Sweet Little Things #3

Sweet Little Things

Here in Your Arm

Drama filming then flied to Malaysia for Can’t Stop Tour then flied to L.A for Kcon. Sounds cool, huh? Tired was inevitable. But there was a good feeling called accomplishment. When you looked back after you through that, you felt nothing but proud. Yes, Jung Yonghwa must be proud of himself, proud of CNBLUE. Besides, Kcon was the chance he got to meet the love of his life, Seo Joohyun.

Yonghwa had enough, well it considered enough, rest in plane. After he touched down in LAX, he was impatient. He really wanted to run straight to the venue. He couldn’t stand it anymore. She said he must be cautious. Paparazzi was everywhere. He surely would listen to her. So after he was safe enough in the backstage, he walked to SNSD dressing room. And he was welcomed by the warm hug of his woman.

“I miss you, Oppa.” Seohyun whispered.

Yes, now I’m here… in your arm.


Stickier Than Glue #1

Yonghwa never left Seohyun even in a second while they were in backstage. After he finished his make up, he went to SNSD dressing room again. The dongsaengs followed him. SNSD and CNBLUE was close after all. The oldest hyung drowned himself in his own world with his girlfriend, the other hyung tried to get close again with the SNSD visual and the dongsaengs would indulge themselves in the middle of beautiful noonas.

“Yong Oppa, how come you still handsome with these dark circle under your eyes?” Seohyun asked, scrutinized Yonghwa’s face with both palm on his cheek.

“You love me, Hyun. That’s why..” He grinned.

Her nostrils flared. “Cham!”

“Wae? Am I wrong?” He chuckled.

“Aniya..” Seohyun shook her head and blushed.

Yonghwa bit his lips. Blushing Seohyun was a turn on for him. So he leaned and get closer to Seohyun. Seohyun knew what would Yonghwa do, so she closed her eyes to meet his…… no she didn’t feel his lips on hers. Seohyun opened her eyes and found Yonghwa looked at her amusedly.

“Oppa!!” She whined.

“Ya~ Seo Joohyun.. why you close your eyes like that? What are you waiting for?” Yonghwa snickered.

Seohyun pinched Yonghwa’s cheek hard. “Nappeun oppa!!”

“Auch!! That’s hurt, Hyun~” Yonghwa pouted.

“Serve you right! I’ll go. Better if I talk with Jungshin chingu than you.” Seohyun got up from her seat.

“Woa! Woa! Wait, Baby~ I’m just kidding~” Yonghwa grabbed Seohyun’s hand, prevented her to escape.

“That’s not funny!” Seohyun pouted.

“Aw, don’t pout like that, Cupcake~ Come here.. oppa will kiss away that cute pout of yours.”

Yonghwa pulled Seohyun to his lap. Somehow, she obliged. Even though they were in the middle of their friends, they were just careless. And their friends had enough sense to not disturb or teased this couple. If they teased Yongseo, they would get nothing but pissed. This couple would show them more PDA, that surely made them want to throw up or something. So better if they left this couple alone.

Seohyun squealed as she settled on Yonghwa’s lap. She automatically circled her arms around his neck. Yonghwa drapped his hands on her waist and get her closer.

“So where were we?” Yonghwa smiled mischievously.

“Hmm?  What do you think?” Seohyun traced whispered on his ears. Her lips brushed his earlobe.

“I think, here…” Yonghwa held her face gently with his hand then kissed her lovingly.


Stickier Than Glue #2

SNSD and CNBLUE literally and technically sharing one dressing room. They used SNSD’s room since it was bigger. So they were all there while waiting their turn to perform. While everybody talked and chatted with each other, Yonghwa and Seohyun just sat alone in one corner. Cuddling, hugging and kissing. As usual, the brothers and the sisters would leave them alone.

Yonghwa leaned his head on Seohyun’s shoulder while checking his SNS. Seohyun draped her hand on his lap while looking at his phone screen.

“Take a selca, shall we?” Asked Yonghwa all of sudden.

“Kajja! Kajja!” Said Seohyun.

“Ready?” Yonghwa set his phone camera in front of them. “One, two, three!” Without warning, Yonghwa kissed Seohyun’s cheek. So their selca turned out like this, Yonghwa kissed Seohyun cheek while Seohyun smiling at the camera.

“Aish! Sneaky oppa!” Seohyun hit Yonghwa playfully, but actually she liked that.

“I’m not sorry for that, Sweety.” Yonghwa tapped her cute nose.

“Once more.” Said Seohyun.

“Okay, ready… One, two, three.”

Now that was Seohyun’s turn to kiss Yonghwa right on the corner of his lips.

