than any real ceremony could have been.

Come what may Jongin loved Kyungsoo more than anything and Kyungsoo felt exactly the same way.

They prospered in their careers and later on in life quit the idol business and adopted three children: one baby girl, one boy toddler, and one 14 year old girl who needed a home.

There are many more moments I could write about in their lives, like when their eldest daughter graduated high school with honors, or when Lay and his girlfriend got married in a real but all to similar ceremony.

Yes I could tell you about all these moments but I’ll let you imagine what you will because even those we write about deserve some things to be kept to themselves.

But I will say this, Jongin and Kyungsoo always loved each other and all throughout their lives sang and danced for one another and made each other happier than imaginable. Because that is who they are, the dancer and the singer, the loves of each others lives, and most importantly, Kyungsoo and Jongin.


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wolfiester #1
EerinKaialovers #2
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
EerinKaialovers #3
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
Willyounoticeme #4
Chapter 19: So freaking sweet.
Thank you for making a very good fic for Kaisoo.
Simple and beautiful. ^^
This story really made my day! You deserve more upvotes :)
nominwoo #6
Chapter 19: this is so heartwarming and fluffy and asdfjksksksk ugh love it so much!
simple short beautiful fic..! love it... ^^
voracious #8
Chapter 19: so sweet :') just beautiful, great job ^^
semi-vegetarian #9
Chapter 19: This fic is <3