Sweet Little Things

Sweet Little Things



Good morning, Sunshine~

“Morning! I’m on my way to your apartment.” Said Seohyun cheerfully on the phone.

“Hng? Hng..hng..” She heard the answer. Seems her boyfriend hadn’t fully awake.

Seohyun chuckled and shook her head, “I bring breakfast too for you and the boys.”

Seohyun didn’t bother to ring the bell. She already knew CNBLUE’s dorm passcode. Since CNBLUE had just arrived in Korea from their World Tour, all members still asleep. Seohyun put the food on the kitchen counter then she stepped into one familiar room. The curtains still closed and the owner of the room still covered by  the thick duvet.

Seohyun walked closer to the bed and found Yonghwa still asleep peacefully. She lied beside him and looked at him. She smiled at the sight. She always love looking at him while he slept. She observed his face closely. His brows, his closed eyes, his sharp nose, his full lips. She giggled herself like a teenager who fell in love for the first time.

Being with him like this, on his bed, she felt so safe and warm. At first she intent to wake him up to eat breakfast. But well, it could be wait. Seohyun decided to snuggle closer to Yonghwa’s chest and fell asleep as well.




Yonghwa woke up and felt a familiar warmness on his chest. He looked down and found his goddess felt asleep on his embrace. He smiled giddly and his eyes soften as he looked at Seohyun. Yonghwa lifted his hand and Seohyun’s hair. He brushed it gently, felt the silkiness of her brown hair. He curled it on his finger and brought it to his lips and kissed it. Seohyun stirred and opened her eyes. They both looked each other and smiled.

“Good morning, Sunshine~” Said Yonghwa as he kissed her forehead softly.


H for Hug

Yonghwa was so busy because of his drama schedule. He was stood alone on the set while reading his script. He felt he should practice more and more so there wasn’t much NG for his part. He was tired and he really miss Seohyun. He just could wish that Seohyun was here.

“Oppa!” Yonghwa felt that someone backhugged him and the voice was familiar too.

“Hyun?” He hummed in disbelieve. He turned his back and faced her. Yes, it was her.. Seo Joohyun.

“Ne. It’s me... Fly all the way from Japan to give you a hug.” Then Seohyun hugged him again. Yes, His tiredness vanished in instance.


Sick Seohyun

“Oppa~ I’m hatchim!.... ah... get... hatchim! a bad flu..” Said Seohyun through the phone.

“My Hyeonnie.. have you drink medicine?” Asked Yonghwa worriedly.

“Not..hatchim! yet. Still on practice...” Said Seohyun.

“Yah! Why you careless like that? You always nag me about health, but now? Wait, okay?” Yonghwa didn’t wait Seohyun’s answer. He immediately grabbed his jacket and went out.

“Hyung! Where are you going? We still need to practice here!” Said Jonghyun but Yonghwa ignored him.

It took no time for Yonghwa to go to pharmacy and went straight to SM building. He rushed to elevator and pushed certain button. He really knew where SNSD’s practice room was. He opened the practice room without knocking first. Made nine girls turned their head in surprise.

“Oh My God!” Tiffany squealed loudly. “Yah! Yonghwa-yah! You really shock us!”

“At least knock the door first!” Said Taeyeon.

Yonghwa didn’t pay attention to them and his eyes looked straightly at Seohyun who leaned on the mirror. Her eyes closed and her face was pale.

Yonghwa rushed to her and kneeled beside her, “Hyeonnie... gwenchanha? Here.. eat medicine first. Have you eaten? Or you want to drink water first? Let me touch your forehead. Ah! Glad you aren’t get fever.” Yonghwa talked really fast.

“Oppa~” Seohyun hugged Yonghwa and snuggled to his chest.

“Yes, hyeonnie. I’m here.. i’m here..” Yonghwa hugged her back and he hair lovingly.

“Oppa~ I’m so dizzy.” Seohyun whined to Yonghwa.

