Fifth: Goodnight Kiss

Twelve Months of Affection

Fifth: Goodnight Kiss


As always, Wonshik would be home at 10 p.m., but at that night, he arrived home at 01.32 a.m. He blamed it either because of the wrecked traffic or the granny that crossed the street like a freaking snail.

"I'm home," he yelled as he closed the door behind him. Of course, no one greeted him back like always if he arrived home early. He already got used to that though—Hakyeon would also sleep earlier. Wonshik sighed heavily as he loosened his tie and threw his bag onto the couch carelessly. Hanging his tie and belt on the couch also, he slumped down and ruffled his blond hair wildly. He was indeed so exhausted, but he would get sad to see the older lying peacefully and the other side of the bed was cold, untouched like he had been waiting, so he stayed in the living room for a while.

Suddenly, his eyes caught a flickering dim light in the kitchen, which was much to his surprise. He jumped off the couch and tip-toed carefully to the kitchen, hoping he could meet Hakyeon there. When he got himself on the fifth step towards the kitchen entrance, he stopped and gasped.

There, he saw the most beautiful baked cake on the counter with the starting-to-melt lit candles. Frosted with white frosting, strawberries and small snowmen on top, completed with the striped blue-and-white candles. Wonshik was totally stunned.

He edged closer to the counter, didn't dare himself to pluck off the tempting strawberry from its first place. He was pretty sure Hakyeon was the one who made it, because he always hoped he could master the world of pastries.

He realized that there was a letter placed near the cake, and he took it in no time. He opened the folded paper and it smelled freshly written with black ink. He read the paper:

Dear my handsome Prince Charming Wonshikkie,
Well, I hope you're reading this right now, so you know how much I love you. I'm sorry if you find me sleeping alone on the bed because I'm so exhausted after the extra shift in the bakery—no, don't get angry with Taekwoon. He had helped me a lot today. He baked (almost) half of the order. Someone had insanely order a thousand cupcakes for a party!
Anyways, I made use of the break time to bake this pretty little cake! Isn't it cute? ^^
It's a special snow cake by the way. The frosting was made with cool cream and I swear it froze my tongue. And the snowmen were made with fresh snow, by the way! (Kidding)
Eat well, Wonshikkie! I know you're hungry and I've eaten a lot of cupcakes already, so don't you worry! Happy fifth monthsary!
Your ChaCha❤

A sudden guilty feeling built up in Wonshik's chest. He had forgotten about their monthsary, which was exactly on that day. His business had clouded his mind and he blamed everything on it.

He didn't feel like eating the cake—he had forgotten and he was a lot more sorry than before—and placed it inside the fridge to eat it later with Hakyeon maybe.

Silently, he sneaked into their shared room. Hakyeon was sleeping soundly, and that ached Wonshik's heart. He was sure Hakyeon would also get upset if he knew that Wonshik had totally forgotten about their celebration date. Without taking off his socks—Hakyeon would have a go at him, but he didn't care—he climbed to the mattress and turned the older to face him and hugged him to his chest.

"Shikkie?," a sleepy muffled voice said and he added, "You're home already?"

"Yeah, it's me, Hakyeonnie," the younger whispered. "Look. I'm sorry I can't celebrate our monthsary at home."

"No, it's not your fault," the older croaked in hoarse voice. "At least, you're with me now."

Wonshik smiled and he kissed the older's head, Hakyeon's dark locks in his fingers. "Now go to sleep, Hakyeonnie. Have a sweet dream about me blowing those candles on the cake you made for us. Don't let the bed bugs bite!"

The older blinked. "You haven't—"

"Ssshh," the younger insisted. "Go to sleep."

author's note:
an update \ o / (and a new poster in the foreword o u o)
heahue how is it?<3
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[ twelve months of affection ] wh00p! an upvoter!!!!!! tHANK YOU!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!


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Chapter 2: so fluffy... wait for the third month now!!!
Chapter 5: AW!!!!!! So Cute!!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 5: Yay! An update! This one was really cute *squeals* I love fluff~
Chapter 4: Ooh so cute~ I love the idea of each month anniversary, its very sweet :3
they are so sweet ♥ I like how you portray their characters, it seems genuine. Keep up with the good work <3