Two Becomes Three

Growing Pains

“Daddy, you don’t have to,” Jiseon insisted, watching as Sungyeol plated another pancake in front of her.


“What are you talking about? Today is your first day of school after winter break - I have to because my baby girl isn’t going to be home with me all day anymore!”


Jiseon giggled, pulling her plastic cup closer to her to drink some milk. “Daddy, we’ve been together almost every second ever since I got back from Grandma and Grandpa’s.”


It was true. Ever since Jiseon had come home from her trip to her grandparents’ house, Sungyeol had hugged her until her little chest almost caved in on itself. He spent as much time with her as possible, since he knew that she would have to go back to kindergarten soon. He almost didn’t let her go on her ice cream trip with Minho since he wanted all of her time to himself, but he had agreed reluctantly. They had spent so much time together over her Christmas break, he didn’t want her to go back to school in fear that he would be lonely during the day.


“Yeah, but I missed you so much that I don’t even want you to go to school.” He pouted at her as he sat down to her right. “So the least I can do is make you a big going away breakfast.”


“Daddy,” Jiseon said, her giggle laced in her voice, “if I eat too much I’ll fall asleep before naptime. Plus, I’m coming right back home to you after school!”


Sungyeol only smiled at her, leaning down to kiss the crown of her head. “It’s okay, princess. Just keep eating, alright? I’ll eat with you so that you don’t have to eat all of it.”


Jiseon smiled up at him, cutting off a triangle of her pancake and lifting it towards his mouth. “Daddy, ah,” she urged.


He smiled down at her, opening his mouth and eating the pancake to her content. He rested his cheek in his palm and her hair softly as she ate her breakfast. He bent down to give her a kiss on the crown of her head and smiled softly as she giggled. He was going to miss seeing her randomly throughout the day - she was such a huge part of his life. He wasn’t sure if he could last without her. Especially since it was a Monday, and Mondays were always beyond stressful without Jiseon popping in with her babysitter to come visit him.


“Daddy, you’ll be fine without me, right?” It was like she could read his mind.


Sungyeol smiled down at her. “Of course, sweetie. I’ll be okay without you with me today.”


She nodded enthusiastically. “Mm-hmm! Especially since you have Squirtle oppa to keep you company!”


“You’re right,” he chuckled, “I’ll have Squirtle oppa to keep me lots of company. I’m going to teach him how to make zebra cupcakes today.” He smiled pointedly at Jiseon. “And we both know…”


“Those are my favorites!” she exclaimed. “Daddy’s zebra cupcakes are the best!”


“You bet they are!” he said, standing up. “We should go now before we’re late, okay? You’re done with your pancakes, right?”


Jiseon nodded, pushing her seat out and standing up as well. “I’m done!”


Sungyeol eyed her half finished pancake and pinched her cheek lightly. “Hey, you’re not done!” he sang.


She giggled, running to the door to put her shoes on. “I’m not done, but I’m full! Let’s go, okay?”


“Alright, alright,” Sungyeol said, walking towards her. “If you were full you could have just said so.”


“I said so when you gave me three pancakes!” she replied. “I can’t eat all of that, Daddy!” She touched her small tummy and poked it playfully. “Look at my tummy!”


Sungyeol kneeled down and tied her shoelaces for her and grabbed her pink backpack. He pecked her nose and patted her cheek. “You’re gorgeous no matter what size your tummy is, okay?” he whispered lovingly.


She nodded in understanding, leaning forward to kiss his nose back. “I know, Daddy.”


With a warm smile, he heaved her up into his arms and she squealed in delight. “Okay!” he said excitedly. “Let’s get my beautiful little girl to kindergarten!”


He carried her out the door as she hung onto his neck like a little monkey. In no time at all he had gotten her all the way to the car and had strapped her securely into her carseat. Actually, she had buckled her seatbelt herself because she was a ‘grown woman’ now. Sungyeol sat in the driver’s seat, revving up the engine in preparation to bring Jiseon to class.


“Okay, so what are you learning today?” he asked, driving out of their small neighborhood.


Jiseon shrugged, staring out the window. “I don’t know. I think we’re counting by fives today.”


“Counting by fives? Don’t you already know how to do that?”


“Yup!” she giggled. “I’m smarter than my class!”


“That’s my girl,” Sungyeol laughed airily. “But remember to study if you don’t know how to do something, okay? Study hard and make sure you do the right thing.”


“Of course, Daddy! I tell that to all my friends, too!”


“Do you, now?” he asked amusedly, stopping in front of a red light.


“Yeah! Daddy, you should meet my friends! They’re all really funny! I like them a lot! Before break we had a Christmas party and we made clay snowmen and decorated sugar cookies and I played House with my friends!”


“Wow, that sounds fun! Are you going to do that again today?” he asked, continuing to drive as the light flashed green.


“Mm-hmm! I want to play the mommy this time! That way, I can have a husband just like Daddy!”


Sungyeol pouted, looking at Jiseon through the rearview mirror. “You can’t be a mommy yet, Jiseon! You’re still my baby!”


“Yes I can!” she retorted. “Because Riku proposed to me with a ring so we can get married and be a mommy and daddy! But I said no, because I’m going to marry Squirtle oppa,” she giggled.


Sungyeol laughed. He kept quiet as he drove, listening to Jiseon animatedly jabber on and on about her kindergarten escapades, and in a way, Sungyeol envied the simplicity of her life. He hoped that she would stay naive and young for a long time so that she wouldn’t have to worry about anything too complicated.


Soon, he pulled up to a colorful building with an equally colorful fence with many children running around on a small play structure. It was noisy and boisterous as he lined up with the other cars in the drop-off zone. It was actually quite efficient, since the kindergarten teachers would come to the cars personally and unstrap the kids for the parents. So Sungyeol just waited in the car patiently for one of the kindergarten teachers to come.


“Daddy,” Jiseon started slowly to break the short silence, “...are you going to miss me today?”


“Of course I will, princess.”


“Promise me that you’ll still smile for all of your customers?”


“I promise princess. I’m sure that I’ll find a reason to smile today.”

Myungsoo watched in amusement as Dongwoo shuffled some files together haphazardly, knowing that he’d probably have to reorganize them all anyway, but he couldn’t bring himself to comment on it, especially when his partner looked so happy. But the anxiousness in Dongwoo’s movements intrigued him, the latter not being the type to rush.


“Someone’s in a hurry,” he quipped, making the senior detective flush in embarrassment.


“Ah, I’m sorry Myungsoo.” Dongwoo scratched his head before motioning to what might have been a bigger mess that he had just created. “I was just trying to straighten things out a bit before I head over to the hospital. I guess I kind of did the opposite.”


“That’s what I’m here for, right?”


