Presents From the Past

Pink Linings

Tiffany's POV:

I cook a decent meal. Well at least I think I cooked it decently, but then again Chanyeol will eat anything when he's hungry. We all said our goodbyes to Xuimin because he has to be home soon.

"I can't thankyou enough for letting me stay here." I tell Chanyeol as he puts his plate in the sink.

"No problem. You're my favorite cousin. Speaking of homecoming, Baekhyun and I have gotten you homecoming gifts!" At this I smile and Baekhyun pulls out a silver wrapped present from under the sink. It's a long rectangular box.

I open it and it's a pair of pink Chuck Taylor All Star Converse! 

"You always wanted a pair and they were ons sale so I-" I didn't even let him finish his scentence. I just attacked hugged him.

"Komawo dongsang! I love it!" He pats my back.

"My gift is your room." Chanyeol states and he brings me to the hallway where the first room on the right is opened. It was my old bedroom from my parents house! There was a hot pink canopy bed. Not the type like a princess tower, but the type where a sheet drapes over the top of the bed and then falls down as curtains at the foot of the bed. The dresser and chest where a lighter more baby pink. My silver vanity that was at me and my ex-husbands house was even here. I remember living in California and the times I had there. I remember our little house and my brothers and sister, I remember my protective daddy and my mother, before she passed away. I remember it all and it's as if my entire childhood flashed between my eyes. It warms me up inside and a rush of emotions flow over me, their not bad emotions. They're good emotions that I havn't felt in a long time and I need that. The feeling is so overwhelming that I find myself almost choking up over the sight. Then I bring it back in and face my cousin.

"You talked to him?" I asked Chanyeol.

"Yeah, I thought you'd want your vanity back. You loved it." I begin tearing up. 

"Komwawo Chanyeol. It's beautiful. How did you even-"

"I talked to uncle. Well your dad. When I explained to him the situation he understood and had all your stuffed shipped here from California."

"You mean, he knows?" I asked shocked. Chanyeol gives me a nod.

"I'd call him and let him know your safe." I reply with a nod. I havn't spoken to my dad in months. Chanyeol hugs me tightly. "I have a present for you as well."

I run to the front and take out something Chanyeol has been missing for ten years. It's wrapped up in a box all neat in blue wrapping paper. I present it to him

"It's not going to explode when I open this right?" I chuckles. I slap his arm and he unwraps the present. His eyes widen at the suprise. "Tif... Noona I- I... Kamsamnida!" He gapes at it. It's his old blankie. It's still like knew. He's had it since before he was born. I remember picking it out for my aunties baby-shower. It's baby blue and we had 찬열 (Chanyeol) embroided at the bottom in a navy blue. Auntie would always use it, it was so soft which was perfect for a baby. Whenever people would hold him, he would always be wrapped in his blanket. When he was a todler he would drag it around everywhere. As a kid he would always sleep with it. As a teenager hew would sleep with it still but in secret, he loved that thing as much as he loved me, his noona. When I first got admited into rehab, after the first week I got a package and it was from Chanyeol. It was his blankie! The note said Dear Noona, I understand you won't see me for a while so take this so you won't forget me *laughs*. Love you~ Chanyeolie. I remember crying myself to sleep that night while holding it tightly. Whenever I would miss Chanyeol I would always hold the blanket and tell Xiumin of all our crazy adventures with it. Like getting lost at Disney Land back in the 1985 when he came to visit California for the summer, but his parents found us by following the blankie. 

Chanyeol didn't say anything, he just hugged me tightly and tries not to start crying. "It's okay Chanyeol, it's okay." He starts sobbing hard into my shoulder. I pat his back. Baekhyun pats his shoulder, because Baekhyun was apart of a lot of our adventures.

"Baekhyun you better not tell anybody about this! Especially your sister." Chanyeol says inbetween sobs.

"Oh Chan, you know I am." Baekhyun gives him a grin which makes Chanyeol sob harder. Then I start crying as well.

"Why are you crying?"

"You're going to hurt Chanyeol's feelings!" I sob hard and now the whole apartment is filled with me and Chanyeol's wailing.

"Geesh I was just kidding!" Baekhyun defends. 


"Really. I'm not that heartless." I stop crying instantly but Chanyeol takes a bit to stop fully. 

"Thank you noona. I cant tell you enough how happy I am. I just can't!" He hugs me again only this time he hugs me so tight I can't breath.

"Ugh! Chan-yeaol-I-can-t-breath!" I say between gasp. He lets go and I pant. Damn he got strong! 

"And Baekhyun, I didn't know what you wanted, but I know you like shopping so I'll just take you shopping."

"Sounds good to me." He shrugged while smiling.

"Komawo, just thank you guys so much for this." I say smiling as Chanyeol hugs his blankie closer.

"Kamsamnida to you to noona." He smiles.

Taeyeon's POV:

I was a pacing nervous wreck in my kitchen. How could I not be though? I just found out about three days ago that a woman who probably wants to kill me has been released from rehab and is back in town. I would like to talk to her but at the same time, I don't know how! As I walk back and forth between the stove and sink my husband eyes me diligintly, waiting for me to say something."What if she wants to come over? What if she wants to meet me formally? I don't know what to do Lu." My husband grabs me by the shoulders and looks straight into my eyes.

"I don't think she's ready for that just yet. And if she wants to meet you formally, then that's a good sign right?" 

"I guess. But still I wouldn't know how to talk to her, she's is bipolar. I've never delt with a mentaly disabled person before."

"Exactly," We both look to see Jinri standing in the kitchen opening. "she's a person. She has feelings too. My mothers a very nice person, but she's also very fragile. Just be yourself and nothing less. She's not bad." I nod.

"Komawo Jinri." I say. My husband lets me go and I sit down at the table and think. I hope she's okay, I hope she doesn't hate me. If she does, I can understand but I just really want to make a truce. But I don't know how.

A/N: This is a very sweet chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it!I'll update the forward so you guys can get a better understanding of the ages of each character. Merry Kreasemas :)

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The background is Yongsan which is a neighborhood in Seoul where most of the story will take place.


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Chapter 3: Now I know why Pany maybe not fond with taeyeon. Update soon :)
so agree, Super interesting!
Chapter 1: interesting.... very very interesting...
This is a rare pairing. But, nice one
XIUMIN is my bias in EXO , can't wait for you to update.....!!! Fighting.. :)
someasiangurl #6
Xiufany a very rare pairing
Love it

Omg! Omg! Omg! XIUFANY???? OMG!! i have been waiting for someone to make a xiufany fic!!

Tell me, is this really a xiufany fic? Please~~~ Tell meehhh~~~