Chapter 8

Monday morning rolled around and Kyungsoo found himself standing in front of Mina's house waiting patiently for her. He had spent practically the whole weekend with Mina, and the two friends were planning to walk to school together. 
Kyungsoo waited outside Mina's house for a while. He started to grow impatient. He looked at his watch, school was about to start and Mina still hadn't made her appearance. Kyungsoo sighed and walked up to Mina's porch. He Knocked on the door 3 times and then waited for an answer. Soon, a woman dressed in business attire opened the door. "Hello How can I help you?" she said. Kyungsoo smiled, "Mrs Kwon, it's me Kyungsoo." he answered. The woman looked at Kyungsoo in disbelief "Kyungsoo?" she gasped, "Oh my goodness! Look at how grown up you are!" she exclaimed. Kyungsoo smiled at the Mrs Kwon's comments. Just then Mrs Kwon's phone vibrated. She looked at it and then sighed, "Kyungsoo I would to stay and catch up with you but I have to get to work." she said. "No Problem." Kyungsoo answered, "But can tell me when Mina is gonna be ready?" he asked, "We were supposed to walk to school together today." Mrs Kwon looked at Kyungsoo, "Mina already left Kyungsoo." she answered. Kyungsoo looked at Mrs Kwon, "What?" he asked, Mrs Kwon nodded, " yeah she got a call from the school and she left about an hour ago." she explained. Kyungsoo nodded and thanked Mrs Kwon before leaving the porch. 
As he made his way to school he wondered why Mina would just rush off to school without waiting for him. "Whatever it was, it must have really important." he said to himself. 
Kyungsoo made it to school just in time. He walked into his first class and sat in his usual spot, he was just about to start his work when he over heard to students talking. 
"Did you hear about what happened with Mina?" one student asked
"Yeah. Can you believe she did that?" the other answered. 
"I know right? Why did she steal test answers? I thought she was smart?" one said
"Maybe she isn't smart. Maybe she's been stealing answers this whole time." the other said
"What do you think is gonna happen to her?" one asked
"I don't know, last I checked, she was in the principal's office." the other answered. 
The teacher walked into the class and the two students stopped talking. Kyungsoo sat there in shock. Was what the two students saying true? Did Mina really steal test answers? Why would she do that? She was a smart girl she didn't need to steal test answers to get good grades. Kyungsoo paused for a moment. Then he remembered. Mina might not have needed to steal test scores to pass, but he knew someone who did. Jaewon. 
Just the thought of Jaewon made Kyungsoo angry. After what he had done to Mina on Friday, all Kyungsoo wanted to do was punch him in the face. He knew Mina didn't steal the test answers. Even if she did, she didn't use them for herself. 
Through out the lecture, Kyungsoo's mind was on Mina. He knew that she hated getting in trouble, and he could only imagine how scared she was right now. He wanted to help to her, but he didn't know how. 
Then he thought of something. 
Kyungsoo's hand shot up in the air. "yes Mr Do?" the teacher called on him. "Can I go to the bathroom?" he asked. The teacher nodded and Kyungsoo got up from his desk and practically ran out the classroom. 
