02 Jin

Kiss or Kill: Halloween Special

POV: Ichinose Yukiko "Yuki" (Yujin's best friend in Kiss or Kill)

You sighed as you laid your head down on the table. Ever since Yujin had called you about her issue on how to be ‘cute’, you had lost concentration on your studies. At first, you didn’t even notice the grades dropping in school. You thought you were doing great.

However, earlier in the day, your brother Akira had called you. As the bassist in his own band, The GazettE, you didn’t even understand how he had the time to check on your grades. Didn’t he have enough on his hands?

A small pout formed on your lips as you twirled a pencil in your hand, staring at a stack of homework you were supposed to have done in the past three hours.

“This is impossible!” you frowned, “Even the school I went to in Japan didn’t give this much work.”

Staring at the papers some more, you finally placed the tip of the pen on the paper and then squinted your eyes. On the top of the paper, you recognized that this was a packet for math, but when you started skimming the questions, you were surprised.

“I thought… I thought math was supposed to be numbers,” your eyes widened, “Why are there so many letters? What is this? X? Y? A? B? M? This… it can’t possibly be English in disguise, could it?”

Your forehead hit the surface of your desk as you sighed. This was fate’s way of getting back at you for having your mind filled with your boyfriend, Jin, in class.

Eyes widening, you shook your head hard to force Jin out of your mind again, “Even if he’s not here – why is my mind always filled with him?”

Suddenly, as if fate was trying to mess with you, your phone rang again. You thought it was Yujin calling you with more questions, but when you read the caller ID, you realized it was actually the one person who had been distracting you from all your studies.

A part of you didn’t dare pick up the phone since you knew that if you did, you would never be able to get any work done. However, another part of you wanted to hear his voice since you hadn’t seen him all day.

Taking a deep breath, you ended up choosing to answer, “Hello?”

“Yuki,” Jin’s deep voice sent shivers down your spine, “Have you finished what you needed yet?”

Mumbling into the phone, you held it close to your ear, “…How could I? I couldn’t get you out of my mind. You’re really distracting you know! I… I don’t know if I’ll ever get it done at this rate – ”

“You’re thinking of me that much?” he chuckled, “I’m flattered.”

Puffing out your cheeks in slight annoyance, you didn’t even know how to answer his statement. Yes, you were thinking of him that much. However, it wasn’t at all intentional. You loved him for sure, but it would be really nice to actually be focused on other things too. You didn’t want to look like a idiot; that would be embarrassing!

“This is serious!” you sulked, “Akira is going to kill me! He was already angry with me this morning because my grades dropped and… and I’ve been trying to study, but I swear I’m looking at some weird combination of some math and Eng –”

Jin interrupted you, “I’ll be right there.”

With those simple words, the line was disconnected and you were left a bit dumbfounded. …Did he just say that he was coming over?


“You weren't kidding?” your eyes widened as you opened the door, allowing him to come inside.

He raised an eyebrow and gave you a weird look, “Why would I kid about something like this? Besides, there isn’t anything wrong with coming to my girlfriend’s house, is there?”

A knowing grin spread across his lips as you cheeks became a faint tint of red. Sometimes, his straightforwardness got to you, and it made you easily embarrassed.

Unlike Yujin, it was much harder for you to hide your emotions, so Jin could easily read you like a book and figure out what you truly think.

It was both a good and bad thing, you supposed. This way, it lessened misunderstandings between the two of you. Yujin and Jungkook, on the other hand, were both stubborn people who liked to hide what they truly feel. It was no wonder that they had a huge misunderstanding about a month ago.

Jin made his way to the living room table where you had been studying and glanced at the first page of the packet you had been working on since he got there.

“How did you get this?” he laughed as he read the first problem, “Yah, Yuki. Have you been listening at all in class even a little bit?”

Huffing softly and snatching the paper from his hand, you mumbled to yourself while looking down at the floor, “…Whose fault do you think that is?”

Jin’s laughter slowly started to fade as he reached over and drew you close to him. You were pulled into his lap as he wrapped his arms around you, smiling as bright as the sun. His smile almost immediately extinguished all the annoyance you had just felt.

It seemed that he had gotten a tremendous effect on you, and sometimes, it worried you. What if one day he was no longer by your side? The thought scared you to death.

“Hey,” his voice became soft as he buried his face into your neck the moment he noticed the change in your expression, “You know that I will always be here for you right?”

Did you mention how easy it was for him to read your mind? – Metaphorically, of course. A soft laugh came from you as you felt his breath against your neck, tickling you lightly.

