
Demonic Love

Seohyun's PoV

"You know, Hyun, She'll will be six months old tomorrow. We should get her ready for her Clothing Dust ceremony." Mel unnie reminded me.

We're all in my room, just talking to each other. Ever since Kyuhyun oppa died, I was in depression state that Mel unnie have to help me take care of my baby and at the same time cheer me up somehow.

According to the tradition of the angels, our baby has to be named on their sixth month. At that month too, they're going to be presented their clothes in the Clothing Dust ceremony.

It's a private ceremony for each family. They would bring their baby, pray for him/her and then golden dust will fall from a holy bowl, slowly covering the baby's body and change into a solid clothe. Clothes are what differentiate between angels and demons. Blood can't lie. Even if you change clothes with a demon, once you wear the clothes, the black outfit will turn pure white.

"I can't wait to see my niece wearing pretty frilly white dress!" Mel unnie's shriek snapped me out of my trance. She is now rubbing her nose with my baby's nose. I smiled at the sight of my family. The only two left.

"So, have you thought of names?" Mel unnie asked me, bouncing my baby up and down in her arms. I sat myself at the edge of my bed.

"No." I admitted. I always imagined picking baby names with my husband, but the thought of my baby's father hating her is unbearable that I never even want to think about picking names. "Have you thought of some, unnie?"

Mel unnie giggled. She always like naming stuffs ridiculously. "It's hard to combine your name and Kyuhyun's." she said. Once again, I feel guilty for lying to my own sister about my baby's father.

"Both your name have the character 'Hyun' so if I combine them, it all comes back to Seohyun and Kyuhyun." she sighed dramatically. "So, Seokyu? Cho Seokyu?"

"Is that a girl's name?" I asked her, almost chuckling to myself.

"It's a pretty name!" she defended her choice of name as she put my baby into her crib next to my bed.

"Of course it is, ahjumma." I . She hates the nickname so much.

"HEY! Being twenty-nine doesn't mean I'm an old lady!" she yelled at me, throwing my pillow at my face. I only laugh as she slammed my room's door close behind her.


The next morning is absolutely beautiful. The weather's nice and sunny. I smile at my baby as she curls her small fist and started talking in her baby language, probably greeting me morning.

"Good morning to you too, baby girl." I smiled as I pick her up. I wrapped her blanket around her bare little body and a small hat on her small head. It's the day she'll be granted her own clothes instead of wearing blankets all the time.

I chuckled as she pokes my face every second, puts my hair into every once in a while, interested. Her little brown orbs practically trying to get out of her eyes as she admire the White Castle's garden. Yes, she has never been outside of the White Castle. Why? After Kyuhyun oppa died, I'm scared the demons will be after her next.

Mel unnie entered the carriage first and I followed behind her, sitting in front of her in the unicorn carriage. My baby started wailing as the carriage moves fast, surprised with the motion. I tried to calm her down, but my choding (elementary student) unnie's laughter isn't helping.

After the long ride, we finally arrived in front of the Clothing Dust tree. It's a really big tree that's almost the size of a 15 floored building. We entered the tree with excitement.

I've never been here before since I was six months old. Mel unnie started remeniscing her experience taking me here when we were little. The story seems like a dream when she described how excited she is to see my dress and how my father and mother laughed at her. I missed them.

We entered the ceremony hall in the first level. One we entered, the room is covered with curtains so that nobody can see. The room is quite big. Wood as its wall and wooden floor too. Some leaves as decoration on the wall. The main of the room; a baby crib in the middle of the room. Above the crib, is a wooden bowl, hanging from the ceiling. We believe that as we pray, the God will cut one of its rope, letting the golden dust pour out from the bowl, onto my baby.

I put my baby down in the crib. She looks really peaceful after getting off the carriage. I smiled at her. Then, I walked backwards and kneel on the floor next to Mel unnie. I close my eyes and started praying.

"Dear God, thank you for the life you have given me. I know I've betrayed and sinned so many times. I beg for your forgiveness of my sins, in hope to become a better angel. God, I always believe love isn't limitted for differences, and here is my proof; my baby girl. The one you put and trusted in my hands six months ago."

I can feel tears streaming out this time.

"You made me as a strong creature, in hope I wouldn't give up in front of evil. Please God, bless my baby so that she can grow up healthily as a fine young angel as we protect human race."

I keep praying with my eyes shut tight and my hands clasped together the whole time. And as I was finished, I open my eyes slowly and look at my unnie whose hands are still clasped together, but eyes looking at me. She smiled weakly at me. I smiled back at her.

"Everything will be fine, Hyun." she told me. I nodded.

She stood up and gave me her hand to help me up. I took her hand and together we walked closer to the baby crib again. I lifted my baby girl while Mel unnie unwrapped her from her blanket. I once again see the star-shaped mark her uncle gave her on my 'supposedly' wedding day. The day I witnessed a demon's tear for the first time. Jung Yong Hwa's tears.

"Ready?" Mel unnie once again snapped me back to reality.

I nodded at her. Then we both put my baby girl back to her crib. Then we backed out a few steps, our eyes never leaving the wooden bowl above my baby.

A minute passed in silence and it really happened. The bowl tilt slightly magically and pour out some golden dust on my baby. I saw Mel unnie closing her eyes, excited.

And as the golden dust stopped pouring out, Mel unnie opened her eyes and look at me. I nodded once and we both walk slowly into my baby's crib to take a look at her.

'Clothes are what differentiate between angels and demons. Blood can't lie. Even if you change clothes with a demon, once you wear the clothes, the black outfit will turn pure white.'

'Blood can't lie.'

