Chapter 2

Sweet Fantasy

Hey everyone

So I did update, but I decided that I was unhappy with this chapter and decided to change it a little bit :)

It makes it so much longer and I hope that you all will like it :D

Seungri stood at the edge of the burning village.  The orange glow relfected warmly on his skin.  Dressed in black,  he watched with sad eyes and a heavy heart the buildings burning to the ground into a pile of ashes.  His men continued to terrorize the villae and it's citizens.  Cries and screams echoed through the crowded streets.  Seungri averted his gaze from the horrific scene.  He took a deep breath and sighed.  One of his men came running up to him. 

"Sir, we were unable to find her."  Seungri looked up at him with an irritated look.  The man swallowed hard as Seungri grimaced at him. 

"Meaning, you let her get away," said Seungri.  He sighed in frustration and rubbed his forehead.  

"Are you sure sir, that she is in this village."  Seungri glared at him. 

"Are you doubting my tracking abilities?" he asked harshly.  The man in his breath and quickly looked down in embarrassment. 

"I do not mean any disrespect sir.  I apologize for my statement and doubt."  Seungri squinted his eyes at him and then turned his attention back to the village.  He scanned it, but could only find burning buildings.  No places for her to hide so easily.  It would be impossible for her to be hiding in the village.  She some how escaped and Seungri sat in thought while his eyes roamed the scene in front of him carefully.  

"If she fled, she couldn't have gotten far yet," murmered Seungri in thought.  His eyes then landed on the small forest that stood a few yards away from the village.  Sighing, he turned to face the man again.  

"Round up the men in the village," he order, "We are going to the forest."


Hyoyeon continued to run through the thick trees.   Images of the burning village flashed through her mind and it was bringing her to the brink of tears again.  After running for a while, she slowed her pace once she felt like she was far enough away.  She slowed even more and started to walk quickly.   Out of breath, she continued to trudge along to try and get as much space away as possible.  

Memories of the village had began to fill Hyoyeon's head.  She remembered how they were so welcoming when she first appeared at the edge of the town.  Stuck in her past memories, Hyoyeon slowed down even more, not realizing it.  The sound of fanit footsteps behind her, brought her back to reality.  Panic began to set in and she looked over her shoulder.  She could not see anyone, but the footsteps were slowly growing louder. 

Since she was still out of breath and probably can not out run the unknown person, Hyoyeon hid herself behind a tree.  She reached down to the edge of her boot and wrapped her hand around the end of a red and gold dagger.  Pulling it out, she readied it in her hands as she waited patiently for the stranger to get closer.  She sat and listened to the footsteps slowly growing louder.  

Once the person reached right next to the tree, Hyoyeon quickly whirled around the trunk.  Taking the person by surprise, she pressed the dagger hard against the person's throat and froze once she realized who is was.  

"Henry?" she said in disbelief.  

"Hyoyeon, didn't think I would run into you here," he replied meekly.  He squirmed uncomfrotably under the dagger.  

"Do you mind?" he asked as his eyes flicked to the dagger.  

"Oh, sorry."  Hyoyeon released her grip and Henry sighed in relief.  She slid the dagger back into her boot. 

"Did not know that you carried that around with you."  He then stared at Hyoyeon in awe.  

"For safety precautions."  She then spun on her heel and continued walking.

"Hey, wait up."  Henry walked quickly to catch up to her.  

"Henry, I would advise you to stay as far away from me as possible." 

"Why? What if those weird black clothed men come here? Won't you need protection?"

"Henry, I can protect myself and they won't bother you if you stay away from me."

"What are you saying?  Those men were after you?"  Hyoyeon stayed silent.

"Why? Hyoyeon? Please explain to me."  She then stopped and sighed.  

"Yes Henry, those men were after me. So you can say that your hometown was destroyed because of me."  Henry then stood there speechless and Hyoyeon then continued walking again.  She refused to look at him but she could hear him following her.  

"Why are you still following me?" she asked.   

"Because, you may need some help," he replied.  Hyoyeon then stopped and turned to face him. 

"You're not mad at me?" Henry shook his head no. 

"Why should I be?"  He then placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a warm smile.  "Those men destroyed my village, not you."

