1 Million Won

1000... Always By Your Side

After we ate breakfast, I shuffled straight to my bedroom without even daring to blink once. Is it true? No. Someone must have been playing a trick on me. Maybe they thought they could fool me once since they've lured me into their diabolical ploy once. This makes sense. Maybe I should check the net. I immediately rummaged through my cabinet to find my shoulderbag, and took out from it my phone. But I didn't find the phone I was using on 2013. It was my old one... The one which broke when it fell down the staircase. Have I really been brought 5 years back? But how is this possible? 


This was enough proof. I've thrown this one away, and I'm sure those girls wouldn't get through the trouble of finding this one and paying for its repairs.


I put down my phone on the bedside table and laid flat on my bed. God granted my wish, and I better use this second chance to improve the life of my dad. I smiled happily, hugging Lord on my mind. 


I remembered that I've still got my old jobs, but then considering the tragedy that faced me on 2013, I might wanna jampack my schedule with more works. For dad, I will work hard. Usually, I start at 7:30. I looked at my wall clock. It said 7:00. I checked on what day it was. Monday. At Mondays and Fridays, I leave at noon. So this means that I have to find more paying jobs.


I walked out of my room to fetch the newspaper on the center table. I sat down on my sofa and started concentrating on the ads. As I run my eyes through them, I began to wonder if there would be any other jobs I'd like to apply for. I've tried so many things that I might already be invincible. But then after few minutes has passed, I heard a loud noise. It was music playing on a stereo... and it seemed like it was coming from the room beside mine. But wait... I don't really have neighbors, right? Maybe someone has moved. I ignored it, thinking that it's a trivial thing to think of. I concentrated back. But then, after few minutes the music changed. From Pop (I guess) it switched to screamo, and the volume was turned up to the max. My whole room shook. For Pete's sake, what's wrong with this neighbor?!


'Alright. I'll endure.' I said to myself, since patience is a virtue. But after few seconds, it was already accompanied with bangs and clings of different things being hit. Oohhh, when I get my hands on him I'm going to strangle him until he's choking!


My ears let out steams. My eyes glared. If there's one thing I cannot withstand, it's this! In my peaceful home infected with noise. I slammed the newspaper on the table, emerged from the door and banged my fists on the door beside, which the sound came from.


And when the door opened, my mouth became an armalite.


"Do you have not a single brain cell?!" I angrily hollered. I saw a tall man, with fair complexion and red lips, who was shocked upon seeing me. He looked like he just came from having fun.


"I'm s--"


"Ah, you're not going to say anything huh?! You don't even have the courtesy to your neighbor! I don't even know you just moved in?! Of course this is a must as a friendly gesture for neighbors and then you blasted your speakers like they were the last in the whole world?! You---" I was cut off my rant when he grasped my arms and pulled my inside, closing the door after.


"With your screams, passersby might think I'm you! So please, just shut your mouth and explain to me." He looked like he has been ceasing his impatience. For a man who looked like we're on the same age, he's such an airhead!


"You're disturbing the harmony of this neighborhood! Please have some courtesy, at least!"


"The landlord said that I can create as much as many noises I could make. He allowed me, and this is one of the basic reasons I've chosen this place! Besides, I payed for that permission." He retorted. Anger clouded up my mind. Looks like he'll be my favorite neighbor afterall.


"You're wrecking the whole apartment!" I screamed. He smirked.


"Am I not free to express myself? I'll sing if I want to. And the music was so inviting I just had to bang on things as if I was playing drums." He crossed his arms, chin up.


"Ahh. You're not going to turn it down? Fine!" I began marching to the speaker over the corner of the room, but then he caught my arm and pulled me.


"No! This will be your punishment for your very warm welcome to me!" He uttered.


"Let go of me!"


"Let go--- ahhh!"

"Alright, since you beg for it."


With his mischevious grin he did let me go. But then because of the force I exerted, it sent me flying across the room and into the shelves. It shook as I was praying hastily to keep it still but...





It finally fell, and the glass figurines went into million pieces.



I heard a piercing scream.




"MY MILLION-WON COLLECTION!" His eyes grew larger than its original size. His face was as if he has seen a ghost.

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hananii19 #1
Pleeeeease update :D this is nice~