I won't say

SunSica One-Shot Collection

It was one of those rare days where So Nyuh Shi Dae actually had a free day, all of them were too tired to go out, except for Yuri that insisted to take Yoona to a new restaurant she heard of, she said it was to celebrate the end of her drama filming, but all of the girls knew too well that Yuri was trying hard to get Yoona again.

Anyway, while the YoonYul couple were out on their “date”, the rest of the girls were lazing around the dorm, TaeYeon was sitting on the floor reading one of the new mangas her sister lend her; Jessica laid on the sofa, apparently, sleeping; Sunny was sitting beside TaeYeon playing Mario Kart on her 3DS; SeoHyun was studying in her bedroom; HyoYeon and SooYoung were on the kitchen eating; and Tiffany… Well… Tiffany was…

“GUYS! I HAVE AN IDEA!” The said girl exclaimed from the corridor, TaeYeon almost immediately looked at the girl while Jessica and Sunny just ignored her.

“What is it, Fany?”

“Well… Michelle went to Disney a few weeks ago and she send me some dvds!  Let’s watch it!” TaeYeon smiled and nodded, but Tiffany wasn’t satisfied with just TaeYeon agreeing with her, so she walked towards Sunny and grabbed her 3DS and after that, she pinched Jessica’s nose that squeaked in pain. “So, what do you think guys?”


“Ouch! What was that for? Jesus… Crazy woman.”

Tiffany sighed and sat on Jessica’s stomach while turning off Sunny’s game. Both women groaned and TaeYeon giggled seeing how frustrated they were. “I totally think we should watch Enchanted, what do you think?”

“Whatever, Tiffany… Just stand up, you’re too heavy!” Tiffany then sat down beside Sunny that had a pout on her face.

“What about you, bunny? Will you watch it with us?” Sunny sighed and pouted even more while looking at Tiffany. “I’ll give it back if you watch it.”

“Okay…” Tiffany clapped her hands and went to the kitchen to drag HyoYeon and SooYoung to the living room to watch the movie.

Jessica sat up giving space for the girls to sit, when she did that, Sunny lost no chance to sit beside the ice princess. “Hey! I was about to sit there you dwarf!” SooYoung exclaimed but the short one just shrugged and pet Jessica’s hair that now was resting her head on the shorty’s shoulder.  “You see that, Hyo… HYO! THAT WAS MY SPOT!”

“Too slow.” The dancing queen giggled just to make the tallest of them pout and sit on the floor. “Unfair. I’m the maknae right now, you should treat me like a maknae.”

“Not happening, SeoHyun is still in this house, so you’re not the maknae.” HyoYeon kicked Soo’s and smirked and the girl when she turned around to stare at her.

“Okay, okay. Enough!” Tiffany exclaimed and she picked two dvds. “I know I said we should watch Enchanted and all, but let’s watch something better…” Tiffany said and everyone looked at the woman that now was searching for another dvd. “LET’S WATCH HERCULES!”

“Just kill me already.” Jessica mumbled making Sunny giggle. “How old are you, Tiffany?”

“Old enough to see what’s up with you.” Now she was confused, what Tiffany knew about her that she didn’t know?

“What’s up with me?”

“We will talk about that later.” Tiffany smirked and now Jessica was about to freak out. WHAT TIFFANY KNEW?


The movie went on and apparently nobody was paying attention to the movie, except for TaeYeon and Tiffany. Hyo was busy making new hairstyles on Soo, while the said girl was eating popcorn; Sunny was too focused on her game and Jessica… Well… Jessica was worried, she could expect anything from Tiffany. ANYTHING! But that was forgotten when the part of the movie she liked was coming up. “Jessi! Come with me. We need to get more stuffs to eat.” Tiffany had stood up and was in front of Jessica.

“What? My favorite part is coming up!”

“You can watch it on youtube.” Tiffany grabbed Jessica’s hand and dragged her towards the kitchen.

“Aish, I’m so killing you after this.” Jessica said grabbing some gummies from the cupboard.

“You’re in love.” Tiffany said making Jessica stare at her in disbelief.


“You heard me. You’re in love.”

“No! I’m not!” Jessica was trying hard not to shout at Tiffany because the girl might hear it, and she doesn’t want them to just like Tiffany was doing. And just then, Jessica’s favorite part was started:

(if any of you want to listen to the song, I'll be nice and you'll just need to click >>here<<)

“If there's a prize for rotten judgment
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!”