"Thanks, but you really should stay away from me."

"Those men are after you.  You will need protection."

"Henry you don't understand, those men are not normal."

"That's for sure, they destroyed a village."

"No Henry you really don't understand-" Hyoyeon was cut off by a soft whistling noise that she could hear.  Her eyes widened as she quickly took a step back.  She then felt something whiz by her head and land in the tree next to her.  Henry stared wide eyed at the steel arrow now stuck in the tree's bark. 

"," murmered Hyoyeon as she grabbed Henry and hid behind a tree.  More arrows then suddenly came flying their way.  

"What the hell is happening?" yelled Henry.  Hyoyeon slid her backpack off her shoulders and dug into the bag.  She pulled out a gun and a bow and arrow set.  Henry stared at her in awe.  

"Do you know how to use this?" she asked as she held the gun in front of him.  

"I think everyone knows how to use a gun," replied Henry.  Hyoyeon gave him a small glare as she handed him the weapon.  

"Why are they firing at us?" he asked.  Hyoyeon grabbed an arrow and slid it into place on the bow. 

"They are trying to kill me."


"Henry, right now isn't the time for explanations."  She then whirled around the tree with her arrow drawn and pointed at a figure.  Within a second she fired and was able to hit her target perfectly.  She then whilred back behind the tree.  

"There are too many," said Henry as he ducked behind the tree.

"We can do this," said Hyoyeon.  She then fired again and managed to hit two of her targets, but there still were at least twenty more.  She was starting to doubt whether they were going to be able to survive this situation. 

"We should make a run for it," said Hyoyeon. 

"How are we going to be able to do that?" he asked.  Hyoyeon quickly sat in thought and then came up with an idea.  She went into her bag and found a lighter.  Grabbing her bow, she ripped off a piece of her shirt and wrapped it around the tip end of an wrrow.  Henry just stared at her in confusion as he watched her dig through her backpack again.  She pulled out a little black vial and poured some of the contents onto the cloth.  She then lit the piece on fire and tossed the black vial near the cluster of men.  Quickly she fired the flamin arrow at the same spot and the bushes went ablaze.  Henry sat and stared at her in amazement.

"Come on.  This is our chance," said Hyoyeon as she grabbed Henry's arm and they quickly ran.  Some arrows were being fired their way, but with the fire as a distraction, they were able to escape.  


"You wanted to see me," said Jiyong as he stood across the long table in the presence of his father.  

"Come and sit," said his father.  Jiyong slowly sat himself in the stiff chair as his father's black eyes stared hard at him.  

"This is very strange.  My son has actually come when I ordered him to."  His father chuckled softly and started at Jiyong curiously.  

"What did you want to see me about?" asked Jiyong as he ignored his father's teasing.  

"Wow, and he wants to get straight to business.  This is very rare."  Jiyong looked down at his hands in his lap.  His father started to laugh softly again and Jiyong stared back up at him.  His expression stayed serious as he stared at his laughing father.  

"I'm sure your sister had already told you."  Jiyong shifted in his seat.  

"Yes, she did, but how did you find her?"  His father sighed and stared hard at his son.  He then reached into a cabinet behind him, pulling out a light gray folder.  He then tossed it over to Jiyong.  

"Seungri was able to track her down at a village."  Jiyong's eyes went wide from the metion of Seungri.  

"You mean.  Seungri was the one that found her?"  His father slowly nodded his head.  

"Yes. He was." His father then started to stare off into space with admiration.  "He is a very honorable and capable man.  I sit here and wonder why I don't have a son like him."  Jiyong looked away from his father and cleched his fists tightly.  

"Did you call me here just to insult me?" His father shook his head.  The smile of admiration turned into a grimace as his father stared at Jiyong.  

"I know the skills you possess Jiyong and yet it still confuses me to why you don't use them out in the field."  Jiyong stayed silent as he averted his eyes.   

"That's why I'm sending you out with your own team."  Jiyong looked back up at his father wide eyed and his mouth slightly agaped. 

"But, father-"

"I don't want to hear it Jiyong.  You are part of this family and you will start acting like you are part of this family." Jiyong looked down and clenched his fists again in anger.  He could feel his nails digging hard into his skin.

