
Growing Pains

Myungsoo brightened as he stepped inside the familiar cafe, the bright jingle of the entrance bell welcoming him warmly as he lined up behind the current customer at the counter.  He sent Sungyeol, who was standing behind the counter, a warm smile as he inhaled deeply. He had gotten used to the fragrant, spicy air of the cafe and could recognize it from half a block away. Maybe that made him sound a little too eager, but he seemed to be really excited for everything this new town had to offer so far. The new city became familiar fairly quickly and he was happy to admit that he was settling in quite nicely. He was able to make some new friends, get great work at his new job, and attend a few fun events.


In reality, he had only attended one fun event, but it was something that hadn’t left his mind since the second he had left the area. Yongguk’s marathon was probably one of his favorite experiences so far, and he was glad he had went. After all, it was there that he had a chance to converse with Sungyeol again - the lovely, sweet barista at his new favorite cafe. He was glad that of all the people in San Jose, he was able to get close to Sungyeol. Sungyeol was kind and welcoming, and Myungsoo couldn’t have met anyone who made him more comfortable. He was glad that they had become friends. He had come back frequently since then and was almost considered a regular by Sungyeol’s standards. However, nowhere near regular enough to gain access to his Netflix information, that was for sure.


He smiled at the mere thought of Sungyeol and his quirkiness. Though he was a kind person overall, there were a few little perks in his personality that made him all the more fun and likeable; like how he made sure to say hello and familiarize himself with any new faces he saw and how he would make small little jokes to make people feel comfortable.They were small, miniscule things that Myungsoo had noticed on his visits here. Sometimes he felt a little weird for noticing such tiny details that he normally couldn’t care less about.


The smile that grew on his face during his small haze of happiness melted slowly as he realized that he was still standing behind the customer. He glanced up at the clock on the wall and realized he had been standing in land for three minutes. Usually service at Sarang’s was quick, so he didn’t realize what the holdup was. He began listening to the conversation between Sungyeol and the customer more intently, wondering if there were any problems.


“Hm, should I get the iced raspberry lemonade tea? Or is it too cold for tea?”


Sungyeol smiled at the girl. “In my opinion, tea is great any time. So will it be a raspberry lemonade tea, then?”


The girl placed her hand on her hip, staring up at the menu board indecisively. “It’s kind of cold so maybe I should get a coffee instead?” She looked to Sungyeol for his input.


Sungyeol only nodded. “A coffee would be great for this weather as well. I take you’ll order a coffee then?”


“Yeah, a coffee, I guess. But which one…?” She glanced up at the menu board once again. “A medium sized caramel macchiato?”


“Is that your order?” Sungyeol moved slowly away from the counter, ready to make the drink. “I’ll get start-”


“No, wait, I changed my mind. Hold on for a second while I decide.”


Sungyeol sighed, leaning his body against the counter and resting his chin in his hand. He glanced over and met Myungsoo’s eyes over the girl’s shoulder. He raised his eyebrows in a greeting.


Myungsoo smiled back, a glimmer of sympathy streaking through his eyes. ‘How long has she been here?’ he mouthed.


Sungyeol glanced up at his clock then shot Myungsoo a sad smile. ‘Fifteen minutes,’ he mouthed back.


Myungsoo’s eyebrows rose up in shock. Sungyeol had been dealing with this preposterous customer for fifteen minutes?! He felt annoyed for the barista already. He didn’t understand how Sungyeol could be so patient, but he was pleasantly unsurprised by that fact.


“Maybe I could get a cinnamon dolce latte. Does that sound good?”


“So, a cinnamon dolce latte-”


“Wait no, I think I’ll have the salted caramel mocha.”


“Is that your final decision?” Sungyeol asked, a bit of hope in his words.


She nodded. “Yeah, I think a salted caramel mocha will do. Oh wait, can you tell me how many calories that is?”


Sungyeol raised an eyebrow and Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “Calories?” Sungyeol repeated.


“Yeah, the calories. Are there a lot? I can’t have too many calories.”


“I could check for you if you like,” Sungyeol responded.”But if you want less calories you could have it made with unsweetened whipped cream and nonfat milk instead.”


“Oh,” she said, contemplating. “Wait, does the nonfat milk option come with all of your beverages?”


Sungyeol nodded. “Yes, you can replace the milk with nonfat milk in any beverage.”


“Oh, really? Let me change my drink, then.”


Sungyeol held in a frustrated sigh and Myungsoo instantly felt sorry for him. Dealing with indecisive customers must have been a pain. He, also, was beginning to get irritated at the girl’s constant changing of mind. But Sungyeol still held a firm smile on his face and Myungsoo couldn’t help but admire that.


“Hmm,” the girl began. “I’m so torn between the white chocolate mocha and the peppermint mocha. They both sound extraordinary.”


“They’re both quite good,” Sungyeol agreed.


“What if I asked you to mix them. As in, combine them?”


Sungyeol raised his eyebrows, catching Myungsoo’s eyes over the girl’s shoulder. “I’ve never experienced mixing the two drinks before.”


“Oh, is that so? Let me just choose a different drink so that it won’t be a bother to you.”


Myungsoo almost threw his arms in the air out of frustration. If it were up to him he would have just told her to get out of line if she still didn’t know what she wanted. She was taking up too much time and the short but far distance between he and Sungyeol made Myungsoo only more impatient and annoyed.


He ruffled his hair and caught Sungyeol’s eyes. He looked at the girl then back at Sungyeol, telling him that he thought that this situation was utterly ridiculous. Sungyeol could only smile back sadly, shrugging to say that he couldn’t do anything about it.


“You know what,” the girl said, “can I just buy a water?”


“A water?” Sungyeol repeated in disbelief. “Like a plain water bottle?”


The girl nodded. “Yep. Just that please!”


Sungyeol only chuckled, pulling a cold water bottle from underneath the counter. “That will be a dollar-fifty, then.”


She pulled out her money and handed it to him and he returned it with the correct amount of change. She grinned at him. “Thanks for helping me out!”


Sungyeol smiled as she began to leave. “It’s no problem. Drop by again!”


“I will!” she replied.


Myungsoo cast her a judgmental look as she passed by and left the cafe. He rolled his eyes as he stepped up to the counter. “If it were me I would have told her to get lost and never come back.”


“As frustrating as they can be, every customer is valued,” Sungyeol replied, shooting him a bright smile. “Although I certainly wouldn’t mind if she didn’t return.” He made a face. “She was pretty annoying.”


