Such A Flirt Part 2

Jelly Shots


Okay, so I recently read a book called Tangled by Emma Chase. I love it sooo much ^^ Anyways, the awesome author posted a bonus scene, which inspired this shot. From the bonus scene, I only used the part where the girl protagonist hits her bf on the chest and then they have makeup , but everything else is my thoughts and words. Yeaap. ^^




Tiffany and Yuri walked in the club in very y dresses. They walked to the booth just across from the unwelcomed couple Jesse and Michelle.


“Two tequilas, please.” Yuri winked to the bartender before she scoped the club. Her eyes caught sight of Jesse with another girl?!


“Oh my god.” Yuri had her hand covering in shock. Forgetting about the drinks, she ran back to Tiffany, who was still sulking about her fight with Jesse.  


“Tiffany! Guess who I just saw!” Yuri practically yelled into the girl’s ear.


“Who?” Tiffany stared innocently at her best friend.


Aw, she’ll be so crushed once she finds out. Should Yuri tell her? No, she shouldn’t tell Tiffany.


“I saw Jesse with another girl, and she looks hot!”


Okay, there are two things that girlfriends hate hearing. One is finding out that your boyfriend was caught being seen with another girl. The second is being told that the so-called homewrecker was pretty.


“Where. Is. He.” Tiffany hissed under her breath as she stood from her seat.


Yuri, somewhat regretful for telling Tiffany, pointed nervously to Jesse, who seemed to be having a wonderful time with a girl who had her head turned away.


“I’ll kill him.” Tiffany vowed as she was about to marched toward her boyfriend.


“Wait. You can’t just assume he’s cheating on you. Let’s just wait. Maybe they just met coincidentally or something.”




Tiffany plopped back into her seat and crossed her arms over her chest.




“Haha. She looks so pissed off.” Michelle laughed as she clapped her hands.


What kind of sister are you? Jesse thought in horror and pity toward Tiffany.


“I’m going to take a sip of my drink. When I put my drink down, you’re going to wipe the corner of my lips with your thumb.”


Jesse did what was ordered, and what he got was a growling and cursing Tiffany.


“Is she still looking this way?” Michelle asked with a smirk.


“Yeah. She looks so beautiful in that dress.” Jesse commented softly with dazed eyes.


“Stop staring at her. Now place your arm around my shoulder.”


Jesse hesitated. He wanted to teach Tiffany a lesson and show her what flirting really looked like, but right now, he has cold feet.


“Hurry.” Michelle rushed the doubting Jesse.


Michelle’s glare looks similar to Tiffany. Scary.


Jesse quickly wrapped his arm over Michelle’s bare shoulder while Michelle instantly rested her head on his chest.


“He’s so dead!” Tiffany slammed her hands on the table.


Not even Yuri could stop HellFany from rushing toward Jesse and Michelle.


“What the is going on here?!” Tiffany shouted once she got to Jesse’s booth and realized the homewrecker was her very own sister.


“Hello, Tiffy.” Michelle sported a grin as she squeezed Jesse’s waist.


Oh, . Fumes were literally coming out of Tiffany’s ears and nose.


“Get away from him!” Tiffany jumped on her sister, separating Jesse from Michelle’s grasp. She was quick in pulling Jesse out of the booth and toward the exit.


“Don’t even think about stealing him from me! You may have stolen my dolls when we were little, but I’m not going to let you take Jesse from me! Ever!” Tiffany shouted as she walked away from her still smirking sister.


“So fun messing with my baby sister.” Michelle giggled before she got up to join Yuri, who was dancing in the dance floor.




“You’re such a ing flirt!” Tiffany started screaming at Jesse and pounding her fists against his chest once they entered his apartment.


“A complete manwhore!” *Hit.*


“A lying, cheating !” *Hit. Hit. Hit*


And a whole lot of insults that Tiffany blurted at her unresponsive boyfriend.


“And you’re such a turn-on right now!” Jesse finally shouted back.


Tiffany’s fists froze midway. “You—wait, what?” As his words finally registered in Tiffany’s brain, she blushed.


“A. Turn-on. I love you, Fany.” Jesse emphasized slowly before he kissed her lovely, pink lips.


The atmosphere had suddenly shifted.


“I hate you.” Tiffany spouted as she traced Jesse’s clothed abs with her finger.


“No, you don’t.” Jesse said as he pulled her up against him.


“I do. I hate you so much.”


Empty words. Words that meant the complete opposite.


“You mean you love me so much.” Jesse corrected with a confident smile that brought butterflies to her stomach. The same smile that stripped her of her lies and kept her bare and honest.


“Flirt.” Tiffany managed to say before their lips crashed together. 



Girls' Generation won the Video Of The Year Award! YAY!!! I'm so happy for them <3

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Chapter 4: I love all this jealously shots... Thanks:)
Chapter 4: SNSD Win Yeheyyy :DD

Congrats for all of them and Fany's english is so damn ing HOT :""""""">
sparr0w #3
Chapter 4: Michelle is quite the character. Willing to tick her sister off that much. Anyway, I'm glad they get back together...hopefully, no more over reactions if Jesse's talking to another girl.
hugozzz #4
Chapter 4: haha jellyfany look so funny
can't wait for the next ch XD
Chapter 3: OMO! Hellfany....I'm afraid. If I were J I would risk much.

update soon!
Chapter 3: Oho it's going to get interesting!
Can't wait!^^
sparr0w #7
Chapter 3: Lol, there's a chance this will go well, but at the same time, it could go horribly wrong. Tiffany's already feeling insecure, but then to show off that he's now "with" the sister she really dislikes.
JeTiLoVe #8
Chapter 3: hahhah.. cute hellfany..
jesse really know to make hellfany pissed off more.. lol XD
jesse gonna get it..
Chapter 3: wahhh update soon!!