Choosing a Muse

A Guide to Tumblr KRP

Chapter Vocabulary
KRP - kpop roleplay
roleplay - the acting out or performance of a particular role
Muse - KRP character


Welcome to KRP! Chances are, you've come here to learn how to roleplay on Tumblr, or just roleplay in general, so I'm just going to take it from the top. Roleplaying is the acting out or performance of a particular role, be it the role of a character (canon or original), an animal, or even a place or thing! Being very similar to fanfiction, the two attract most of the same crowd.

So you want to know how to get started. The first thing you must do before hopping in is choose a Muse! A Muse (in our sense of the term) is a character that we roleplay. It's very easy to choose a Muse, as all it is is choosing an Idol to take control of! There are two types of roleplayers in KRP; the one that are serious about their Muses, and the ones that are not. Trust me, it's easier to think out what you're going to do before you hop in head first.


It's easier than you may think. Just follow these guidelines:

  • - Choose an Idol. They don't have to be a musician (though that's what most roleplayers choose). They may be an Actor, a Model, or a character from a show, book, movie, or anything!
  • - Remember that your Idol doesn't have to be Korean! They may be of any nationality, though this is KRP, and Koreans are the most predominant.
  • - Choose a background. What makes your character who they are? What's happened to them in the past to make them act how they do today? Think about their parents, their siblings, or their schooling. Take into account as many things as you can think would affect someone, such as yourself, and base your Muse off of something like that.
  • - Think about what they're doing now. Are they in school? Do they have a job? What are their hobbies? Remember to stay true to the background you dream up. It's okay to change your Muse's background, but it's better if you stick to what you think of first.
  • - Think about what they would want to do. Think up some goals for them. Where do they want to go, and what do they want to do?


Congratulations! You've got a Muse! Remember that most Muses keep the name of the Idol that they faceclaim, and it's rare that someone would change their name, but it's roleplay, and anything can happen!

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Chapter 2: Regarding Mun vs. Muse, these days I hardly find roleplayers who actually keep their characters' personalities IC. It's saddening since most people are into crack these days which involves a lot of OOC. Roleplaying in big groups feels like chatting with someone OOC, especially in KRPs. The idea of sticking to a muse's actual personality vanished over the years. This is why I also stopped roleplaying after 6 years.
Chapter 3: so if my muse is a student but also an idol, then my muse is semi-au?
congrats! :)
Chapter 4: God, choosing a directory is always so hard...
Chapter 2: congrats :)
sea0horse #6
Congratulations on winning the bid o/
This is a pretty cool guide, but I wanted to know about good tumblr roleplays based on books? Could you give me a good k-pop themed Hogwarts roleplay? And a Camp Half-Blood by any chance? Thank you.