Myungsoo laughed. “I can imagine! All that to end up buying water? That’s ridiculous.” He shook his head.


“It was, wasn’t it?” he spoke, chuckling to himself lightly. “But, it’s great to see your face after that little fiasco! What can I get for you today? Would you like a water also?” he teased.


Myungsoo chuckled. “If my memory serves me correctly, I think you already gave me some water at the marathon.”


Sungyeol flushed for a second before smiling. “Oh, you remember that?” he laughed. “Well, then I guess you could pay me some money for my water this time.”


“No, no,” Myungsoo said, shaking his head. “I’ll buy something interesting, I promise.”


Sungyeol smiled. “Well, take your time choosing.”


Myungsoo looked up at the menu board in thought. Unlike other regular customers, he didn’t buy the same drink every time. He always got something new and different just to sample the variety that Sungyeol offered.


“The cinnamon dolce latte sounds pretty good to me today,” he said. “Mind hooking me up with one of those?”

Sungyeol grinned at him before stepping back and pulling a cup from under the counter. “One cinnamon dolce latte coming right up!” He stepped back, beginning to fill the cup with coffee.


“Actually,” Myungsoo cut in, “can I get a chocolate fudge latte instead?”


Sungyeol froze and sent him a look before putting down the coffee pot and picking up another one. “A chocolate fudge latte?”


Myungsoo bit his lip then shook his head playfully. “Actually no, let me get a vanilla bean frappuccino.”


“Oh, so now a vanilla bean-”


“Scratch that - let me have a chai tea latte.”


Sungyeol raised his eyebrow. “Okay, so chai tea latte now?”


“Yeah. But make sure to make it with nonfat milk. Actually, how many calories are in nonfat milk?” He spoke with a playful grin and snicker. “How about I just get a raspberry lemonade tea instead.”


Sungyeol put down his coffee pot and sent him a glare. “Are you doing this on purpose?”


Myungsoo chuckled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“Are you sure you don’t know what you’re doing?” he asked with an amused smile and a raised eyebrow. “Cause it sounds like you’re trying to annoy me,” he teased.


Leaning forward with a small smile, Myungsoo said, “Well, maybe I just wanted to talk to you longer.”


Sungyeol blushed a pale shade of pink, smiling largely as he stared down at his hands. “There are easier ways to do that, you know.”


“I know,” Myungsoo grinned cheekily. “I just like this way better.”


Sungyeol rolled his eyes, but the bright twinkle was still present. He looked up with a tiny glare and pout. “Well, are you going to order or not? I would think that standing for nearly twenty minutes behind that girl would have given you enough time to make a decision.”


Myungsoo nodded. “True, true. How about.... you order for me?”


Sungyeol’s eyes widened in surprise. “Order for you? Like I make you anything I want?”


“Anything. Give me anything you like!”


Sungyeol bit his lip to conceal his smile, but even Myungsoo could tell that he was excited. He looked up at Myungsoo with sparkling eyes and said, “I’ll have your drink out in just a moment!”


Myungsoo replied affirmatively, looking forward to what Sungyeol was going to concoct for him. It was kind of cute to him, how Sungyeol ran around the station like a buzzing bee that had just had a coffee with three times the amount of normal caffeine. He rushed around, blending a few things and adding some more ingredients to his beverage. It didn’t take very long and soon Sungyeol was dusting the top of a whipped cream hill with some cinnamon and then placed it right in front of Myungsoo.


“One medium sized cinnamon apple spice for Myungsoo,” he announced cheerily.


“Impressive,” Myungsoo commented, taking the warm cup between his hands. He took a sip and his entire face lit up. “Wow. I feel like I just drank liquid nostalgia.”


Sungyeol nodded happily. “It feels that way, doesn’t it?”


Myungsoo took another sip, the leftover whipped cream from his lips. “I don’t know why I never ordered this before.”


Sungyeol leaned over the counter and whispered, “That’s because it’s not on the menu.”


“No way! Really? You don’t sell this?”


Sungyeol shook his head. “Nope. It’s one of my secret menu items that you can only get by asking me personally.”


“So anyone else that works here wouldn’t be able to make it?”


The barista shook his head, his eyes sparkling brightly. “Nope. It’s that special!”


“Well then,” Myungsoo said, “I feel rather honored, Mr. Barista.” He bowed slightly, making Sungyeol laugh. “So how much do I owe you.”


“A dollar-fifty.”


Myungsoo sighed. “Seriously, you should not be giving discounts to such amazing drinks. They’re already cheap to begin with, also! Can’t I just pay full price for once?”


Sungyeol smiled cheekily. “Nope! You work down at the station, so you have to pay the discounted price!”


“You’re killing me with guilt, Sungyeol, seriously.” Myungsoo fished the money out of his pocket begrudgingly, placing a dollar and two quarters on the counter. “There’s your dollar-fifty,” he said.


“Thank you!” Sungyeol said cheerily, putting the money into the cash register.


Myungsoo looked up at the clock once again. “Looks like my lunch break is nearly over. I’ll come back later, Sungyeol!”


“Oh, before you go,” Sungyeol said suddenly, reaching underneath the counter. He pulled out a small paper package and handed it to Myungsoo. “Give this to the chief for me, will you?”


Myungsoo took it, looking at it curiously. “What is it?”


“Strawberry vanilla cupcake,” the barista replied. “I know it’s Sunggyu’s favorite and I just made a fresh batch, so I thought - why not? Tell that old geezer to come visit me sometime! I miss the times when he’d squint up at my menu board.”


Myungsoo chuckled, waving in Sungyeol’s direction. “I’ll make sure to tell him. I’ll see you later!”


“Come back soon, Myungsoo!”


He smiled as he opened the door to exit. “You know I will.”


On the way back into the station Myungsoo couldn’t get rid of the smile on his face, his thoughts swirling over the charming barista at his now favorite locale. He stepped to converse with Yongguk for a moment - who thanked him entirely too much for participating in his event - and headed upstairs to his unit’s floor.


He knew that he probably looked silly, actually he was probably being silly for feeling so happy about the exchange he had just had with Sungyeol. They were just friends, had barely known each other for a couple days and yet Myungsoo couldn’t deny the sense of companionship he felt with the other man. For some reason when he was around Sungyeol he felt less lonely, more like San Jose was his actual home, not just some town he got reassigned to.


Sungyeol was warm and friendly, always putting on a smile for Myungsoo, despite how busy or chaotic things were at Sarang’s. It made Myungsoo feel special, the way Sungyeol’s eyes would light up whenever he walked into the cafe, almost as if Sungyeol was waiting for him. It made him feel good, and the idea of being wanted was the reason he couldn’t stop smiling.


