Sweet Little Things #4

Sweet Little Things

Sweetest Kiss


Yongseo couple indeed a Seagull couple. They were barely met because of their tight schedule. Yonghwa on preparing his debut solo album and Seohyun on preparing her newly drama musical. Even though they lived together but they couldn’t spend their time together much. Yonghwa often stayed in FNC to produce his album. He could be lost track of time if he was concentrating on composing song. Seohyun just went home to sleep approximately three hours before she woke up again and start another hectic day.

Sometimes they felt so sad because of this condition. But they had same ambition towards their respective job. Both would gave it all for their career. 

It was a rare occasion to have a day off or went home earlier than usual. It happen today when finally Seohyun could went home early. One thing that she could think about was him, her Yong Oppa. She would made a sudden visit to FNC without telling him first. But firstly, she would made something for him.




Yonghwa was concentrating on his guitar and the result of his song demo. He was working with another FNC composer and arranger there. He listened attentively and repeated the part that he felt not really good until he satisfied. He was way too serious until he didn’t realize that the door behind him opened.

A beautiful woman popped out from the door and entered the room. Seohyun watched Yonghwa with a warm smile. Oh how she miss him a lot. Like seriously a lot!! She approached him slowly and stood behind him. The person who sat beside Yonghwa looked up and smiled at Seohyun. Seohyun knew her, she was Kim Jaeyang who usually worked with CNBLUE. Seohyun smiled back at her. Jaeyang nudged the serious Yonghwa and pointed at Seohyun’s direction.

“Oh! Hyun!” Yonghwa beamed cheerfully. His cheek bone burst in instant.

“Anyeong!” Said Seohyun in banmal.

“Well, maybe you want some break?” Asked Jaeyang.

“Kamsahamnida.” Said Yonghwa. He stood up then grabbed Seohyun’s hand, lead her to CNBLUE practice room.


The practice room was empty since there were no schedule for CNBLUE practice. They both entered the room then swiftly Yonghwa pulled Seohyun into a warm embrace.

“I miss you.” He whispered then tighten his hug on her. Gosh! Really, it seems a long time ago he felt her warmth.

“I miss you too, Oppa.” Seohyun hugged him too and brushed his back.

Yonghwa broke the hug and then kissed her lips gently. Seohyun hooked her hand around his neck and kissed him back. Slow, sweet and sensual. They broke the kiss and smiled to each other. But both didn’t let go of their embrace. Yonghwa’s hands still on Seohyun’s waist and Seohyun’s hands still hooked on his neck.

“I thought you are busy with your musical practice.” Yonghwa said.

“The practice finished earlier.” Seohyun answered.

“Good to know.”

“Yes, so I can meet you.” Seohyun released herself from his embrace. She looked down and searched for something. “Oh!” She found it. A bag which dropped on the floor that she didn’t know since when. Maybe she dropped it when Yonghwa suddenly hugged and kissed her.

“What’s that?” Yonghwa asked.

“I bring you food.” Said Seohyun. She sat on the floor and asked him to sat as well.

“Oh, you cook it by yourself?” Asked Yonghwa.


“Really?” Yonghwa beamed, “Let me see.”

“Ah, not really good actually, since I don’t have much time.”

“It’s okay.” Yonghwa happily unpacked the lunch box. There were a box of sandwich, a box of cherry tomato, and of course a box of steamed goguma. Seohyun also brought a bottle of herbal tea.

“Woah! It looks delicious. Jalmokesseubnida!” Said Yonghwa. He took a piece of sandwich and ate it gluttonously. He smiled and gave her thumbs up, tried to say that the sandwich was delicious.

Seohyun smiled, “Eat more, Oppa.”

Yonghwa nodded happily.

Seohyun just watched her oppa ate. Being with him like this was a rare event nowadays, so she was really grateful. She poured him herbal tea into a plastic cup. Yonghwa grabbed the cup then drank it till the last drop.

“Jinjja massida!” He said. “Thank you, Hyunnie…” He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckle. Then he pulled her and made her sat between his legs. He hugged her shoulder and leaned on her to capture her lips.

Oh kissing her never been this sweet.




I’m Your Number One Fans


Yonghwa heard that in Gone with The Wind Musical there would be so much kissing scene. He knew that was her job and of course he would support her. But still, this issue made him so anxious, restless and jealous. The actor was way older than Seohyun. He was a sunbae and must be had no romantic feeling towards his Seohyun. But then again, Yonghwa couldn’t careless about this.

On one day, he tried to make time in his packed schedule only to come to Seohyun’s musical practice. He really wanted to know what she was doing and how she played her role and of course how the kiss scene was.