"Tomorrow morning, you will be setting out with your team to complete the mission I have assigned to you," said his father.  Jiyong looked back up at him and saw a smirk on his father's face. 

"And the mission?" asked Jiyong. His father stood up from his chair and crossed the room over to Jiyong.  He placed a strong hand on Jiyong's shoulder and gaze it a strong squeeze. 

"What do you think? Hunting vampires of course."  His father smiled at him and left the room, leaving Jiyong in the silent room.  He sat in thought as his mind slowly processed what had just happened.  He then sighed in frustration and looked over at the gray folder that his father tossed to him. 

Jiyong slowly opened the gray folder in front of him and a picture of a very pretty blonde girl was on top.  Jiyong's heart began to ache.  


Seungri watched as his men ran into the forest to look for her.  He followed behind his men and watched each one fo them marefully.  

"Sir, one of the scouts spotted her," said one of his men. 

"Then hurry up before she gets away again," ordered Seungri.  The man nodded his head and they all headed in the direction after her.  Seungri ran with them.

"There she is," said one of the men.  Seungri slowed down and peered his eyes through the trees.  He then spotted a girl with long blonde hair with a guy standing next to her.  They finally found her.

"Archers at the ready," said one of the men.  The men then all grabbed their bows and drew their arrows and aimed them at her.  

"Wait for my order," yelled Seungri.  He then grabbed a bow and his men sat in wait.  Seungri quickly placed an arrow in the string of the bow and pulled it tight.  He aimed for her head.  He then pushed his aim an inch to the side of her head.  He then fired the arrow and watch it fly towards the girl.  His heart began to beat wildly as he watched it fly.  He then saw her dodge it easliy and a slow smile spread on his face. 

"Now," he yelled.  The men then started to fire their arrows towards her.  Luckily she had enough time to shield herself behind the tree.  His men continued to fire arrows towards her.  She whirled around and retaliated, but it was no use.  

"Come on Hyo," mumbled Seungri.  He clenched his fists tightly and began to grit his teeth.  She did not reappear from behind the tree for a while and Seungri started to become worried.  She finally reappeared and saw her throw a vial.  His men watched it in confusion and it crashed in front of them.  Seungri smirked once he saw her with a flaming arrow.  She fired it and the ground in front of them was suddenyl set ablaze.  Some of his men fell backwards in surprise and he could not help but laugh softly.  

"Sir, she is getting away," said one of his men.  Seungri quickly became serious.  

"I can see that," said Seungri with an annoyed tone.  He walked towards the flames with his back to his men and smiled some more.  

"Sir, what should we do?" Seungri shrugged and turned back around to face his men.  

"Round up everyone else, we need to regroup."  His men nodded their heads and headed out to gather everyone.  Seungri sighed and turned back towards the flames. 

"She never ceases to amaze me."


Hyoyeon and Henry ran quickly through the trees and slowed their pace once they were getting tired.  They both then stopped from exhaustion and were breathing heavily.  

"I think we are safe here," said Henry.  Hyoyeon nodded her head in agreement as she tried to catch her breath.  She started to feel a slight sting on her arm and looking down at it, she found a deep cut that had sliced through her jacket and her skin.  

"Hyoyeon, are you hurt?" asked Henry. 

"It's nothing."  Hyoyeon then felt light headed and fell to the ground.  She could see Henry staring at her in panic as he was saying something to her.  She could not hear him and she then out. 

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Chapter 5: author-nim, please update soon. I want to know the end oh hyo and GD
keep writing and fighting!!^^
sunlight_ #2
So sweet, hyoyeon unnie
shea_shariff #3
Chapter 5: oooooooh thank god! i like this : )
I like this story alot <3 Keep up the great work :D
shea_shariff #5
Chapter 4: yippee. i like this story. its nice to be reading a great fic that has hyoyeon, 2ne1 and big bang : )
Chapter 4: woah update soon ..
leekimchoding #7
Author-nim please update soon (⌣˛⌣) I miss this story ._.
shea_shariff #8
Chapter 2: Ooooooh yes : )
Chapter 1: haha fo update soon author nim