He clutched the bag of treats in his hand, making his way to the Chief’s office to deliver Sungyeol’s message. It made him feel inexplicably happy that Sungyeol had entrusted him with the task, it was almost as if Sungyeol really trusted him. He could feel it; each time he walked into Sarang’s, spoke with Sungyeol and tasted his creations, he was getting closer and closer to the other man.


Myungsoo lifted a hand to knock on the Chief’s door, but stopped short when he saw another man already inside with him. Sunggyu was resting his weight against the front of his deck, laughing with the man who was standing in front of him. The detective narrowed his eyes at the Chief’s visitor, getting a sense that he had seen him before; which was strange, considering that he could count on his fingers the number of people he was currently associated with in this town.


He stared at the man’s face, trying to place him from his memory. Obviously he was someone closely acquainted with the Chief, judging by their smiles and relaxed body language. But he definitely didn’t work at the department, otherwise Myungsoo would have been introduced to him. Myungsoo shook his head, tightening his grip on Sungyeol’s delivery before backing away. They seemed to not want to be bothered, and he would just have to wait to deliver the sugary treats.


He stepped into his office, surprised to see Dongwoo there already. The past couple of days his partner had been leaving the department for lunch, so he was a little caught off guard to see him there so early with scattered Chinese takeout covering their desk.


“Oh, Myungsoo! Sorry about the mess!” Dongwoo tossed some of his empty boxes into the trash hurriedly, making room for Myungsoo to get situated. He pulled a container of fried rice close to him, his chopsticks in hand. “Do you mind if I snack while we look over these prescription logs? I had a late morning so I wasn’t able to eat breakfast; I’m two boxes in and still starving.”


Myungsoo laughed, sitting across from Dongwoo on the other side of the table. “That’s no problem, I don’t mind! I was just a little surprised to see you eating in here; you’ve left for lunch practically every day since I started working here.”


Dongwoo made a sound of understanding, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin. “I actually eat here at the station most days; I either pack a lunch or order take out. This week has just been… a special week. I’ve been spending lunch with my husband at the hospital.”


“Oh, that’s it!” Myungsoo said excitedly, the pieces finally falling together. “I was wondering why he looked familiar!”


“Who looked familiar?” Dongwoo asked between bites.


“Well I was supposed to drop off this cupcake to the Chief for Sungyeol, but there was another person in his office and I didn’t want to interrupt.”


Dongwoo pouted, staring at the bag on top of the desk as if it were the enemy. “Aish, some best friend I have! He didn’t even send anything for me? I’m totally going to call him later and complain, I’m supposed to be getting preferential treatment!”


Myungsoo laughed, opening up some of their files to start getting back to work. “Well anyway, I didn’t disturb the Chief cause he was talking with someone. And I thought he looked familiar, but I couldn’t figure out why. But it’s because he’s your husband!”


Dongwoo’s mouth stopped mid chew, before he broke out into a guffaw, covering his mouth. “You must be mistaken Myungsoo; there’s no way my husband would be here right now.”


“No, I’m sure of it! I remember what he looks like; you showed me those pictures of him. I’m positive that it was your husband.” He searched his brain for the name, “Hoya right?”


Dongwoo shook his head, finding his partner amusing. “Well it’s very cute that you remember my husband’s name, I’m telling that it’s impossible for him to be here right now.”


Myungsoo felt upset that Dongwoo wasn’t taking him seriously. “I’m telling you, it’s him! He was even wearing scrubs! If you don’t believe me, then take a look yourself; the blinds were open in the Chief’s office!”


The older detective sighed, picking up his take out container and walking over to the window to peep through. “I’ll humor you Myungsoo but I’m telling you-” He stopped mid sentence, narrowing his eyes. “What in the hell is Hoya doing in Sunggyu’s office?”


“See, I told you!” Myungsoo said defensively, joining Dongwoo at the window. “You have that picture on your desk and he’s your cell phone background. I knew I recognized him!”


“What in the hell is Hoya doing in Sunggyu’s office?” Dongwoo repeated quizzically, dropping his chopsticks in the box. He set the food down on the nearby counter, pulling down the blinds with his finger to get a clearer view. Dongwoo pulled his phone out of his back pocket, glancing at his screen. “I don’t have any missed calls or texts…”


“They seem like they are enjoying the conversation. It looks like they’re friends… it’s not a bad thing, right?” Myungsoo pointed out, watching the way the two men interacted inside the Chief’s office.


“No, it’s not. Hoya has met Sunggyu on numerous occasions so they are definitely friendly. But still, he didn’t call me. What could he possibly have to discuss with Sunggyu that he didn’t need to discuss with me?”


“I don’t know, but at least it’s not bad news. They seem like they’re happy. I’m sure that he will talk to you before he leaves.” Myungsoo tried to say something helpful, but Dongwoo didn’t seem to hear him. The blonde’s nose was practically pressed up against the glass, as if that would magically allow him to hear their conversation. The two of them stood in silence, observing the other men as they finished up their discussion.


Sunggyu stood up from his desk, reaching out his hand to shake Hoya’s firmly. After he let go he actually pulled Hoya into a hug, making Dongwoo raise his eyebrows. But then Sunggyu was opening up the door to his office, and Dongwoo let out a yelp as he jumped away from the window.


“Get away from there Myungsoo!” He whispered a little too loudly, practically pulling the younger detective off his feet in his hurry. Myungsoo collapsed into his chair a little dazed, almost falling over in the process. “Just act natural!” Dongwoo ordered, smoothing his hair down and trying to appear as if he was working and not spying on his husband and his boss. “Oh, hand me my Chinese! Quick!”


Myungsoo nodded, leaning over to grab the food and handing it over to his partner in one quick gesture. Dongwoo had just picked up his chopsticks when Sunggyu knocked on the door.


“Looks like they’re hard at work; sorry to interrupt you guys,” Sunggyu said warmly.


“Oh no, it’s not problem at all,” Dongwoo responded cheerily, faking surprise when he looked over to his husband. “Hoya! I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”


His husband smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. “Yeah… I know that I didn’t call, I was in the bit of a rush.”


Myungsoo and Dongwoo shared a look, the younger trying to hide his smile at Dongwoo’s awkward acting.


“Myungsoo, would you mind working alone for the rest of the day?” Sunggyu turned to Dongwoo. “Did you guys have a plan of action?”