Turning around to face him, you placed both of your hands on his cheeks and cupped them gently, “…and you know that I love you a lot, right?”

He grinned, “I know. You make it quite obvious. I can read your innermost thoughts, so it’s easy to predict what you would do.”

You couldn’t help but laugh. If he really thought he could read your innermost thoughts and predict your actions, then he wouldn’t be surprised by a small action from you right?

Dropping your arms to rest on his shoulders, you leaned in and gave him a small peck on the cheek. That radiant smile that you always had appeared on your face again, and in that moment, Jin could have sworn he saw an angel in front of him.

His hand touched his cheek, “…W-What – ”

“And you said you could predict what I would do next!” you stuck out your tongue at him teasingly.

It took Jin a few seconds to realize what you had done, and he wasn’t going to let something like this go so easily. It was somewhat rare for you to act so playful with him, and he was going to treasure this moment.

Swiftly, he leaned forward and captured your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. This only caused you to blush a dark red color and feel intense embarrassment. Your eyes were wide, and the moment felt like time had ceased to move.

You quickly pulled back, hiding your face in your hands, “What was that for?”

That was for teasing me,” he smirked, “You should do it more often. I mean, it was really cute, so I couldn’t control myself.”

As he finished the sentence, he his bottom lip and then gave you his most innocent smile. That only made your body heat up and made you feel even more embarrassed. It was unfair how he always won in situations like this.

Suddenly, your eyes widened as you realized that once again, Jin was interrupting your studies. You saw the stack of paper that you had finish and began to panic.

“I-I… How did I forget?” you ruffled your hair, “My homework!”

Jin just chuckled and grabbed your hands, calming you down, “Don’t worry about it. I'm sure you can do all of this if I could get through it.”

Freezing in your tracks, you couldn't believe your ears. He was able to do all of this already? You actually had no idea about Jin's capabilities. You thought he was just a boy with a kind heart and good looks.

"...Really?" you asked with a soft voice.

He nodded in confirmation, "Yes, really."

Your jaw almost dropped. How did you not notice this as his girlfriend? You started to feel a bit ashamed; however, the feeling didn't last too long. The feeling of panic came back to your mind when you realized how much homework you had to complete. Glancing at Jin, you suddenly got a brilliant idea.

Raising your chin, you smiled widely at him, "As my boyfriend who constantly comes into my mind and distracts me from my homework, I think you should stay here and help me with all of this. It's only logical right?"

Jin rested his chin on the palm of his hand, smiling just as widely back at you, "Oh? ...But I'm kind of tired. I was going to go home and get some sleep."

Frowning a bit, you grabbed a couch cushion and threw it at him, "Yah!"

"I'm kidding!" he chuckled, dodging the cushion with ease.

You rolled your eyes and turned away, playfully upset. As soon as you did so, Jin got up and stuffed his hands into his front pockets. With each step he took, he began to speak in a slow manner.

"It'd be my pleasure to help the one I love."

With those words, you couldn't help but smile warmly. He was always good with romantic lines that would make your heart flutter.

Slowly turning around, you replied quickly, mumbling a bit at the end, "You better! ...But even if you didn't, it wouldn't change how I feel. I'll still love you, forever and always."

A soft laughter rung throughout the air and Jin drew you into a hug, "I know. I love you as well Yuki no matter what happens, forever and always."

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missadel #1
Chapter 7: This totally make my day ;)
Cute lil peasants
kiarrahmah #3
Chapter 7: BTS are so cute with their own girls. Love it~
You're so good in writing oneshot. Thank you for writing these stories ^^
Chapter 7: Omg I really love <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Jimin omg i'm going to die. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS SPECIAL AUTHOR <3 Another separate story especially for mijoo and jimin would be amazing... your choice tho!!! fighting!! xx
Boyinluvfire97 #6
Chapter 7: 0.0 OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZINGGGG!!!!! Sadly it ended TT
It's SOO Goodd
While reading this , I'm like " omg, the feels~~~"
Sorrowablasa #7
Chapter 1: So cute....kiss n kill and this special...i love all of them...i finish reading all of it in 1 night!! Can get enough of it...
Itsfederwolke #8
Number2elf #9
Chapter 7: These were really nice to read! And good closure for the story too :) if I was in your place I wouldn't know what to write as a sequel wither
Number2elf #10
Chapter 3: Omg whats wrong with me... I was thinking that these chapters were so cute and then i realized that ive literally been thinking about food the whole time... Because of the scene where jimin was digging into his food..:/