Tackled My Heart

Jelly Shots


Jesse was the quarterback and captain of his football team. He was insanely popular, but he only had eyes for his girlfriend, Tiffany.


There was a day when he hung out with Nicole, who was his close girl friend. And because of that, he had to face the consequences of making his girlfriend jealous.




Jesse was standing just a few feet away from Tiffany and Nichkhun. KhunFany was happily sitting on the bench, chatting and laughing, while Jesse, who just ended football practice was drenched in sweat and anger.


His mouth dropped when Tiffany took out her handkerchief to wipe away Nichkhun’s sweaty forehead.


It wasn’t long before Jesse made his move, stepping closer toward the duo and glaring intensely at Nichkhun.


“C-Captain.” Nichkhun stuttered before quickly standing up.


Jesse continued to narrow his eyes at Nichkhun. He was just so angry with Nichkhun getting his girlfriend’s attention that he wanted to tackle Nichkhun down.


Nichkhun cleared his throat out of nervousness before bowing to Tiffany and Jesse and leaving in a sprint.


With Nichkhun out of the picture, it calmed Jesse’s inner monster. He smiled as he took a seat beside Tiffany.


“Hey, Tiff.”


Jesse frowned when Tiffany ignored his presence.


“Tiff…” Jesse whined before gently poking her shoulder.


Tiffany flinched away from him as she replied coldly, “I’m leaving to my next class.”


She got up and left without giving Jesse a glance.


Jesse huffed in annoyance as he watched his girlfriend’s retreating figure.


Why was she so happy with Nichkhun, but when he showed up, she looked bored and didn’t want to have anything to do with him? Why did she wipe Nichkhun’s sweat and not his?




“I want to try some too!” Tiffany whined as she showed her puppy dog eyes.


Jesse gritted his teeth as he watched the entire scene in front of him.


Tiffany continued to pout as she begged for a scoop of Wooyoung’s strawberry jelly.


“Please, Woo~”


Wooyoung, who was sitting across from Jesse, looked hesitant. Jesse’s cold eyes pierced through him. If it weren’t for how hot Tiffany was, he’d probably freeze to death from Jesse’s stare.


“Ahhh~” Tiffany said with wide open, waiting for the scoop of jelly.


Tiffany was acting so adorable that Wooyoung couldn’t resist any longer.


“Ahh…” Wooyoung repeated as he spoon-fed Tiffany some of his jelly.


Everyone in the table flinched from the booming sound made from Jesse.


“I’m done eating.” Jesse announced coldly after he had slammed his fists on the table. He got up from his seat and stormed out of the cafeteria.


Jesse walked up to the rooftop, wanting to cool off his jealousy.


“I’ll kill that bastard, Wooyoung.” Jesse swore as he lied down on the floor.


Only he was allowed to witness Tiffany’s aegyo. Only he was allowed to feed Tiffany. Only he was allowed to fall for her cute tricks!




Jesse looked up to see Nicole staring down at him.


“Hey, Nicole.” Jesse replied emotionlessly as he continued to look up at the sky.


“Why do you sound so dead?” Nicole giggled as she lied right next to him.


Jesse sighed before closing his eyes. “Tiffany got mad at me for hanging out with you. She actually thinks you love me more than a friend. So now, she is trying to make me jealous by flirting with all my team members, saying that if I didn’t consider her feelings then she wouldn’t consider mine. And now all I feel toward my team is anger and jealousy.”


Jesse waited for Nicole’s response, but didn’t hear one for a long time. He decided to peek at her, but was surprised to see her face inching toward him. He froze in his spot when Nicole leaned down and kissed his lips.


“Maybe, she’s right. I do love you. I’m in love with you, Jesse.” Nicole confessed once she parted from the kiss.


Jesse flew up in a standing position. He quickly backed away from Nicole. “I’m sorry, Nicole. I can’t return your feelings. I’m in love with Tiffany. You know that, d-don’t you?”


“I do, but I can be so much better for you, Jesse. If you just gave me a chance, I’d-“


Jesse shook his head vigorously. He really didn’t want to hurt Nicole, but she needed to know her place. “No, I’ll only love Tiffany. She’s the only one for me. I’m sorry, I can’t ever love you the same way that you love me. If I knew you felt this way about me, I would’ve stopped it before it got too deep.”


“But, Jesse-“


“I don’t think we should hang out anymore. Just…not right now.” Jesse stared sadly at Nicole, who was now in tears.


“I’m sorry. I should go.” Jesse didn’t look back as he left. It hurt him to lose his close friend, but it was probably hurting Nicole a hundred times more.


Jesse walked around campus, thinking about Nicole and their friendship as well as Tiffany and their relationship. When he got to the field, he knew he made the right decision. He was completely head over heels for Tiffany and that would never change.


He sighed, knowing that he had to apologize to his girlfriend. She was right. Ugh, he hated being wrong.


Jesse turned a corner and saw his girlfriend talking to Taecyeon. His blood boiled once again when Taecyeon moved closer to his girlfriend. Tiffany took a timid step back. Jesse noticed her shaking a little, and it angered him to no end that he couldn’t hear anything so he moved closer, hiding behind a nearby tree.


“Tiffany, I love you. I know you’re dating Jesse, but I can’t hold my feelings in any longer.”


“T-Taec.” Tiffany stood awkwardly in front of one of Jesse’s teammates.


“Please, give me a chance to show you what I have to offer.” Taecyeon didn’t wait for a response as he quickly hugged the girl.


That did it. Jesse was pissed, and he wasn’t going to hold back any longer. Jesse ran forward, making sure he separated his girlfriend from Taecyeon before tackling his teammate to the ground.


“Don’t touch my girl!” Jesse growled at the frightened Taecyeon underneath him.


“Jesse, stop!” Tiffany shouted when Jesse had his fist raised.


Jesse looked back at his trembling girlfriend, and his features immediately softened.


Jesse stood up and walked to Tiffany.


Jesse pulled Tiffany in a hug, embracing her tightly as she relaxed under his hold.


“Sorry. Did I scare you?”


She nodded against his chest.


“Sorry. I’m sorry for everything. For not listening to you about Nicole. For making you feel insecure. For not considering your feelings. For being jealous-“


“Actually, it’s pretty hot when you’re jealous.” Tiffany interrupted as she grinned playfully at him.


“You’re evil.” Jesse commented with his own mischievous smirks.


Jesse cupped Tiffany’s cheeks before kissing her softly, and then passionately as all their built up jealousy fueled their hormones.



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Chapter 4: I love all this jealously shots... Thanks:)
Chapter 4: SNSD Win Yeheyyy :DD

Congrats for all of them and Fany's english is so damn ing HOT :""""""">
sparr0w #3
Chapter 4: Michelle is quite the character. Willing to tick her sister off that much. Anyway, I'm glad they get back together...hopefully, no more over reactions if Jesse's talking to another girl.
hugozzz #4
Chapter 4: haha jellyfany look so funny
can't wait for the next ch XD
Chapter 3: OMO! Hellfany....I'm afraid. If I were J I would risk much.

update soon!
Chapter 3: Oho it's going to get interesting!
Can't wait!^^
sparr0w #7
Chapter 3: Lol, there's a chance this will go well, but at the same time, it could go horribly wrong. Tiffany's already feeling insecure, but then to show off that he's now "with" the sister she really dislikes.
JeTiLoVe #8
Chapter 3: hahhah.. cute hellfany..
jesse really know to make hellfany pissed off more.. lol XD
jesse gonna get it..
Chapter 3: wahhh update soon!!