The blonde scrunched his eyebrows. “I mean yes… We were going to go over these prescription logs from the area, see if we saw any new patterns in doctors prescribing the meds… but why would Myungsoo need to work alone?”


Sunggyu walked over to Dongwoo, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “Because, I’m giving you the rest of the day off. And you need to get used to working the case on your own.”


“Why would I be working on my own?” Myungsoo said confused, watching Sunggyu turn to share a meaningful look with Hoya.


“Reasons. I expect a report on those prescription logs by lunch tomorrow, rookie. And to you two-” The Chief smiled brightly, “Consider the free afternoon my way of saying congratulations.” He was about to turn and walk away, but Myungsoo remembered his promise.


“Wait Chief!” Myungsoo called to him, holding out the bag from Sarang’s. “This is from Sungyeol; he said it’s an incentive to make you come back and visit.”


Sunggyu took the offering, smiling at what he saw inside. “I know there was a reason I liked him.” The Chief walked away without another word, leaving the two detectives in clear confusion.


Hoya raised an arm to lean against the doorframe, a mischievous grin on his face. “Well are you going to sit there all day or are you going to come with me?” His canines bit into his lip, a hand brushing his hair out of his eyes. “I’ve got something to tell you.”


Dongwoo sat there dumbly for a few seconds, until Myungsoo nudged his chair. “You heard the Chief; I’ve got a report due tomorrow and work to do. Go have fun with your husband and let me focus.”


The blonde broke into a smile, standing from his seat. “I guess I will take my leave then.” Dongwoo grabbed a few of his things, tossing his now cold food into the trash. He clutched his briefcase in his hand, stepping up to Hoya with a smile. “Apparently my husband has something important to tell me.”


He stepped up to Hoya’s side, letting the taller man wrap an arm around his waist. Hoya looked over his shoulder at the other detective. “It was nice to meet you Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo thought the gesture was sweet, even though they hadn’t been able to talk much. “Yeah, you too!”


“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow rookie!” Dongwoo called out as Hoya lead him away to the elevators.


Hoya leaned his head on Dongwoo, doing his best to try to avoid the blonde’s questions as they made their way out of the building to the parking lot. “I’ll tell you when we get home.”


Dongwoo pouted, slipping his arm around Hoya’s waist to slide his hand into his scrub pocket. “Aw, come on, that isn’t fair Hoya! You show up at my job, convince my boss to let me go home early, and now you’re acting coy? I’m going crazy here, tell me what’s going on!”


“I will baby.” Hoya kissed the top of his blonde hair, steering him towards his car. “The moment we get home, I promise that I will tell you anything you want to know.” He grabbed the keys from Dongwoo’s hand, unlocking the car door. “All of your questions will be answered, after a quick drive home.” Hoya opened the door, staring at Dongwoo expectantly.


“But can’t you just tell me-”


“Get in the car babe.”


“You could just give me a hint-”




The blonde huffed, climbing into the driver’s seat begrudgingly. “This isn’t fair.”


“Turn on the car baby.”


“But if I could just-”


“I am closing the car door Dongwoo,” Hoya threatened, and the detective reluctantly gave in. He took the keys from Hoya and the car obediently, his bottom lip sticking out cutely. He pulled his legs inside, letting his husband shut the door softly. Dongwoo rolled down the window, still hoping for a tiny piece of information.


Hoya tilted his head, his finger playing with the strap near the door. “Put on your seatbelt baby. Safety first.”


Dongwoo rolled his eyes, but buckled himself in nevertheless. “Can I at least get a kiss before I go?”


Hoya grinned at him, resting his elbows on the inside of the window. “Of course you can. Come here.” Dongwoo obliged, leaning in to connect their lips. The kiss started out chaste, before morphing into something deeper. Hoya grabbed the back of Dongwoo’s neck, pulling him closer and making the blonde’s chest strain against the seatbelt. Dongwoo didn’t seem to mind, pushing his fingers into the dark hair as the kiss continued.


Eventually Hoya pulled away from Dongwoo’s lips, giving him one more soft peck before putting a bit of distance between them. “Drive safe,” he whispered, brushing his thumb over Dongwoo’s mouth.


“I always do,” Dongwoo said playfully, unable to resist the urge to lean back for another kiss.


“The longer you keep kissing me, the longer until I get to tell you what’s going on,” Hoya said matter of factly, even though he was just as guilty as his husband, stealing a few more pecks from the sweet lips.


Dongwoo rested his forehead against Hoya’s, sighing heavily. “Can I at least ask one question? Just one?”


Hoya chuckled, brushing Dongwoo’s cheek. “You are persistent, I’ll give you that.”


“I know how to get what I want. And I’ve been told that I can be very persuasive.” Dongwoo teased. “You going to prove me wrong?”


Hoya took in a deep breath, his defenses folding. “Fine. But only one question.”


Dongwoo leaned back in his seat victoriously, grinning at his husband. “What you have to tell me… is it good news?”


The doctor paused, looking into Dongwoo’s bright eyes and his warm smile. He thought of the way Dongwoo looked as he watched Sooyong, and he imagined the way Dongwoo would smile at the baby boy as he held him in his arms. Dongwoo was beautiful, but being a father would make him even more so.


Hoya nodded his head, the happiness blooming in his chest as the prospect of being able to give his husband everything, a son that they could raise together, a family that they had never dared to dream of.


“Yeah… what I have to tell you is pretty amazing.”

When Dongwoo pulled into their garage, Hoya was already right next to him, parked in the shared space. He smiled to himself as he looked over through the windows, spying Dongwoo’s impatient pout deepen by the second. He hated to keep his husband waiting like this, but it would only make the surprise better. He watched Dongwoo carefully, turning off the engine and pulling out his car key the same time as Dongwoo did. The detective turned his head and caught Hoya’s eye, the pure curiosity and desperation for knowledge brightening in his gaze by the moment. His eyes screamed at Hoya to tell him his secret, but Hoya only pointed to the door, silently telling Dongwoo that he would tell him once they were inside.


Dongwoo sulked in response, slumping against the car’s seat. Hoya only laughed and unbuckled himself then opened the door to exit his vehicle. He walked over slowly to Dongwoo with a smile, gently tapping on his window to get his attention.


“Dongwoo?” he asked. “Babe?” Dongwoo looked up, a clear streak of emotion in his eyes. Hoya laughed at that too. “Let’s go inside, I promise I’ll tell you when we’re inside.” He held out his hand. “Come on, baby.”