The blonde laughed, slowing down and helping Myungsoo put the files in the proper places they needed to go. “Definitely. Your organizational skills are a huge plus. I even heard the Chief joking that he could actually walk into our office now without bumping into boxes. But in our defense, dealing with all the different prescriptions for fake patients and trying to track down what turned out to be nonexistent doctors created a lot of paperwork.”


“No argument there. I just didn’t know if there was any particular reason for the excitement. I knew you were only working a half day but you look like you’re counting down the minutes until you can make a break for it.”


Dongwoo moved across the office, sitting down next to him. “So you know when I stepped out to make a phone call earlier?” The junior detective nodded obediently. “Well it was Sooyong’s surgeon-”


“Oh my gosh, did something happen? Go right now! I’ll take care of everything, hurry!” Myungsoo’s voice got a bit squeaky in his panic, and Dongwoo immediately burst into giggles.


“No, no! It’s nothing like that! Dr. Choi had good news to share. He’s clearing Sooyong for release today; we’re finally getting the okay to take him home.”


“Wow. That’s- wow!” Myungsoo said a bit dumbly, unable to think of anything more articulate to say, before just standing up to give the other man another hug. “No wonder you’re anxious! You finally get to introduce your son to his new home! He’ll finally get to leave the hospital, that’s really amazing Dongwoo.”


“I know! These past couple weeks he’s just been getting stronger and stronger, and now the day is finally here. No long lasting complications, we don’t even have to give him anymore medication once we get home.”


Myungsoo crossed his arms, nodding his head in excitement as Dongwoo spoke. “That’s such good news. That’s so great Dongwoo! Is there a reason why Dr. Choi called you instead of your husband?”


Dongwoo laughed again, shaking his head. “Because my husband is probably a basket case at the moment and I’m starting to suspect that if I don’t get there soon, Dr. Choi might physically kick him out of the hospital.”


The younger man laughed, his partner’s mood definitely contagious. “It’s just because he cares so much, which is understable after everything your son has been through.”


“I know that it’s just Hoya being super protective when it comes to Sooyong and I totally understand his apprehension, but I just want to make him relax.


“Well, it’s definitely a scary situation. The two of you have never been parents, and he’s probably worried about making sure that everything is perfect,” Myungsoo guessed.


“I want everything to be perfect too, but I guess I’m the more realistic one out of the two of us. Hoya’s definitely more… nervous than I am to bring Sooyong home. If I told you how much research he did on the safety of car seats, how much time he spent comparing and contrasting the different brands of strollers…”


“I get the picture.” Myungsoo shook his head, the scenario somewhat unbelievable based on the image of the man that he had from their limited time together, but he understood. “Having children changes people; but it’s usually for the better, so you shouldn’t worry too much.”


“I’ll try not to. Tonight I’ll probably be unreachable, but tomorrow just text me if you have any problems.”


“I should be okay! We’ve got our game plan, you’ll take over the paperwork side of things so you can work from home, and it’s no big deal for me to stop by your house if you need anything from the department or if I have any big questions. But we’re making progress and the Chief trusts you and by association me, so I think that we’ll still be able to gain some major ground on this case in the next few months.”


“I feel the same way. Honestly, I’m really glad you’re here Myungsoo. You’ve been a great partner, your input has been so helpful with the case, and I really couldn’t imagine working this well this quickly with anyone else. Seriously, thank you for stepping up like this so I could take time off for my family,” Dongwoo stated, his eyes showing the truth in his words.


“As long as you promise not to run out on me and adopt another baby this year, I think we’ll be fine,” Myungsoo said playfully.


The blonde laughed, gathering up his briefcase. “I think I can promise you that one. Trust me, Hoya and I will have our hands full with Sooyong. One baby is more than enough. Wish me luck.”


“You don’t need it, but have a great afternoon! Oh, and take lots of pictures! I’d love to see them when you get back!”


“Will do!” Dongwoo gave him one final wave before disappearing out of their office.


Myungsoo watched him go with a smile, his heart feeling warmer at the thought of his partner being so happy. He glanced at the clock; it was just barely noon. He could grab his things and take his lunch now-


The sudden beeping of his phone tore his attention away, and he immediately opened up the message after seeing the name.

I bet you’re jealous~


The detective shook his head, his fingers already tapping across the screen.


I thought that was our thing. Is this your way of telling me that you give gingerbread lattes to all the guys?


A short minute later a new text from the barista arrived.


Only if they tip well.


Myungsoo scoffed, in disbelief at the other’s words.


Is that so?


He tapped his fingers on the table, feeling impatient until his phone buzzed again.


Not really. They have to be cute too (^_~)


The detective laughed at the emoticon; it was one of Sungyeol’s cuter quirks.


And to think that I thought I was special…


Myungsoo started to worry when more than a couple minutes passed by, his anxiety beginning to get the best of him. Just when he started to wonder if he took things a bit too far his phone went off.


The free gingerbread latte that’s waiting for you on your next visit should speak for itself. Sorry I can’t really text much now, the lunch rush has arrived! I’m starving but the customers just keep pouring in.


A light bulb went off in Myungsoo’s head after reading the message.


I’ll come to Sarang’s later this afternoon with something for you. You have to eat, so you’re not allowed to turn me down. Have lunch with me?


Myungsoo nervously bit his nails, his eyes glued to the phone as he eagerly awaited Sungyeol’s response. The barista did make him wait, but the response he received was definitely good enough to keep him grinning for the rest of the afternoon.


Of course! But only if you bring something delicious. I’ll look forward to seeing you (^_^)

Sarang’s door opened with a happy jingle that sounded like music to Myungsoo’s ears. The Chinese takeout in his hands weighed less and less by the second just knowing that he was going to share it with Sungyeol. It was a place Dongwoo had recommended him a while ago - a local restaurant with good food and fast service - so he decided that now was a pretty good time to try it out. He had bought quite a bit since he was hungry and he knew that the barista had postponed his lunch break as well.


Upon entering, he noticed it was quiet. There was a bit of traffic from the aftermath of the lunch rush and a few stragglers were left scattered around the cafe drinking their coffee. The mood was calm and he liked it. It was the kind of atmosphere he wanted to spend a lunch with Sungyeol in. His eyes scanned the coffee shop for the other male. Immediately, his eyes lit up when he spotted the familiar head of brown hair behind the counter and he stepped forward.


He called out, “Sung-!”


But he stopped halfway the moment he realized Sungyeol was in a moment of his own. The barista was laughing wholeheartedly as he held a deformed cupcake in his hands. Myungsoo knew something was not right at that moment because Sungyeol’s cupcakes always looked and tasted divine. It only took him a moment to see the person accompanying Sungyeol, who was also laughing and happy.


