Three moves left. Just three moves … that could at least lessen the hurt of losing. “Check!” I scream with pride, laughing out loud that can leave an echo in the room. I stand up as if a crown is being places on my head. Yes I win this game … for the first time. I am about to walk away with satisfaction -

            “Wait…” His voice prevents my onward step. I turn around scan through his face with my specious eyes. Surely there is something with the game … Wait where does that come from? How did he get me trapped? He stands up staring at me with his bright eyes and smiling. “Check mate” he says feeling confident since he tricked me.

            As he made his way to the bedroom he shouted “make sure you plan carefully and don’t miss a move, better luck next time” he pats my shoulder with the pride of winner’s hand, leaving me alone in shock, disbelief and embarrassment. Eventually the winner is him not me.

            I was good. I was the best at playing chess until I started play with him.

            As a thought comes into my mind, a smirk appears on my face. You may win over me in the game but you still don’t know the fact that your life is trapped by me Kim Myungsoo. I’ve still got a move, may be not with Chess. But I am sure I’ve got a last move to win over you.


· ····


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I haven't read it yet since I'm a bit busy. But just by the description alone, this looks really good.
Chapter 5: Wow!! This is great even I can considered this story as a tragedy but u write it well. Totally speechless and amazed >. <
Chapter 5: It's my first time reading this kind of story and I'm amazed with it!
You're such a good writer!
Thank you very much!
dark44rose #4
This is just stunning I loved reading it so refreshing and interesting I was at the edge of my seat the whole time although I was hoping she wouldn't do it but the last line was amazing