All the people who saw him just stare in confusion. He just smiled and nodded. Finally he reached the practice room. All the actress and the actors was in the middle of rehearsal. There, Seohyun and the actor, which Yonghwa knew his name was Joo Jinmoo. They seemed so immersed in romantic scene. The actor hugged Seohyun tight and Seohyun closed her eyes. Oh damn! Could it be?? Yonghwa went stiff. His expression was hard. Then it done, the actor kissed his fiancé passionately. It was a long kiss that lasted for ten seconds! That was unpleasant feeling and he felt that he would faint anytime soon.

“Okay! That’s good! Let’s take a break.” Someone clapped. Maybe he was the director or something. Yonghwa didn’t care. All he cared that he felt so sick and nausea. He really wanted to throw up.

“Eh, Oppa!” Seohyun noticed his presence and ran to him cheerfully. How could she? After she kissed another man, she could be this happy?

“Hyun.” He said stiffly.

“Oppa, wae? Are you sick?” She asked concernedly.

After watching her being kissed by some other guy? Hell, yes. He was totally sick.

“Oppa, answer me! What happen to you? You make me worry you know!” Seohyun cradled his face on her palms.

“It’s-it’s okay, Hyun…”

“You are lying!”

Seohyun dragged Yonghwa out and found some private place. She pulled him to sat on one empty corner then faced him.

“Tell me what happen.” Said Seohyun.

“I’ve told you. It’s okay!” Yonghwa answered. He didn’t want to affect her job with his jealousy.

“I don’t like it when you keep something from me.” Seohyun folded her arm on her chest. “Spill it or I’ll be angry.”

Oh Holy God! Why he had such a stubborn fiancé?

“Fine.” He sighed, “I’m jealous with those kiss scene.”

Seohyun’s eyes soften. Then she pinched Yonghwa’s cheek. “Just what I thought.”

“You already know it?”

“Of course! I have a really possessive fiancé.” She chuckled.

“Sorry.” Yonghwa said.

“No. I’m sorry.” Seohyun held his hands, “I’m so sorry to brake your heart. I’m sorry to make you have to endure this.”

Yonghwa brushed her hair, “Hyun…”

“Oppa… really I love you so, so much!” Seohyun leaned on him and hugged him tight. She was thankful to have him. To have such amazing man who had a wide patience for her. The man who accepted all of her imperfection. The man who always be there for her in any condition.

“I love you more, Hyun…” He said.

“I’m sorry and thank you.” Seohyun broke the hug and gave Yonghwa a sweet kiss.

Yonghwa smiled. Yes, he loved this woman for whatever it took. Whether he was angry, jealous and pissed, he would come back to her eventually. Be it that damn ten seconds kiss! Bring it on! Even though he would be pained in the process, he would be the biggest supporter for her. He was her number one fans, after all.





Simple Messages That Leads to Happiness #1


SJH : Already in musical practice. So sleepy -_-

JYH : Kkk~ My Baby is sleepy. Come here let Oppa kiss you. *lips emoticon*

SJH : Aigoo…. What’s the relation between sleepy and a kiss?

JYH : Mwolla. I just want to kiss you. kkk~ *kiss emoticon*

SJH : …… Pabo Oppa.

JYH : Yah! *angry emoticon*

SJH : Stop with that emoticon… I’m getting tired of that.

JYH : *inserting endless random emoticon*

SJH : Yah!

JYH : Fufufufu~ *pouting emoticon*

SJH : Aigoo… oh! The practice will start soon. Bye, Oppa!

JYH : Okay. I LOVE YOU SEO JOOHYUN. FIGHTING~ ^^9 *big kiss from your beloved nampyeon* *kiss emoticon*


Seohyun smiled at Yonghwa’s messages. Silly, how this simple messages could fuel her spirit to the max. She put the phone on her bag and got ready for her practice.





Simple Messages That Leads to Happiness #2


JYH : I’m so tired and hungry~ still on vocal recording *cry emoticon*

SJH : Eat first!

JYH : Cannot. I can’t go anywhere. I also texted you secretly. *solemn emoticon*

SJH : Bad oppa! Get back to work!

JYH : And now you scold me? How cruel! *cry emoticon*

SJH : Aigoo… my spoiled oppa! But… I’m really sorry that I can’t be there. I’m really sorry because I can’t take care of you well…

JYH : Hey… what’s with that? Stop saying sorry… I prefer “I Love you.” kekekeke *Grin emoticon*

SJH : …….cheesy as expected.

JYH : Palli malhaebwa! *angry emoticon*

SJH : I love you Jung Yonghwa! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you!

JYH : *grin emoticon* I know you love that much. Kekekeke.

SJH : I hate you!

JYH : Yah!! *angry emoticon*

SJH : Arraseo! I love you. Okay? Now get back to work. I’ll cook something when you’re home. Fighting my nampyeon *chu~*


Yonghwa put his iphone 6 plus back on his pocket with a huge grin. Really, a simple message from her could bring up his mood. He sighed and back to vocal recording seriously.





