will you marry me?

You & I
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Chapter 63 - Will you marry me?



I smiled at his actions.

Hopefully, this marks the end of all the miserable past for all of us and may the future be bright for us…

I thought as I joined back into their conversations.


(Your POV)


The party ended as Woohyun and I cleaned up the leftover mess.

All of them have left and it’s just the two of us now, I decided to stay for a while more to help him clean up the mess…

And since he has not given me my birthday present…

All the others have already given me presents, it’s just him…

He told me he will give me after they leave, I wonder what will it be…

I continued to wash the dishes while he stood beside me and dried them.

I sensed that he was looking at me when he suddenly said, “Babe, let me do it, you go and take a shower…”

“Ani… It’s okay…” I replied him as I continued to rinse the dishes.

He took my hands and stopped me, “Go and shower! Let me do it! It’s your birthday remember…?”

I cannot stand his persistent so I ended up obeying, “But… I don’t have extra clothes…” I muttered.

Is he going to let me wear his shirt again?

Anyway, I like wearing his shirt, they smelled nice, his smell…

“Oh don’t worry, I have your clothes with me, it’s in the second drawer of my closet.” He said as he pointed at his room.

He has my clothes…?

I went in and searched and really, there is a set of clothes lying in the drawer.

There is a pair of undergarments, blouse and shorts…

They are folded nicely as well…

I went out to the kitchen again, “Why do you have this?”

He turned and saw my flustered expression and he let out a chuckle, “Oh… That…The last time we… Erm… Remember? I showered you… and put you over with my own shirt… so yeah… they are left here…” He said as he looked at me teasingly.

“Oh gurae…ah… I got it okay, continue your dishes, I will go shower!” With that, I ran into his bedroom and into the bathroom.

Oh god…

The way he stare at me, his eyes piercing into me…

That kind of stare is making me more nervous than a touch he could have given me…

Those intimate stares…

I shook my head as I proceeded to shower.


 (Woohyun POV)


I chuckled at Yoonah’s flustered face.

She is forever this cute…

I thought of what happened today…

Yoonah did enjoy today…

I dried my hands and went into the bedroom.

I pulled out my drawer to reveal a small box.

I opened the small box and admired it.

Yoonah ah…

The things I am going to prepare for you…

I hope you like it…


(Your POV)


Finally, a refreshing shower…

I have been so sticky due to all the whipped cream earlier…

The shower was great…

I stepped out of the bathroom, “Hyun… Your turn!”

I waited for his response, but no response…

“Hyun!” I shouted again.

But there was no response at all…

I panicked…

I thought of the time when Myungsoo left me… and I was scared…

Just when I was about to rush out of the bedroom, I saw something on the wall.

I walked nearer to it and saw that it was a paper that wrote, “Go to the balcony”

Filled with curiosity, I slowly walked to the balcony.

Once I stepped out of the balcony, I was stunned.

The balcony was so beautifully decorated.

I walked to the railings as I saw Polaroids hanging there.

I examined each and every one of them and every single Polaroids are memories of Woohyun and I.

As I looked through them, a smile formed on my lips without me knowing.

We have always had the habit of taking Polaroids for almost everything that we do…

I didn’t know that he kept all of them… Even until now…

There was one where Woohyun and I were 10 years old and he was trying to kiss me.

I chuckled at the sight of it as I recalled what we were actually doing that day.

Woohyun and I have been friends for the longest time… way before I met Myungsoo and Taeyeon…

We have been childhood friends and even our parents knew each other.

That day was actually the day which marks the the 5th year of our friendship and we were celebrating.

I was young and childish that time and I actually dared him to kiss me.

Well, of course Woohyun would dare to do anything…

He really lean in to kiss me and in the end, it was me who freaked out and ran away…

So the shot was actually a shot Woohyun took when he was leaning in…

I have almost forgotten… He actually kept this till now…

These made me even sure of his love for me…

I went on to look at the other Polaroids.

And there was one…

I would never forget what happened that day…

It was a pho

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Chapter 67: Thanks for such a nice story. I never imagone shipping Myungsoo with Jessica because I am used to seeing him being shipped wiith her sister, Krystal. Anyway, I enjoyed reading it.
muhammadeqmal #2
Chapter 67: this is just a perfect story .. full of emotions , I'm cry .. I'm happy .. I'm worried .. I'm confused .. I'm scared .. there are many more .. thank you so much for this precious fanfic .. I'm WooYoon shipper and it's really hard to find fanfic of them .. so i try to search it and lucky that i find your fanfic .. 2 day i enjoy your story please continue create WooYoon fanfic
rorody15 #3
Chapter 67: I just found this fanfic and ended it. Such a great story, definetly my type. Thankyou!^^
Eipoant #4
Chapter 8: Sweet Myungsoo
yoongie_exo #5
Chapter 67: Thanks author ! I will miss you ! ☺☺
Chapter 5: What the I thought nvrmind....
...you're story is great.. hope you can make another story..WOOYOON OR MYUNGYOON couple.. :)
Chapter 65: End ? Huhuhu..
I hope I can still read your myungyoon or wooyoon fanfic
Maybe you must make another fanfic with same couple
hehehe :]
Anyway your last ending sweet >_<
Nice fic you got here. I'm a new reader :)
Chapter 63: Awwwe so cute