Chapter 8


Upon seeing Eun Sang, Bo Na's shrill high voice calls out "Cha Eun Sa-"

Already not feeling too well about the sitauation already, Eun Sang responds sharply "I came here as you said. Show me whatever you need to. Your wasting my time right now."

"Aigoo has anyone every tought you any manners? I don't appreaciate you cutting me off. I was only trying to be nice."

Rachel slyly grins at Bo Na's remark and pipes in "Did you bring along your boyfriends to?Bo Na chuckels and Rachel continues "Is Kim Tan waiting outside? Is my brother  waiting for you in the parking lot on his motorcyle? But just saying, most girls only have one boyfriend."

Eun Sangs face tenses up after hearing the comment "I came here alone, like you said. Now just please, show me what you wanted me te se-."

"God you're so impatient.알았어, araso, 시끄러워 shut up for now though. Your voice is annoying. You're already making me fustrated." Rachel voice immediatley turns infuriated. But then she clenches her teeth, and leans towards Eun Sang and whispers, "New money, listen to me closesly right now.  Once you go inside the hospital, the nurse will tell you which room to go to. The person on the bed is whom we wanted to show you." 

"A person? Bwoh? Is somebody hurt?"

"An injury to the head to be exact,but honestly why else would we tell you to come to a hospital? I guess you're both rude and dumb." Bo Na refutes quickely. 

"Excuse me? 

"After all you only placed 57th in class. Anyways you said we were your wasting your time, but now you're just wasting your own time with all these questions. How annoying.

"Lee Bo Na, Yoo Rachel. Your opinions about me mean nothing. But I asked you a question, so please answer it first."

"If we told you it'd kill the fun." Bo Na replies almost sarcasticcally.

"How is this situation fun? Both of you are sick minded people. Neo micheoseo? Yah tell me why is somebody hurt? Who did you hurt? Just because you two are wealthy doesnt mean you can hurt people."

A sudden jolt of anger and worry rushes over Eun Sang.  She can't help but feel a deep sinking feeling in her gut. Did they hurt her mother? Could they have possibly found out about her true identity? Was hurting her mother supposedly a threat? A threat to leave Jeguk High? She gives them a look of disgust before barging through the entrance of the hospital. She then asks the nurse for the room number as directed by Rachel and waits in front of the elevator for several seconds before becoming impatient. The suspense was killing her. She then takes the stairs, running nearly two steps at a time. She couldn't bear the thought of her mother being hurt. Once she reaches the floor she catches her breath for a few seconds and then turns left and walks into a corridor. Her eyes look left and right scanning room numbers and when she finally reaches room 207 she pulls on the door handle but then stops. Once again, her mind is plagued by the possibilty of her injured mother. She backs away and sits down on one of the nearby seats to clear her mind. 

Eun Sang then stands up and tells herself "You can do this. Even if it is omma, everything will be ok." With much hesitation, Eun Sang slowly pushes the door open, walks into the room and glances quickely towards the direction of the bed and indeed there was a person lying there. It was a female. Could this really be her mother? Eun Sang's face turns pale upon the thought, her legs start to feel weak and her mind starts to spin. It takes her a couple of moments to recover. She stares at the ground, then the ceiling, everything but the bed. Eun Sang was terrified but finally gathered enough confidence to look directly at the female on the bed. The woman was young.  Not old, and had long, dark chestnut colored rather than black. This person for sure was not her mother. Eun Sang realeses a heavy sigh and says quietly to herself "Thank the lord." and still feels her heart throbbing against her chest. 

"Yah!" Eun Sang quickely turns around to face Bo Na and Rachel whom are both standing by the entrance of the room. They both walk in.

"Do you recognize her? Do you know who she is?" They question.

Eun Sang stutters a little, both of the two girls had indignant faces "D-does she g-go to Jeg-guk?" 

"You're correct, she does." Rachel answers in a monotone voice "But that can't be the only thing you know about her. I want you to look closely at her face. Look at her eyes, her nose, her lips, her hair...Try to recall a face with these features.In fact,I'll give you a hint. Her face has been scattered across numerous newspapers and I'm sure you've noticed her popularity in school. I'm absolutley sure you know her. Everyone does. But do you know her name?"

Rachel was right. Eun Sang was sure she had seen this woman's face somewhere before. A newspaper headline to be exact, but still couldn't recall her name. Her forhead scrunches up as she thinks hard for a few moments. 