“Yes, Hyeonnie, i know. Let’s go home, Okay?” Said yonghwa as he kissed her cheek and her head.

“But i still have to practice..” Seohyun said as snot kept running on her nose.

“Aigoo.. you are sick, Baby.” Yonghwa said worriedly. He wiped her snot with his shirt’s sleeve. “No practice and go home, Arraseo?”

“Okay..” Seohyun whispered.

“Look! She really obedient if with Yonghwa. How many times i ask her to skip our practice and just rest but she won’t listen to me!” Said Taeyeon to Tiffany.

“Well, because Yonghwa is her husband, that’s why...” Answered Tiffany.


Kiss Me Kiss Me #1

Seohyun in her playful mood was the cutest. She bounced up and down. Smile randomly. Laugh freely. But she only smile and laugh the brightest in front of Yonghwa.

“Oppa!” She called Yonghwa cheerfully as she drop by in FNC building.


“I miss you!” Seohyun hugged Yonghwa and made Yonghwa shock! For God sake! Seohyun hugged him in FNC lobby, means in public.

Yonghwa really love when she careless like this. It really unleashed him and he too did the same, he hugged her tighter and kiss her forehead. “I miss you more.” He said.

“Go to your studio, shall we?” Asked Seohyun.

“Okay..” They walked hand in hand but suddenly Seohyun stop. “Why?” He tilted his head.

“Oppa, kiss me!” She said with her twinkle eyes.

“Wha-..” Yonghwa couldn’t finish his words because Seohyun cut it with her kiss. Yonghwa just looked at her with his round eyes. His mouth wide open.

“Close your mouth, Oppa. You might drool.” Seohyun dragged him casually then went to the studio.


Kiss Me Kiss Me #2

There was a way for Seohyun to teased Yonghwa. She would update her status in SMTOWN official site with the hidden message and cute selca. For now, she update about SMTOWN in Tokyo, asking him whether he alright and asking him to take care of himself because the weather was getting cold and told him that she missed him so much! In addition, she added ‘chu~’ with love sign. Seohyun attached her pouting selca with a kiss mark animation. She asked him to kiss her. She knew he would read her messages.

“I’m home!” She said when she visit her first floor neighbor.

“Your home is in the fourth floor, Hyungsoonim!” Said Jungshin teasingly.

“Jungshin chingoo!” Seohyun pouted at Jungshin.

“Ara! This is your home and your room is over there.” Jungshin pointed to Yonghwa’s room.

“You are so smart! So i’ll take a rest in my room, now. Bye~” Seohyun walked happily to Yonghwa’s room. She closed the door and found Yonghwa lied on the bed while playing with his phone.

“Oh! Wasseo?” Asked Yonghwa.

“You know that i’ll come....” Said Seohyun and sat beside him.

“I know..” Yonghwa grinned sheepishly. “And i know you want me to kiss you.” Then Yonghwa kissed her right on her pink lips. Yes, Yonghwa surely read the message.


Special Present #1

“For you..” Said Yonghwa as he handed her  little velvet box to Seohyun during their dinner.

“What’s this?” She asked.


“Hm? I don’t remember that today is my birthday.” Seohyun spun the box on her hand.

“Well, Nope.” Said Yonghwa casually while munching his rice.

“So?” Seohyun tilted her head.

“Because i want to. There’s no need a special occasion to give you a present, though..”

Seohyun smiled at her man. How romantic and affectionate he could be? He never thought about spending too much money on her. He didn’t try to buy her with all the present he gave. He did all that things because he loved her.

Seohyun opened the box and found a simple silver ring inside. “Omo! It’s beautiful!”

“Just like you.” Okay, here came the cheessy Jung Yonghwa.



“Aniya..” She shook her head, “Put it on me.” She spread her finger and the ring.

Yonghwa smiled playfully at her before he slipped the ring on her index finger. “It really your size.” He said.

“Please, you perfectly now my size..” She rolled her eyes.

