Chapter 13 : You Don't Know Love


Junho started to drive to the Beach . At that point of time , during that day . I don't know why but today , we didn't talk to each other at all inside the car . We just stay quiet until we arrive at the beach . I went out of the car to get the fresh air suddenly he pulled me closer to his body , He asked me , " What's wrong ? You kind of look sad today , Did anything happened ? Want to tell me .. " I just shook my head and get his hands off of me and went near the water . I slowly said , 

" That girl and you .. Suit each other .. "

He went nearer to me and asked what the heck was i talking about .

I just answered , " Kim So Eun . I saw that you just finish your fliming today that you forgot to call me back . "

He sighs and said that he was sorry . I just walked away . I can't handle this anymore . As i walk along the sea , i felt wind blowing in front of me . My tears just started to form and it fell . Junho stopped me and held both of my hands . He kept repeating the same sentence , " Are you okay ? Please tell me . "

I felt annoyed by those same questions he kept asking . At one point of time , i just shouted , " I AM NOT OKAY ! I WON'T TELL YOU ! BECAUSE YOU NEVER CARE ! YOU WERE ALWAYS SO BUSY ! I WAS SO FRUSTATED WITH YOU ! WHEN THE TIME THAT I NEED YOU THE MOST , YOU AREN'T THERE FOR ME ! I HAD TO COMFORT MYSELF ! WHERE WERE YOU ! You never call me neither you text me to say just simple text message like , ' What are you doing ? Are you okay ? How's practice .. ' You were just so busy with your career . "

He said , " What's wrong with you ? Why are you suddenly feeling like this ? All this time , you were okay with the busy schedules .. "

" There is nothing wrong with me ! I think we should take a break . I am busy and you are more busier . So there is no chance to be with you . We should just break up . "

He suddenly shouted , " WHAT'S WITH THE SUDDEN ATTITUDE ?! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS ?! THIS IS THE TIME I JUST WANT TO BE WITH YOU .. But now look .. Who is the one who is destorying all of this .. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ! ITS MY JOB ! I CHOOSE TO BE LIKE THIS ! Didn't expect you to be a trainee .. "

I got shocked . What did he just said ?!

" NO .. I am not destroying it .. ITS YOU ! You know what ? I will just leave now . I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE . I am going . If only i didn't see you at all , i think it will be the best way ! Didn't expect you to change like this .. You weren't the same anymore .. "

I was walking away from him when he pulled me towards him . 

He asked , " Who asked you to go ?! "

" Who are you to tell me that .. " I rolled my eyes at him and walked away . 

* Junho's POV *

I shouted , " ARGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Why must be this point of time .. When i am already stress with my work . I am just tired .. Why can't she understand me .. But maybe , what she said was true .. I was so busy .. I am so sorry Song Hye , I know saying sorry to you isn't useful anymore .. But i can't let you go .. Maybe its the best time to take a break . I am already busy with the comeback and my solo album which is coming soon .. Whatever that you face , remember that i will support you as a friend or maybe Best Friend & a senior . I went back to the dorm .. I saw all the members just at the living room watching a movie together . Chansung turn his head to me and asked , " Where did you go ? Did you went out with Song Hye ? How was it ?? " 

I just sighs and just walk towards my room . When i close the door , i heard chattering and footsteps going towards my room. Then i heard Taecyeon Hyung's voice , he said while knocking the door once .

" Junho , are you okay ? Did something happened between you and Song Hye ? Did you ....... did you break up with her .. "

I said , " Yes , i am okay . Ye-Yeaa .. I did broke up with her .. Actually she did , i got nothing to say .. Just left me alone .. I will be fine .. "

* Song Hye's POV *

- Next Morning -

I woke up .. When i went inside the bathroom to bathe . I saw my reflection . It was horrible .. That red eyes .. Swollen face . I look so bad . Today i got practice again .. *sighs* If only i can stay at home , i can't face Junho like this .. He will worry about me .. Waitt .. I almost forgot that we broke up already . Saying the word Break Up makes my tears forming again . But whatever it is , i have to get ready to go to the practice room .

