Anyoung Again

Pink Linings

Tiffany's POV:

"Don't forget to call me if you ever need anything. Even if you just want to talk. Don't overdose on your medication I'm begging you! And just try you're best okay?" Sunny tells me as we drive into the Seoul area, it's daytime and it seems as if everyone has something to do, something to say, something to think, and not one thing doesn't have a purpose. Seoul had changed a lot over the years, it's so high tech and booming! What have I been missing?

"What district does your cousin live in?" She asks as we come up through the Gangnam district. I keep my head down throughout that ride.

"Yongsan-gu." I respond simply. Sunny nods.

"I'm in the Jongno district. Buam Dong to be specific. Real relaxing, it's not the far from Yongsan ether you just have to go through the Jung district."

"Oh, that's good." I give her a sweet smile knowing that we won't be too far from each other.

The next ten minutes or so we're talking about little things, like how we expect life to be now and what are our plans. Until we arrive in Yongsan which is when Sunny tells me to call Chanyeol. I just text him because he'll make us talk even when we're right next to each other. 

My clothes are spring fling theme, a floral blouse with lots of little pink flowers on them, shorts that stopped and rolled up just above the knee and pink sandals. Along with that I have on a pink trench coat and my black hair is pulled into a pony tale and my bangs are neatly combed. Sunny is in a blue sweatshirt with bright green accents, blue jeans, and brown ankle boots. She clipped the front left of her to the back showing off her face.

We pull to the adress and I notice that Yongsan is just one giant hill with apartments, on top of apartments and a big church on the tip almost as if it's a castle and we are the kingdom. It's full of older apartments unlike Gangnam where everything was brand new. But I liked it, it looked very home friendly and warm, a place perfect and horrible for someone like my cousin. They need relaxment but they're energy pills so they get in trouble trying to entertain themselves. I hope Baekhyun's keeping him grounded enough.

As we pull up I see the derp. Sunny steps out while I pratically spring out of the car and damn near tackle Chanyeol. When did he get so tall.

"When did you get so tall?" I ask.

"I've always been tall." He replies. "You don't see me for ten years and all you notice how tall I am?" He eyes down looking at me.

"You're right. You've also gotten very,"


"Old!" I snort. He knows I'm joking of course. He rufffles my hair and pouts cutely. Then he looks over my shoulder at Sunny.

"Who's your friend?" 

"Chanyeol this is my therapist and best friend Sunny. Sunny, meet my derp of a cousin Chanyeol." They bow to each other and Chanyeol sticks his tongue out at  me at "derp."

"Fany!" I hear the deep husky voice of Baekhyun say behind me. He looks the same only his hair is purple instead of black, he grew a bit taller as well.

"What happened while I was gone? The growth spurt monster?" I say hugging him. 

"We were still technically teenagers when you left Noona." He says. Patting my back. "Who is this?" He eyes Sunny.

"This my therapist and friend Sunny, Sunny this is Baekhyun." They bow and then Baekhyun says something that makes me know he's been spending to many years with Chanyeol.

"Nice to meet you. I used to have purple hair too." Sunny said.

"That's cool. You know I could always need some extra therapy."

Sunny's face is priceless. "Well, I've never heard that one before."

"Baekhyun did you just try to hit on my therapist?" I ask dumbfounded.

He plays it off. "Ani! Living with Chanyeol can make you crazy. I was serious." He rubs the back of his head at his failed attempt to play it off.

"Don't blame your poor pick up skills on me!" Chanyeol snaps which get's us all laughing.

"It was so nice meeting all of you, but my families waiting on me to get back as well. Have fun Tiffany, and remember to call if anything comes up okay?" She says opening the door to her little van.

"Right." I run to her and give her a final hug. "Komawo for everything, Sunny." I say.

"No problem." She says returning the hug. Then she get's in her van and parts her ways. That's when I turn around and tap Baekhyun on the shoulder wth my fist.

"What?" He whines.

"Please don't hit on my therapist while I'm in a fifty-mile radius." 

"Or blame your poor player skills on me." Chanyeol added.

"At least I havn't been chasing the same girl since she was born!" He snaps back.

"Yah! You're sister likes me!"

"She barely knows you exist."






"Tiffany Hwang," I hear an all too familiar voice say. It was slightly deep, like something you'd hear off of a cartoon. 

