Chapter 1

Love Is A Mystery

“ No! How many time do I have to tell you, I don’t want to go to schooooool?!” Luhan growled at his maid.

“But sir, Mr. Lu said, he’ll punish us if we cant make you go to school” The maid pleaded.

“ Look at all the s I give” Luhan motioned his house.

“But sir-“ His maid still insisted.

“Get out” Luhan covered his head with his blanket.

“ But—“ The miad still insisted.

“I SAID GET OUTTTTTTTT!” Luhan yelled and threw his pillow at his maid.

“Yes sir, right away sir” The maid bowed and got out of the door.

Luhan  hated going to school. He doesn’t like interacting with other kids. He doesn’t like the sound of his fangirls screaming and calling his name over and over again. The scenes where bullies beat up nerdy kids was like a TV series to him. Every single day, nothing new.

Luhan got up from his bed and looked at his clock. 12:34 noon. It was lunch time. He decided to get up and took a shower. He wore his uniform and went down.

“Sir, what would you like to eat?” One of his maid asked.

“I’m not going to eat, I’m eating at school” Luhan said as he grabbed his backpack and left. His driver greeted him.

“Sir Luhan, should I take you to your school now?” The driver politely asked.

“Yeah yeah,” Luhan said as he went in the car as the driver opened the door for him. As soon as the driver got in, they drove off to the school.

Luhan just goes to school whenever he wants. He doesn’t care about the time he goes. When he goes to school, he just passes what he needed to pass.  Even though he has that attitude, he still manage to pass the exams and make his way through the top.

They made it to school. The moment Luhan stepped out of the car, he could hear the screams of his fangirls. Yes, FANGIRLS, even FANBOYS, You cant blame him for having such angelic features and cool style. While walking through the corridors of school,  not looking where is going, he bumped into a running boy, which caused them to fall over. The stranger quickly got up.

“I’m so sorry!” The younger apologized and quickly took his stuff.

“SORRY?! Look what you did to my phone!” Luhan yelled as he wiped the screen of his phone.

“I’m sorry, I was in a hurry” The stranger bowed again. When he met Luhan’s eyes, he froze. It was HIM.

“Tch, excuses, you do know the policy of NO RUNNING THROUGH THE CORRIDORS right?!” Luhan said as he took off his sim card and his memory card from the phone, he threw away his phone.

“Why did you—“ The younger was shocked as Luhan just threw his new phone.

“Do you think I’ll be using a scratched phone? No sir! Now get lost before I strangle you” Luhan just said. The younger bowed again and started running again. Luhan noticed that the stranger left a book.

“ Oh Sehun…” He read. He sighed and put the book inside his bag.


“I cant believe it was him….” Sehun  panted as he reached the library. He knew Luhan from his first day of school. He admired the older because of his ability to pass his grades when he’s almost not around.

“Sehun!” A voice called, waking him up from his dreamland. It was his best friends, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo.

“Ah Sorry for keeping you guys waiting” Sehun simple said.

“It’s okay buddy, wow you exceed 5 words! Congratulations Sehun, you’re getting more talkative!” Kyungsoo clapped. It was true, usually, Sehun just nods or bowed. He doesn’t talk much. He just talk when the teacher needed him to answer.

“ He’s improving, now let’s make him talk more!” Baekhyun laughed. Sehun just smiled. The trio went inside the library to study. It was their hobby. Eat, Chat and Study. The trio wanted to get the top spot from Luhan, they think he doesn’t deserve it.

“I still don’t get it why Luhan is number 1” Baekhyun complained.

“Yeah, he just passes activities and passes the exams but what about attendance?” Kyungsoo followed. Sehun just sat there quiet, listening to their conversation.

“But still, he wins the competitions, like the Quiz Bee in Math! We studied how many weeks, and he just beat us! We were all nervous but he was just like ‘ Oh I’m here, I’m attending, Present’ SO RELAXED!” Baekhyun exclaimed.

“ Well, he  is intelligent right?” Kyungsoo asked Sehun. Sehun just nodded.

“Again with the ‘Mr. Few Words’ mode” Baekhyun face palmed. Sehun cant say anything bad, because for him, Luhan is simply amazing, he has talent and skills.

The bell rang and it is finally time to go their classes. The trio had different schedules and schedules.

“Well, good luck at your exams Baek!” Kyungsoo exclaimed.

“Yeah, good luck too!” Baekhyun waved. Sehun just waved and walked away.

Sehun walked to his section, but his professor met him.

“Ah Mr. Oh! Finally!” His teacher greeted. Sehun just bowed, as usual.

“ You wont be attending in this section anymore” The teacher patted his shoulder.

“What?” Sehun finally spoke.

“See? You spoke! Anyways, you will be transferred!” the teacher let out a small chuckle. Sehun just looked at him. The teacher lead him to his new section. When their tracks stopped, he looked at he section. He couldn’t believe it.

“ Welcome to the Star Section young man.” The teacher smiled as he opened the door. He pulled Sehun with him. All of the kids were quiet, only a few were having chitty chats. But mostly were reading books, except for a guy who was quietly sleeping with his earphones.

“Class, meet your new classmate, Oh Sehun. He got good grades and may I tell you, his grades are higher than yours, we thought of transferring him here. Please be kind and friendly to him” The teacher said.