I gapped my mouth slightly. Both in shock and surprise. But a part of me is also a bit confused about the dress. I never seen this color on a baby angel before.

"Hyun, tell me why your baby's clothes is grey." I heard Mel unnie asking me, her eyes not leaving my baby girl's dress.

It's a really pretty dress. It's a v-neck dress with short frilly sleeves. Her back-neck is covered by pretty frills on the back of the dress, covering the star-shaped mark. There's a small ribbon on the waist part. The end of the dress fell right on her knees, making her look really sweet. The dress would look perfect if only it's not grey.

"No.." I heard myself whispering, mostly to myself.

This time Mel unnie grabbed both my shoulder, making me look straightly to her eyes. I can't lie to her whenever she does that. So I lowered my head, trying my best to not look into her face.

"Tell me." she almost sound like pleading. "Is your baby's father not Kyuhyun?"

I kept quiet, not giving her any sign or words that I'm agreeing the fact or denying it at all.

"Is he.." she gulped. ".. not an angel?"

"NO!" I yelled, backing away from her. "NO! NO! NO!" I yelled continously before falling on my knees for the hundredth time that year. "No."

I covered my face with my hands. I heard Mel unnie's footsteps slowly approaching me. I heard her kneel in front of me. The next thing I feel is her hands snaking to my back, hugging me close. I sob quietly.

"Is that, the reason they attacked us that time?" she asked me.

I frantically nodded, facing her with my red face. "I'm sorry, unnie! I'm really really sorry-"

"It's all been set and done." I heard her tell me. She doesn't look surprised, more like heartbroken to see me this time. ".. you did it with L-lee Joon?" she asked me shakily.

"His brother. Jung Yonghwa." I admitted. It was too late to hide everything now that it's all revealed to her.

Silence filled the room, the only sound coming is from my baby's talking and sometimes spitting. I sat there quietly with Mel unnie for some time.

"Jung Seohwa." she said suddenly. "It's a nice name for a girl and it's yours and her father's name together. That's perfect." she smiled at me.

I couldn't be more grateful to her. She's the best and most understanding sister you can ever have. I can't ask for somebody better than her to be there for me at these kind of times. "Thank you unnie." I hug her. "Thank you so much!" I can smile in relieve now.

She stand up this time, walking to my bab- Seohwa and lifted her up from the crib.

For some reason, after beind held by Mel unnie for a while, Seohwa's dress turned pure white. I couldn't stop myself from staring at it intensely, trying to explain to myself how it happened.

"Interesting. Positive energy makes her feel pure, therefore she turned completely to an angel." Mel unnie said, Seohwa's back soothingly. "That should tell us to always be next to her. Never leave her side."

Author's Note


Sorry for the short and boring chapter, you guys! Don't send me karma points. I'm super super sorry!
I just need to put this chapter in for two purposes.

First, it's important for you to understand this whole white-black clothings. It'll play a pretty big part in my story!

Second, I'm telling you this chapter is a total fill up to tell you how miserable and unsatisfying Hyunnie's life is!
It didn't sound bad at all, did it? Maybe I should've just write;

1. She's missing her parents who have passed away
2. She has to cope up with taking over the kingdom with her older sister even if she's not ready
3. She fell in love with a demon and is now regretting it
4. Her husband-to-be was killed in front of her on their wedding day
5. The demon she loves now hates her
6. She gave birth to a demon's baby and the demon himself doesn't know about it
7. She have to raise her baby herself - as a single parent
8. Her baby is half-demon
9. She feels guilty for betraying the angels by 'doing it' with a demon

10. She have to lie to the angels about her baby's father

newwc.jpg Stop being so dramatic, Hyun ..

Anyways~ Thanks for all the subbies! Awesome awesome awesome!


I"ll try updating faster, but the fastest I can do is a week later :(. Sorry. Again.

This is so shameless of me, but I really really really love all of your comments. They motivated me and everything so thank you for each one of them!
(Someone please teach me how to put in users' links in the story so I can somehow promote all you angels!)
So please leave all your comments below!


P.S: I myself is fangirling over a fanfiction. It's called The Beast by CruorCorvus. It's a Jongkey!

(Just recommending in case some of you like Jongkey, I'm crazy of them. *Have you seen Key's instagram update with Jjong on Pepero Day?!*
The Beast is super awesome but it's still ongoing until now with no update at all for almost two months ._. It's about VAMPIRES! ARGH! No, they don't sparkle there.)

This is getting off the point. Me out.

- KPOPMonstahh






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[Chapter 19] Can't decide how to end it! Suggestions? :) xoxo - KPOPMonstahh


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julie-61 #1
Update please...
Hi authornim,hope you can update this one.thank you :)
Authornim, would you update this story please?? Been waiting patiently. will always do. really want to know how it ends. fighting authornim.
yhshys #4
I hope you'll update this story soon and finish it. I really loved this fic...
tsuki_goguma #5
Chapter 19: Please updats this fic, author-nim.. I've always wait ur update a whole year.. Pleaaasseeee at least finish it eventho u're not interested in yongseo anymore which I hope it's not right T_T
We're waiting for you.......
ArieLiena #6
So now it's been a year since this fanfic is last updated. The authornim writes new fanfics but left this one behind TT.TT seems like the authornim no longer interested in yongseo and continue this fanfic *sighhhhh*
DylonShinka #7
Chapter 19: Dont know what to say....
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.............. this chapter is make me nuts!
make me really wonder What happen in next chapter,UPDATE authoor please it's 2015 already... TT
Authornim please update this story, i miss you :)
Chapter 19: *you can do it
Chapter 19: still waiting for your update authornim. you do it. fighting :D