“Of course. What i don’t know about you?” He said proudly.

“Eyy!” Seohyun hit him playfully.

“It’s true!” Yonghwa grinned, “Wear it often and show it often.”

“Of course! You’ll see this ring a lot!”

True to her words. She happilly showed her ring on the airport when she went to Japan for SMTOWN and in selca with Ryeowook. She knew someone in Korea would smiled stupidly because of this.


Special Present #2

Yonghwa looked blankly at the music store display. He stood there as Seohyun kept walking. She didn’t aware that Yonghwa left behind. After she realized Yonghwa wasn’t with her, she turned her body and walked to him.

“Yah, Oppa! Why you suddenly stop?”

“Hyeon..” Said Yonghwa still looked at the display. He was looking at the accoustic guitar.

“Oh! You want to buy guitar again? Let’s get in and see then..” She said.

“Aniya.. that’s not for me. It’s for you. I don’t think i have enough giving you guitar. I heard that you will play guitar in SMTOWN Tokyo.”

“Eh? But you’ve already give me three guitars. I don’t think you have to buy it again.” Said Seohyun. “Not to mention, you already buy me piano and violin.”

“But, Hyeon..” Yonghwa looked at her with such a big pleading eyes. That was weird. He was the one who beg to buy her a present.


“I want to buy that guitar for you..” Said Yonghwa, “You know that i love when you play guitar.”

“Oppa! This is too much.”

“No, no, no, Hyeonnie.. There’s no such like ‘Too much’ for you.” He said that while shaking his finger. “Okay, deal i think? Let’s buy this guitar and don’t forget to use this on your SMTOWN performance.”


No More Jealousy

“I will do a duet performance with Kyuhyun Oppa.” Said Seohyun.

“I know.” Said Yonghwa.

“And we will hold hands too.”

“I know.”


“Kyuhyun Hyung already told me about this. He asked for my permission.” Said Yonghwa casually.

“He did?”



“So what?”

“You don’t angry, do you?”

“Why should i?”

“My Oppa is the best!” Seohyun hugged Yonghwa tight then he kissed his lips over and over again.

“I know.. i know.. Your Oppa always be the best.” Yonghwa said proudly.

“Choding!” Seohyun hit him playfully.

“But you love this choding, right?” Yonghwa wriggled his brows.

“Cheessy!” Seohyun wailed.

“And you love my cheessiness too, right?”

“Oppa!” Seohyun pouted. Yonghwa’s playfulness kind of annoying sometimes but yes.. she loved this side too.

Yonghwa chuckled and pat her head, “Hyeonnie, Hyeonnie... No more jealousy for those random guys.. because i know you are always be mine.”

Seohyun just shook her head and kissed him once again.



Just short random drabble..

missing yongseo so much!

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Chapter 4: Awww so fluffy! The way they take care of each other is so sweeet!
Chapter 4: sweet sweet daily lives of yongseo .... goguma-ing
Heybeautiful #3
Chapter 4: Authornim please continue this I love reading your drabbles :)
IchaGoguYs #4
Chapter 4: update again please autornim. i really miss them, their love story
Chapter 4: Authorñim..... this is so sweet!!! Everything. A couple fight and love at same time. Really enjoy every scene you make. Thank you ^^
ela2807 #6
Chapter 4: Very very very sweet...
kpopindo #7
Chapter 4: Thanks for updating authornim. These days, I've been craving for good yongseo fics :)
please keep update!
Chapter 4: first,, thanks 4 update..
second,, ur story is sweeter than my favorite eclairs..
i just hope i don't get a toothache bcoz read this sweet story..
uri yongseo really stuck to each other..

third,, nice update like always mel..
keep up the good work n update soon..

Chapter 4: So sweet
Update soon
nisanica #10
Chapter 4: Sweeeeeeeeeeeet, thank you for putting too much sugar in your ff authornim, love it n pls keep updating..