And instead of hearing the muses singing, she heard Tiffany’s voice.

“Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
She's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of”

While Tiffany sang, her face was begging Jessica to play along with her, and even though she was hating this, she loved the song and couldn’t help.

“No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no”

Tiffany was now smiling and Jessica was almost throwing herself from the window.

“You swoon, you sigh
Why deny it, uh-oh”

Was she that helpless? Jessica always thought she was discreet.

“It’s too cliché
I won’t say I’m in love…”

Jessica didn’t want to be in love, she couldn’t be in love, she was hurt so many time she was afraid of what might happen if someone broke her heart once again. She kept on singing

“I thought my heart had learned it’s lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you’re dying to cry your heart out”

“You keep on denying
Who you are and how you’re feeling
Baby, we’re not buying
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That you got, got, got it bad”

Tiffany’s smirk was Jessica almost driving her crazy, she was holding herself to not punch the girl in front of her.


“Give up, give in
Check the grin you’re in love”

“This scene won’t play,
I won’t say I’m in love”

“You’re doing flips read our lips
You’re in love”

And that was it, Jessica’s feeling overcame her and she started to take it too seriously.

“You’re way off base
I won’t say it
Get off my case
I won’t say it.”

And at that moment Tiffany hugged Jessica and mumbled on her ear.

“Girl don’t be proud
It’s ok, you’re in love.”

Jessica now had tears on her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them fall down.

“Oh~ at least out loud
I won’t say I’m in love.”

“Will you admit it now or should I put the song once again?”

“You planned all of this, didn’t you?” Jessica asked leaving Tiffany’s embrace and the said girl grinned.

“Yeah, I’ve always wanted to do that, you know? Maybe on our next tour we should do a duet!” Jessica could only roll her eyes and hit the younger’s head. “But let’s discuss about this later, okay? Tell Sunny how you feel.”

“What if she doesn’t like me the way I like her?”

“You’re just too blind, Jessica. You should change your lens or buy new glasses. Sunny is as hopeless as you.”

“She is?” Jessica’s eyes were now probably sparkling and Tiffany just laughed at her not so ice princess friend.

“She is. Now go and tell her!” Tiffany pushed Jessica towards the living room.

“What took you that long?” Sunny asked when Jessica sat next to her. “All that time just to take some gummies?”

“Ah… Yeah… I couldn’t find it.”

After some minutes, Tiffany came back with a bowl of popcorn and SooYoung cheered out loud. “FINALLY! I WAS ALMOST DYING!” The eye-smile queen turned to face Jessica and smirked.

“What was that?” Sunny asked noticing the interaction between the two of them. “Are you and Fany, uh… You know…”

“No! She’s just being stupid.” Jessica mumbled and rested her head on Sunny’s shoulder again.

“Oh… You lost your favorite part.” Sunny said feeding Jessica a gummy.

“Yeah… I did.” Jessica intertwined her fingers with Sunny’s and kissed her cheek. “But I can always watch it on youtube later.” She said and looked into her eyes. “Will you watch it with me?”

“I thought you’d never ask me. I’d love to watch it with you.” 


Sorry, couldn't help it lol

BUT YES! I'M BACK! I'm having so much trouble with writing new fics ;; everything seems so lame for me and my head is so full of stuffs and ugh... Anyways...

This is like one of my favorite Disney Songs and I was willing to write something like this for a long time haha tbh I was going to use That's How You Know (Enchanted, ya know? That's why I mentioned it lol) but idk... I think I Won't Say I'm in Love fits Sica better... Maybe I should write a TaeNy/YoonYul one with That's How You Know... hm... maybe... I'll think about that lol

So, thank you all for reading~

See ya~


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HI GUYS! So I won't be posting any new oneshot until monday, I'll travel tomorrow morning and be back on sunday, so please, wait~ see ya~


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Sunny515 #1
Chapter 11: Update please.
LoveSoshi999 #2
Chapter 11: I love your one shots maybe you should create a sunsica ongoing story :)
EvilAegyo139 #3
Chapter 11: OMO valentine's day was so cute >.< one of my favs keke ^^
Chapter 11: Lol Sunny's always the victim of Jessica's teasings~
I would like to see the one ;) haha~
TimelessStories #5
Chapter 11: Lol, Jessica's "gay" killed me xD

Make the one too~~
Chapter 11: update soon please
Chapter 11: Nurufufufufu~~~
SunSica overload~~~ Haaaaahhh~~~