Myungsoo narrowed his eyes at the other male behind the counter. Who was this guy? Myungsoo scrutinized the male next to Sungyeol, noticing that he was quite tall and quite handsome. He looked energetic and youthful, and clearly he had the capability to bring Sungyeol laughter.


Myungsoo pouted to himself. He could bring Sungyeol laughter too.


Unconsciously, he quieted his breathing as if it could possibly help him hear or see anything more of what went on between this guy and Sungyeol. There was a tiny seed of jealousy and insecurity that planted itself in the lowest pit of Myungsoo’s stomach that he couldn’t ignore the more he watched and listened.


“You messed these up so badly!” Sungyeol laughed, holding the bulbous cupcake gingerly. “I think you overfilled the pan!”


The other male chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck. “Ha… I was hoping that the frosting would make it look a little less noticeable, but I guess not.”


Sungyeol shook his head, laughing. “No, definitely not. Look at this! he exclaimed. “It’s ridiculous. Plus, the frosting is too runny,” he said.


The guy pouted and poked Sungyeol’s side. “Hey, I thought that the frosting ended up pretty good.”


Sungyeol shot him a look of disbelief. “No. No it didn’t.” He dipped his finger on the glob of white frosting adorning the top of the cupcake and tapped the other’s nose with it. “If it doesn’t slip off your nose then it’s firm enough. If it slips off your nose then it’s too runny.”


Myungsoo frowned as the other male playfully lifted his nose in the air, trying to keep the frosting (that was clearly beginning to drip down) up in the air. He groaned in defeat as the small drop slid off the peak of his sharp nose and onto the floor.


“Aw, damn it,” he swore, earning a shove from Sungyeol.


“We don’t swear when we’re in the front. Swear in the back all you like, but out here we keep our mouths PG,” he chided playfully.


The other rolled his eyes. “Yeah, but my frosting clearly did not live up to what I put it out to do. It was runny when it was supposed to be firm.”


The barista nodded, dipping his thumb into the runny frosting once again and watched it drip. “Yeah. It’s more like icing than frosting,” he commented.


“It’s still good, right?” the tall male asked hopefully. “It tastes like buttercream frosting?”


Sungyeol stuck his tongue out and the remaining frosting from his fingers. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth with a small pop before smiling at the other. “Yeah. It definitely tastes like buttercream frosting.”


“Except that it’s more like buttercream icing.”


“Yeah, it’s more like buttercream icing,” Sungyeol giggled. “Just make sure that you add some more sugar next time, and you should be fine.”


“But I did add sugar!”


“Powdered sugar?”




“Then switch it to powdered sugar.”


Myungsoo’s disappointed pout deepened. For some reason, he felt like this whole ordeal wasn’t even fair. He didn’t even get a chance to talk to Sungyeol yet, but Sungyeol was laughing and having a good time with some other guy behind the counter. Momentarily, Myungsoo wondered if he was a worker or just a friend of Sungyeol’s.


Sungyeol was teaching him how to make cupcakes and frosting off his fingers in front of him; of course he had to be Sungyeol’s worker, Myungsoo decided. But what if he was also his boyfriend? Sungyeol was a great guy, it would be surprising if he didn’t have a significant other at this point in life. Myungsoo slumped to himself but then straightened back up because whether this preposterous fellow was Sungyeol’s worker or boyfriend, it didn’t change the way he felt or wanted to feel at all. He was a tiny bit discouraged, since the other person was so good looking and obviously close to his crush after all, but he had come here to have lunch with Sungyeol so that’s what he was going to do.


He decided he would wait a little bit to see if the other male would leave so that he could engage Sungyeol politely. So he just stood quietly to himself, his takeout in his hands as he just continued watching.


The taller male looked down at his deformed cupcakes dejectedly, staring defeatedly at how the frosting was nearly melting off of the cakes. “Hyung, you can’t put these in the display case,” he said. “They look awful. They’ll look even more messed up next to your perfect ones. And they don’t even taste right! I know you said that today I could bake, but I seriously doubt that you should sell these.”


Sungyeol giggled, putting the misshapen cupcake down and rubbing the other’s shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry. I made my own batch of cupcakes, just in case.”


The other pouted. “Hyung, you didn’t think I could do it, did you? You already knew I was going to mess these up.”


Sungyeol laughed and pinch the other’s cheek. “You’re so cute, Minho - you actually thought I had faith in you.”


Within seconds, Myungsoo found himself right next to the display case and clearing his throat loudly to break the scene in front of him. His own actions surprised him slightly, but he didn’t regret it in the slightest when the aforementioned Minho took a step away to place some distance between himself and Sungyeol.


“Oh, Myungsoo!” Sungyeol exclaimed happily, smoothing down his hair as he walked over to the counter to greet him. “I’m glad you made it! I’m super hungry, so I can’t wait to eat.”


Myungsoo smiled at him, casting a small glance towards the male that stood behind him. “Yeah, I figured you were hungry if you hadn’t eaten yet, so I bought a bunch of food as fast as I could.”


Sungyeol gave him a large grin, sparkling in the shop’s lighting. “That’s amazing, Myungsoo, thanks so much!” The guy behind him coughed and Sungyeol turned and smiled. “Oh - Myungsoo, this is my part timer, Minho. Minho, this is Myungsoo - er, Detective Kim, I mean.”


A grin grew on Minho’s face as he looked at Myungsoo as if he recognized him. “You’re Myungsoo?” he asked.


Myungsoo nodded. “Yeah. That’s me.”


The other only smiled back. “That’s cool.”


Sungyeol rolled his eyes and shoved him away from the counter. “Go put the zebra cupcakes in the display case!”


“Can I have one, though?” he asked.


“Fine,” Sungyeol agreed. Minho grinned as he scurried away, leaving the two by themselves. Sungyeol turned back to find Myungsoo’s heart stopping smile, not the least bit aware that the detective was so pleased at his co-worker’s departure. “Let’s find a spot to eat, okay?”


Myungsoo nodded, watching as Sungyeol walked out from behind the counter. “Okay. Is there any spot that you’d want to eat?”


“Is by the windows okay? The weather is really nice today,” Sungyeol said.


“That’s perfect,” Myungsoo replied, following him to a small table in the corner next to the big windows. He set down the plastic bags with the takeout boxes on top of the cleaned tabletop. Sungyeol helped him unwrap the boxes and open them up, the smell of Chinese food making their hungry stomachs grumble.


“This smells great,” Sungyeol said softly, smiling when he noticed the restaurant's logo. “Oh, Sweet Mango! I eat there all the time, did Dongwoo tell you?”