Dongwoo only pouted, unlocking the car door to step out and grab onto Hoya’s hand. “You swear?”


“I swear, Dongwoo.”


“You swear on your purple recliner?”


Hoya laughed, leaning forward to kiss Dongwoo’s cheek. “I swear on my purple recliner.”


Dongwoo let out a grumble of satisfaction, gripping onto Hoya’s hand as he unlocked the garage door and led them into the house. He barely flicked on the lights before Dongwoo opened his mouth again.


“Will you tell me now?”


“Be a little patient, baby. If I can wait this long to tell you, then you can wait this long to listen.”


Dongwoo slouched with another huff, muttering to himself about how Hoya wasn’t being fair and that the curiosity was going to eat him alive if Hoya didn’t tell him right then. But Hoya kept his lips sealed tight, refusing to utter a peep of his life-changing news to Dongwoo.


“Hoya,” Dongwoo said in impatience, “you picked me up from the station and wouldn’t tell me anything, you made me drive home and wouldn’t tell me anything, and we’re inside our house and you still won’t tell me anything. How is this at all fair?”


“What are you talking about, of course it’s fair,” Hoya teased, chuckling. “I wait a little bit and then you wait a little bit.”


Dongwoo grabbed onto Hoya’s hand in frustration, hopping up in down in a small tantrum of unsated curiosity. “Come on, Hoya, just tell me already!”


Hoya bit his giant grin back with his canine, the sparkle in his eyes a sure sign of his excitement. “Okay, baby, just follow me, alright?” Hoya tugged Dongwoo’s hand, pulling him gently to the couch.


“How much more following do I have to do before you actually give me a clue as to what is going on?” Dongwoo whined as he followed his husband obediently.


Hoya smiled at him as he sat him down on the couch, sitting down next to him an instant after. “I have big news, babe… you won’t believe it.”


Dongwoo pouted at him. “Maybe I could believe it a little more if you actually told me what was going on.”


Hoya gripped Dongwoo’s hand in his lap, the butterflies in his stomach making his voice slightly waver. Now that the moment was finally here, now that they were alone and settled and there would be no interruptions, Hoya suddenly felt nervous. He knew deep down that this was what his husband wanted, but it was still nerve wracking to tell him something that would change their marriage, their lives forever. He swallowed down the lump in his throat, and looked into Dongwoo’s curious brown eyes. “Dongwoo… you know I love you, right?”


Dongwoo sighed exasperatedly, his pout growing even bigger. “Hoya, of course I know that! Please don’t stall-”


“No, I just-” Hoya cut him off, holding his hands a bit tighter, “I need you to know that I love you- us. Just the way we are.”


His husband sensed the seriousness in his tone, and straightened up a bit on the couch as he nodded. “I love the way we are too.”


“I just need you to understand that with what we have between us, right now, I could be content with for the rest of my life. Having you as my husband, being in this house, it’s amazing and fulfilling and I could only ever imagine doing this with you.”


“I feel the same way.” Dongwoo murmured, a small sense of doubt starting to spread within him. “Hoya please… don’t hold back; just say whatever it is that you have to say. I promise can handle it.”


A small smile came across Hoya’s face, the care in his husband’s tone enough to make him feel stronger in this moment. “When I asked you to marry me Dongwoo, I promised that I would give you everything that you wanted, that I would do whatever it takes to make you happy. And I’d like to think that for the most part I am keeping my promise, that I am satisfying your needs-”


“You are.” Dongwoo interrupted him, shifting a bit closer on the couch to plant a quick kiss on his lips, “Baby, you are. Do I seem like I’m not happy? Because I am, I love being with you.”


“No, I know you do. It’s just… there’s one really big thing that I haven’t been able to give you yet. Something that I know you’ve always wanted… even if you’ve been too nervous to admit it.”


Dongwoo bit his lip, looking at his knees. “But you’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted…”


“I haven’t given you a child.”


The blonde’s eyes got wide, his body going a bit still. “Hoya…


“Dongwoo, I know that’s something you’ve always dreamed about... being a father.”


His husband let out a sigh, closing his eyes as he responded. “Hoya… you know that I don’t hold that against you. Being with you… I wouldn’t trade that for the world. Plus, we have Jiseon, and we get to help take care of her.”


“But it’s not enough.” Hoya stated truthfully, rubbing the back of Dongwoo’s hands with his thumbs. “It’s not enough for you Dongwoo. I see the way you look at her sometimes, and I know that sometimes that you wish you were more than just an Uncle. You want that experience, raising a child and having them depend on you. I can see it, when I look in your eyes, I can see that desire shining through.”


“Being a parent is something that I will always wish for, but it’s exactly that Hoya; a wish. I know in my heart that the probability of that being an option for us is… beyond miniscule. Hell, we were barely able to get married… I just don’t want you to think that I’m unhappy. Do I wish we lived in a world where it was okay and perfectly acceptable for two men in love to be parents? Of course. Am I bitter that isn’t the case? Not really. I’ve made my peace with it, and I have you Hoya, and that can be enough for me. I promise.”


Hoya reached out, wiping away the stray tear that had trailed down Dongwoo’s soft cheek. “Baby-”


“I promise.” Dongwoo repeated, wrapping his arms around Hoya’s neck. “You’re enough. I love you so please don’t think that you aren’t enough.”


“But what if I don’t have to be? What if I could give you more?” Hoya whispered, his hand gently caressing Dongwoo’s cheek.


“What do you mean?”


“You’re right Dongwoo. I think that deep down, the both of us thought that there wasn’t a chance for us to become parents. I think we both just accepted that having a child was something that wasn’t plausible for us, so we never really dwelled on it. And we have made a life for ourselves, a wonderful life that brings the both of us so much joy. But what I’m saying is that we could have more, we could have that one thing that the both of us never dared to dream about.”




“What if I told you that we could have a child? That we could be Sooyong’s parents?”


Dongwoo felt his chest tighten in shock, the words seeming incomprehensible. “How is that possible? I thought he already had parents that wanted to adopt him?”


Hoya shook his head sadly. “No… I talked to his social worker today and they don’t have anyone lined up. And since Areum doesn’t want to raise him, the only option would be foster care.”


The blonde looked down at his lap, a sadness building within him at the thought. “I don’t want that for Sooyong.”


“And I don’t either Dongwoo. So I went to Areum personally… I asked for her to consider a private adoption… to consider us and she agreed. And I told her everything… about our lifestyle and she didn’t change her mind. We could have him Dongwoo… Sooyong could be ours.