Yonghwa grinned at her, “Sneaky yeoja!”

“As sneaky as you..” She giggled, leaned her chin on his shoulder.

“Is it a battle?” Yonghwa laughed. “Okay, let’s take a selca again.”

Wonder what was another sneaky idea that they had…


Silly and Stupid. That’s Me When I’m With You.

Still in dressing room in Kcon. Still waiting in SNSD dressing room. And Yongseo still sticking like a glue. Seohyun leaned on Yonghwa chest while Yonghwa playing with her hair.

“Hey, your hair so long~ You are like a ghost.” Said Yonghwa as he twirled Seohyun’s hair between his finger.

“Is that a compliment, Oppa?” Seohyun just shook her head.

“Of course not! I’m insulting you!”

“Pabo!” She snorted.

“Hey look! My hair is growing!” Yonghwa pulled Seohyun’s hair and connected it to his hair. He laughed giddily.

Seohyun just rolled her eyes.

“Dyed your hair black, Hyun~”

“This is for TTS comeback, Oppa! This is for the concept.” Said Seohyun, “Just dyed your hair into light brown like this.”

“Come one, Hyun~ Have you ever found brown haired man in Joseon era?” He chuckled.

“Well, it will be Park Dalhyang then!” She chirped.

“Pabo!” Yonghwa pinched her nose.

“Aish!” Seohyun pulled his hand and bit his finger.

They laughed happily. Yonghwa stole a peck on Seohyun’s lips then played with Seohyun’s hair again.

“Oh look! My nose hair is growing!!” Now Yonghwa stuck Seohyun’s hair in his nostril.



We were lover off stage but we were stranger on stage. That was Yongseo’s understanding. They didn’t want to be caught up yet. Not now. Not this time. But they would… someday.

So when they walked around the stage during closing in Kcon, they never interacted. Even their brothers and sisters mingled with each other, they remained poker face.

There was a time that Seohyun unconsciously looked at Yonghwa’s direction. That was inevitable. Yonghwa was her magnet and vice versa. Maybe some fans camera would catch it.. but never mind. That was a little treat for fans who always support Yongseo couple.

Even though, they couldn’t express their feeling toward each other on stage, happiness was radiating from them. Flirty Seo Joohyun and hyper Jung Yonghwa wasn’t shown for no reason. They were happy to meet each other. They were happy to be in the same place. They were happy to be together. Even in the short of time.

CNBLUE back to Korea as soon as they finished the concert, while SNSD back to hotel. But certain maknae sneaked to accompany CNBLUE to LAX. On the way to the airport, this couple stuck together on the back seat. No words. Just comfortable silence. Seohyun hugged Yonghwa so tight. Yonghwa cradled Seohyun in his arm, as he brushed his lips on her temple occasionally. Finally they arrived in LAX. Seohyun sighed as she loose her hug on him.

“Take care, Oppa.” She said.

“Yes. You too.”

“Tell me when you’ve arrived.”

“Yes. Just sleep after this.”

“You too.”

They smiled to each other and exchanged another kiss. They chose to smile than to cry. It was their life and they were already accepted it willingly. This was how they through their relationship. It was okay. They were happy. There were a lot that support and believe them.

Seohyun stayed in van while CNBLUE went away. She looked at his man’s back until he was disappear from her sight. She smiled. They could be together like this, they could survive this long and they were grateful for that.

You and me.

And every single time when I’m with you is precious.



Hi~ this is meluvyuya~

i thot that we are all happy about Kcon right?

just wanna join the hype and write something..

i like writting drabble recently... so here it is. hope you enjoy this.

see you around!

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Chapter 4: Awww so fluffy! The way they take care of each other is so sweeet!
Chapter 4: sweet sweet daily lives of yongseo .... goguma-ing
Heybeautiful #3
Chapter 4: Authornim please continue this I love reading your drabbles :)
IchaGoguYs #4
Chapter 4: update again please autornim. i really miss them, their love story
Chapter 4: Authorñim..... this is so sweet!!! Everything. A couple fight and love at same time. Really enjoy every scene you make. Thank you ^^
ela2807 #6
Chapter 4: Very very very sweet...
kpopindo #7
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating authornim. These days, I've been craving for good yongseo fics :)
please keep update!
Chapter 4: first,, thanks 4 update..
second,, ur story is sweeter than my favorite eclairs..
i just hope i don't get a toothache bcoz read this sweet story..
uri yongseo really stuck to each other..

third,, nice update like always mel..
keep up the good work n update soon..

Chapter 4: So sweet
Update soon
nisanica #10
Chapter 4: Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, thank you for putting too much sugar in your ff authornim, love it n pls keep updating..