You Are The Home Where I Come Back to #1


Seohyun entered the apartment tiredly. This was a long and tiring day. She had a full day practice for her drama musical. It began in the morning and ended late at dawn. She took a glance at the clock on the wall, it was 2 am. Seohyun was sure that Yonghwa had already asleep at this hour.

She walked inside and went to the kitchen to grab some water. She caught a glimpse of food that was arranged neatly on the dining table. She walked closer and found a pot of kimchi chigae, beef and fried egg along with a note. It said,


Well, maybe all the food might be cold when you arrived.

At least the rice is warm, take it by yourself in rice cooker :p

Eat, arraseo!! Forget your diet or whatever it is.

Love, Yong~


Seohyun smiled at the note then to the food on the table. She surely had a loving fiancé. He gave her his affection in so many ways. She sat on the dining table and ate her late dinner.


After a warm bath with scented shower gel, Seohyun felt refreshed. She was ready to hit the bed. She entered the bedroom and found Yonghwa already buried under the blanket. She smiled and walked closer then laid beside him. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. She scooted closer and hugged his warm body. Seohyun sighed in contentment. Being in his embrace was the best feeling in the world. She hugged him even tighter and snuggled even closer. With that, she drift to a dreamless sleep.




Yonghwa woke up early in the morning. He found that Seohyun still sleeping while hugging him. He smiled and brushed her hair gently. Then he leaned to kiss her lips lovingly. For full ten minutes, he was doing nothing beside watching his beautiful fiancé in her sleep. After that he decided to get up, made his move as soft as possible so he wouldn’t wake her up.

When Yonghwa already took a bath and got ready to go to FNC, Seohyun was still sleeping. He walked closer to bed, adoring her face then fixed the blanket on her.

“I’m going, Hyun~” He said then kissed her forehead, nose and lips.




Seohyun woke up alone in bed. She knew that Yonghwa already went to work. She stretched her body and got up from bed. When she went to the kitchen, she found that Yonghwa already made a breakfast for her. It was a cup of herbal tea, a toast with fried egg on top. Yonghwa made a love sign on the fried egg with sauce and letter “SJH” inside the love sign. There was a note too.


Good Morning my beautiful Buin~

You must think that I’m so handsome because I make you this… kekeke.

Eat breakfast before you go


Love, Your Yong~


Seohyun smiled. Aww… how sweet he could be? Then she grabbed her phone and took a picture of the breakfast that Yonghwa made for her. She posted it on her Instagram with caption, “Breakfast with full of love. Thank you~”





You Are The Home Where I Come Back to #2


Seohyun back from her practice as usual. When she entered apartment, lights were still on. Maybe Yonghwa still up. Her guess were right, she found Yonghwa on the couch, TV was on but actually he didn’t watch that. He was busy scribbling something on his music sheet.

“Oppa, I’m home!!” Said Seohyun.

Yonghwa looked up and smiled so wide, “Welcome home, Hyun~”

Seohyun ran happily to his direction then sat on his lap. She hooked her hands on his neck and kissed him sweetly. Yonghwa smiled and kissed her back.

“Seems you miss me so much.” Said Yonghwa as he tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Manhi!!” She said happily as she spread her hands so wide to express how big she missed him.

Yonghwa chuckled then pecked her lips, “Already had dinner?”

Seohyun nodded.

“Good girl.” He patted her head gently. “So tell me, how’s your practice?”

“It’s tiring but fun!” Said Seohyun.

She got up from Yonghwa’s lap then she changed her position. She laid her head on Yonghwa’s lap. Their hands instantly joined and intertwined with each other. Seohyun looked up at Yonghwa and told him animatedly about her drama musical practice. Yonghwa smiled and listened to her attentively.

And that was their night went…





Anyeong! this is meluvyuya~

well, this is sweets treat from me. kkk. idk, is it sweet enough?

enjoy and have a nice day~ ^^



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Chapter 4: Awww so fluffy! The way they take care of each other is so sweeet!
Chapter 4: sweet sweet daily lives of yongseo .... goguma-ing
Heybeautiful #3
Chapter 4: Authornim please continue this I love reading your drabbles :)
IchaGoguYs #4
Chapter 4: update again please autornim. i really miss them, their love story
Chapter 4: Authorñim..... this is so sweet!!! Everything. A couple fight and love at same time. Really enjoy every scene you make. Thank you ^^
ela2807 #6
Chapter 4: Very very very sweet...
kpopindo #7
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating authornim. These days, I've been craving for good yongseo fics :)
please keep update!
Chapter 4: first,, thanks 4 update..
second,, ur story is sweeter than my favorite eclairs..
i just hope i don't get a toothache bcoz read this sweet story..
uri yongseo really stuck to each other..

third,, nice update like always mel..
keep up the good work n update soon..

Chapter 4: So sweet
Update soon
nisanica #10
Chapter 4: Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, thank you for putting too much sugar in your ff authornim, love it n pls keep updating..