A Criminal? Maybe Not...

SunSica One-Shot Collection

So this freaking title , I know, I know, sorry lol

But just as I said, here's the one-shot I promised yesterday~


Pain, that’s all Jessica felt when she woke up. She tried to open her eyes but only darkness welcomed her.

“Ugh…” She groaned and tried to move, but failed as soon as she did. “What the hell?” Her hands and feet were tied.

“What did you do with her?”  Jessica heard a voice, probably on the room next to where she was, but she didn’t know whose voice was. “What if she is dead?”

“She’s not dead, SoonKyu. We just checked on her.” Another voice was heard and Jessica was about to say something but fear overcame her body.

“I’ll go and check on her. You stay outside.” Jessica heard the door opening and steps getting closer to her.  “Hey there, are you okay?” Jessica shook her head because she was too scared to talk, she felt tears forming on her eyes. “Don’t be afraid, we’re not gonna hurt you.” Jessica tried to hold a sob, but that caught the person’s attention. “Don’t cry, please. I promise no one will hurt you.” In a weird way, Jessica felt like she could trust that person. “Look, do you want something? I can get you anything.”

“I…” Jessica started and sobbed once more. “I want to see, please. It’s scaring me.”

“To see? Well… Just a second then.” She heard some noises and after seconds, the person  she finally saw light.

“Ugh… Too bright.” Jessica murmured and the person giggled. “Who are you?” Jessica looked at the, probably girl, wearing one of those stupid  clown masks.

“I’m…” She thought for some seconds before answering it: “I’m SoonKyu, but just call me Sunny, okay?”

“S-Sunny?” Jessica looked around and saw nothing but the girl and a bed.

“Yep. I don’t think you noticed, but you’ve been kidnapped.” She giggled once more and Jessica didn’t know how to react, she knew she was kidnapped, she was tied in a chair! “But, I promise you we want nothing less than your family’s money.” Jessica felt Sunny’s eyes on her and she laughed. “Oh God… What a silly thing to say, right? Sorry.”

“When can I… Leave?”

“You already want to leave? But you just arrived. I promise there’ll be cake for you later.” Sunny giggled and untied Jessica’s hand. “Promise me you won’t punch me or anything, okay? I maybe short, but I’m pretty sure I’m stronger.” Even if Jessica wanted to do something, she still was too scared to do anything. “Promise?”


“Good. You must be hungry, right? And thirsty. I’ll  bring you something.” Sunny left the room and closed the door. "I'll take care of her from  now on." Jessica heard the girl's voice and she felt relieved hearing those words

Jessica still couldn't walk, her feets were tied on the chair, so she stayed there looking at the walls, she searched for any sign of blood at the walls or on the floor, but everything looked clean and it smell good, she wasn't sure if it was this clean normally or if somebody came up and cleaned everything before she woke up. She sighed and looked at the ceiling. "Gosh... Why am I one of the Jungs?"

"Well... You can become a Lee if you want to." Sunny was there, still wearing the mask, but now holding a bow of fried chicken and a bottle of water. "Do you like fried chicken?" Jessica nodded her head and Sunny got closer to her, she put the bow on Jessica's lap and sat on the floor in front of the kidnapped. "I'll hold the bottle for you." Jessica nodded once more and started to eat.

"Hm... Thanks." Sunny nodded and looked down.

"You're welcome."

After finishing eating, Sunny stood up and headed to the door. "I'll be back as soon as possible, okay? Bye~" she waved and left the room. Jessica heard a 'click' meaning that the girl locked the door. Jessica sighed and then looked at her feet. She wanted to stand up so badly, but she knew it that she wouldn't stand up anytime soon...


Days passed by and Jessica was still in that room, but now free from the chair, Sunny had untied her feet two days after their first meeting and when she stood up she almost fell, but Sunny held her. Strangely Jessica was now comfortable around Sunny, they would talk about their personal lifes, dreams and other stuffs. Jessica would always receive Sunny excitedly.

