First: The Fireworks

Twelve Months of Affection

First: The Fireworks


“Whoop! I’ve never went to this hill in night time before!,” Hakyeon yelled as he ran around like he was a stunt plane hovering on the sky. Except that the sky was too dark for planes to cross, but the stars could guide them anyways. “So cold yet amazing!”

Amazing? Well, obviously because the stars were decorating the dark sky with their small lights like stilled fireflies stuck on his room’s ceiling and the sky was so beautiful Hakyeon was scared he might lose sight of the twinkling stars if he looked away.

Wonshik panted as he tried to catch up with the older up the hill, but that didn’t stop him to grin. He was so excited that he had waited for that night to come. He had his hands in his coat’s pockets to avoid his fingers to catch frostbite, and he kept on hiking until he could see the older’s figure running immaturely here and there. Small steam clouds were produced whenever they breathed out heavily – hiking had taken up pretty good stamina there and on that hill the air felt colder.

“Glad you like night time, hyung,” Wonshik exclaimed, grinning ever so widely. “I ever went to this place on night time before, and I thought it’s a good idea to bring you here, so I did!”

Hakyeon glanced at him, running toward the younger and threw him a light hug. “Thank you, Wonshikkie~,” he said happily and went on running again as he inquired, “What’s your intention on bringing me here, anyways?” The younger only replied him with a mere shrug, which was much to his dismay. He pouted.

“It’s a part of the plan – a surprise!,” Wonshik replied with words so he wouldn’t disappoint the older more than enough. “Well, I gave you out a spoiler already! Why don’t we stargaze first to wait for the surprise to come? I brought a telescope!”

The younger shrugged off the strap around him that connected with a tube right on his back and he removed the lid, revealing the lens of the telescope. Hakyeon clapped in anticipation, jumping up and down and he quickly sat down on the grass, followed by the also full of enthusiasm Wonshik a second later.

“Ooh, ooh! I think it’s my lucky day!,” Hakyeon suddenly yelled out, pointing a finger to the sky. “I found a constellation! Right there!”

Yes, indeed your lucky day. And so do mine, Wonshik thought as he brought the telescope to his right eye – couldn’t help but grinning at the thought – and he saw the stars closer through the lens. “Hey! Good one, hyung!,” he said, grinning. “You found Cancer! Your zodiac sign! It is your lucky day~”

Hakyeon grinned back at the younger – although Wonshik couldn’t see that wide grin, he just didn’t care. He only wanted to express his happiness. “Look! I found a Capricorn over there!,” the younger pointed to a direction. The older shook his head and his eyes automatically followed the younger’s pointing direction.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to see the constellation clearer but he couldn’t find Capricorn anywhere. Probably because the younger was using the telescope and it was easier for him to find every constellation they could ever remember to mention on the starry sky that night. Or it was because of the flickering light of the city right below them.

“Yaaah~,” Hakyeon whined. “I want to see, too!”

Wonshik handed the telescope to the older with a wide grin on his face. Hakyeon found something suspicious about that grin, but he ignored that feeling. He took the telescope to his eye and scanned the stars, but he didn’t find any particular shape constellation of a Capricorn.

“I don’t see – ,” he stopped mid-sentence when he suddenly saw the stars dancing. Maybe it was only his imagination. Because stars couldn’t dance, like come on! He wasn’t a first-grader anymore to believe such thing!

He slowly put down the telescope and he finally could see the ‘dancing stars’ clearer by that way. It was a series massive plays of…fireworks!

Yes, it was massive indeed. The different colors of the fireworks reflected on Hakyeon’s eyes like they were really dancing on a dark floor of a ball room, which were his dark orbs. The older was amazed. The explosion and the booms of the fireworks were hurting his ears, but he could care less about that. He enjoyed the show a lot. He gasped when suddenly the last firework made a sentence that said, ‘Happy First Monthsary, Cha Hakyeon.’

He was really out of words. He didn’t know what to say to one Kim Wonshik. That guy could be so cheesy at times it made his stomach fluttered with rainbows and butterflies and his heart felt like it was going to leap out off his chest. Literally.

Wonshik threw a hand across Hakyeon’s nape to the other of the older’s shoulder, embracing him softly. He nuzzled to the crook of the older’s neck and whispered:

“Happy first monthsary, babe~”

author's note:
just yay.
okay. lol.
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[ twelve months of affection ] wh00p! an upvoter!!!!!! tHANK YOU!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!


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Chapter 2: so fluffy... wait for the third month now!!!
Chapter 5: AW!!!!!! So Cute!!!!!! ^_^
Chapter 5: Yay! An update! This one was really cute *squeals* I love fluff~
Chapter 4: Ooh so cute~ I love the idea of each month anniversary, its very sweet :3
they are so sweet ♥ I like how you portray their characters, it seems genuine. Keep up with the good work <3