- At JYP Entertainment .. -

I went in there . I double check the practice rooms to make sure there is no Junho . It will be awkward .. Then i saw my girls just sitting down and ready to practice . I guess they already warmed up . But suddenly i saw 2PM members inside but there is no Junho . I guess its alright if i didn't see Junho but only s so it's okay . I went in .. The girls shouted , " UNNI !!! YOU CAME ! WHY ARE YOU SO LATEEEE ?!!!! Unni , why are you wearing sunglasses ? " I lied and said that the sun is shining brightly nowadays . Well , i wish i could put that on for the whole day but i can't . So i slowly took them off secretly when a voice startled me .

" You cried didn't you ? " I jumped abit and looked .. It was Taecyeon . I shook my head .

" Don't lie . He told us that you broke up with him . Well , he was sad . He won't even eat breakfast .. " Taecyeon confessed . 

I was shocked . How could a person skip breakfast .. I said , " WHAT ?! Why should he .. " I stopped , in my mind i was like , ' Do you remember , you broke up .. Why are you like this .. '

I continued , " Nevermind , I-i need to go .. Tell Junho to eat . "

I went and stretch myself . I continue practicing with the girls .. When i saw someone just came in ..










Yes , it was Junho . I am at DANGER MODE RIGHT NOW .WHY THE HECK IS THE 2PM MEMBERS IN HERE ?! OMGGGGG .. Someone helpppp .. I turned away from him so that he won't see my horrible face . It was really awkward .. He spoke coldly , " Guys , we have to go . We got a schedule going on .. Quickly if not i will go first . " He only said those words . I breath in and out , maintaining myself . Holding those tears .. Everyone went out and Taecyeon went to me , put both of his hands onto my shoulders . He said , " Stay Strong . Don't Cry .. " He ruffled my hair and went out . When he went out , i sat down on the couch , I put my head down and started to cry softly then i couldn't take it anymore . I cried loudly . The members , all went to me .. Asking me what's wrong .. I finally said the truth . That Junho and I broke up . I told everything to them . Yesul said to me ,

" So .. Unnie .. Thats all ? Thats all you are going to do ? Just end this relationship when you have no reason of your own ? That busy life .. That only reason . "

I nodded my head . That was the only reason . I told them i really don't want to end this relationship . I really hate this No Dating Rule . I miss all those days where during High School Days where no one could stop us .. I miss that smile of his .. ARGHHH ! I AM REALLY GOING CRAZYYYY !!!!!!!!!

* Junho's POV *

I sat at the normal place which is at the behind seat . I sat there quietly . I plug on my earpiece and listen to the music . When the music started to play , unexpectedly it was this song ,


KWILL - You Don't Know Love . The song really is similar to the situation .. That day when we broke up . ARGHH ! I AM GOING CRAZY !!!!!!!!!!
- What will happen between both of them .. Are they really ending ? -
- Next Week -
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11 streak #1
Chapter 22: Please update. Don't give up. It's a nice story. ☺Fighting.
khayjun-ho #2
Chapter 15: ohhh please update.... i love your story!!!
2pmbias #3
Chapter 13: Oh interesting story! :) update soon and new subscriber here :)))
lengleu18 #4
Chapter 13: Why so much cliffhangers :"(
Update soon!
Acgoo1999 #5
Chapter 9: omooo!! update this soon! damn these cliffhanger!
lengleu18 #6
Chapter 8: So cute are they!! ♥♥♥
lengleu18 #7
Chapter 7: Pabo Songhye, why would Junho lie to you?!
Pleasr forgive him and get together!!!
Chapter 6: Junho!! Don't just stay there! Go after her!
Arrgghh cliff hanger... I really like this story! Update soon!