"Hey there, Sica! I have some good news!" Sunny exclaimed and sat on Jessica's bed. "You can take shower!" Jessica rolled her eyes and Sunny giggled "You're smelly! C'mon." The short one grabbed Jessica's hand and when the girl noticed she was already in a small bathroom. "Go on."

"You'll stay here?" Jessica asked incredulous.

"Yeah." Sunny answered and Jessica gasped. "Why so shocked?  We can't just let you do anything you like by yourself. What if you run away?  I'm totally screwed. Just take it off, it's not like I've never saw a girl's body."

"This is unfair. I've never seen your face, but you'll see me . No." Jessica said and Sunny laughed. "it's not funny, Sunny."

"Well... For me it is." She laughed a bit more. "Okay... I'll just stare at the wall, okay? But don't run away, please."

"Okay." Jessica finally took her clothes off and started showering. On the other hand, Sunny couldn't help but take a peek at the kidnapped's body, since before kidnapping Jessica, Sunny had this thing for the girl, Sunny and the other kidnappers have been watching Jessica for a month or more and Sunny would always find amusing the way Jessica rolled her eyes or the way she smiled, and now seeing Jessica's body, she knew this was wrong in so many ways. "Sunny ah... I need . And why are you looking at me? Creepy." Sunny turned around, and thanks Gosh she was wearing a mask or Jessica would see how red her cheeks were.

"Well... , right? I brought one... I just don't know... Where I put it." Sunny started to look around the bathroom and Jessica groaned.

"Yeah, don't worry, take your time, you know? I really love being around people whose face I don't know. It's an awesome hobby, you should try it." Jessica said ironically and Sunny giggled.

"I'll try in the future. Here." Sunny handed the and new clothes to Jessica that accepted it and started to put the clothes on. "Ah... You have a... a... y hm... body." The short one said looking down and Jessica looked at her. "It's true."she was being shy and Jessica never saw the girl like that, she found it pretty amusing. "We... We talked to your family." Jessica widened her eyes.


"Yeah, they'll come with the money in three days." Jessica heard sadness on the shorty's voice.

"Seriously?" She tried to sound excited but hearing the girl that took care of her like that she just couldn't jump around the bathroom.

"Yeah. C'mon, let's go back to the bedroom." Sunny opened the bathroom's door and both girls walked to Jessica's room.

"Sunny ah, you seem sad, why?"

"You seem boring, Jessica yah." Jessica stared at her and Sunny sighed. "I'll miss you." The tallest's heart started to beat faster. "I didn't do this for bad. I'm not a bad person, Jessica. I'm in need. My nephew is sick and my family have no money to pay for the treatment.  I tried to find a job and all, but... I wouldn't be able to get the money in time." Jessica heard the girl sniffling "I'm not proud of what I did."

"Sunny ah, I know you are not bad." Jessica hugged the girl tight.

"I didn't want this to happen. If I could I'd just let you go, but..."

"Hush. Don't cry, please." Jessica begged and Sunny sighed. "If you weren't using this stupid mask I'd dry your tears." The short girl giggled and hugged Jessica tighter.

"They'll dry on their own anytime soon. I need to go, Jessica. I'll be back later with your food." When Sunny left the room, Jessica's heart teared up apart. She would miss the anonymous girl so badly,  but she didn't want to stay in that place. What you've got yourself into, huh Jessica Jung?


When the three days passed and Jessica's parents would finally get her, she was talking with Sunny. "Isn't it kind of dangerous? I mean, my parents will know where you hide and all."

"No... They'll find another place to hide... Probably somewhere more fancy." Sunny giggled and Jessica sighed.

"What about you?"

"I'll just go back to my normal life." Sunny petted Jessica's head.

"Will we meet?"

"I don't know... Maybe..."

"Will you show me your face?"

"Nope." Sunny laughed but Jessica just rolled her eyes. "Sorry... I can't..."

"Yeah... whatever... you can totally check my body out, but I can't see your face." Jessica said and Sunny sighed.

"Okay, okay" and when she was about to take the mask off, the door opened and a masked man entered the room.

