Fourth: Moving In

Twelve Months of Affection

Fourth: Moving In


Wonshik sighed in relief when he stacked the last box on the others. The courier had also done bringing in some of Wonshik’s collection of books. The blonde said his gratitude to the old courier before the old man left with a smile. He said that Wonshik and Hakyeon made a great fit, and that resulted Hakyeon to blush endlessly and bashfully bowed to the elder.

Hakyeon and Wonshik had decided to move in together to an apartment—which was pretty pricey for Hakyeon, but Wonshik could cover that, as always—and they had just finished settling in. They were sure that moving in was the best decision.

When Wonshik was about to cut the tape of the first box and unbox it, Hakyeon pounced at him and the blonde automatically held the older so that he could keep his balance. Hakyeon swiftly wrapped his legs around the younger’s waist and locked his ankles together.

Wonshik laughed. “Oh, please, hyung,” he said, lightly pecking on the older’s lips. “Let’s unpack first before going to bed, shall we? This place is a mess.”

Hakyeon pouted, reluctantly nodding and Wonshik put him down so he could stand his own ground. The blonde smiled, ruffling the shorter’s hair. “Be patient, Hakyeonnie~,” he said, smiling from ear to ear.

Wonshik opened the first box that was filled with his own and Hakyeon’s stuffs mixed together. Specifically, their stuffs of memories—the polaroid they had taken when they watched the fireworks on their first monthsary, written a caption under it: “the first and the last best 1st monthsary!”, couple key chains they bought in front of the theatre on their second monthsary, a silly photo on Chuseok Day with hanbok, etc.

What was the most memorable of all was the photo when they visited Namsan Tower. In the photo, Wonshik was throwing away the key he used to lock the heart-shaped padlock while Hakyeon was busy waving at the camera, a big grin splayed on his face. Wonshik smiled as he recalled the beautiful night.

“Hehe. Look at my face,” a voice said above his head. He looked up to find Hakyeon bending down to gaze down onto the photo. “That red tint on my face! Oh my! We were so awkward after that amazing first kiss!”

Wonshik looked back down at the photo he was holding, smiling again. “It was the best first date ever,” he said, looking up again at the older and Hakyeon glanced to meet with the younger’s sparkling eyes. His smile was replaced with a sheepish one and a blush slowly creeped up to his cheeks.

The younger realized he was sitting right in the middle of the surrounding boxes, so he stood up and brushed off the dusts that stuck on his jeans.

“I think we should frame up this one,” he suggested, holding up the photo to find the right place to put it on. “And the others next. It’ll be fair, then!”

Hakyeon walked closer to the taller man, loosely draping his arms around the taller’s neck. “Well, we can do it later,” he seductively whispered, succeeding his mission to make the younger groan. “Everything can wait.”

“Impatient, aren’t you?,” the younger said, grabbing the older’s thighs and circled those thin legs around his waist as he strode off to the bedroom.

“Yeah, because it’s our fourth monthsary,” the older replied before kissing the younger roughly.

author's note:
weee! another update! o u o
i hope i can double update today sobz.
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Chapter 2: so fluffy... wait for the third month now!!!
Chapter 5: AW!!!!!! So Cute!!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 5: Yay! An update! This one was really cute *squeals* I love fluff~
Chapter 4: Ooh so cute~ I love the idea of each month anniversary, its very sweet :3
they are so sweet ♥ I like how you portray their characters, it seems genuine. Keep up with the good work <3