Myungsoo shifted a bit in the booth; Dongwoo didn’t technically tell him about Sweet Mango, but he only knew about the restaurant because he had seen his partner order their delivery countless times over. But in this moment, and maybe because he had seen Minho scoping them out in his peripheral, he decided to selfishly take the credit. “Actually I picked the place out myself. It wasn’t too far from the station and I figured you’d like Chinese…”


Sungyeol grinned from across the table, his pretty hands breaking apart the wooden chopsticks. “It’s actually one of my favorites, so it looks like you’re getting scarily good at reading me.”


“Well I am a detective… being good at reading people is kind of one of the requirements of the job.”


“I’m not complaining; I enjoy reaping the benefits of your intuition. I’m so hungry and I had no time to go out and get food - Myungsoo, you’re a life saver, I swear.”


Myungsoo smiled at him, not so subtly shifting the boxes closer in Sungyeol’s direction. “It’s no problem. You sounded hungry when we were texting, so I got a lot.”


Sungyeol’s eyes widened at the large assortment of side dishes. “But this is so much Myungsoo! How much did it cost? I don’t mind paying you for half.”


The detective shook his head. “Nope. No way - you’re not paying a nickel. It was my idea to have lunch together, and you had to wait on me to show up, so it’s only right for me to treat you.”


“But, this must have cost a lot!” Sungyeol suddenly paused, narrowing his eyes as he raised an eyebrow. “...Unless you used a coupon.”


“Um, no.” Myungsoo blinked, the grin on his face mischievous. “I wouldn’t want you to get the impression that I was a cheap date, especially considering recent history.”


Sungyeol’s bright expression was back on his face in an instant, along his a subtle blush in his cheeks that had appeared whenever Myungsoo had spoken the word date. “Oh, okay - but only because you insisted.”


Myungsoo nodded in agreement. “Yeah - plus it just means that you’ll have to make it up to me next time.”


Sungyeol didn’t trust himself to answer at the mention of a next time, so instead he leaned forward to look at their meal. “So, what did you get us?”


Myungsoo shrugged, gesturing to the numerous boxes. “Honestly, I just ordered a big combo meal. But I’m sure that it’s going to be great.” He broke his own chopsticks apart and rubbed them together, making sure to get rid of any splinters.


“I’m actually really excited,” Sungyeol admitted, “I usually try to be a bit more practical when I order, so I don’t often get to enjoy the perfection that is the big combo meal. All of this looks absolutely amazing.” He bit cutely the end of his chopsticks, staring at the cartons of food and the looked back up to Myungsoo. “Are you going to eat first? Pick the dish you want.”


Myungsoo shook his head. “No. You can have the first pick.”


With a pout, Sungyeol shook his head. “But you bought it.”


“You’ve been hungry since noon.”


“But you’ve been waiting to eat too.”


“Well then, I’m demonstrating common courtesy.”


“But you already bought it! You should pick whatever you want first.”


“Or,” Minho suddenly appeared out of nowhere, bearing two drinks in his hands, “you could both share and stop salivating so blatantly. Seriously, I could see the spit from behind the counter.”


Sungyeol looked up at Minho with a playful sneer and smacked his side. “Whatever. You had a lunch break and I didn’t. And Myungsoo brought Sweet Mango, so no judgements from you.”


His coworker laughed at his defense. “Which is exactly why you two should stop arguing over who gets to pick what dish first and just share,” Minho stated as he set down two drinks on the table. “I have an iced Americano for Sungyeol and a gingerbread latte for Detective Kim.”


Myungsoo stared at the cup in astonishment and looked up at Minho. “But… I didn’t order any drinks.”


“On the house,” Minho winked. “Hyung told me that you liked it, so I thought I should make you one. Besides, you’ll need something to whet your palate a little before you eat.”


Myungsoo smiled proudly as Sungyeol flushed pink and smacked Minho. After all, that meant Sungyeol had been talking about him to Minho and it made Myungsoo feel really great inside, also known as slightly victorious.


“...Anyways,” Minho chuckled, “enjoy your meal!”


He left them after speaking, a small silence ensuing between them both. Myungsoo broke it. “He’s right, you know. We should share.”


Sungyeol smiled down at him lap and the nodded softly. “Yeah. Let’s share.”


Myungsoo picked up his drink and held it up, waiting for Sungyeol to do the same. “Cheers?”


The barista lifted his Americano, touching it gently with Myungsoo’s. “Cheers.”


They both took a sip, feeling as though the drinks were a nice transition into their lunch.


“You know,” Myungsoo began, “the latte tastes different.”


“It does?”


“Yeah. It’s not as good anymore.” He smiled at Sungyeol’s seemingly horrified and panicked face. “But maybe that’s just because you didn’t make it,” he finished with a smirk.


Sungyeol looked down shyly, unable to stop the gummy smile from spreading across his face. And even though the food was even more delicious that Sungyeol promised it would be, Myungsoo was unable to focus his attention on his lunch. He was much more content to stare at the pretty barista sitting across from him.

“Dr. Jang, I assure you, Sooyong is ready to go home.”


His superior’s words barely reached Hoya’s ears, his hands flipping through the infant’s medical chart. His brows furrowed as he looked over the text, cataloging different numbers of lab values. Everything was good, actually more like great, but he still had an undeniable amount of worry settled on his mind.


“Maybe just a couple more blood tests… or an echocardiogram! It wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at his heart…” Hoya trailed off, his attention still focused on the chart.


“His color is good, his heart sounds are normal, there’s no reason to suspect any cardiac abnormalities,” Dr. Choi sounded off politely, a hint of amusement present in his voice.


“Well just to be sure,” Hoya murmured, the anxiety clear in his tone.


“Baby, look at us.”


The doctor turned at Dongwoo’s request, feeling lighter just at the sight of him. His husband looked beautiful as always; a pair of form fitting khakis paired with a warm looking pale yellow sweater, the neckline generously low. But it wasn’t the hint of his husband’s chest that distracted him, it was the tiny hand that was pulling at the fuzzy material. Sooyong looked happy in Dongwoo’s arms, fascinated by the soft sweater in his hands as he stared up into the blonde’s eyes.


Hoya couldn’t deny that Sooyong looked healthy and content, but there was still that nagging sense of doubt in his being. “But-”


“There are no more buts Hoya. Dr. Choi is a wonderful doctor and if he says that Sooyong is ready to go home, then Sooyong is ready to go home! This beautiful boy doesn’t need any more tests, he just wants to be with his family. So stop driving your boss crazy with pointless requests for more medical care when we have a perfectly healthy son,” Dongwoo lectured a bit forcefully, turning to the surgeon with a smile. “Please forgive my overly cautious husband, I’m sure he wouldn’t dream of seriously questioning your judgement.”


“I’m just being careful!” Hoya complained, but thankfully Dr. Choi didn’t seem offended.


“Dr. Jang is just experiencing what I like to call OPS.”