"It's time! C'mon!" Sunny looked at Jessica an mumbled a '"sorry" before grabbing Jessica's hand and drag her to the 'meeting room'

Jessica saw her dad and a smile grew on her face.

"Here's your money, please, my daughter now." He said firmly and the guys that entered Jessica's room pulled her away from Sunny and pushed her to her dad.

"All yours. It was good to negotiate, now leave, please." He said and Jessica's father hugged her "Now!"

"C'mon babe, let's go home, mom is waiting for you." Both Jungs started to walk away, but Jessica couldn't help but give a small wave to Sunny that waved back.


Months later and Jessica still had Sunny in mind, and she wondered if Sunny was still thinking of her.

Jessica was in a coffee shop near her dad's corporation, she was on her lunch time and the coffee shop was really crowded. She was lucky to find a free table

"Hm... excuse me, can I sit here?" Jessica looked up and saw this woman smiling at her.

"Whatever." Jessica mumbled and went back to her coffee.

"You're Jessica Jung right?" Jessica nodded and the person sitting in front of her giggled a really familiar giggle... "My name is SoonKyu. Lee SoonKyu. Nice to meet you." SoonKyu had this adorable smile on her face. Why was this name familiar to her? There's something wrong going on there...

"Hm... Okay." she mumbled and the girl started talking non-stop, her voice was really familiar and when she laughed it became crystal clear for Jessica:

"I’m SoonKyu, but just call me Sunny.”

"You can become a Lee if you want..."

Jessica took a better look at the girl's face and she couldn't help but smile.

"Stupid dwarf."

"Hey! That's offensive,  you know?"

"Why did you just appeared now, Sunny ah? I missed you!" Jessica said and grabbed Sunny's hand.

"Well... I was working hard to pay you and your family." Sunny took a check from her purse and gave it to Jessica. "I didn't want to meet you without the money. I'd feel worse than before, please accept it."

"I... Well... I... I can't,  Sunny ah." Jessica was about to give the check back but Sunny shook her head.

"If you don't want it than throw it away." Sunny said and Jessica rolled her eyes.

"Stubborn..." The tallest one mumbled and stared at Sunny's face before giving  a tiny smile. "How is your nephew?"

"Better. Much better actually." She smiled and Jessica's heart melted, blush could be seeing on her cheeks. "Like what you see or you prefer the mask?" Sunny asked and Jessica laughed.

"Well... The mask was prettier." She commented and received a pinch on her hand. "Ouch! Just kidding."

"So... Now that you saw my face, can I see you again?" Sunny smirked.

"Maybe." Jessica caressed Sunny's hand and smirked back. "And maybe we can even do some fun stuffs."

"Oh boy... If I knew it, I'd have taken that stupid mask away ages ago."

“You know I’m just kidding right?” Jessica pulled her hand away but Sunny grabbed it once more, making the tallest one feel goose bumps all over body.

“Yeah, sure! But just for now…”


About the clown mask... well... I was watching Block B's MV and this idea just came up lol

Anyway, you guys have no idea of how hot the weather is in here... I'm seriously melting down like ice cream... Oh Gosh... I wasn't born to live in a tropical Country lol 

I'll finish here and see you... soon~

If I don't become a puddle


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HI GUYS! So I won't be posting any new oneshot until monday, I'll travel tomorrow morning and be back on sunday, so please, wait~ see ya~


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Sunny515 #1
Chapter 11: Update please.
LoveSoshi999 #2
Chapter 11: I love your one shots maybe you should create a sunsica ongoing story :)
EvilAegyo139 #3
Chapter 11: OMO valentine's day was so cute >.< one of my favs keke ^^
Chapter 11: Lol Sunny's always the victim of Jessica's teasings~
I would like to see the one ;) haha~
TimelessStories #5
Chapter 11: Lol, Jessica's "gay" killed me xD

Make the one too~~
Chapter 11: update soon please
Chapter 11: Nurufufufufu~~~
SunSica overload~~~ Haaaaahhh~~~