Jonghyun's World

Wishing Box: Let's make a Wish [Discontinued]


Jonghyun’s POV


Walking into my room I stare at Hei Ryung, her looking around the room. “Is this your room?” She asks smiling. “You had while growing up?”

“Yeah,” I saw awkwardly. “So…”


Rubbing the back of my neck I look away from her while saying it. “Apparently the bed you were going to use, my sister took, so we’ll have to share.”

“What?” She asks backing away from me.

“My mom just told me.” I tell her couching slightly. “I could sleep down stairs if you’re uncomfortable with that.”

“Aniyo!” She says conflicted. “I mean…It’s your room, I can.”

“No, that wouldn’t be fair to me though.” I tell her staring at her. “I mean, we’re two grown adults, I think we can handle sharing the bed.”

Staring at me she nods her head. “Alright.”


Hei Ryung’s POV


Staring at the small bed I begin to wonder how this will ever work, I mean he seems serious enough about his sister taking the bed. It’s only one night, not even the whole night. I try to reason with myself while looking out the window.

“Umm…Are you ready to go to sleep?” He asks me awkwardly.

Turning to face him I nod my head, ‘It’s not like anything is going to happen.’ Standing next to him both of us staring at the bed.

“Do you have a preference on where you like to sleep?” Jonghyun asks me quietly.

Getting in I sit by the wall. “This way I won’t fall off.”

Chuckling Jonghyun turns the light off, getting under the covers I wait to feel the weight of him next to me. Feeling Jonghyun getting on the covers, his arm resting against mine.


“Somewhat.” I respond staring up at the ceiling. “Jonghyun?”


“Are you?”

“Somewhat.” Chuckling I shiver from the cold. “Cold?”

“A little.” I mumble in the dark.

“I’m not pulling a move or anything.” He whispers feeling his arms snake under me he pulls me closer rubbing his hands to warm me up.

“Thank-you.” I whisper blushing, thankful for the darkness engulfing the room.

Hearing him chuckle gave my heart butterflies, for a while we started talking; I grew more comfortable and eventually fell asleep.


Jonghyun’s POV


Listening to Hei Ryung breath, her head resting on my chest, her body in my arms for me to keep arm I smile to myself. “I thought this was going to awkward and a bad idea.” I whisper to her watching her snuggle closer to me. “I was wrong.”


Hei Ryung is really cute, in ways I hadn’t noticed until I got to be this close to her. The way she smiles in her sleep, how she breaths steadily; having Hei Ryung close to be calms me, I don’t feel so anxious for whatever, I’m happy just to spend the night sleeping, I don’t feel the need to sing, I don’t have to be doing something, it’s good enough to just to be here.


Waking up to the sunlight streaming through the window I look down at Hei Ryung still sleeping soundly in my arms, a slight smile spread across her face, feeling her small frame in my arms and the way her body moves as she breaths is relaxing.

Hearing a knock at my door I clamp my eyes shut, the door creaking open quietly. “Omo, how cute.” My mother coos happily. “Honey come see this!” She cries quietly.

“Come see what?” He asks irritably, probably still hungry, “Oh, I thought he said he was bringing a lady friend not his girlfriend.” My dad says chuckling.

“Well whoever she is, look at his smile and hers.” My mother says her voice carrying away as she shuts the door.

Opening my eyes I let out a sigh of relief, realizing my mom is right, I am smiling, looking down at Hei Ryung I smile at her, still sleeping. “You’re changing my life you know that?”

Moving to get out of bed I accidently wake her up. “What time is it?” She asks yawning.

Smiling at her bed head I check grabbing my phone. “It’s only 7:30.” I tell her stretching.

“Early still.” She mutters turning over in the bed. “Sleep more.”

“Aniyo, I still have things for us to do today!” I cry jumping into bed. “Come on Hei Ryung.” I rubbing my head against her.

“Are you insane?” She mumbles moving away from me, shivering. “Why’s the bed so cold?”

“You slept in my arms.” I tell her thoughtlessly.

Shooting up she looks at me. “What?”

“You fell asleep in my arms last night, you were cold.” I tell her slowly. “Remember?”

She makes a funny face, as though she’s trying to connect the words and make sense of them as well, like learning a new language.  “Slept…in…your...arms?”

“Yes.” I tell her slowly still has her face becomes less confused looking. “Are you alright?”

Nodding her head groggily she sits up. “You’re strange.”

Nodding my head I move to allow her to get out of bed, her shirt crumpled up well past her stomach, her shorts rolled up some from sleeping in them, straightening out her pajamas she turns around looking for something.

“What ch’ya searchin’ for?”

“My bag.”

Frowning I look around for mine as well. “Maybe in the closet.” I mumble looking around the room with her. “Here” I call seeing them under my desk, strange.

“Thanks, mind if I get ready first?”

“Go for it.” I tell her opening the door. “I’ll be at the kitchen table.”