“OPS?” Dongwoo questioned, nuzzling Sooyong closer to his chest.


“Overprotective Parent Syndrome. Everyone experiences it after a baby is placed in the NICU, some more than others. Dr. Jang is obviously on the… extreme end of the spectrum, but it comes from a good place. But the two of you needn’t be worried; Sooyong will be fine and he can leave with the two of you today. Now as much as I like seeing the two of you, I think it’s high time that you take your son home.” The surgeon finished with a smile.


“You heard him Hoya; doctor’s orders.” Dongwoo walked closer to his husband, the smile on his face contagious. “Now would you mind holding Sooyong so I can fill out the discharge paperwork for Dr. Choi?”


“Are you sure-”




“Okay, okay.” Hoya reached out for the baby, pulling Sooyong into his arms. He still felt nervous, but he wouldn’t dare risk disagree with his husband when he used that tone of voice. The topic was no longer up for discussion, and it would be pointless to argue it further. Sooyong cooed at the sight of Hoya’s face, his fingers catching on Hoya’s white coat. Hoya couldn’t help the smile that started to take a hold of him.


Dongwoo leaned down, placing a kiss on his husband’s forehead before tickling Sooyong’s cheek with his finger. Sooyong squirmed happily, tightening his grip on Hoya’s coat. “I’ll be back when I finish the paperwork, and then we’ll go, okay?”


Hoya nodded, his eyes still glued to Sooyong’s face. Dongwoo couldn’t help but laugh at how easily his husband gave in, following Dr. Choi’s lead to leave the two of them alone together.


The doctor stared down at the baby, his fingers softly his cheek. “What do you think Sooyong? Are you ready to come home with us?”


Sooyong babbled loudly, his legs kicking as Hoya smiled. “Okay little guy; I guess I’ll take that as a yes.”


Dongwoo watched from the other side of the glass, shaking his head at the two of them before turning to regard Dr. Choi. He grabbed the clipboard and a pen, ready to get started on the tedious paperwork.


“You want to use my office to do that? I actually have chairs you could use.”


The detective brightened at that. “Sure! That’s nice of you to offer. Lead the way.” The surgeon’s office wasn’t too far of a journey; just a small space with a desk and a couple of chairs.


“I know it’s nothing fancy, but sometimes it’s better to discuss patient news outside of a hospital room, so it’s useful.”

“I would imagine.” Dongwoo knew from Hoya that it could be difficult to carry the burden of being the bearer of bad news. “And again, thank you for calling me to come. I know that dealing with Hoya these past couple weeks has probably been difficult for you; especially since this is far from your first NICU case.”


Dr. Choi got situated behind his desk, waving off Dongwoo’s concern. “Even if this isn’t my first time dealing with this, I cannot deny that it is yours. Emotions are always stronger when we’re dealing with babies, it’s only natural to feel a larger need to protect them since they are so vulnerable. It’s one of the reasons why there aren’t many doctors who can do what I do; it’s much more pressure operating when you know you have parents going crazy outside the OR just hoping for a miracle.”


“Well sometimes you do get a miracle - like we did with Sooyong.”


“Exactly. And it’s cases like Sooyong’s that keep me encouraged and hopeful. It makes me feel like I’ve done something good.”


“You do good everyday Dr. Choi! I’m so thankful that you were the surgeon that took care of our Sooyong. And we’ll take care of him too! Me and Hoya will do our best to make sure that he has everything he needs.”


“It’s nice to see parents so excited. I can really tell just how much Sooyong means to the both of you. And even if I was unsure, Hoya’s constant presence by Sooyong’s side the last few weeks have rid me of any suspicions. Have you always wanted to adopt?”


“Well, it’s something we talked about when we first started dating; you know, the whole do you want kids talk. But we both just kind of figured that it was something that wasn’t possible for us, considering our situation. So when Sooyong came along and his mother was willing to give him up for adoption, it just kind of too perfect to pass up.”


“I see. Well I’m happy for the two of you, or maybe it would be more correct for me to say three.”


“It would be! And maybe it’s just nice to hear someone think of us as a family.”


“You are a family, so you should get used to it,” Dr. Choi said kindly, looking through some of his own case notes as Dongwoo filled out his paperwork. The surgeon’s pager beeped after a short while, and he tiredly stood from his desk after reading the message. “Looks like duty calls! Feel free to use my office as long as you need.”


“Thank you, I will,” Dongwoo said warmly.


Dr. Choi wrapped his stethoscope around his neck, shuffling his way out of the office. When he got to the door his hand rested on the handle, and he turned back to Dongwoo with a smile. “You two better be out of this hospital before I finish this consult. Otherwise I might have to do something drastic and remove floor access privileges from Hoya’s badge.”


The detective laughed, nodding his head in agreement. “I got it Dr. Choi; I’ll make sure that the three of us will get out of your way for good. And now that I have your number, don’t be too surprised if I send you some cute pictures of Sooyong to tide you over until the next time we have to come in for a check up!”


The surgeon seemed pleased at the prospect. “I would like that very much.”

Dongwoo glanced in the rear view mirror as they waited at the stop light, a smile gracing his face as he watched Hoya fret over the baby. “Everything okay back there?”


“I think so,” Hoya mumbled, readjusting the blanket to ensure that Sooyong’s feet stayed nice and covered.


“Is he awake?” Dongwoo peered at the car seat, unable to see much of anything with Hoya’s head ducked so close.


“Yeah… I don’t think for long though. Maybe being in the car makes him drowsy?” he guessed, his thumb over Sooyong’s cheek as the baby blinked slowly at him.


Dongwoo chuckled, softly pressing on the gas when the light turned green. “Maybe.”


The car was quiet and the roads were smooth, nothing but the sounds of Hoya whispering to Sooyong and gentle rumbles of the engine could be heard. The air surrounding them was calm and quiet and filled with the soft buzz of excitement. With Sooyong out of the hospital and in the car with them, there was a certain magical spark that seemed to crackle in the silence. It was extremely exciting but at the same time it was also humbling to a degree.


The ride continued in a relaxed silence with minimal conversation and lots of admiration. Dongwoo loved the way Hoya’s eyes would sparkle with an unconditional love for this baby and he hoped that as parents, they would be able to give Sooyong a comfortable childhood filled with nothing but happiness and love.


When they arrived home, it took all of Dongwoo’s being not to jump out of the car, scoop Sooyong in his arms and bounce inside the house with him. Instead he unbuckled himself noiselessly and aided Hoya in undoing the complicated car-seat belts. The baby woke up at the jostling, but didn’t seem upset at the interruption to his nap. Dongwoo made sure that Sooyong was safely tucked into Hoya’s arms before they began walking into their home. The house seemed so much cozier, even though the third addition to their family had only just arrived. But before they could open the door, Dongwoo stopped him with a hand on his arm.