“Annyeonghaseyo, Oh Sehum imnida” Sehun bowed.

“You may take the free seat next to..” The teacher frowned as he saw the sleeping guy.

“JongIn kindly wake up your friend” The teacher ordered the student. But the student just simple threw a book which landed on Luhan’s head. Luhan sat back with a grumpy face. Sehun’s face changed.

“Please take a seat beside Luhan over there” The teacher said. Sehun wasn’t moving.

“Sehun?” The teacher tapped his shoulder.

“A-ah, Nae!” Sehun said as he made his way to his desk. He could feel Luhan’s stare,no, GLARE at him. He sat down and put his bag down. Luhan shrugged and just went to sleep again.

“Hi! I’m Suho! Nice to meet you! I’m the class president!” The boy infront of him greeted. Sehun bowed and introduced himself.

“Oh sehun” He just said.

“ This is my friend, ChanYeol” Suho tapped the tall boy. The tall boy shifted his look to Sehun.

“Hey! I’m ChanYeol, you can call  me Yeol! Nice hair color!” ChanYeol happily greeted.

“And in case you don’t know him, He’s Luhan” Suho pointed at the sleeping boy beside Sehun.

“I met him” Sehun stared at Luhan.

“Oh, well, okay!” Suho smiled.


The teacher started discussing and Luhan was still sleeping. Sehun shifted his gaze to the sleeping angel beside him. He was afraid Luhan wouldn’t get the hard lesson so he poked his shoulder. The boy didn’t move. He poked him again, but Luhan just slapped his finger away. Sehun didn’t stop and was about to poke him again when Luhan held his hand. He found Luhan glaring at him.

“Don’t you dare” Luhan whispered. Sehun gulped and withdrew his hand.

“ I..I was just concerned” Sehun looked away.

“I don’t need you concern” Luhan scoffed.

“Giving other people the cold shoulder doesn’t help you at all” Sehun simply said.

“What?” Luhan asked.

“Sometimes you need to thank good action by people who are concerned” Sehun said.

“ I don’t need your lame opinions!” Luhan shouted. Everyone looked at him.

“Is there a problem Luhan?” The teacher asked.

“YES! This boy here, keeps disturbing me from my sleep” Luhan pointed Sehun.

“ Well, at least he is concerned!” The teacher said. Luhan rolled his eyes and made his way out.

“Luhan!” The teacher called.

“ I’m out of here!” Luhan marched away, leaving Sehun speechless.

“We have a longtest tomorrow!” The teacher yelled.

“Does this face care?” Luhan turned to the teacher, then walked out of the classroom.

“ Sorry for his attitude” Suho apologized.

“ Oh, it’s okay, I completely understand, Thank you” Sehun said. All of them focused on their lessons.


After the class, Suho , ChanYeol and Sehun were walking through the corridors. KyungSoo and BaekHyun ran to Sehun as they heard the news.

“Buddy! You were transferred to the highest section?!” KyungSoo immediately asked him.

“How was it there?!” BAekhyun followed.

Fine.” Sehun just said.

“Aish, again with the few words!” Baekhyun ruffles the younger;s hair.

“What do you mean few words?” Suho asked.

“ Uhm, he doesn’t talk much, his highest record is 5 words, well after earlier 7 words” KyungSoo explained.

“But he just exceeded that while talking to Luhan” ChanYeol said. Baekhyun’s eyes widened and stepped back.

“Really?! How come you can talk infront of Luhan and infront of us you are like a mute person there” KyungSoo pouted. Sehun just shrugged.

“Oh by the way, I’m Suho and this is my friend ChanYeol, we are Sehun’s classmates” Suho introduced.

“Ah we know you! You are the president of Star Section ! And I have seen ChanYeol before” KyungSoo smiled. BaekHyun was hiding behind KyungSoo.

“Baek, don’t be like Sehun, say something!” KyungSoo demanded.

“Hi… I-I’m B-byun BAekhyun” Baekhyun forced a smile. ChanYeol smiled at him too.

Sehun saw Luhan opening his locker. He excused himself and made his way to Luhan.

“Hey” Sehun greeted. Luhan peeked and rolled his eyes.

“What do you want?” Luhan said.

“Sorry” Sehun looked down.

“Argh, just stop, I don’t need your apology” Luhan closed his locker door.

“Please, it’s my fault you went out” Sehun said.

“ Stop, I don’t care.  I don’t need your sorry” Luhan said as he was locking his locker.

“Pleasee, I’ll make it up to you. I’m sorry” Sehun repeated.

“Alright! Alright! I forgive you, just get out of my sight” Luhan gave up. But then when Sehun was walking he didn’t notice that his shoes were untied, which caused him to step on his shoelace and fell down.

“Aish..” Sehun grumbled as he stood up. Luhan grabbed his arm and helped him. Well, that was new for Luhan, he doesn’t do that normally.

“look where you’re going, You’re a walking disaster” Luhan said as he bent down and tied Sehun’s shoe laces. After tying, Luhan stood up and his eyes widened. What did he just do?!

“Uhh, thank you” Sehun bowed and ran away, hiding away his blush. Luhan just stood there, not believing his actions from earlier.

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