“So you’re saying that we could be parents… that we could be Sooyong’s dads?”


“Yes… if you want we could raise Sooyong together.”


Dongwoo took a deep breath, his voice clearly conveying his surprise. “I just… I feel like I’m in shock… like this isn’t real.”


“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Hoya admitted. “And normally I would talk to you about something as big as this before making any moves but… Dongwoo this is a once in a lifetime kind of chance. Well that, and I didn’t want to get your hopes up only to crush them in the event that Areum turned us down. But she didn’t Dongwoo; she wants to give Sooyong to us. And maybe it’s not for the right reasons, maybe she really doesn’t care who he ends up with but we care Dongwoo. We care about Sooyong. And we could take care of him, give him a stable home and two loving parents that would adore him… we could change his life for the better Dongwoo, and in return he would complete ours. I love you; so, so much. So I’m telling you to not be afraid, that it’s okay for you to want this. It’s okay to want Sooyong.”


“You really think we could do this?” Dongwoo asked tentatively.


“I know we can. That first day, when you met Sooyong, you fell for him; instantly. I saw the way you looked at him, the way you smiled… and every day since then you visit him when you can and you ask about him when I come home from the hospital. Dongwoo, you’ve already started to love him, to worry about him the way that a parent should. Will we make some mistakes along the way? Of course. But that’s something that all parents go through, and when those times come, we will work through them together.” Hoya pulled Dongwoo’s face closer, resting their foreheads together.


“I want to do this with you. Dongwoo, I want to be a father with you. I watch to have all those moments; hearing him say his first word, playing catch with him in our front yard, panicking when he tries to learn how to drive, watching him put on his first tuxedo for the school dance… and a thousand other things that will be special and memorable and perfect, with you. So I’m asking you, Jang Dongwoo, the person who has become my entire world since the first time I laid eyes on you, to do this with me. I’m asking you to put away your fear, to open up your heart completely and make room for another person, a beautiful little boy who would be blessed to call you his Dad. I’m asking you to be a parent with me.”


Hoya was tearing up by the time he finished his speech, the look on Dongwoo’s face enough to make his heart beat faster in his chest. His husband had a million emotions flashing in his eyes; nervousness, anticipation, fear, surprise… but the clearest one of all was joy.


Yes,” Dongwoo whispered out, getting a bit choked up himself. “Yes, yes, a million times yes! Oh Hoya, Hoya we’re really going to do this.”


The smile finally broke out on Hoya’s face, and he immediately pulled his husband into his arms, surrounding him in his warmth as Dongwoo laughed in glee. “We really are Dongwoo. You and me… we’re going to be parents.”


“God, I love you. I don’t know how it’s possible but I think I love you even more now than I did yesterday and you’re just so wonderful Hoya. You were right; the surprise was worth the wait and I’m so, so happy you took a chance. I’m so happy you weren’t afraid to talk to Areum because now we get to be Sooyong’s parents. We get to love him and take care of him because of your courage. Just promise that you won’t ever leave me, because if you do I’ll be screwed because I’m 99.9% positive that there isn’t another man out there as perfect as you, so if you let me go then men will forever be ruined for me and then I would be without you and life would be the absolute worst, I love you, I love you.”


Hoya chuckled as Dongwoo rambled, pulling the blonde’s head back to look into his eyes properly. “As if I could ever leave you and our son.”


Our son. Just hearing you say that-”


“Shh, shh don’t cry. Don’t get upset baby,” Hoya chastised him, wiping his cheeks before another round of tears started.


“I’m not, I’m just so happy and I’m just being honest and telling you that you’re stuck with me forever so you have no choice but to deal with it and raise a beautiful baby with me and that’s just final.”


Hoya nodded as he laughed, pulling his husband into his lap, the added weight of him feeling like nothing. Dongwoo pressed himself up against Hoya, pushing his fingers into his hair as he curled into his husband’s embrace. He grinned into Hoya’s neck, his fingers through the soft black strands.


“Doctor Jang Howon; loving husband and father. It sounds so wonderful.”


Hoya pressed a kiss on top of Dongwoo’s head, humming in disagreement. “I’m not too sure. Personally, I think Detective Jang Dongwoo; loving husband and father sounds much better.”


“They both are perfect. Can you imagine? Just think of the next patient that asks you about kids. Do you have any children Dr. Jang? Why yes, his name is Jang Sooyong and he’s an absolute dream.” Dongwoo finished with a barely surprised giggle.


“How about asking your boss for the night off? I’m sorry I can’t go on patrol tonight Sunggyu. Sooyong got casted as the lead in the school play and Hoya has been begging me to put our new video camera to use.


Dongwoo laughed along with him at the thought. “Oh, I bet Sunggyu would just love that. I’m still slightly in shock that he let me leave the department early. I can’t even imagine having the conversation with him about taking a paternity leave in the middle of a big case. Is paternity leave even a thing?”


The doctor shrugged his shoulders. “Honestly, I’m not quite sure. But you don’t have to worry about it baby, I’ve already taken care of it.”


The blonde perked up in his lap, looking at him with curious eyes. “You’ve already taken care of it? But how?” He bit his lip, his eyebrows scrunching together as he thought it over. “Wait, is that why you were in Sunggyu’s office earlier?”


Hoya flashed him a smile. “Well initially I needed to see him to get in contact with his lawyer. I figured having one would make the adoption proceedings go more smoothly.”


“Of course. That’s a good idea, why are you so smart?” Dongwoo pouted for a small moment, before a grin took over his face again. “Or maybe I’m the smart one since I convinced a doctor to marry me.”


“You didn’t have to convince me; I was pretty much a goner the moment you batted your eyelashes at me in the ER. Who knew you would come along and turn me into a hopeless romantic? You have me falling in love with you at first sight and now we’re going to raise a son together… just look at how much you’ve changed me.”


Dongwoo scoffed, hugging him just a bit closer. “I didn’t change you, you’ve always been an amazing person. The only difference is now you’ll have me and Sooyong at your side everyday, telling you how perfect you are.”


Hoya pecked him on the forehead, tightening his hold around Dongwoo’s lower back. “You are much more ideal than I could ever hope to be Dongwoo. I just know you well enough to know that you would want to be here with Sooyong in the beginning. So after I got the information about the lawyer, I talked to Sunggyu about giving you some time off.”


“And he actually said yes?