“Wait?” Hoya asked confused at the sudden interruption.


“We should go in through the front door. Like we did together on New Years; it feels more special that way.” Dongwoo explained, making Hoya chuckle.


“Geez, you scared me for a moment! But I agree, might as well continue the tradition.” Hoya grinned mischievously at him. “You sure you got the keys this time?”


Dongwoo rolled his eyes, shaking them in front of his husband’s face to prove his point. Sooyong straightened up at the noise of the clanking keys, reaching out for them interestedly. The blonde kept it out of his reach, wiggling his fingers at Sooyong playfully. “No way little guy; keys are sharp and pointy and will probably end up in your mouth if I let you touch them. No keys for you!” Dongwoo readjusted the baby bag on his shoulder, patting Hoya on his backside to get him moving. “Come on Hoya; I want Sooyong to see everything!”


“I’m going, I’m going.” Hoya moved out of the garage and walked up the pathway to the entrance of their home; waiting patiently for Dongwoo to enter the code to close their garage door. It only took a few short moments for his husband to join them at the door, his face spread in a large grin. “It’s kind of ironic, don’t you think?”


“How so?” Dongwoo pushed the keys into the lock, turning it excitedly.


“Well the first time I carried you over the threshold, and now it’s Sooyong’s turn.”


“You’re right! That’s so cute!” Dongwoo practically bounced with the realization, unable to resist leaning in to give Hoya a quick kiss. “It makes it even better. Now are you two ready?” Hoya nodded for the two of them, watching as Dongwoo finally opened the front door.


“Jang Sooyong,” Hoya said, stepping inside. “Welcome to your new home.”


Sooyong let out what sounded like an excited babble as his hands twitched. Dongwoo smiled at him and touched his cheeks gently with his finger before closing the door behind the three of them. “It may not be the greatest home in the universe, but it sure beats staying at the hospital, doesn’t it?” Sooyong replied with a small coo and Dongwoo leaned in to kiss his forehead.


“We know that you’re going to love it here, either way,” Hoya stated, teasing Sooyong playfully while tickling his stomach softly. “Come on, Daddy will show you around your new home.”


Sooyong seemed to take in his new surroundings with big, curious eyes that had a tiny little glint of brightness to them. Everywhere he looked, he seemed to have such a bright and curious stare that he gave as Dongwoo and Hoya carried him around the house, taking turns explaining the rooms to Sooyong. They knew that the baby had no sense of what anything really was yet, but they did it all the same. It seemed like the right thing to do - like a welcoming ritual.


“This is the living room,” Dongwoo said softly towards Sooyong. “We’ve been preparing for your arrival for a long time.” He gestured towards the large, colorful foam puzzle-piece mats on the floor and the little fences covering each doorway. “These are all for you, Sooyong. All for you, from me and Hoya - well, I guess it’s Daddy now, isn’t it?”


Hoya gave him a playful glance and nudged him with a soft kick. “You’re Daddy, too, you know. We’re both Daddy.”


“I know, I know.” Dongwoo grinned.


They continued on to the next room. “This is our kitchen,” Hoya said, rubbing Sooyong warmly. “We’re going to make your bottles here. And also our own dinners, but we’ll eat real food of course. But someday in the future, we’ll be making dinner for all three of us.” He looked down at Sooyong teasingly. “Of course, you’re going to have to have teeth by then.”


“Definitely,” Dongwoo agreed. “We can all make dinner together once you start eating solid foods,” he chuckled. “And also - no going into the kitchen without adult supervision!” he instructed playfully.


Sooyong only stared back at him with his big brown eyes that were so clear and happy that Dongwoo couldn’t help but lean in to kiss him again on the cheeks.


They turned towards their small dining table that now had the addition of a high chair seat. The new chair was still pristine and it kind of smelled like pine, but just looking at it gave Dongwoo shivers all over again. It was beautiful, to him, to see three chair at the dining table for their newly formed family.


“See that, Sooyong?” Dongwoo whispered. “There’s three seats at the table - one, two, three! Because you, and me, and Daddy make three.”


Hoya nodded, reaching over to give Dongwoo a quick kiss. “Three makes a family.”


“And we are a family.”


Hoya grinned at him and then even wider when Sooyong grabbed onto his thumb with his tiny hands. Even Sooyong seemed to be happily overwhelmed by all that was happening and there was just something in his eyes that made Hoya’s heartbeat race and lips form a smile.


“We are a family,” Hoya agreed, “and so we are three.”

That night, Dongwoo laid propped up in their bed, his arms holding Sooyong comfortably against his chest. The baby was wrapped up in a blanket, with only his arms free to explore his surroundings. His tiny fingers caught on Dongwoo’s shirt as he wiggled, making the blonde chuckle. He gently rocked him, trying to get him to calm down for bedtime.

Sooyong had just finished his bottle - which Hoya temperature tested on both arms twice - and now the two of them were just relaxing together. Sooyong seemed content, playing with whatever he could reach as Dongwoo hummed to him.


Dongwoo looked up when the bedroom door opened, Hoya’s dark hair still wet from his shower. “Feeling a little more relaxed?” he asked politely, smiling when Hoya’s gaze drifted over the two of them.


“I was a little preoccupied thinking about the two of you,” he said honestly, crawling across the bed to drop a kiss on Dongwoo’s lips. Sooyong seemed to brighten at the sudden appearance of the doctor, his hands immediately reaching for him. “Hello there beautiful,” Hoya cooed, playing with him and smiling. He sat back on his heels, the large grin seemingly stuck on his face as he stared at them.


Dongwoo lifted an eyebrow, looking at Hoya expectantly. “What?”


“Nothing, it’s just-” He felt at a loss for words, the two of them looking so natural and perfect together that it made it almost hard to think.


“Tell me,” Dongwoo begged, a teasing grin on his face. “You know how I feel about secrets.”


Hoya’s hands settled on Dongwoo’s legs, softly gripping them as he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, I just got out of the shower to find my husband casually relaxing in bed with our baby. It’s strange but exciting and-”


“A sight that you’ll have to get used to because this little guy isn’t going anywhere.” He placed a soft kiss on Sooyong’s forehead, hugging him a bit closer. “Isn’t that right, Sooyong? You’re ours now and you aren’t going anywhere,” he sang out cutely, his eyes darting over to Hoya in a sense of confirmation.


“I know; it’s just… surreal? I can’t believe I got this lucky. First I get you and now we have Sooyong together. It’s just perfect; the both of you are perfect.”


“Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” Dongwoo said suggestively, earning him a tight squeeze from Hoya’s hands. He giggled, playing innocent. “What?”


