Such A Flirt Part 1

Jelly Shots


In two parts b/c I was too lazy to type the rest of the story but I wanted to update ^^




Tiffany never liked to share even when she was young. Only the special things that she loved, though. Those things were strictly hers and only hers.


That selfish, ‘only-mine’ habit of hers followed her even till now.




“You were flirting with her, Jesse! Just freaking admit it already!” Tiffany hissed as she hit Jesse’s chest with her fists. She always hit him at his chest when she was pissed.


And he took it. Not that it hurt. It never hurt. She was much too small and weak to inflict any physical pain on him even if she tried. He let her hit him because it seemed to calm her down… a little.


“I wasn’t flirting with her. We were just talking.” Jesse replied calmly. One of them had to be the reasonable one.


“Yeah, sure. Talking really closely. I’m not blind! What do you take me for?!” She shouted, her fists returning to his flawless chest.


Despite his ringing ears, he found his girlfriend hot when she was angry and jealous. It wasn’t the right time to be thinking it, but Jesse couldn’t help it. He liked it when Tiffany’s green monster appeared. Not all the time, but sometimes. It reminded him that Tiffany still wanted him and saw him as a valuable possession that only belonged to her.


Jesse sighed as he abruptly ended his lustful thoughts for his hot girlfriend. Her cheeks were flaming red. She must be really upset.




“Fany, please, can we just drop it?”


“Why? Is it because you feel guilty?” Her glare didn’t falter one bit.


“No.” He answered shortly before pulling her chin toward him. “Because I’d rather do something else.”


Tiffany stopped him from his advances as she pushed his chest as far from her as her arms could go.


“D-don’t even th-thiink about it, Jesse.” She stuttered weakly before squirming away from Jesse’s approaching hands.


“I’m never coming here again!” The dramatic Tiffany shouted from the door before storming out of his apartment.


“We’ll see about that.” Jesse muttered to himself before calling Tiffany’s best friend, Yuri. He knew Tiffany too well, so he was sure Tiffany was going to stay over at Yuri’s for the time being.




Yuri was Tiffany’s best friend. No doubt about that. But Yuri was also a blabbermouth, so whatever secrets entering Yuri’s ear would escape through her very own mouth.


“Have fun tonight.” Jesse enthusiastically said to Yuri before hanging up the call.


Too easy. In those five minutes, he was able to find out where YulTi were going and when they were heading there.


He checked his watch and realized he still had an hour to call up his partner in crime and to take a quick shower because he had to look irresistibly handsome for his Fany Fany Tiffany.




“You’re late." She tapped her heels impatiently before taking a better look at the man in front of her. "You’re lucky you look hot in that shirt, otherwise I would’ve made your life a living hell for making me wait thirty minutes longer than the intended time.”


Jesse grinned devilishly at his partner in crime, aka Michelle Hwang.


There’s a reason why Jesse asked Michelle to do him this favor. Reason being that Michelle and Tiffany hated each other. They were always at each other’s throats even when they were kids. This sibling rivalry was what made Michelle a perfect candidate. It meant she would do her job well just to get a laugh at Tiffany when she turns into HellFany. Not only that, she knew how to get under Tiffany’s skin without any effort.


“Ready to go, Princess?” Jesse offered his arm like a gentleman and Michelle gladly took it.


They headed toward the club with arms linked.


The same club that Tiffany and Yuri would be at shortly after.



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Chapter 4: I love all this jealously shots... Thanks:)
Chapter 4: SNSD Win Yeheyyy :DD

Congrats for all of them and Fany's english is so damn ing HOT :""""""">
sparr0w #3
Chapter 4: Michelle is quite the character. Willing to tick her sister off that much. Anyway, I'm glad they get back together...hopefully, no more over reactions if Jesse's talking to another girl.
hugozzz #4
Chapter 4: haha jellyfany look so funny
can't wait for the next ch XD
Chapter 3: OMO! Hellfany....I'm afraid. If I were J I would risk much.

update soon!
Chapter 3: Oho it's going to get interesting!
Can't wait!^^
sparr0w #7
Chapter 3: Lol, there's a chance this will go well, but at the same time, it could go horribly wrong. Tiffany's already feeling insecure, but then to show off that he's now "with" the sister she really dislikes.
JeTiLoVe #8
Chapter 3: hahhah.. cute hellfany..
jesse really know to make hellfany pissed off more.. lol XD
jesse gonna get it..
Chapter 3: wahhh update soon!!