Hoya laughed at the way his husband’s eyes widened in shock. “He said more than yes. He’s giving you two whole weeks off once the adoption is finalized, so we can get things settled when Sooyong comes home to us. And I told him how serious this would be for the both of us, how neither of us were the type to take a hands off approach. He understood, and he’s willing to work with us on changing around your schedule to accommodate for the baby. Sunggyu said with the new detective signing on that he can make something work.”


“See! I knew Myungsoo would be a good thing!”


“Weren’t you the one who complained about getting a partner?” Hoya reminded him gently, but Dongwoo rolled his eyes in response.


“I have no idea what you are talking about, obviously him moving here was meant to be. You’re really telling me that I get to have a son with you, that I get to be around to take care of him, and I don’t have to sacrifice my career?”


“Well, I’m sure that we can figure something out that will work for us and the department. I know the case is important to you, and that you wouldn’t feel comfortable walking away from it completely. But the hospital is always looking for doctors that would be willing to work on the weekends. I could take some longer shifts to free up my weekdays, I’ll do whatever it takes to make the transition as seamless as possible for Sooyong. And for you, for that matter; I want us to share all the burdens of parenting.”


“...Have I told you that you’re perfect?” Dongwoo said seriously, making Hoya laugh again.


“Yes. Many times actually.”


“Good, because you’re perfect,” Dongwoo repeated, leaning in to peck Hoya on the lips. “You’re all mine and you’re so freaking perfect.” The second kiss lasted a bit longer, Dongwoo’s hands falling to rest on Hoya’s shoulders. “The perfect husband and you’ll be the perfect father, you perfect man.”


Hoya shook his head. “Stop it, you know doctors already have a god complex and if you keep talking like this you’ll be directly responsible for making my ego bigger.”


“I know something else I can make bigger,” the blonde said cheekily, slightly rolling his hips down.




“What? Right now, being here with you, I feel so incredibly happy. And sooner than I can even think about we’ll be bringing Sooyong home, and we’ll have a real family. Do you know what that means?” A hand sneaked in between them, moving underneath Hoya’s scrub top to caress his hard stomach.


“Why don’t you tell me?” Hoya whispered, his mouth was barely an inch away from Dongwoo’s, his eyes half lidded as he stared at the frisky blonde.


“It means that we have all the reasons in the world to celebrate. And I think we both know my favorite way to celebrate,” Dongwoo teeth nipped at Hoya’s lips.


“Dongwoo, we have things we need to do. We need to prepare-”


“It can wait.” The smaller man cut him off, pressing his lips against Hoya’s mouth urgently. His tongue Hoya’s bottom lip, asking for an entrance that Hoya didn’t deny him. Hoya’s own hands snuck under Dongwoo’s top, pulling the button up out from his slacks to caress Dongwoo’s smooth back.


“You might have a point,” Hoya admitted, his hands tightening around Dongwoo’s hips as the man on top of him mouthed at his neck.


“Of course I do. Remember, I’m the smart one,” Dongwoo kissed his neck, pulling down the collar of his scrub top to bite at his collarbones. “Plus, once the baby comes we’ll hardly have time for sleep, let alone . We should take advantage of the alone time while we can.”


Hoya scooted to the edge of the couch, his hands pushing at Dongwoo’s thighs to encourage him to wrap his legs around his waist. “You do have a point.” The blonde peeped in excitement, his arms instinctively wrapping around Hoya’s neck as he stood up from the couch, effortlessly carrying his weight as they travelled towards the bedroom. With the urgency guiding his movements, it didn’t take long for Hoya to kick their door open, guiding the both of them to the bed.


Hoya laid the blonde down gently on top of their mattress, giving him one deep kiss before moving away. Dongwoo watched his husband pull off his top, the movement seeming sensual with the strength of his arousal. His eyes ran over Hoya’s strong legs as he pulled off the loose bottoms, and then the underwear, and he his lips once Hoya finally stood bare in front of him.


“I take back what I said. I will always find time for with you.”


Hoya grinned wolfishly at him, pulling at Dongwoo’s ankle to drag him to the edge of the bed, earning him a yelp from the smaller man. He took his time getting rid of Dongwoo’s clothes, knowing that the wait was making his husband go crazy.


Hoya,” Dongwoo called out to him, trying to encourage him to quicken his pace as he pulls the slacks off of the blonde’s smooth legs.


“Be patient.” Hoya climbed down on top of him, his lips finding Dongwoo’s in mere seconds. He felt just as anxious as Dongwoo, he was just a bit better at hiding it. “There’s no need to rush baby. We never did get to finish that New Years celebration either, so I’m thinking that you are long overdue for some attention.”


Dongwoo nodded, his need for Hoya’s attention skyrocketing as he watched his husband trail kisses down his body. He let his head drop back when Hoya finally got to his desired destination, a moan escaping his lips as his husband started to celebrate.


His fingers tangled in Hoya’s hair, his voice rising with each pleasurable touch from Hoya’s body. He didn’t miss his husband’s chuckle when he chanted the only word he could think of in this heated moment.


With a sigh Myungsoo placed his jacket onto the arm of his new sofa. After a long day of working on his own, it felt nice to unwind at his apartment. It was almost routine, coming home after a long day’s worth of work, but not quite just yet. There was still some sort of buzz or excitement Myungsoo got from coming into his apartment. It was like it was an official statement that said that he was here, and he was a junior detective. He smiled briefly, breathing in deeply through his nose and sniffing the scent of his apartment that he had been inhaling for a while. He wasn’t exactly used to it yet, but he couldn’t wait until he was.


He walked into his small kitchen, ing the top three buttons of his shirt and ruffling a hand through his hair. It felt nice to feel a little freer this way. With his shirt loose and his hair undone, he felt much more comfortable.


Almost lazily, he sauntered over to his refrigerator and graciously opened up the freezer side to choose his dinner from his copious stacks of frozen meals. He mulled over his options for a moment before picking out some sort of pasta dish. He wasn’t too sure what it was exactly, but the picture on the box looked appetizing at least.


Without another thought he popped it into the microwave, punching in the recommended time that the box indicated. He watched the dinner spin around mindlessly, his thoughts wandering off into a million branches. Maybe he was just too exhausted from a day at the station on his own, but the microwave just seemed to take much too long to heat up his dinner. Instead of watching it twirl around behind the dark glass, he decided to go change his clothes instead.


He walked towards his small room with a lazy step, the tiredness from the day settling down on his shoulders. He had never handled a day by himself before, and while he was happy for whatever Dongwoo had to leave for, it was still a little difficult to handle all the information on his own. But he realized that he had better started getting used to it, especially if Dongwoo was going to gone for a while.