“Don’t flirt with me when you’re trying to put the baby to sleep,” Hoya chastised him, although he couldn’t resist leaning in for another kiss.


“I refuse to play by your rules; I reserve the right to flirt with you whenever I want. It’s one of the many exclusive benefits I received when I agreed to be your husband. And I wasn’t even trying to introduce any kind of inappropriate ideas; Sooyong just finished his bottle before you came in and I still need to burp him.”


“S’okay, I can do it.” Hoya stood up from the bed, opening up a drawer to pull out a small towel to lay over his shoulder. Dongwoo laughed, shaking his head at him.


“Seriously? You keep a stash in the bedroom?”


“You’ll thank me when I prevent most of our wardrobe from getting stained and - or - ruined.” Hoya said matter of factly, reaching out for Sooyong. Dongwoo rolled his eyes, scooting over to the edge of the bed to make the exchange easier. It only took a few moments for Hoya to have the baby in his arms, Sooyong’s tiny face looking over his shoulder in bewilderment at the sudden change.


“Which mommy blog did you pick that tip up from?” Dongwoo joked, earning him a glare from his husband. “Come on, I’m just teasing! We both know that I’ll be looking at them too, especially since it will just be me and Sooyong home alone all day long for the next few weeks. I have to find some ways to entertain myself, and what better way than parenting research?”


“Okay. I can send you a couple of the really good ones,” Hoya said seriously, and Dongwoo was thankful that he was facing away so he didn’t have to hide his amusement. Hoya shifted around a bit on his feet, trying to calm Sooyong down. He turned to face Dongwoo again, his hand looking overly large as he gently caressed the baby’s back. Dongwoo watched in contentment as Hoya softly patted Sooyong’s back with no sense of impatience.


Hoya’s eyes landed on the bottle, a bit of milk still left inside. “He didn’t finish it all?”


Dongwoo shook his head, reaching out to pat the little guy’s leg. “No, he got full pretty quickly! I tried to give him some more but he didn’t want his bottle. If we end up with a stubborn little guy on our hands, I’m blaming you.”


“I am not stubborn!” Hoya said childishly, still patting Sooyong rhythmically on his back.


“Says the guy who argued with a much more experienced and knowledgeable neonatal surgeon about whether or not Sooyong was ready to be discharged from the hospital.”


“I was just being careful!” Hoya said defensively, to which Dongwoo could only laugh.


“I know baby; it’s cute when you get all nervous.” Dongwoo suddenly felt self conscious, his own nerves messing with him when he looked at the bottle. He grabbed it, rolling it around in his hands as he watched Hoya with the baby. “It’s okay though, right? Does he have to finish the entire bottle?”


“He’s a baby; he’ll drink it when he’s hungry. We can’t really force him to have it when he doesn’t want to. Plus, I don’t think he’ll have any problems letting us know when he’s hungry. He is a bit smaller than most so it makes sense that he couldn’t finish the whole thing.”


“Okay,” Dongwoo muttered, his hand rubbing Hoya’s thigh absentmindedly. He closed his eyes, listening to the steady beats of Hoya’s hand on Sooyong’s back, the tiny gargles that escaped the baby’s mouth until the louder noise of a burp broke through. He returned his gaze to Hoya’s face, not the least bit surprised to see a wide prideful smile.


“Good boy Sooyong!” he chimed out, using the towel to wipe off any of the mess. “You did so good, you’re so smart. You knew exactly what you needed to do, didn’t you?” Hoya rambled on, bouncing Sooyong happily on his shoulder for a job well done. Dongwoo let Hoya cuddle with a baby for a few moments longer, the warmth inside of him spreading as he watched how enchanted his husband was with their son. It was clear in all of Hoya’s actions, how carefully he held him, he intensely he looked at him, and how big his smile was; Sooyong made him feel true happiness.


He didn’t realize he was grinning like an idiot until Hoya’s knee nudged him, breaking him out of his reverie. “Sorry baby,” he chuckled, the choice of words amusing him. “Well, can I still call you baby? Now that we have, you know, a real baby around all the time?”


Hoya wrapped his other arm around Sooyong, holding him securely so he could lean over to drop a kiss on Dongwoo’s lips. “Of course you can; I love it when you call me baby. It would be weird if I didn’t hear it anymore. Plus, we have such a beautiful name for this little one, so we’ll call him by that; isn’t that right my gorgeous Sooyong? Huh? Isn’t that so?”


Sooyong blinked at the excited tone in Hoya’s voice, a delighted coo escaping his mouth as Hoya nuzzled their noses together; Dongwoo grinned at the sight. “He’s always loved his name, hasn’t he? Even from the first time he heard it… he responded to it so well. Don’t you Sooyong?” He finished, raising his voice a bit louder when he said the name to grab his attention. Sooyong fell for it naturally, his head swinging around to look at Dongwoo, before another happy cry left his mouth, his tiny hands reaching for the blonde.


“Looks like he already misses his daddy. You want Dongwoo to put you to bed, Sooyong?” Hoya took the baby’s babble as a yes, passing him over to his husband carefully. Dongwoo whispered his own sweet nothings into the baby’s ear, hugging him tightly and breathing in his scent. Having Sooyong in his arms just felt so right, and now that he was here he couldn’t imagine him not being a part of their family.


Hoya disposed of the towel, finishing up his last minute preparations for bed as he stole not so subtle glances at the two boys in his life. Before long he couldn’t stop himself from walking over, wrapping his arms around Dongwoo’s slim waist as he held the little bundle of joy in his arms. Hoya rested his chin on Dongwoo’s shoulder, enabling him to feel Dongwoo’s body fully against his own as he smiled down at the baby. The blonde leaned his head back, brushing their cheeks together gently.


“How did I get so lucky?” Hoya mused, turning his head to place a kiss on Dongwoo’s cheek. “Just look at you two.”


“We’re just as lucky to have you.” Dongwoo responded truthfully, extending his finger so that little Sooyong could have something to hold onto. They didn’t speak much after that, Hoya swaying their bodies slightly to soothe the baby in Dongwoo’s arms. It seemed to work, before long the little noises seemed to quiet, and Sooyong’s eyelids began to droop heavily. The little guy had such a big day, he couldn’t seem to fight the urge to give into slumber.


“Looks like he’s finally drifting away,” Hoya whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Dongwoo’s neck. Dongwoo nodded in agreement, moving away slowly when Hoya removed his arms from his waist. He made sure to slow his steps, trying his best not to jostle Sooyong who was on the brink of sleep. Hoya followed them, standing on the opposite side of the bassinet to pull back the blankets.


Dongwoo gently lowered the little bundle to the tiny bed, letting go of him reluctantly as Hoya covered him up with the warm blankets. Sooyong didn’t fuss at being let go, his little body tired and ready for bed. “Goodnight beautiful.” Dongwoo leaned down, placing a soft kiss on his face before straightening up again.


