6 [Mystery solved]

Who shall I choose...?

(Tae mi's POV)

"I am so sorry!! Because you suddenly grabbed me..." I held out my hand and helped him stand up. 
"I can't stand up! Ugh! So pain!! Where did you get your power from? You're a 여자!" He frowned and clutched the part that I had hit him at. 
"I am really sorry L... but you were the one who grabbed me in here first..." I muttered the last part and pursed my lips together.
He obviously heard me muttering as he groaned louder in pain. A bit childish but...cute.
"Okay...I am sorry!! Um... I promise I will do anything to make up for it!!" I eventually gave in to him. 
"You promise? Anything?" He then smirked and brushed the dirt off his uniform as he stood up.
"Then, I want you to..." he continued but I cut him off. 
"You mean you lied!?" I was dumbstruck. 
He shrugged his shoulders and he continued talking. 
"Oh! And please do not talk so loudly in front of my friends. They might get wrong ideas. I called you to see if u had finished collating our classmates' contact." He calmly and cooly said as he walked out of the door. He poked his head into the science lab and smirked, "You owe me a favour."
He didn't give you a chance to reply or ask any questions. You wanted to ask him why he saved his number as such. Ugh! Why is he so rude? His pesonality !! He is obviously the one at fault and ugh!! I can't stand people like him!!! I definitely will not ever fall for someone with such bad attitude problems! I remember last time there was this girl in my first year of middle school who always cried when she wanted her way and she had like major attitude problems! But i do admit to bullying her a little bit. Although I don't remember her name, but i really hated her that time! And this time, stuid L is kind of like the same!! Like Deja vu!! I hate him! I will never ever love him for real, I am very sure. I grunted in annoyance and resumed my journey to class.

{Well, that was what you thought. How long could you stay away from the fate that was decided upon your creation by the human gametes of your parents? You can play with fate but you cannot escape it. No matter how much you refuse, it will always come back and you will have no choice but to either embrace it or live with it.}

"Ding dong!" The bell signalling the start of the first period had just rung. And the worst thing was that my class was at the other end of the school. "Oh no! My first singing lesson and I'm late! Damn it! Stupid L." I dashed to the music room. 

I opened the door and immediately did a 90 degree bow towards the teacher. "Sorry seongsaenim!" I looked at the teacher. He was looking at the class clock. "Welcome vice chairman, Tae mi. " He smiled sweetly and I immediately knew that that "sweet smile" wasn't sweet at all, instead it sure held hidden intentions, like punishing me as I came late perhaps? He continued, "You are 3 mins and 45 seconds late so you shall be the first to sing a song with that same duration."

He signalled me to go to the front of the class, beside him. Argh! I knew it!! So evil! I scanned the room to find L to shoot him a glare but I realised that he wasn't in the music room. 아싸! At least when he comes back, he may be the one to sing! 하하하! 

Speak of the devil, the door behind me opened. "Sorry I am late." He bowed to the seongsaenim whose name I was still unaware of. "Welcome, chairman, L. Well, what do we have here, how come both the chairman and vice chairman are late? The teachers didn't call for any meeting with the two chairmans of the classes this morning." The seongsaenim raised his brow at the both of us. 
I turned my head towards L and glared at him mouthing "Your fault!" He just smirked and then proceeded to reply the teacher, "I am sorry. But just earlier on, the vice chairman and I were asking our homeroom teacher something so we were late." He bowed down and he also pushed my back down, forcing me to once again bow down to the teacher, saying sorry again.

The teacher furrowed his eyebows, doubting us and he said, "Lying isn't good. But oh well, still, I need the song from you. A duet but this time, I will let the both of you perform it tomorrow. And of course, by letting both of you perform tomorrow, i expect a flawless performance. Arraesso?"

"Yes,seongsaenim." L and I said at the same time and then we to our seats. I was really annoyed that I had to perform with him and his rotten personality but I was at the same time glad that he made an excuse. 

The seongsaenim then cleared his throat to get our attention and said, "Okay, for this class, the singing class, you will have two teachers, one of them is me, Chen. You can call me Chen seongsaenim and the other suddenly called in sick this morning. Since today is the start of all you lessons to come, we shall start with introductions. When I point to you, you are supposed say you name, you hobby and lastly, answer this question ' Do you prefer singing, dancing or acting. Why?'. Easy right? We will start from the two who were late. L, and Tae mi, please stand up and introduce yourselves." 

