Sweet Dreams

Cursed With A Blessing

After joking around a moment longer, Nabi insist she go home to bring anything she'll need and make her way to her brothers dorm straight after. He refused at first, but they agreed on leaving D.O with his car so that he makes sure she goes to the dorm. Nabi makes her way with Tae Hyun in her arms when D.O offers to carry him himself, to which she agreed. "Thanks" Nabi said as they made their way to the car.


"No problem." D.O smiled.


"He's growing a lot" she explained, pushing her hair back behind her ears trying to make small talk.


"How old is he?" D.O asked out of curiosity.


"He's 2 years old, but he's very mature for his age~" she mused, remembering the many shocked faces she's gotten from those who meet Tae Hyun. D.O nodded, making his way around the car to the back seat. Nabi helped him open the door and watched as he gently placed Tae Hyun in the seat, strapping him in securely. D.O went around to open the door for her before stepping in and started the car, driving off. D.O sang under his breath to the music that played on the radio as they made their way to her house.


"Its that one." Nabi said, pointing to her small humble home. It was a traditional Korean home, left to her by her parents. Soon after Nabi found out that she became pregnant, her parents insisted she'd be home schooled and left her the house after they'd gone to the states for business. Her parents visit often, checking up on her and Tae Hyun as well as the progress on the restaurant. And because of Nabi's strong heart, she was able to pull away from the curse and was blessed with the most wonderful son: Tae Hyun.


Once out of the car, D.O took Tae Hyun in his arms and followed Nabi inside. As he stepped in, D.O was amazed at how neat she's kept her home, even having a two year old son around. 'The dorm is never this clean, even having 13 grown men living in it' he thought as he looked around. "Where's his room? So he can rest a bit as you pack." D.O said in a concerned voice. Nabi turned around to meet his eye, seeing the seriousness in them but were gentle. She turned around going into a room D.O following after her. D.O placed Tae Hyun on his bed, tucking him and watched as Nabi gently packed a bag full of Tae Hyuns belongings.


"Is there any way I can help?" D.O asked, walking towards her. Nabi placed the last of Tae Hyuns clothing in the bag, zipping it up, before turning around to find D.O hovering over her. Nabi was taken aback, and slightly bushed.


"Sure, would you mind grabbing the small red bag? Its hung behind the door of the closet." Nabi said as D.O made his way towards the closet and grabbed the small bag, wondering what's inside. Once he had the bag in his hand, he closed the door and turned around to see Nabi missing. Before turning to leave the room, D.O looks over at Tae Hyun and smiles walking out of the door.


"Hey I got the bag, are you done?" D.O asked as he walked towards her, handing her the bag. Nabi took the bag from his hand and placed in her bag. She went into her room and began to pack some clothes, her uniform and the paperwork she was working on the night before.


"I'm almost done" her voice sang. "Would you like anything to drink?" Nabi said putting the last if her items in her bag, walking towards the kitchen. D.O kindly accepted and followed her into the kitchen. Nabi made her way to the fridge and poured him a glass of water.  


"Thanks" D.O said. At that moment Tae Hyun came out of his room, rubbing his eyes with two small bawled fists. Tae Hyun yawed and D.O picked him up, siting him on his lap. "What's up?" he asked him in a gentle tone.


"Are we going to uncles house?" Tae Hyun asked as Nabi poured him a glass of juice. D.O handed him the cup and helped him drink, knowing that the glass be a little too heavy for his small hands.


"Right after you finish." Nabi smiled, watching how Tae Hyun grew more and more comfortable with D.O. Watching them made her wonder how Tae Hyun must feel like having to live without a father. As tears brimmed her eyes, Nabi quickly turned away taking their cups and washed them. She didn’t want D.O to see her cry, so she quickly wiped the tear that escaped and finished drying the cups before turning around. "Ok, We're ready to go." Nabi said smiling, just so that they wouldn’t know she was going to cry. D.O placed Tae Hyun on his feet as he went to grab his bag and helped him put it on. Tae Hyun took D.O's hand and walked with his to the car, taking a seat next to each other in the backseat of the car. "He usually wants to sit with me." Nabi thought grabbing her stuff and heading towards the car. Once she was in the car, she got in the drivers seat and looked back. "Since I've been replaced, I hope your going to give me directions" Nabi mused as she handed D.O the GPS. D.O put in the address and Nabi took off into the direction of their dorm. Minutes into the drive Tae Hyun began to ask many questions.


"What's your name?" Tae Hyun asked, taking out his writing notebook from his bag. He liked writing so he often practiced by asking questions.


"Do Kyung Soo." D.O answered with a smile. "What's your name?" he asked


"Lee Tae Hyun. And mommy's name is Lee Nabi." Tae Hyun answered truthfully. Nabi occasionally looked back at the rare view mirror, checking up on them. And each time, her smile grew bigger. "What do you work as?" Tae Hyun asked. "Mommy's a Chef." he bragged as he went on and about her amazing food.


"That sound good~ how about we ask mommy to make us some good food later." D.O mused "My dream was to become a Chef just like our mom, but I'm an idol now." he answered truthfully.


"What's an idol?" Tae Hyun asked, this time sounding a bit judgmental. Nabi grew scared, wondering why Tae Hyun was so interested all of a sudden. He was never one to ask many questions, but this time seemed to be an exception. D.O noticed the concern in Nabi's eyes and placed a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her. He didn’t mind Tae Hyuns Question, in fact he loved them. D.O only wanted the kid to feel safe. After many questions, D.O and Tae Hyun played around some, making Nabi laugh. Its been a while since she's had contact with a male. Having been stripped of her innocence, she has a strong distrust in males. And not knowing what his true intentions were, scared her the most. But even though she didn’t want to get close, both physically and emotionally, knowing that he's made her laugh even just for a moment was enough for her to feel safe. To finally feel like she can love. Just his smile was enough to warm her heart, and even having gone through hell, D.O was able to shine a light in her dark past. And all he did was smile.


When Nabi was only minutes away, when she stopped at a red light and looked back to find D.O and Tae Hyun fast asleep. D.O laid across the whole back seat and held Tae Hyun in his lap, hugging him in his chest protectively. Nabi smiled, watching as Tae Hyun slept comfortably. 'Thank you' she whispered as she drove off again finally making it to the dorm. D.O who wasn’t fully asleep, heard her and smiled to himself. He was glad to help, and he'd do it any time. D.O felt as though he needed to protect Tae Hyun, but wondered if that was all he really wanted. 'Appa~' Tae Hyun mumbled under his breath, making D.O worry. D.O shifted in his seat, trying to make Tae Hyun more comfortable but nothing worked. Tae Hyun mumbled 'dad' for what seemed like long minutes and each time, his cries sounded a lot more sadder that the other. D.O hugged Tae Hyun, hoping to comfort him in some way. "I wonder what happened to his dad?" D.O thought to himself, wondering if this kid has ever gotten a chance to meet his father. 


So, this goes to you, my little commenter. I hope you enjoy this, and im sorry for not posting sooner. I had honestly wanted to give up on this story, but thank you. 

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Chapter 3: Lol awww I like it so far, ALOT! Update soon!