“Goodnight Sooyong,” Hoya repeated the sentiment, leaning down to give the baby a kiss as well. The two men stood diligent at Sooyong’s side, waiting patiently for the little boy’s expression to smooth out as he finally fell asleep. And even then, they still felt inclined to wait, making sure he was truly at rest before they themselves climbed into bed.


Hoya tried to shift onto the side closest to Sooyong’s bassinet, but Dongwoo wasn’t having it. “You have work in the morning,” he reminded him gently.


“I know, but you’ll be here with him all day tomorrow; that’s a job in itself. You’ll be tired Dongwoo. It’s no problem for me to take care of him if he wakes up tonight.” Hoya tried to argue quietly, but his husband wasn’t deterred.


“I insist; you’ll have your turn at not sleeping soon enough. I really don’t mind. It’s your first time working a weekend shift tomorrow, and the hours are much longer than you’re used to. I know you need your sleep so get under the covers already.” Dongwoo pulled back the purple comforter to end the disagreement, waiting expectantly for Hoya to follow his orders. The brunette sighed, but ultimately listened, getting comfortable on his side of the bed as Dongwoo did the same.


Hoya couldn’t resist pulling Dongwoo closer the moment they were both under the covers, entangling their bare legs together. “I love you.” He murmured, his arm tightening around Dongwoo’s waist again to hold him close.


“I know.” The blonde responded, returning the embrace happily. “And I love you too.” They kissed sweetly, before Dongwoo settled his head on Hoya’s chest.


“I’m happy we decided to put the bassinet in our bedroom.” Hoya confessed, his hands softly Dongwoo’s hair.


“Yeah. It feels better knowing that he’s so near, that we can get to him easily the moment he needs anything. If he was in the nursery I’d be going crazy wondering if he was okay…”


“Me too. I like keeping the both of you close to me.” Hoya rubbed Dongwoo’s back, a pleased expression on his face. “Baby… I’m just so happy that you decided to do this with me. I just can’t stop being thankful for you… for Sooyong. I’m just so… ah, Dongwoo.”


His husband looked up at him, sensing that he was getting emotional. “Hey.” His hand found Hoya’s face, his thumb softly tracing his cheekbone to soothe him. “Baby, it’s okay. You’re okay.”


“I know. Everything is perfect. I just feel so happy; I didn’t know I could feel this happy. The two of you have changed my life so much, I can’t be without either of you. I’ll miss you so much tomorrow, god how am I supposed to leave…”


“It will be hard, I’ll miss you too. And I’m sure Sooyong will notice your absence. But it will be okay, because you’re coming back to us. You’ll always come back to us. You love us Hoya and we love you back. It’s okay to be afraid or nervous; I am too. But I know we’ll figure it out because we’re doing this together. You trusted your heart and it brought us here; so just relax and enjoy it.”


“You’ll help me?” Hoya questioned, his fingers traveling up Dongwoo’s spine to rest between his shoulders.


“Of course I will.” Dongwoo whispered back, bringing their lips together for a short kiss. “I’ll call you if there’s any problems, which there won’t be so don’t even worry about it. And I’ll send you tons of adorable selcas of me and Sooyong. You’ll be going crazy just waiting until the moment you can come back home and see us for real.”


“You know me too well,” Hoya complained halfheartedly, swallowing up Dongwoo’s mischievous giggle with a kiss. The liplock deepened after a few moments, the both of them wanting to feel each other closer. But before it could get out of hand Hoya reluctantly pulled away, dropping one last peck on his husband’s full lips before tucking his head into his shoulder. “I love you.”


The smaller man giggled, his fingertips playing with the edge of Hoya’s shirt. “You’ve already said that.”


“I know and I’ll keep saying it; I’ll never get tired of it.”


Dongwoo hummed in approval, snuggling into Hoya’s warmth. “I won’t either; I love you too. Now get some rest baby.”


“Okay,” Hoya agreed, the smile permanently fixed on his face as he held his husband close, falling happily into a content sleep.

A/N: yay for adorable myungyeol coffee shop date with chinese food. lolol did you like him getting jelly of minho, because honestly who wouldn’t get jealous if they saw minho chatting it up with their boo. So Hoya and Dongwoo have finally brought their baby home! The three of them are finally together and a family, which is the way it should be! Don’t think that Sooyong will keep Dongwoo too busy to continue his matchmaking! What exactly does he have in store for his best friend, and will Sungyeol be willing to play along? (Especially if a certain someone has already caught his eye!) Stay tuned to find out! We hope you enjoyed the fluffy, domestic update! Comment and let us know darlings!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 34: This is actually so so so goodd
nataliawong #2
Chapter 34: Authornim, your story is way too good to give up. Please update soon.
Chapter 34: I've kept this under my book mark for a year now and being deprived of infinite and parenting AUs I started this knowing it wasn't going to get completed. OMG like this story was just soo damn good and kept me on the edge. I can't even express in words my love for it even tho it's too late, i legit read each chapter twice. I loved it that much!! It's always a pity coming across amazing unfinished works tho ㅠㅠ but till whatever I read, it just was purely fabulous!!!!
Chapter 32: I couldn't help but cry as I was reading this chapter.
I hope you would update this story as soon as possible. Thanks..
nataliawong #5
Authornim, by now i have read this story thrice, i still find it attractive and amazing. I really wanna know how their relationships will end up. Please don't make me wait any longer, update please. Bow.
Chapter 34: Sorry if I sound like I'm hassling but pleeeease update this. You guys left at, like, the most climatic part yet! I need to know what happens to Dongwoo; to their marriage!! I feel so bad for him that I'm leaning towards his side. Dongwoo needs that emotional support and only Woohyun can provide that currently. Hoya needs to get his act together and make up for this!
Anyway, I hope you guys come back soon but I'll be waiting no matter what~
dokebe91 #7
Chapter 34: i just reread the last update....PLEASE UPDATE. oh my god i am so curious as to what dongwoo will do....i am hoping he will not be making a huge mistake...esp since he's under the influence it and emotional.....ajsfksadjfkasdjfasdkfjsdkfasdjfasjdf.
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 34: I wish you could update this story...
nataliawong #9
Authornim, update please. Don't give up on this amazing story.
m24354 #10
Chapter 34: I'm dying to know what's going happen next!! One minute I couldn't stop smiling at how cute Sungyeol and Munggsoo and Jiseon are, the next I'm crying over yhe fight between Sungyeol and Dongwoo. I've been reading 24 chapters straight and I can say that Myungsoo's not the only one who felt like they've been riding a rollercoaster. *cries uncontrollably*