I started, "I am Tae mi. Singing is my hobby so i prefer singing of course. um... i was inspired to sing...by someone." And not long after, i blushed. I immediately sat down to avoid answering any questions made by the teacher. 

"I am L. I don't really have a hobby. I prefer singing too." then, he sat down. 

"I am In kye. I like to dance because...it is a really good way of expressing one's inner self." 

"I am Jae li. My hobby is playing musical instruments. And i also like to sing." 

This continued all the way until the end of the period. Apparantly as it was the second day of school, the school had only scheduled one lesson for the first half of the day and then a break, and then the rest of the day was scheduled for handling more admin class stuff and the last 2 hours were for us to go around and choose the clubs that we wanted to attend. 

During break time, In kye and Jae li were all very curious about what really happened that caused L and I to be late. So i told them the whole story from the time that he called me the previous night till i started complaining about how rude L was and also told my story of the irritating girl in the first year of middle school. When i started mentioning about the girl whose name i had forgotten, Jae li seemed really uncomfortable and just nodded her heqd throughout the whole conversation while quietly eating her lunch. In kye and I noticed her strange behaviour so we stopped talking about and we both shrugged our shoulders. She is a little weird...why did she feel uncomfortable and upset? Oh well, maybe i should find out from her when she calms down, the next day. Break was soon over and the rest of the day passed quite quickly. Kim seongsaenim had just dismissed the class to walk around and choose the clubs we wanted to go. Some people dashed out of the class but In kye, Jae li and i decided to take our time as we knew it was going to be very crowded.

Just then, i remembered that i had to practice for a duet with L so i sighed at the thought that i would have to control myself from flaring up at his rudeness. I looked up at happened to spot him, still in class. i went up to him and started talking. 

"We need to practice today for our duet tomorrow. What song do you want to choose?" i stared intently at his eyes.

His eyes never left mine and i am sure he challenged me to a by keeping his stare as intense as mine. "Okay. After school let's meet at the gate and then we shall proceed to my house. We can decide the song then." 

Desperate to end the mini competition, my thoughts were shallow as i ended the conversation "Okay." Then i walked off. 

(L's POV)

Wow. No one has ever challenged me to a ...she is really something else...

(Tae mi's POV)

I grabbed my bag and pulled In kye and Jae li along with me outside the class. Wow. The stare was reaaly intense! I didn't get to process anything he said because i was using all my brain power just to stare back at him...i think he said...meet at school gate or something like that? Oh well...nothing important i guess...

The 2 hours passed realy quickly as In kye, Jae li and I had fun trying almost every single club activity. Although Jae li was still a little bit down, she still managed to enjoy herself. 

I looked at my watch. 12.20 pm I suddenly remembered and i took out my phone to check. There were 3 missed calls! all were from L! "I have to go now!! I almost forgot that i had to practice for a duet for tomorrow!" I hugged In kye and Jae li as i waved to them while running to the school gate.

i spotted him leaning against the school gate and immediately apologised. "I am so sorry! I lost track of time."

He just rolled his eyes and said, "Let's go" He seemed really angry though. 

I just followed him as i was scared that he would have a sudden outbreak of anger as i also know how irritating it was when someone comes late for an appointment. We got into what i thought was the taxi, reached some stop, someone opened the door for me, so I got down and i finally was conscious of my surroundings. We were in front of an elegant mansion. The main colour of the Mansion was white, with occassional specks of gold on some of the structures of the mansion, like the doors, the stairs few stairs leading u to the mansion's door, the towering gate that was before me and quite a few other things. I gawked at the sight of the Mansion. I have never ever seen anything like that  I didn't even know a place like that exsisted. 

I managed to regain my composture and squeezed out a few words. "Where...where are we?" 

"My house." L said as he smirked. 

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Eunhae070301 #1
Chapter 8: Woohoo...congratz on ur new lovely subbies:D And this chappie is so romantic...ahhh..and the last part was just so kyeopta! The poster is so gorgeous :D yayy, and again thx for the update 大姐弟
kimtaemihaha #2
Aposter for you
kimtaemihaha #3
kimtaemihaha #4
Chapter 7: Kiss kiss kiss ~~~
Eunhae070301 #5
Chapter 7: BWAHAHAHAHA....SO SMEXY I LIKE:D " Am I going to get ? I am still young!! I want to do it with someone i like!!! " LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL BEST UPDATE EVER!
kimtaemihaha #6
Chapter 6: Gd using techniques huh sly dongsaeng