I turn around and sure enough I see those huge, slanty eyes staring at me.

"XIUMIN!" I screech and tackle him so hard we almost fall to the ground. "OMO! OMO! OMO! I'M SOOOOOOO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" I yell in English which has him looking at me slightly confused.

"Mian," I say getting back into Korean. "I'm happy to see you."

He smiles his sweet smile, big dough-like cheeks and teeth. "Ahhh Baozi," I say grabbing his cheeks and pinching them. At this he pouts cutely. He doesn't mind being called baozi, or little bun, as much as he minds being called Minseok.

"I am a grown man."

"I am your noona."

"I thought you didn't care any more!" He pouts even more, just being his adorable self. It's been a while since I've seen him, he doesn't look any different, although he has had some color added onto him. The rehab makes us sickly pale since we're indoors majority of the year, even in summer. He's wearing long jeans, and a orange hoody. 

"Are you stalking me?" I ask him.

"No, I live a few blocks down."

My eyes grew wide. "Really? I didn't know you lived in this neighborhood."

He nods. "Yeah, my parents are still adjusting to my mood swings. I stopped taking medication because I just didn't feel right."

"Have they experienced one of you're episodes yet?" I giggle because Xiumin can go nuts.

"Oh yeah." He chuckles. "The other night I kept them up until three in the morning ranting about some book I read as a teenager and how I hated it. I don't know where it came from but my parents faces were priceless now that I think about it."

"Um, Noona." Chanyeol says peaking from behind us. He had the world's most goofiest smirk on his face while crossing his arms.


"Is this you're little-"

"Friend from rehab? Yes." I cut him off to insure him from embarassing me.

"Who you?" Xiumin asks eyeing Chanyeol, oh god, a crackhead and a bipolar man is not a good combination.

"I'm Tiffany noona's cousin, Chanyeol, and this is our friend Baekhyun." Chanyeol says bowing.

"Anyounghaseyo." Baekhyun says bowing ninety-degrees like Chanyeol.

"I'll be staying with them for a bit." I add on.

"Two boys? That's strange..."

"Their relatives. Well one is, at least I think he is." At this Chanyeol nudges me. "Plus I hear Baekhyun's sister drops by a lot so technically a girl lives here as well." 

"It's still strange..." Xiumin looks like he's in real deep thought. This is just how he acts. All the time. 

"Are you calling me a tramp?!" I snap.

"Are you calling me a tramp?!" He snaps back.

"Woah, woah, woah. You two. Calm down, nobody's a tramp." Baekhyun says jumping in the middle. 

"Sorry. I should have taken my medication earlier. You'll have to forgive me I'm a bit off my rockers." I say fanning the situation away.

"I havn't taken my meds in about two weeks so I'm really out of it. Miane." Xiumin apologizes. 

"How old are you exactly?" Chanyeol asks.

"A year younger than Tiffany." 

"Oh, you're our hyung then." He smiles.

"You look like a baby." Baekhyun jokes, but Xiumin's eye twitches. While all four of us walk around the neighborhood I take in notice of the little things. Its definately different from Gangnam, lots of little outside shops ran by older Ajumma's and Ajussi's, apartment buildings are older but they are still nicely taken care of and pretty it almost feels like my home in the U.S. slghtly. Spring isn't here quite yet, there is still a icy breeze every now and then, so it's good I brought my pink trench coat to have on. But other than that the sky has little clouds and the sun is shining. But that doesn't mean that it won't start pouring later on at night.

"Have you talked to Luhan or Sulli?" Chanyeol ask me.

"I've only talked to Sulli. I sent her a letter, but I'm pretty sure she told Luhan and Taeyeon as well so technically yes..."

Chanyeol nods and leaves it at that, sensing that it's not a good idea to start talking about them right at this moment. We wind up going to one of those little exercise parks that they leave out for free and goofing off on them since nobody is there. By goofing off, we do generally get a workout because some of the equiptment is fun to try out. Have these always been around Seoul?

"Baekhyun and I both got you a home comming present." Chanyeol says struggling to get off a machine. I run over and help his leg get untangled from the rope.

"You guys  didn't need to do that. I brought some of your favorite sweets in the bag, and I was going to cook dinner as a thank you."

"Can you cook?" Chanyeol asks trying to remember. "I remember burnt biscuits, burnt popcorn, and undercooked deobukki." He slightly smirks.

