Chapter 10




"Young Do?" Young Do's head jolted up on hearing a frantic, familiar, high pitched voice. It was his one and only love, she had finally woken up. Eun Sang, however, upon Ae Cha's awakening felt horrified, and worried that Ae Cha might get the wrong idea between her and Young Do. Contrary to Rachel and Bo Na's beliefs, Eun Sang never really loved Young Do, but she quite possibly could quite like him. Sure he had his moments of cruelty towards her, like when they first met, but recently Young Do had been nothing but a gentleman to her, even going as far as picking her up at an amusement park down south in Busan, quite late into the night. Although, Eun Sang felt terrible for thinking this, but honestly she felt slightly special that Young Do was willing to forfeit a date for her. It was like he changed just for her. Eun Sang couldn't help but blush a little at the thought. However, she had another issue, she also felt a strong attraction towards Tan. Ever since they met in America, Tan had been overly protection and sometimes it could get suffocatingly annoying, but in general, his caring attitude towards her was truly sweet. Although Young Do and Tan were polar opposites, Eun Sang had really fallen, fallen hard for both men. But little did she know about how many people she hurt with these little crushes of hers, and little did she know that Young Do didn't actually like her. Everything he did was just for his self little invented game he was playing along with Tan.

However, just then, at the sound of Ae Cha's rising, but angry voice, Eun Sang snapped out of her thoughts.

"시끄러워! shi-kkeu-reo-wo, shut up! I told you to shut up!" Ae Cha screamed angrily from her bed towards Young Do.

 "Ae Cha, baby, sweetheart." Young Do tried to soothe Ae Cha down in a calm voice that almost seemed helpless. But Eun Sang couldn't help but feel slightly jealous after hearing Young Do sweet talk Ae Cha. He had never done that to her even thought she thought he liked her. On the other hand, Ae Cha was heaving and fuming.

"Don't sweetheart me Young Do! I am sick and tired of getting my heart broken over and over again by you."

"Ae Ch-" Young Do started, but was shot down immediately.

"I wasn't done yet." Ae Cha said in a low but melancholy voice. She then continued. "I am also sick of hearing your excuses. I am sick of waiting for you. I am sick of you always being with her. After saying these words, Ae Cha then directed her gaze towards Eun Sang. The gaze was steady and Ae Chas eyes started to well up with tears. And at that moment, Eun Sang felt as if holes were being burned into her forehead. The room fell silent for a moment. Deep down, Young Do knew Ae Cha had a point. He really had been neglecting her, but she couldn't just let Tan win. Was he possibly getting too obsessed with this game? Was this taking too much of a toll? He was stuck in a situation in white he didn’t want to lose anything. He didn't want to lose his fiancée, but he also didn’t want to lose to his greatest enemy. It was like walking on ice.

After thinking for a moment, Young replies to Ae Cha's distraught words. "Ae Cha, you know how much you mean to me." He reached over to hold her hand, but Ae Cha then swiftly moved her hand back in response to his actions. Young Do sighed at the miscommunication between him and his fiancée. "Why isn't that enough for you? Why isn't just knowing how important you are to me enough for you?"

"Bwoh? How could you say to me Young Do? How can you give me all of that crap after all you've done to me? Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep? Those nights should have been you holding me tight in bed, telling me that you weren't going to leave me, telling me that you loved me. But they weren't. I was so scared that I was going to lose you, and right now, I feel like I am." Ae Cha started out with a shaky voice, but it soon escalated into desolated screams. She paused for a few seconds to wipe away her endless stream of tears and continued in a much more stable voice. "Do you even know how long I waited for you like an idiotic fool last night? I was so stupid to even think that you would even show up. I was a fool to not predict that you would be with that ." Ae Cha ce again towards Eun Sang to prove her point.

"Ae Cha, don't bring Eun Sang into this, it was my fault. Baby, it really was all oppa's fault, there's no need to blame other people. I knew we had a date last night it was just that Eun Sang had an issue down in in Busan, and since called me for help Ae Cha. I was only trying to help her, so please don't get the wrong idea. I thought you would understand." Young Do sounded almost as if he were begging Ae Cha. 

"Well I don't. I really don't understand. Even after hours of reflecting and thinking, I still wouldn't get it. I also don’t understand why you're even defending her right now!" By now, Ae Cha's face was covered in wet, hot tears. She just couldn't stop crying at the fact at how much Young Do's words were disappointing her right now. He was supposed to tell her how sorry he was, how he would promise not to go anywhere near Eun Sang anymore. He was most definitely not supposed to be defending her.

