Choosing a Directory pt. 1

A Guide to Tumblr KRP

Chapter Vocabulary
Directory - a roleplay; may have a theme or not; sometimes referred to as a "family"
theme - genre; type
general - general directory, not to be confused with the General universe; a directory lacking a theme
independant - a Muse not belonging to a directory
admin - administrator; a person responsible for running a directory


Now you've got a Muse with a background and a universe, and you want to start roleplaying, but you've got no where to put them! In Tumblr KRP, there are a lot of places for you to go, to make friends and grow your character. Those places are called Directories, and there are a few that I'll mention here. The ones that I do mention are more than willing to help any new roleplayer in need!

Depending on the theme of the directory, you may be inclined to join just by the looks of it, but never forget to check when they last posted (to make sure they're active!), their masterlist (to see if your Idol is avaliable), and their About page (to see what they're really about!)

There are directories that lack themes, and Muses that lack directories. Those directories are called "General" (not to be confused with the "General" universe), and those Muses are called "Independant". In a general directory, there is no real theme to the directory; they're just a group of people huddled together, and they actually tend to be the biggest of all of the directories, due to their lack of heavy themes and interpersonal conflict. Independant Muses may talk with anyone from any directory, and do not participate in as many events. This could be for a number of reasons, but it really depends on the person.

Earlier I mentioned directories with different types of themes. These themes can range from loose and light, to tight and heavy. It all depends on the type of place you are looking to put your Muse. There are directories that run like cities, and directories that run like clubs and malls and stores and hotels, and almost everything you can think of! Every place is different, despite how similar two may look. If one doesn't strike your fancy, there is usually another similar to it out there, with a different set of members and Admins.

Here are a few directories with different types of themes:


Admin: Unpronounced
Founder: Henry
Theme: General
Age Rating: E

Seocho is a popular residential area for the
mid- or upper-class residents in Seoul. The
community living here is blessed with a rich,
calm life in a district surrounded by green
forests, the mountains Cheonggye and
Umyeon, and the Han River.



Admin and Founder: Teo 

Theme: Medical/Asylum 

Age Rating: PG-14

It's all fun and games until you realise that what 
goes up must come down. What's one man's trash 
is another man's treasure, and us here at Shin Asylum 
believe that we can help make anew the ones that 
feel as through they do not fit, and aim to create a better 
place, where everyone belongs. 



Admins: Jay, Zico and Minhyuk

Founders: Ren and Jay


Age Rating: NC-17

Castle Inuus can give you what your heart desires. It can make your fantasies
come true... if you behave. Inuus is a Master and Slave themed castle. We
offer you more than a place to live, but to see you must join us to find out.




Admin and Founder: Minhyun

Theme: Supernatural

Age Rating: E

Welcome to Faedough! Whether it’s a cookie, a muffin, a coffee, a cake by
our renowned decorator, Kim Jongdae, or just a friendly chat you desire, we have
it all. We serve everyone, Human, Vampire, Shifter, Were, and Faerie alike.
Don’t be afraid to come and visit us!



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Chapter 2: Regarding Mun vs. Muse, these days I hardly find roleplayers who actually keep their characters' personalities IC. It's saddening since most people are into crack these days which involves a lot of OOC. Roleplaying in big groups feels like chatting with someone OOC, especially in KRPs. The idea of sticking to a muse's actual personality vanished over the years. This is why I also stopped roleplaying after 6 years.
Chapter 3: so if my muse is a student but also an idol, then my muse is semi-au?
congrats! :)
Chapter 4: God, choosing a directory is always so hard...
Chapter 2: congrats :)
sea0horse #6
Congratulations on winning the bid o/
This is a pretty cool guide, but I wanted to know about good tumblr roleplays based on books? Could you give me a good k-pop themed Hogwarts roleplay? And a Camp Half-Blood by any chance? Thank you.