Everything will work out in the end(Chapter 4)

Everything will work out in the end

Chapter 4

“Yunho, can you please take Jaejoong out and eat lunch? Your mother and I want some privacy in this house”

‘translation, have ’, Yunho rolled his eyes as he thought about the possibilities of him seeing his own parents do it. Just that made him gagged and he immediately felt his stomach do a 360 degree somersault with a flip. He held his stomach and pressed against it to keep it in place. He looked at his parents who were looking at him strangely but soon ignored him and was back to their lovey-doveys, he was forced to agree anyway. He went up to take Jaejoong, more like grab actually and hurriedly make his way out of the house.

Yes, finally out of the house, out of his disgusting parents sight and he shuddered at the thought of them. “Where are we going?” Jaejoong asked innocently with his big doe eyes while looking up at Yunho. He looked back at the other’s face and he was reminded by the note on the table, “Yunho?” Jaejoong asked again and he woke up from his daydreaming.

“Where do you want to eat?” Yunho’s angel side (if he had any in the first place) forced him to treat Jaejoong nicely but only got a dumb reply of “I don’t know” with that same innocent look. His devil side was slowly taking over, bit by bit starting from the fact that he detests the innocent look on Jaejoong’s face. It was annoying the crap out of him like, was it even possible? To see a young youth so innocent looking, it was just plain outrageous!

“Forget it” he grunted as he dragged Jaejoong while walking straight aimlessly. Their position was rather awkward; Yunho was grabbing one of Jaejoong’s arm and walking in front of him, making Jaejoong follow closely behind him like some helpless prisoner of Yunho. Many people stared at them only to have Yunho shooting daggers at them with a look that said (more like screamed), ‘mind your own business, punk’.

Yunho found it amusing that the people were so flustered because of his look and kept walking straight along the pavement while continuing to do it. He walked and walked as many shops past by and some food restaurants were also available but he ignored it and walked straight ahead like he knew where he’s heading to (but he didn’t). Jaejoong just followed behind closely like a good pet, wide-eyed and curious of his surroundings.

He seemed like he would never stop at all but he abruptly halt at a restaurant which looked very posh and expensive, Jaejoong banged onto him because of the abrupt halt. “Sorryyyy” Jaejoong said childishly making Yunho roll his eyes. Yunho looked at the menu displayed outside the restaurant to look at the food available while Jaejoong looked at the restaurant’s surrounding. He scanned the area, looking left and right and stopped when he saw a few beggars not too far away.

Right then, Yunho decided that this was the perfect restaurant for him to dine in and dragged Jaejoong in even though he was struggling to stop. Yunho just ignored his protests as Jaejoong took one last look at the pitiful beggars begging for money and then the sight was gone. They were now in that expensive looking restaurant with elegant looking lights dimmed, hanging from the ceiling.

There were many tables with a silk cloth covering it and waiters holding a tray of delicious looking food walking and serving customers. Jaejoong observed the restaurant he was in as he was being dragged again, his wrist forming a red mark by now. They were then seated at a corner with a small table, there weren’t many customers there. Just behind them, there was a glass panel separating them from the picturesque view outside the restaurant.

“Yun-ho, I want some money” Jaejoong suddenly asked and Yunho was shocked at his request. “What for?! I’ll be helping you pay you fool!”
“No but outside- outside” Jaejoong had never been good at expressing himself and he didn’t know how to tell Yunho about this. “Beggars” and Yunho understood immediately. 

“No. I still need to pay for the food we’re about to order, I don’t have money for them” he say heartlessly as he asked for the menu. But Jaejoong stubbornly shook his head, with repetitions of “no”. 

“Urgh, don’t you want to eat?! Stop it! Its irritating me you moron!” Yunho spat, clearly pissed by the other’s behavior.

“Then I don’t want to eat, give me money!” Yunho had given up then, fishing out for his wallet and taking out several notes as he handed him the money. Jaejoong happily took it and stood up, as he walked away from the table and from the restaurant. Yunho looked at him as he left, not bothering that he left him, ‘he walked off by himself, and it’s not my problem anymore. Better still though, I can eat in peace without facing that moron’

Yunho ate heartily, ordering one of the most expensive dishes in the restaurant and savoured it. By the time he ate finish, it was about half an hour gone already, he foot the bill and went out of the restaurant. Stepping out of the restaurant, he scanned his surroundings wondering if he should look for that moron; his parents are going to give him hell if he was lost.

Coincidentally, he spotted him about two hundred metres away, squatting down and engaging in some kind of talk with a beggar. He scrunched his face as he strolled to them, as he walked closer, the stench of them were becoming more distinct and Yunho wanted to walk off immediately then.

“Oi, what are you still doing here?” Yunho asked Jaejoong and he looked up to where Jaejoong was standing.

“Oh, I’m just talking to this person here” Jaejoong smiled at the beggar and the beggar smiled gratefully back. The beggar’s hair was long and very messy with some highlights of white, his clothes were quite torn with some holes in it, and he didn’t even have shoes as he held a tin of can in his hands.

“Did you eat already?” Yunho questioned, doubting that Jaejoong would really be stupid enough to not eat and donate all his money. However, Jaejoong shook his head and Yunho’s eyes widen as he knitted his eyebrows.

“You donated all your money?! Are you really that stupid or what?!” How could anyone be so ‘stupid’ to donate all their money?! Yunho never believed that humans could be so kind and compassionate to do this kind of things and when people asked him last time, he had snorted and said that would never happen in this society. Yet now, he saw one right in front of him.

Why? He truly could not think of the reasons. To starve yourself just to make another person happy, was it worth it at all?

“They’re happy” was the simple reply made by Jaejoong as he smiled a dimple smile at all the beggars sitting together. They all smiled back gratefully, profusely thanking him again and bowing their heads to the ground repeatedly. And apparently, just by seeing them thank him like that Jaejoong broke out into a grin so huge Yunho was sure his mouth would break.

Yunho had never donated anything in his life before and didn’t know the pleasures of doing a good thing. Doing a good thing is probably the one thing that can make you feel like you’re alive, human with some sort of compassion in you but no, Yunho didn’t felt it. 

Yet, donating is one thing; to give everything you have is another thing. This puzzle had been stuck in Yunho’s head for many days as his heart yearned and wondered how that feeling would feel like.

A/n:Sooooo sorry if it's boring you!! Anyway my exams are coming soon so I may not update this for a long while. I wasn't even supposed to write this chapter but here it is anyway.

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Chapter 3: waaah i love this story so much and i will pray you pass your exams. FIGHTING
awe poor yunho! his exgirlfriend is a ! hehe inoccent and clueless jaejoong! so cuuuute!
viiicky #5
jaejoong is just so cute, update soon! can't wait until yunho becomes friends with jae!
viiicky #6
i like the story so far, keep up the good work! update soon!