Bo Na rolls her eyes upon seeing Eun Sang's confused facial expression "I almost forgot, Miss 57th place that you're stupid. I'll just give you the answer. Her name is Lee Ae Cha. She's Choi Young Do's fiancee. The same Choi Young Do that's always around you."

Eun Sang eyes widen and slowly nods her head after hearing the familiar name. "Fiancee? But why am I here to see her?Young Do should be here. I don't know her nor am I her friend. You two are her friends. She has nothing to do with me."

Rachel laughs a little at her comment but the pulls a serious face "Don't act like you don't know Young Do. I know you two were together last night. In fact that wound on Ae Cha's head is becuase of you. Eun Sang, you two have everything to do with each other. 

"Bwoh? I hurt her? You two are going insane and I was right, this was a waste of my time. I'm leaving now. Anyongheegaesaeyo." 

As Eun Sang walks towards the door, Rachel calls out angrily. "I hate repeating myself. People like you need to listen to me the first time and understand me the first time. That girl on the bed has everything to do with you arasso?! You're the one who hurt her! You're the reason as to why her relationship with Young Do is strained! Get your filthy hands off of men that are already taken! What is wrong with you little piece of scum?"

"Scum? Is that what I am? Scum? I am filfth to you? Are you implying to me that I am a ? I am a human being Yoo Rachel. I deserve respect from you. And you in turn will then recieve my respect. But for now, I believe you are scum. You have been nothing but a bitter, cold young woman with no loving or compassion for anything. You have no friends. Your mother doesn't care for you.  You are lonely. You are pitiful. And in the hallways you always look at me as if I've committed a crime against you. What is your problem?"

"You have comitted a crime against me. You took the one person that did love me. The one person who did appreaciate me. He was my best friend Eun Sang. He was my one true love. My only love. And I was his only love." Rachels eyes are filled with tears by now "But I  really only want one answer from you. Is Kim Tan your boyfriend now?"

"And what if we are dating? I know you two were once engaged and I know you once loved him, but he clearly does not return the same feelings back to you Rachel!In fact he never loved you. Your engagment was nothing but a lie. It was for your companies, not for love. Stop telling yourself that he loved you. I want you to let him go. Not for me or for him, but for yourself.  I think you've misunderstood. You are only hurting yourself by latching onto these past feelings. I hate to be blunt, but please get over him for your ownsake. Please. I have done nothing wrong.  And also-"

Word after word that flowed from Eun Sang's lips angered Rachel more by the second. Rachel's patience was running out and her  temper was flaring. Rage boiled through her body.The only thought running through Rachel's head was getting Cha Eun Sang to shut up. Rachel pursed her lips and raised her hand back. She threw her hand forward as hard as she could, whipping it across Eun Sang'sface. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain flowed through herpalm and spread all the way to her finger tips. Rachel's palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on Eun Sang's face. Eun Sang stared at Rachel with wide eyes as her hand slowly made it to her firey cheek.

"Andwae, Cha Eun Sang. I think you've misunderstood." 


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Asako1 #1
Eun sang...personaje completamente despreciable
zoey777 #2
Chapter 11: youngdo is not at all like his dad!!!:'(.....hate her for saying tat
zoey777 #3
as cha is kinda annoying!!!! hope youngdo goes for eunsang....really wanted them to be together in d drama...hope they do here
Miney26 #4
Why aren't you updating!
Please update soon author-sshi
Brokenmindedzxc #5
Chapter 7: I really wish for your update authornim!! I'm quite scared because I really want aecha and youngdo to be together since it's ocx youngdo ((aka aecha is oc)) PLEASE LET THEM BE TOGETHER
cheolgyus #6
Chapter 12: omg i love this story bcs i once imagine the same way like ur story >_< youngdo needs his own girl not to be clingy to eunsang loll pleaseeeeee update soon!
Chapter 12: i think young do must choose cha eun sang because i hate aecha she is so cruel !!! annnd please update can't wait for the next chapter !!!!
Brokenmindedzxc #8
Chapter 12: i keep reading the same chapter over and over again! please update soon!:) and I'm scared youngdo and aecha won't end up together but I wish they will!!
Brokenmindedzxc #9
Chapter 12: finally authornim!!! love the story but I always get scared by myself because I keep thinking that youngdo and aecha might not end up together :(( but I love them together so much!! can't wait for next chapter!!:-)