"When we entered the cooking contest at rehab you burnt the brownies remember?" Xiumin ask.

"And when we wanted to plan a suprise party for my dongsang you volunteered to make cupcakes and those were an undercooked mess." Baekhyun states.

"I hate you all!"  I say running away from them in teers. I could hear them calling after me, but it was no use I was already half-way down the block with no intentsions of going back. I hate Chanyeol, I hate Baekhyun, and I hate Xiumin! I hate em', hate em', hate them!

When I stop running and pant before I realize that I'm at a bus stop. I see the bus is closing in and I notice that it's going to the Han river which is just where I need to go to calm myself. I dig into my trench coat pocket to get out some Won before I board the bus.

It only takes about ten minutes to arrive at the river, its dark out but I don't care, I don't mind the night too much. I start walking on the bridge that's under the bridge that the vehicals drive on. I see many couples holding hands and people listening to their music, friends hanging out, bassically the whole nine. 

I walk for a while soaking up the energy and checking out the different colored water that would pour from the bridge above and into the river, like a water rainbow. At first I'm a lot more cooled off and I'm even smiling at the environment, until I see the one person, well one of the two people, that I never need to see ever again:


She didn't see me thank god, because lord knows how that would turn out. 

She had grown out her hair so that it was longer, and her blonde tips were gone, now it was an orangy blonde color, long and curly in the low pony tale that she wore to the left. She was leaning against a pole, she wore a trench coat similar to mine only hers was a bright purple. It unbotton all the way down and I could see that she was wearing a lime green work suit, only instead of slacks she wore a lime green pencil skirt with a matching blazer. Her legs were revealed, and she wore strappy lime green heals. 

She looked as if she were in deep thought, and a little stressed out, maybe even guilt. She stood there, leaned her head against the poll and closed her eyes. She stood there like that for a second, until her phone started ringing to which she reached into her coat pocket and answered it.

"Yoboseyo? Chalga it's me." She said, and I knew at that moment just who she was talking to. "I'm at the Han river, don't worry. Okay, I'll be home soon." She replied. She took a sip of some hot drink before standing up straight and began walking. It was at that moment, that I turned around and ran behind the other poll so that she wouldnt see me. I got strange looks from other people but I couldn't care at a moment like this, this was crucial. 

I waited until she was completely out of sight, before deciding to head back to Chanyeols, I'm pretty sure that if  I had a cell phone that he'd be texting and calling me like crazy because anybody would be worried if your not-wrapped-too-tight cousin ran away in tears. 

I begin walking back and once I got to my original bus stop I am bombarded by Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun all approaching me and hugging me. 

"We knew you'd be hear." Xiumin said patting my head.

"How?" I growl.

"When we were younger we would always go to Han river because you said it relaxes you when you're upset." Chanyeol replied. Wow, I'm suprised he remembered that.

"You used to always talk about Han river as well." Xiumin said.

"Now, lets get you back home so you can cook that wonderful dinner." Chanyeol said and I could hear a bit of reluctance in his voice.

"I may purposely burn the food and make the three of you eat it all." I laugh evily as we walk back towards the bus stop.



Hey, so I don't want you guys to think I'm anti-Taeyeon or anything. Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Hyoyeon are my GG bias's (and yes I ship TaeNy XD.)

Anyway, why Tiffany hates Taeyeon and another person that will be revealed in either the next chapter or the chapter after that. And this is just the little tip of the XiuFany ice burg, trust me it'll get a lot more interesting as the story pregresses and you'll see more Sulli and Baekhyun's mystery sister. (Hint: "What's Your Name?") 

Anyoung :)



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The background is Yongsan which is a neighborhood in Seoul where most of the story will take place.


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Chapter 3: Now I know why Pany maybe not fond with taeyeon. Update soon :)
so agree, Super interesting!
Chapter 1: interesting.... very very interesting...
This is a rare pairing. But, nice one
XIUMIN is my bias in EXO , can't wait for you to update.....!!! Fighting.. :)
someasiangurl #6
Xiufany a very rare pairing
Love it

Omg! Omg! Omg! XIUFANY???? OMG!! i have been waiting for someone to make a xiufany fic!!

Tell me, is this really a xiufany fic? Please~~~ Tell meehhh~~~