Kyungsoo ran down the hall, passed the boy's bathroom and straight to the front office. He didn't bother to stop at the front desk, he walked straight to the back of the office knocked on the door marked "Principal"
He waited for a few seconds before the door to the office opened. Before Kyungsoo stood a tall, well built man Kyungsoo guessed that this was the Principal.  "Can I help you?" the man asked. "Sir I need to talk to you." he said. "about?" the man asked. "It's regarding Mina Kwon Sir, I know she didn't steal those test answers." he said. The Principal looked at Kyungsoo, "I applaud you coming here to try to save your friend but I'm afraid that we have solid evidence that Ms. Kwon did in fact steal the answers." the principal said. "And what evidence is that?" Kyungsoo asked. "Well, we found the missing test key in her locker." the Principal explained. Kyungsoo looked at him. He knew there was no way Mina would have put them there. "Sir can I ask you something?" Kyungsoo asked. The principal nodded. "Where exactly in Mina's locker did you find the answer key?" Kyungsoo asked.  "We found it hidden in a book." the principal answered. "And is there a name written in the book?" Kyungsoo asked. The principal looked at Kyungsoo, "I don't think we checked." the Principal answered. "Do you still have the book?" Kyungsoo asked, the Principal nodded. "Can I see it?" Kyungsoo asked. "I'm afraid I can't do that. It's evidence." the Principal answered. Kyungsoo sighed and thought for a moment. "Well, then can you check?" Kyungsoo asked. The Principal looked at him, "Look Mr Do I admire your perseverance but-" "Sir please...." Kyungsoo cut the man off. The Principal looked at Kyungsoo and then sighed, he stepped back into his office. Kyungsoo followed. The Principal walked over to his desk and opened one of the drawers. He pulled out a Math Text Book and opened to the cover. He looked at the page where the names of the students who the was issued to was located. He froze. "What does it say Sir?" Kyungsoo asked. Even though he already knew the answer. "Jaewon Kim" the Principal read out loud. Kyungsoo looked at him. The Principal shut the book. "But even though the book belongs to Mr Kim, it was still found in Ms Kwon's locker." the Principal said. "But Sir, Mina and Jaewon are dating, and sometimes Jaewon puts his stuff in Mina's locker." Kyungsoo argued. The Principal looked unconvinced. So Kyungsoo tried harder. "Sir. Mina Kwon is one of the smartest student in this school. She scores high on every test she takes and prior to this, no answer key has ever gone missing right?" Kyungsoo asked. "Correct." the Principal answered. "And after the answer went missing, were there any students who made amazing grades that usually don't?" Kyungsoo asked. The Principal looked at him, and then walked over to his computer. He sat down and started and scrolling through something, Kyungsoo guessed it was test scores. He scrolled for a while, and the stopped. He looked at Kyungsoo. "Did you find anyone?" Kyunsoo asked. The Principal didn't answer Kyungsoo. He just up the PA microphone, "Jaewon Kim please report to the Principal's office" he said. When Kyungsoo heard those words, he smiled on the inside. The Principal looked at him, "Thank you for your time Mr Do, you are free to go." he said. Kyungsoo nodded and walked out the Principal's office. He was making his way down the hallway back to class when he saw Jaewon coming from the opposite direction. Jaewon bumped Kyungsoo's shoulder as he passed him. "Watch where you're going Shrimp-soo." Jaewon teased. Kyungsoo ignored Jaewon's comment's and kept walking. He didn't need to answer him, Jaewon already had enough trouble coming his way. 
Kyungsoo went through the next 2 classes with a smile on his face. His friends asked him what he was so happy about but he just shook his head and said nothing. After class was over Kyungsoo eagerly went to lunch. He couldn't wait to see Mina. He had imagined how relieved and happy she would be that her name was cleared. He thought of how grateful she be to him and how she would run and hug him and soon as she saw him. 
Kyungsoo was so caught up in his day dream that he didn't see Mina walk in the cafeteria. It wasn't until she was a few feet away did he notice her. He looked at her and smiled and waited for his hug. But Kyungsoo's dream turned to a nightmare when instead of receiving a warm hug from Mina, he received a cold, hard slap across the face. 
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crazykpop #1
Chapter 10: Oo its ended already?what happened to mina next? her secret that jaewon keep?
snow_cupcake #2
Chapter 10: That's an amazing story author-nim !!! So touching T^T
I think I have fallen in love with it ^_^
Jazz_exostan #3
Chapter 10: Ahhh I love this story so much wish it's was somehow
Over though
Lunaaaa #4
Chapter 8: What happen to mina ? Omo. Update soon author-nim. Anyway nice story ><