Chapter 1

Kyungsoo laid his head against the car window and looked outside. The bright city lights were almost blinding to him. "Just a few more hours." he thought to himself. "Just a few more hours and I'll be home"
Even though Kyungsoo had lived in the city for years, he had never considered it his home. He only thought of it as a placed where he was forced to reside for the past 6 years because of his father's job. Kyungsoo hated living in the big city. He hated all the pollution and the noise, and non stop commotion of the city, but most of all, he hated the lights. Kyungsoo hated the lights because they prevented him from seeing the stars. The stars he would spend hours gazing at with his friends when he was younger. The stars he had loved so much.
Kyungsoo put his earbuds in and turned the music to the max volume. He turned his face away from the window, trying to block out the lights. He closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.
Soon, the bright city lights, and tall skyscrapers were replaced by Suburban homes and the occasional streetlight at the end of a street. Kyungsoo opened in eyes and saw that his father was pulling into the familiar driveway. A big smile spread across Kyungsoo, and a feeling of warmth spread through his body. He was finally home.
Kyungsoo barely waited for his father to stop the car before he jumped and ran towards the house. Kyungsoo swung the door to the house open and stepped inside. The room was filled with boxes and furniture. Kyungsoo noticed that the walls were a different color and the shaggy carpet he remembered was replaced with hardwood floor. But the changes didn't bother Kyungsoo, he was home and that's all that mattered.
Kyungsoo made his way further into the house, he walked up the stairs, and entered his old bedroom without even thinking. Kyungsoo walked straight to the window and looked outside. The window didn't have a great view, in fact Kyungsoo's view was blocked by another house. Kyungsoo looked over at the other house, specifically at the window directly opposite to his. He stared at the window for a while, waiting. He saw a light go on, and Kyungsoo's heart leaped but his excitement was short lived, just as quickly as the light went on, it went off, and the window was dark again. Kyungsoo sighed, "Maybe next time." he said to himself.
Kyungsoo examined every inch of the room. He was happy to see that the room hadn't change, in fact it looked it hadn't been used since his family left. After his inspection was over, Kyungsoo decided to unpack some of his things. He was just about reach for a box when he heard someone yell his name. Kyungsoo turned around just in time to mauled by a boy twice his height. "KYUNGSOO!!!!"  the boy shouted again. He pinned Kyungsoo to the ground and hugged him tightly. "YOU'RE REALLY BACK!!!" the boy shouted. Kyungsoo nodded and sighed, "Yes, Chanyeol I'm really back. Now can you please get off me?" Kyungsoo asked. Chanyeol jumped up, "Sorry man, I was just ummm excited." Kyungsoo got up and smiled, "It's okay." he responded. Chanyeol smiled, "I can't believe you're here. I thought you'd never come back" Chanyeol said. "Why wouldn't I?" Kyungsoo asked. Chanyeol shrugged, "I don't know. I thought maybe you'd be so in love with city that you'd forget about here." he said. Kyungsoo smiled, "Nah. I could never forget about here. This is home to me." he said.
Chanyeol and Kyungsoo talked for a while, they probably would've talked all night if Chanyeol's mother hadn't called.  "I gotta go." Chanyeol said. Kyungsoo nodded. The two walked to the front door, "Are you going to school tomorrow?" Chanyeol asked. Kyungsoo nodded. "Good. We can walk together." Chanyeol said. Kyungsoo nodded and smiled. Chanyeol smiled back, "Be ready by 8." Chanyeol said, and then he waved goodbye and left.
Kyungsoo went back to his room and started unpacking. He got through a few boxes before his eyes lids started to grow heavy. Kyungsoo decided that he had done enough for now and decided to call it a night. He climbed into bed and within a few minutes he had drifted off into a deep sleep.
Kyungsoo woke the next morning feeling great. He got dressed, ate breakfast and was out the door by 8am. Just as Kyungsoo was walking out the door, he saw Chanyeol walking up to his house. The two friends greeted each other and then began their walk to school. The walk was less than 20 minutes, and when they got to the school, the front lawn was filled with teenagers. Chanyeol saw a group of his friends and dragged Kyungsoo over to them. "SOO!!!" one of the girls in the group shouted, she ran towards Chanyeol and Kyungsoo and jumped stratight into Kyungsoo's arms. "Yuri?" Kyungsoo asked in disbelief. The girl pulled away and nodded. Kyungsoo smiled. Kyungsoo looked at the rest of the people in the group. They were all his childhood friends. Yixing, Jongin, and Baekhyun. Kyungsoo greeted them all warmly and then chatted a bit. While Jongin was in the middle of telling a funny story about Chanyeol. Kyungsoo noticed something, "Hey guys..." he started, "Where's-" Kyungsoo words were cut off by the sound of the school bell. "We better get going." Yixing said. Jongin nodded, "Yeah we can't be late to History again." Everyone else in the group said bye to Yixing and Jongin before going their separate ways. Yuri decided to Kyungsoo to his first class since it was near hers. The two walked down the hall together  talking, well, it was more like Yuri was talking and Kyungsoo was listening. When Yuri finally stopped talking, Kyungsoo took this opportunity to try and ask his question again. "Hey Yuri, where's-" *DING* Kyungsoo words were cut off once again by that stupid bell. "Oh no! We're late!" Yuri said. She turned to Kyungsoo, "your class is the last door on the right" she said as she pointed down the hall. "I would take you but, I'm already late." she said. Kyungsoo nodded and Yuri quickly apologized before running off in the other direction. Kyungsoo sighed and made his way to his class quietly.
Kyungsoo first two classes were pretty easy. He was allowed to skip the whole "new student" routine since he wasn't actually considered new, he had known most of the kids in his classes since he was in Kindergarten. Kyungsoo made his way to his 3rd class of the day which was music class. He was surprised to see that Yuri, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Jongin, and Yixing were all in that class also. They all sat together in the back of the classroom and waited for the class to start. Since everyone was quiet, Kyungsoo decided to try one last time asking the question. "Guys where's Mi-" for the third time that day Kyungsoo's word were cut off. This time not by a bell but by the opening of the door, and a girl tripping into the classroom, all the papers she was carrying flew out of her hands and into the air before they sank to the floor beside her. Kyungsoo immediately got up from his seat and went to help the girl. "Are you okay" he asked as he helped the girl gather her papers. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks" the girl answered. Kyungsoo stood up and then extended his hand to help the girl. She stood and Kyungsoo was able to see her face for the first time. Kyungsoo eyes grew wide and heart skipped two beats. He stared at the girl in disbelief. "Mina?" he said quietly. 
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crazykpop #1
Chapter 10: Oo its ended already?what happened to mina next? her secret that jaewon keep?
snow_cupcake #2
Chapter 10: That's an amazing story author-nim !!! So touching T^T
I think I have fallen in love with it ^_^
Jazz_exostan #3
Chapter 10: Ahhh I love this story so much wish it's was somehow
Over though
Lunaaaa #4
Chapter 8: What happen to mina ? Omo. Update soon author-nim. Anyway nice story ><