“Got ch’ya.” She says taking her bag into the bathroom to change. “See you in a little bit then.”

Nodding my head I watch her close the door before I clamor down the stairs, yawning I see my mother happily cooking.

“Morning Umma.” I tell her sitting down. “Where’s appa?”

“Work silly, not everyone has a break.” She says chuckling. “So you and Hei Ryung seem oddly close for just friends.”

“People get like that.” I tell her shrugging my shoulders. “Why?”

“It’s just you both would make for the cutest couple.” She says looking back at me. “She’s such a sweet young lady.”

“Umma.” I whine looking at her with a smile. “You know I can’t date.”

“Sweetie, you’re going to regret it later.” She chides me turning around, her face plastered with worry. “Jonghyun…maybe you don’t see it.” She says sighing.

“See what?”

“Where’s Hei Ryung?”

Frowning I growl in annoyance, “Upstairs getting changed.”

“Ah, you should probably do the same.” She says as the lovely aroma floats over to me. “Or are you hungry?”

“Umma, you know me!” I cheer happily. “I’ll get ready after I eat.”

Chuckling she turns around. “While I set the table you go check on Hei Ryung.”

“Deh.” I call happily walking up the stairs. “Hei Ryung you done?” Walking into my room I see her sound asleep in bed, chuckling I sit down on the bed. “Sneaky.”

Shaking her slightly she opens her eyes. “I thought I’d have at least an extra hour.” She pouts.


Hei Ryung’s POV


Waking up to being shook I pout. “I thought I’d have at least an extra hour.”

Jonghyun gives me an amused look. “You’re just too sneaky, come on breakfast.” He says chuckling.

“Neh.” I mumble swinging my legs over the edge, looking up at Jonghyun him waiting for me. “You’re learned then?”

“To make sure you’re out and following me?” He asks me smiling. “Yes, now come on lazy.”

Sighing I get up and walk down the hall and the stairs all the while Jonghyun behind me is quietly walking behind me.

“I thought Jonghyun said you were getting dressed.” His mom says laughing. “You look like you just woke up.”

“She did, she snuck back into bed!” Jonghyun says pushing me forward to take a seat. “Lazy, lazy, lazy.”

“I recall you doing the same thing a few years ago.” His mom jokes happily. “Now hurry and eat so you can spend the rest of the day having fun.”

“Omo, thank-you.” I say happily as his mom serves me. “Umma you make the most amazing things!”

“Deh Umma you do!” He cheer eating happily. “Hei Ryung we’re going to have to leave for the train around 5:30.” Jonghyun says eating some rice.

“Alright.” She says happily finishing off her rice. “Ah…”

“You get dressed first, and I mean dressed.” Jonghyun says as I get up, watching me carefully. “I want to show you a few other things before we leave.”

“Deh, Jonghyun.” I tell him running up the stairs, grabbing my bag I get ready for real this time, pulling on a pair of skinny jeans with some small holes, a white button up shirt that stops just over the pockets of my jeans, lastly I pull a pair of black vans, brushing my hair out and then my teeth, I head down stairs with my shoes and socks in my arms.

“You’re up.” I tell Jonghyun setting my shoes at the entry way.

Watching Jonghyun up the stairs I smile at his mother, suddenly feeling a little awkward. “So you’re a little sneaky.” She says chuckling.

“I just wanted to sleep in a little.” I tell her smiling. “All this was a bit unexpected.” I tell her sitting at the table again.

“Jonghyun is spontaneous.” She comments taking a seat next to me. “So Hei Ryung you both seem close.”

Stalled I take a gulp of air. “Ah…” I nod my head nervously. “I guess we are.”

“It’s just Jonghyun said he was bringing a friend, we weren’t expecting anyone quite like you.” She says happily. “It gets me that my son can be a bit of an idiot, and not see things, but…maybe.”

“Sorry?” I ask her quietly. “See what though?”

“Not yet I suppose, you’ll both have time…”

Jonghyun comes down before she can finish her thought. “Come on let’s go we’re wasting daylight!!” He says pulling me off the chair. “We’ll be back before we leave Umma!” He calls as he drags me out after I get my shoes on; and off again I head into the strange world Jonghyun is so eager to share.


Sorry for the late update ._.;; Ummm enjoy? (:

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Aww, it's too bad that you discontinued this, but you had done a very good job :)
XxtaerilxX #2
your story is nice,and im sorry to hear that you cant go on with this.. but good job its very nice!! ^_^
Ilonahaku #3
Aww, sorry to hear about your situation. :/ But may be you just need time and I don´t mind waiting. ;)
I am little confused about the matter of changing accounts, but I hope you won´t delete this story. It would be great if you could post the final chapters, when you have everything prepared. :)
It is pity that it didn´t go the way how you wished, but you can always come back and change it, right? I am always really sad, when some fanfics are unfinished...I understand your reasons, but please, try to give this story a 2nd chance. ;)
Thank you. ^^
so sweet update soon!