Silence fell over the room once again. Young Do could only look helplessly at Ae Cha, while Ae Cha gazed off into nowhere with her arms crossed. And Eun Sang felt as if she needed to say something, but the moment Ae Cha saw open just the slightest, she shot her down

“Eun Sang shi. I may not know you personally very well, but your actions are extremely sickening.” Ae Cha scoffed a little. “Do you even know how much I love Young Do?” This last line was said with the slightest hint of endearment. Young Do even smiled a little upon hearing those words, but the smile vanished after hearing Ae Cha’s next sentence. “But Eun Sang shi, I was so devastated and at loss by Young Do’s sudden distancing and away from me. But as he got farther and farther away from me, he seemed to get closer and closer to you.” Ae Cha said the last part with teeth clenched and tears still continuously rolling down her face. “Do you know how much it hurts to lose someone that you love so much? Your tiny crush on Young Do, is nothing compared to my love for him.”

“Bwoh? Lee Ae Cha. I’m sorry that you’re having relationship problems with Young Do, but you cannot just assume that I have a crush on him.”

“Your actions speak for you Eun Sang.” Ae Cha said this with sarcasm in her voice. Ae Cha couldn’t only stare back with wide eyes, knowing that Ae Cha was right. “Also Eun Sang shi, before I even met you, I already thought poorly of you. Do you want to know why?” Ae Cha asked cynically but was met with a terrified Eun Sang. “Because you have no idea how much Rachel suffered from your little overnight at Tan’s in Los Angeles. His gesture of kindness was out of pity, not love. But you interpreted that in the wrong way didn’t you? You wanted more than just a one night stay. Am I righ-

“That’s enough Ae Cha!” This time it was Young Do’s turn to get angry. “Stop dragging Eun Sang into our problems!” He was nearly screaming. “Why are you being so obnoxious all of a sudden? I thought I already made it clear that it wasn’t her fault that I missed the date, it was my fault!” Young Do felt so frustrated, sure Ae Cha had her moments of nastiness, but this was crossing the line.

“"시끄러워! shi-kkeu-reo-wo, shut up! I wasn’t talking to you, Young Do, so stay out of it!” Ae Cha shouted right back into Young Do’s face. Eun Sang felt fear seep into her body as she saw two people with massive tempers just explode in front f her. She wanted to leave the room.

“No, Ae Cha, stop it! Why can’t you just accept my apology?! It’s really funny to think that I was telling you in your sleep how much I loved you, because right now, you’re really starting to make me doubt my words!”

“No, you stop it! You clearly saw how much your sister cried that night! It’s all Eun Sang’s fault! Why can’t you see that? Why can everybody else see that but you? Why?!” Young Do at that very moment was done. He was done with the endless argument and was done seeing his beloved hurt so much. The game wasn’t worth this. He didn’t need to feel satisfaction of winning from Tan, he only needed Ae Cha. He really missed her, he missed her scent, her personality, everything. He was going to confess to Ae Cha about the whole situation with Tan. But at that very moment she said something she should’ve never even thought about saying out loud…


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Asako1 #1
Eun sang...personaje completamente despreciable
zoey777 #2
Chapter 11: youngdo is not at all like his dad!!!:'(.....hate her for saying tat
zoey777 #3
as cha is kinda annoying!!!! hope youngdo goes for eunsang....really wanted them to be together in d drama...hope they do here
Miney26 #4
Why aren't you updating!
Please update soon author-sshi
Brokenmindedzxc #5
Chapter 7: I really wish for your update authornim!! I'm quite scared because I really want aecha and youngdo to be together since it's ocx youngdo ((aka aecha is oc)) PLEASE LET THEM BE TOGETHER
cheolgyus #6
Chapter 12: omg i love this story bcs i once imagine the same way like ur story >_< youngdo needs his own girl not to be clingy to eunsang loll pleaseeeeee update soon!
Chapter 12: i think young do must choose cha eun sang because i hate aecha she is so cruel !!! annnd please update can't wait for the next chapter !!!!
Brokenmindedzxc #8
Chapter 12: i keep reading the same chapter over and over again! please update soon!:) and I'm scared youngdo and aecha won't end up together but I wish they will!!
Brokenmindedzxc #9
Chapter 12: finally authornim!!! love the story but I always get scared by myself because I keep thinking that youngdo and aecha might not end up together :(( but I love them together so much!! can't wait for next chapter!!:-)