Ch. 3

The Arcade

Minahs POV

That night, I didn't get any sleep. I kept thinking back to that game... The more I think about it, the stranger I feel.

// I wonder if Eunji was right in thinking I was drunk, I'm starting to feel like that cause what happened is just too crazy to comprehend. The game couldn't have possible been saying my name, it just couldn't! It's too obscure to have really happened, I was probably just imagining things. It was way too noisy in that place... For all I know, it was probably Eunji playing a prank on me. I think im thinking about this way too hard, it was probably nothing. // And then I fell asleep.

*CLICK* "Minah...."

*click* "Minah...."


I opened my eyes in almost an instant. It took me a minute to realize I was breathing intensely and that i had been sweating hard.

"Some nightmare I had..." I got out of bed to get some water when I began to fall. Yes, fall. I took one step off my bed and next thing I know, I was plunging straight down a waterfall; butterflies in my stomach hit me hard and I didn't know if I should be screaming or saying my last prayer. I guess all that was running through my mind was that this better be a dream. There is no way I am dying, not before I get my liscense!

I closed my eyes and started to think of happy things as I was still falling: meadows, my friends, the night sky, candy, my crush, kpop, alot of other things. I opened my eyes to find that I was no longer free falling down Niagra Falls, but insted, I was now dropping out of the sky. I guess on the bright side is that I've now got a parachute. I released it and began to safely drift down to the ground. I landed in a corn field so my impact wasn't too rough. I kissed the ground and thanked the gods for sparing my life. I got up to investigate my surroundings and just as I expected, I had no clue where the hell I was. All that I did know was that this was a dream, now i just need to find out how to wake from it. I pinched myself, I slapped myself, I hit myself with a stalk of corn, nothing. This was one dream that was putting up a fight. It was sort of strange, the dream; I could feel the pain of pinching myself, I can feel things people shouldn't be feeling, this dream seemed way too real. I was obviously not waking up by my own command so I guess I just had to play to play it out till real world me woke up...

I took off my parachute and tossed it off into a cluster of corn stalks and began to walk down a path that would hopefully lead me out of this mess. I began to feel like this was a nightmare since it seems awfully similar to the movie "Children of the Corn", with all the corn everywhere around me... I sure as heck don't want to be stuck in a situation where it was anything like that movie.

I came to a section of the path that split into 3 different directions and thats when I knew I was probably screwed. Luck was never on my side so I knew which I chose would probably lead my to my death. I thought about my desicion for what felt like an hour and then it clicked!

"THAT'S IT! REVERSE PSYCOLOGY." // I would choose the option oppisite of what I would normally pick. That rules out the middle path. When it comes to left and right, I normally choose right so in this case.. I would choose left! // I made up my mind and just hoped there weren't any murderous dolls on the otherside of the path.

Walking down the path, the stalks began to get lower and lower and soon I was able to look over them which helped me get a sense of direction. As I peered out into the open, there was nothing in sight besides corn... The sun was blasting its power on me and I began to wish I was back in the shade of the tall corn. I heaved a sigh and began my dream quest to wherever it was taking me. After walking further, a silhouette of something sqaure came into view as the sun began to set. I began to run as fast as I could cause frankly, I was getting super bored with this corny dream. I made it to the silhouette which turned out to be a little two story log cabin. It was fairly big, covered in spider webs; probably hasn't been occupied since World War 1.

I walked up the wooden stairs which led me onto the porch where a rocking chair was swaying back and forth in the wind. As the wind blew, I felt a strange prescense was near, but not a noise or physical thing has yet proven that feeling. I pushed open the creeky door, which didn't even have a nob, and walked right in. It was dark and the sun setting wasn't helping the sitatuion at all. It seemed as maybe the electricity had been cut or maybe all the bulbs needed replacing since all of them weren't working at all. I smelt a strange smell, it was a very familiar smell aswell, the new car smell. It was flowing throughout the whole house and for some reason, it was a lot stronger in some rooms than it was in others. I was checking each room downstairs to see if anything important was here when it happened.


I twitched. I stopped in my tracks and became paralyzed throughout my whole body.


I looked around trying to get a sense of where the noise was coming from.


This one was quieter than the other noises, I had to find the noise before it stopped. I did not go through an hour of corn to give up here! I ran upstairs and waited for another clicking noise. I followed it down a hall and down another hall only to be led to a closed mahogany door. It was very victorian styled and the nob was... gold! This door was an outlier and did not belong in this old haunted mansion at all. I began to think that maybe it was different... perhaps to lure me into it...


There it is. Right behind this door is the thing. I grabbed hold of the nob and turned it cautiously. Opening the door just as cautiously, I pushed it open and stood with wide eyes at what was in the room. I expected some fancy furnishing, maybe a monster or some clock, but no. The only thing in the room was that game, the one from the arcade. The only thing different about it was that it now looked brand new. The paint was intact and the screen wasn't cracked up but the title was still faded to where I couldn't quite make out what it was even called. I walked up to the machine and looked at it real hard, I was basically studying it to see if anything stuck out as "abnormal".


I jumped a little since this click was the loudest I've heard it go. Suddenly, the screen began to light up. It was white and very bright, then in black pixelated wording, the word "CONGRATULATIONS" began to flash on the white background. I had no idea what to do and I looked down at the buttons to see if maybe I had to press something in order to make it go away. The only buttons on the machine was this big red one on the far left side and a smaller red one which was on the far right. I went with the reverse psychology method and once again chose left side.

"Congratulations Minah"

I turned to where the voice came from. Now sitting on a burgundy chaise lounge sofa in the left corner by the door was a guy. His hair was a mix between wavy and straight and his fringe(bangs) was swished to the left. He looked quite young, maybe his early 20's or late teens. He had a very smug yet pleased look on his face. With a wine glass in one hand filled with a dark liquid, similar color to the sofa he sat in, he simply looked up at me and chuckled.

"After all the hints, It's about time you've found me." I have no idea who this guy is or who he thinks he is but this is not how you introduce yourself to somebody.

"Who are you. What the heck do you want from me. Why is this game like.... like.... so obsessed with me?? What is happening!?" The man in the chair took a sip of whatever was in the glass.

"I'm Hakyeon and welcome to Neverland." This man just pulled my last straw.


His mouth worded my name, "Minah..." But the voice wasn't his this time. That voice... it sounds a lot like my....

"Minah baby... sweetie it was just a nightmare..." I opened my eyes to see my mom sitting down next to me. I look over at my clock and see that its 7:15 and I know I'm going to be late to school. I apologize to my mom for waking her up but thank her for waking me up. As i get ready, I think about that dream. Maybe it was a sign... I have to go back to that arcade, and it has to be soon. 



Authors note:

Hellooo readers~ sorry for the long hiatus, school has been nuts .__. but Im back now that its summer and will try to update as much as possible!!

Also want to apologize for the sudden font change towards the end -w-;; My ipad is being dumb and wont let me change the size, color, and font :S

Anywayss, I shall go so I can get the next chapter goin :3 c yaa~

-Author Baekyeolexo

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Chapter 3: *flips you* ugh ;; you troll on the cliffhangers