He let out a sigh as he stretched his arm over his head, scratching his hair into a nest of messiness. He fell down onto his bed for a moment, the softness of his covers feeling relaxing against his back.


“Mm,” he hummed, closing his eyes in peace. It was nice being able to just lay down and do nothing.


In the distance, he heard his microwave beep, signaling that his dinner was done. He heaved himself up from his bed and whispered nonsensical mutters to himself. Now that his dinner was done, it was time to get comfortable and just spend the rest of the night resting.


He ed the rest of his shirt, the fabric lying open against his tank top clad chest. He let out a small sigh of relief through his nose - it felt so much cooler and nice. Reaching down, he unbuckled his belt with a little clank and pulled it through the loops of his pants. He threw the leather belt onto his bed and as long as it was out of sight, it was out of mind. He ped his pants and pulled them down slowly. He slipped them off easily and threw those on the bed as well, leaving him in his black boxers.


He grinned to himself - he felt so light and airy now. Without pants and with his shirt opened up he felt as free as he could be in his apartment. He walked back into his kitchen, popping the microwave door open to take out his microwave dinner. It had cooled down slightly in the time he had taken to take his clothes off.


He grabbed a fork from his kitchen drawer and he stuck it into his mouth as he peeled the vacuum sealed plastic off the top of his dinner bowl. The steam came floating out of the top and Myungsoo placed his fork inside of the pasta to mix the sauce in with the noodles. After mixing it around thoroughly, he stabbed some of the pasta with his fork and brought it up to his mouth.


He sat down on his couch with a sigh and switched on the television in front of him. He liked eating with the TV on since there was only him in his apartment and eating dinner alone was too quiet. His dinner tasted fine, but there was just something too routine about it. He wasn’t joking when he stated that he couldn’t cook, and he had been living off frozen dinners ever since he had moved into the area.


He changed the channel to some melodrama about a coffee shop with about a million love triangles inside of it. He the pasta sauce off his fork, smiling at how the barista in the show was squirting milk foam onto a customer’s coffee.


‘I wonder Sungyeol is doing right now,’ he wondered to himself quietly, on the tips of the fork.


The show wasn’t that great, honestly. The story was a little slow and there were too many plot holes and pointless plot twists. There was never anything good on television nowadays and it was times like this when he wished he would have buckled down and signed up for that Netflix account. At least then he’d have access to much better shows that streamed on there instead of his cheap cable. Well, maybe he could watch some Netflix shows if Sungyeol gave him his log-in information one day. He smiled, thinking of how many coffees and pastries he would have to buy in order to obtain that, but at the same time, he didn’t really mind.


It wasn’t long before he had lost any attention he had for the television and his thoughts wandered to his favorite barista and how he was a perfect coffee maker and made perfect pastries and how everything about Sungyeol just seemed so perfect to Myungsoo. He grinned to himself as he ate, his eyes not paying attention to the bright, glaring screen in front of him. And maybe the giggle he let out when he thought of Sungyeol’s eye-smile was a little girlish, but he didn’t care at all. He was indulging in the very thought of Sungyeol and he didn’t want to think of anyone else.


His eyes glanced down to his microwaved dinner and for a moment he wondered what Sungyeol would have cooked him if he had made him dinner instead. He already knew that Sungyeol was a great cook, having eaten so many of his pastries over time, so just imagining what the barista could have made him brought a smile to his face.


So, maybe Myungsoo might have had a little crush on Sungyeol. Maybe it had started ever since that dumb marathon and maybe he was kind of head over heels for the guy. It was just a crush. An innocent little crush on this perfect person of a barista.


In all honesty, it made Myungsoo’s stomach kind of bubble up like a champagne bottle and it was a feelings he really liked. Whenever he saw him, his heart would pound but maybe that was from all the caffeine he had consumed from the coffee he got. But even then, just the thought of Sungyeol was enough to send his heart in a seizure.


Okay, so maybe it wasn’t a little crush. Maybe it was kind of a really big one. He couldn’t stop smiling to himself as he finished up his dinner; he was sure that with a bit of persistence that he would get that Netflix subscription sooner than he expected, and maybe, with a little bit of luck, he’d get a date right along with it.

A/N: lol no yadong for any of you because this is not a rated story LOL it got quite heated though, wouldn’t you agree? yadong parenting tears and myung being adorable while stripping and heating up frozen dinners like a boss. this update just gave us so many fluff feels, especially with our junior detective being so cutesy about his crush! see you next time darlings!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 34: This is actually so so so goodd
nataliawong #2
Chapter 34: Authornim, your story is way too good to give up. Please update soon.
Chapter 34: I've kept this under my book mark for a year now and being deprived of infinite and parenting AUs I started this knowing it wasn't going to get completed. OMG like this story was just soo damn good and kept me on the edge. I can't even express in words my love for it even tho it's too late, i legit read each chapter twice. I loved it that much!! It's always a pity coming across amazing unfinished works tho ㅠㅠ but till whatever I read, it just was purely fabulous!!!!
Chapter 32: I couldn't help but cry as I was reading this chapter.
I hope you would update this story as soon as possible. Thanks..
nataliawong #5
Authornim, by now i have read this story thrice, i still find it attractive and amazing. I really wanna know how their relationships will end up. Please don't make me wait any longer, update please. Bow.
Chapter 34: Sorry if I sound like I'm hassling but pleeeease update this. You guys left at, like, the most climatic part yet! I need to know what happens to Dongwoo; to their marriage!! I feel so bad for him that I'm leaning towards his side. Dongwoo needs that emotional support and only Woohyun can provide that currently. Hoya needs to get his act together and make up for this!
Anyway, I hope you guys come back soon but I'll be waiting no matter what~
dokebe91 #7
Chapter 34: i just reread the last update....PLEASE UPDATE. oh my god i am so curious as to what dongwoo will do....i am hoping he will not be making a huge mistake...esp since he's under the influence it and emotional.....ajsfksadjfkasdjfasdkfjsdkfasdjfasjdf.
HAIKAC 276 streak #8
Chapter 34: I wish you could update this story...
nataliawong #9
Authornim, update please. Don't give up on this amazing story.
m24354 #10
Chapter 34: I'm dying to know what's going happen next!! One minute I couldn't stop smiling at how cute Sungyeol and Munggsoo and Jiseon are, the next I'm crying over yhe fight between Sungyeol and Dongwoo. I've been reading 24 chapters straight and I can say that Myungsoo's not the only one who felt like they've been riding a rollercoaster. *cries uncontrollably*